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Test Coverage
<% content_for(:title, "Components: Forms") %>

<%= render layout: "layout", locals: { wrapper: false } do %>
  <%= form_with builder: Trestle::Form::Builder, method: :get do |f| %>
    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Basic inputs</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.text_field :text_field, label: "Standard text field" %>
      <%= f.text_field :text_field_with_help_text, help: "The help text appears below the field." %>
      <%= f.text_field :text_field_with_placeholder, placeholder: "Placeholder text appears here..." %>
      <%= f.text_field :text_field_with_hidden_label, hide_label: "True", placeholder: "Text field with hidden label" %>
      <%= f.text_field :text_field_with_no_label, label: false, placeholder: "Text field with no label" %>
    <% end %>

    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Extended inputs</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.text_area :text_area %>
      <%= f.password_field :password_field %>
      <%= f.search_field :search_field %>
      <%= f.telephone_field :telephone_field %>
      <%= f.email_field :email_field %>
      <%= f.url_field :url_field %>
      <%= f.number_field :number_field %>
      <%= f.color_field :color_field %>
      <%= f.range_field :range_field %>
      <%= f.file_field :file_field %>

      <hr />

      <%= f.custom_field :custom_field %>
    <% end %>

    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Date pickers</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.date_field :date_field %>
      <%= f.datetime_field :datetime_field %>
      <%= f.time_field :time_field %>
    <% end %>

    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Standard date inputs</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.month_field :month_field %>
      <%= f.week_field :week_field %>
      <%= f.date_select :date_select %>
      <%= f.datetime_select :datetime_select %>
      <%= f.time_select :time_select %>
    <% end %>

    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Select fields</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= :basic_select_field, ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow"] %>
      <%= f.collection_select :collection_select_field, Color.all, :code, :name_with_code %>
      <%= f.grouped_collection_select :grouped_collection_select_field, Color.categorized, :colors, :name, :code, :name_with_code, {}, { multiple: true } %>
      <%= f.time_zone_select :time_zone_select, /Australia/ %>
    <% end %>

    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Checkboxes & radios</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.form_group :check_box_form_group do %>
        <%= f.check_box :check_box, label: "Check box" %>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.form_group :toggle_switch_form_group do %>
        <%= f.check_box :toggle_switch, label: "Toggle switch", switch: true %>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.form_group :radio_buttons_form_group do %>
        <%= f.radio_button :radio_buttons, "Red" %>
        <%= f.radio_button :radio_buttons, "Green" %>
        <%= f.radio_button :radio_buttons, "Blue" %>
        <%= f.radio_button :radio_buttons, nil, label: "No Color" %>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.collection_check_boxes :collection_checkboxes, Color.all, :code, :name_with_code %>
      <%= f.collection_check_boxes :collection_toggle_switches, Color.all, :code, :name_with_code, switch: true %>
      <%= f.collection_radio_buttons :collection_radio_buttons, Color.all, :code, :name_with_code %>
    <% end %>

    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Input group add-ons</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.text_field :prepend, prepend: "@" %>
      <%= f.text_field :append, append: "" %>
      <%= f.text_field :prepend_and_append, prepend: "$", append: ".00" %>

      <%= f.text_field :prepend_icon, prepend: icon("fas fa-book-open") %>
      <%= f.text_field :append_icon, append: icon("fas fa-bolt") %>

      <%= f.text_field :prepend_checkbox, prepend: f.raw_check_box(:prepended_checkbox) %>

      <%= f.text_field :prepend_button, prepend!: button_tag(icon("fas fa-archive"), class: "btn btn-info") %>
      <%= f.text_field :append_button, append!: button_tag("Button", class: "btn btn-primary") %>
    <% end %>

    <%= container do |c| %>
      <% c.sidebar class: "order-first" do %>
        <h2>Static fields</h2>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.static_field :static_field_with_parameter, "Field value" %>
      <%= f.static_field :static_field_with_block do %>
        <strong>Field</strong> <em>value</em> <u>from block</u>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>