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# TrailerVote::MediaTypes
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## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trailer_vote-media_types'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install trailer_vote-media_types
## Notes

### `updated_at` vs `Last-Modified` headers

When this is used in conjunction with a TrailerVote service, the `updated_at` attributes inside the body of a response will take precedence over any `Last-Modified` header. The `updated_at` value **SHOULD** reflect the last time the resource was updated, whereas the `Last-Modified` value may change when the representation is updated.

### Are ids missing?

No, the `id` or `uuid` attributes are not missing. As per the [TrailerVote API considerations]( clients **SHOULD** not need to construct URLs. Both internally and externally, where possible, we refer to resources by their fully qualified URL which _is_ their identifier, instead of something like a UUID.

## Usage

This gem is based on [`media_types`](, and inherits all the functionality from that gem. In general, you can use `trailer_vote-media_types` in the following ways:

### `Accept` and `Content-Type` construction

All the media types can be turned into a header value, both acceptable for the `Accept` and `Content-Type` headers:

# => "application/vnd.trailervote.configuration.v2+json"

The [`Constructable`]( result of `#to_constructable` allows for chaining the various options in our media types, namely `view` (e.g. `index`, `create`) and `version`. The default `suffix` is none for binary types and `json` for text type, as we don't support XML at the moment.

It is **recommended** to always include `.version(n)`, otherwise you will get the newest version, which might not be what you support in the code.

### `Accept` with quality parameter

If you want to have multiple `Accept` values, but with different priorities, `Constructable#to_s` accepts an additional parameter to set this. For example, if you want to make a fully qualified `Accept` header and you prefer product version 2, but accept version 1 as well:

].join(', ')
# => "application/vnd.trailervote.configuration.product.v2+json,
#       application/vnd.trailervote.configuration.product.v1+json; q=0.9,
#       application/vnd.trailervote.errors.v1+json; q=0.1"

### Data validation

All the media types come equipped with validations, for most known / expected permutations of views and versions. Validations are based on [`Scheme`]( from the [`media_types`]( gem.

media_type = TrailerVote::MediaTypes::ClientConfiguration.to_constructable.version(1)
# => application/vnd.trailervote.client_configuration.v1+json

    configuration: {
        place: "",
        persona: ""
# => true

    configuration: {
        place: "",
# => raises MediaTypes::Scheme::ExhaustedOutputError: Missing keys in output: [:persona] at [.->configuration]

### `Mime::Type` registration

In case you use `action_dispatch/http/mime_type`, you may register the TrailerVote Media Types into the `Mime::Type` registry like so:
# => [...] # Array of registered types, each version, each suffix permutation, all aliases

You can now look them up in the registry:

media_type = TrailerVote::MediaTypes::Persona.to_constructable.version(1).to_s
# => "application/vnd.trailervote.persona.v1+json"

# => Mime::Type entry

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can
also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the
version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle update trailer_vote-media_types` in any repository that depends on
this gem. If you have permissions, you may call `bundle exec rake release` to create a new git tag, push
git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to the rubygems gem server.

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [TrailerVote/trailervote-media-types](