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Test Coverage
# tractor    

A UI around [Protractor]( to help write E2E tests for [Angular]( applications without needing to know JavaScript

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This repository contains the code for the underlying infrastructure of tractor, as well as some [plugins]( that contain the main functionality.

## Install

To install the cli, add `@tractor/cli` as a dev dependency to your Angular application:

npm install @tractor/cli -D

That will install the CLI, which can then be used inside your application.

## Setup

To get started, you'll need to run the following:

./node_modules/.bin/tractor init

The initialisation can be configured with a `tractor.conf.js` file (described in the Config section).

Once everything has been initialised, you need to start the `tractor` application from the root directory of your app with:

./node_modules/.bin/tractor start

The app should then be available running at [http://localhost:4000](http://localhost:4000). The port can be configured in the `tractor.conf.js` file.

## Config

If you want to change the port that `tractor` runs at, or the different environments you can target, you need to add a `tractor.conf.js` file in the root of your app directory. It might look something like the following:

module.exports = {
    port: number,                // defaults to 4000
    environments: Array<string>  // a list of URLs for the environments to run the tests in

The `tractor.conf.js` file is also used to configure any plugins you have installed.

## Development

To set up development:

yarn # install dependencies and initialise workspaces
lerna run build # build and test all the packages

[More information on `yarn` workspaces](

[More information on `lerna`](

You can use `lerna` to run commands across all packages, or groups of packages:

lerna run test # run unit test in all packages
lerna run compile --scope="@tractor-plugins/*" # runs JavaScript compiler in all @tractor-plugin packages
lerna run test:e2e:ci --scope="@tractor/ui" # run end-to-end tests in the @tractor/ui package only