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Test Coverage
import moment from 'moment';

// Given a snapshot object, make an action that will delete the snapshots
// TODO: What format are actions in?
let makeDeleteAction = (snap) => {
    return { Action: 'DELETE_SNAPSHOT', SnapshotId: snap.SnapshotId};

// Given an EBS volume and a list of snapshots, return a list of actions
// to create the necessary snapshots that fulful the backup requirements
let makeCreationActions = (volume) => {
    let backupTypes = volume.BackupConfig.BackupTypes.filter(type => {
        let now = moment();
        if (!volume.Snapshots[type.Name] ||
                volume.Snapshots[type.Name].length <= 0 ||
                now.diff(volume.Snapshots[type.Name][0].StartTime, 'hours', true) > type.Frequency
        ) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    return => ({
        Action: 'SNAPSHOT_VOLUME',
        VolumeId: volume.VolumeId,
        VolumeName: volume.Name,
        BackupType: backup.Name,
        ExpiryDate: moment().add(backup.Expiry, 'hours')

// Read the tags on the EBS volume and check if the backup requirements are
// fulfilled by the current state of snapshots. For example: if the volume
// requires hourly and daily backups, do hourly and daily snapshots exist
// within the last hour and 24 hours respectively?
let determineBackupsNeeded = (volume, snapList) => {
    return [{volume, snapList}];

export {makeDeleteAction, makeCreationActions, determineBackupsNeeded};