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Complex method RecurringTodosController#create (32.8)

  def create
    builder =, all_recurring_todo_params)
    @saved =

    if @saved

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method TodosController#tags (32.5)

  def tags
    tags_beginning = current_user.tags.where(Tag.arel_table[:name].matches("#{params[:term]}%"))
    tags_all = current_user.tags.where(Tag.arel_table[:name].matches("%#{params[:term]}%"))
    tags_all -= tags_beginning

Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/todos_controller.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method User::has_many#update_positions (32.4)

              def update_positions(project_ids)
                project_ids.each_with_index do |id, position|
                  project = find_by(id: id.to_i)
                  raise I18n.t('models.user.error_project_not_associated', :project => id, :user => if project.nil?
                  project.update_attribute(:position, position + 1)
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/user.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method StatsHelper#month_and_year_label (31.9)

  def month_and_year_label(i)
    t('date.month_names')[( - i - 1) % 12 + 1] + " " + ( - i.months).year.to_s
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/stats_helper.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method TodosHelper#todos_container_header (31.7)

  def todos_container_header(settings = {})
        :title => t("todos.actions.#{settings[:parent_container_type]}_#{settings[:container_name]}", :param => settings[:title_param])
    header = settings[:link_in_header].nil? ? "" : content_tag(:div, :class => "link_in_container_header") { settings[:link_in_header] }
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/todos_helper.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method Search::SearchResults#number_of_finds (31.6)

    def number_of_finds
      results[:todos].size + results[:projects].size + results[:notes].size + results[:contexts].size + results[:tags].size
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/search/search_results.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method Project::import (31.5)

  def self.import(filename, params, user)
    count = 0
    CSV.foreach(filename, headers: true) do |row|
      unless find_by_name_and_user_id row[params[:name].to_i],
        project = new
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/project.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method LoginController#login (31.4)

  def login
    @page_title = "TRACKS::Login"
    cookies[:preferred_auth] = prefered_auth? unless cookies[:preferred_auth]
    case request.method
    when 'POST'
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/login_controller.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method TodosController#edit (31.3)

  def edit
    @todo = current_user.todos.find(params['id'])
    @source_view = params['_source_view'] || 'todo'
    @tag_name = params['_tag_name']
    respond_to do |format|
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/todos_controller.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method RecurringTodosController#done (30.9)

  def done
    @source_view = params['_source_view'] || 'recurring_todo'
    @page_title = t('todos.completed_recurring_actions_title')

    items_per_page = 20

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method ApplicationController#set_locale (30.2)

  def set_locale
    locale = params[:locale] # specifying a locale in the request takes precedence
    locale ||= prefs.locale unless current_user.nil? # otherwise, the locale of the currently logged in user takes over
    locale ||= request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].scan(/^[a-z]{2}/).first if request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method FeedlistController#index (30.0)

  def index
    @page_title = 'TRACKS::Feeds'

    unless mobile?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/feedlist_controller.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method LoginSystem#login_from_cookie (29.7)

  def login_from_cookie
    return unless cookies[:auth_token] && !logged_in?
    token = cookies[:auth_token]
    user = User.where(:remember_token => token).first
    if user && user.remember_token?
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/login_system.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method RecurringTodosController#destroy (29.7)

  def destroy
    @number_of_todos = @recurring_todo.todos.count

    # remove all references to this recurring todo

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method StatsController#done (29.6)

  def done
    @source_view = 'done'


Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/stats_controller.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method TodosController#done (29.3)

  def done
    @source_view = 'done'
    @page_title = t('todos.completed_tasks_title')

    @done_today, @done_rest_of_week, @done_rest_of_month = DoneTodos.done_todos_for_container(current_user.todos)
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/todos_controller.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method DataController#csv_notes (28.5)

  def csv_notes
    content_type = 'text/csv'
    CSV.generate(result = "") do |csv|
      csv << ["id", "User ID", "Project", "Note", "Created at", "Updated at"]
      # had to remove project include because it's association order is leaking
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/data_controller.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method BootstrapFlashHelper#bootstrap_flash (28.3)

  def bootstrap_flash(options = { :close_button => true })
    flash_messages = []
    flash.each do |type, message|
      # Skip empty messages, e.g. for devise messages set to nothing in a locale file.
      next if message.blank?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/bootstrap_flash_helper.rb by flog

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method ApplicationController#done_todos_for (27.7)

  def done_todos_for(object)
    object_name = # context or project
    @source_view = "done"
    eval("@#{object_name} = object", binding, __FILE__, __LINE__)
    @page_title = t("#{object_name.pluralize}.completed_tasks_title", "#{object_name}_name".to_sym =>

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool

Complex method PreferencesController#update (27.5)

  def update
    @prefs = current_user.prefs
    @user = current_user
    user_updated = current_user.update(user_params)
    prefs_updated = current_user.preference.update(prefs_params)

Flog calculates the ABC score for methods. The ABC score is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

You can read more about ABC metrics or the flog tool
