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import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
AWS.config.update({region: 'ap-southeast-2'});

import moment from 'moment';

let BACKUP_API_TAG = 'backups:config-v0';
let ALIASES = {
    Hourly: [1, 24],
    Daily: [24, 168],
    Weekly: [168, 672],
    Monthly: [672, 8760],
    Yearly: [8064, 61320]

let prettyPrintVol = (vol) => {
    return `(${vol.VolumeId}) '${vol.Name}'`;

let prettyPrintSnap = (snap) => {
    return `(${snap.SnapshotId}) '${snap.Name}'`;

// Class that gets information from AWS using the AWS Node API.
class EC2Store {
    // TODO: Decide if/where credentials are passed in to the class. Usually they're
    //    automatically loaded from the instance IAM roles or ~/.aws/credentials
    //    but we should be able to override them
    constructor () {


    // A list of all snapshots in the AWS account. Should return a Promise.
    // Snapshots returned should be mapped to a format we expect. i.e.:
    // { SnapshotId, StartTime, Name, ExpiryDate, Tags }
    // Only returns snapshots tagged with the 'backups:config-v0'
    // It is also necessary to filter out public snapshots that aren't owned by
    // the current user.
    listSnapshots () {
        let warnings = [];

        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            let ec2 = new AWS.EC2();

            ec2.describeSnapshots({}, (err, response) => {
                if (err) {
                } else {

                    let snapshots = => {
                        let snap = {};

                        // Use snapshot id if a Name tag does not exist
                        snap.Name = snapResponse.SnapshotId;
                        snap.SnapshotId = snapResponse.SnapshotId;
                        snap.FromVolumeId = snapResponse.VolumeId;
                        // NOTE: Ingesting date value with it's time zone (ZZ)
                        snap.StartTime = moment(snapResponse.StartTime, 'ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ');
                        snap.FromVolumeName = undefined;
                        snap.BackupType = undefined;
                        snap.ExpiryDate = undefined;

                        // Map EC2 tags to easy to use Tag object
                        snap.Tags = {};
               => {
                            snap.Tags[tag.Key] = tag.Value;
                            if (tag.Key === 'Name') {
                                snap[tag.Key] = tag.Value;

                        return snap;

                        // remove snapshots that have no backups:config-v0 tag
                    }).filter(snap => snap.Tags.hasOwnProperty(BACKUP_API_TAG)
                    ).map(snap => {
                        // map the backups:config-v0 tag on to the snapshot object
                        let backupConfig = snap.Tags[BACKUP_API_TAG].split(',');

               => {
                            let [key, value] = backupParam.split(':');

                            // Check the expiry date is in YYYYMMDDHHmmss format (14 digits)
                            if (key === 'ExpiryDate') {
                                if (new RegExp(`^\\d{${EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT.length}}$`).test(value)) {
                                    // NOTE: Ingest date as a UTC date using moment.utc()
                                    if (moment.utc(value, EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT).isValid()) {
                                        snap.ExpiryDate = moment.utc(value, EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT).local();
                                    } else {
                                        warnings.push(`Snapshot ${prettyPrintSnap(snap)}: ExpiryDate set to undefined because the parsed value '${value}' is not a valid date in ${EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT} format. Check the ExpiryDate in '${BACKUP_API_TAG}' is valid`);
                                } else {
                                    warnings.push(`Snapshot ${prettyPrintSnap(snap)}: ExpiryDate set to undefined beacuse the parsed value '${value}' is invalid. Check the '${BACKUP_API_TAG}' tag is valid and ExpiryDate is in ${EXPIRY_DATE_FORMAT} format`);
                            } else if (key === 'FromVolumeName' || key === 'BackupType') {
                                snap[key] = value;
                            } else {
                                warnings.push(`Snapshot ${prettyPrintSnap(snap)}: Unknown '${BACKUP_API_TAG}' parameter: '${backupParam}'`);
                        return snap;
                    resolve({snapshots, warnings});

    // A list of all EBS volumes in the AWS account. Should return a Promise.
    // Should be mapped to a format we expect. i.e.:
    // { VolumeId, Name, BackupConfig, Tags }
    listEBS () {
        let warnings = [];
        return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {

            let ec2 = new AWS.EC2();

            ec2.describeVolumes({}, (error, response) => {
                if (error) {
                } else {

                    // Map response object to volume objects
                    let volumes = => {
                        let volume = {};

                        // If the volume has no Name tag, use its id as the name instead
                        volume.Name = volumeResponse.VolumeId;
                        volume.VolumeId = volumeResponse.VolumeId;

                        // Convert tags to properties on volume object
                        volume.Tags = {};
               => {
                            volume.Tags[tag.Key] = tag.Value;
                            if (tag.Key === 'Name') volume.Name = tag.Value;

                        return volume;

                        // only return volumes with the backup tag
                    }).filter(volume => volume.Tags.hasOwnProperty(BACKUP_API_TAG) )
                        .map(volume => {
                            // Convert backup tag to backup config object
                            volume.BackupConfig = {};
                            volume.BackupConfig.BackupTypes = [];

                            volume.Tags[BACKUP_API_TAG].split(',').map(backupType => {
                                // If the backup type is a tuple, this will equal an array with three elements
                                let tuple = backupType.match(/\[(\d+)\|(\d+)\]/);

                                if (tuple && tuple.length === 3) {
                                        Name: `[${parseInt(tuple[1])}|${parseInt(tuple[2])}]`,
                                        Frequency: parseInt(tuple[1]),
                                        Expiry: parseInt(tuple[2])
                                } else if (ALIASES.hasOwnProperty(backupType)) {
                                        Name: backupType,
                                        Alias: backupType,
                                        Frequency: ALIASES[backupType][0],
                                        Expiry: ALIASES[backupType][1]
                                } else {
                                    warnings.push(`Volume ${prettyPrintVol(volume)}: Could not interpret backup type '${backupType}'. Please ensure the '${BACKUP_API_TAG}' tag is valid`);
                            return volume;
                    ).filter(volume => {
                        // sanitise array of failed mappings
                        if (!volume || !volume.VolumeId || !volume.Name) {
                            warnings.push('Volume response from AWS could not be interpreted properly. It was mapped to:');
                            return false;
                        } else if (!volume.BackupConfig || !volume.BackupConfig.BackupTypes || volume.BackupConfig.BackupTypes.length === 0) {
                            warnings.push(`Volume ${prettyPrintVol(volume)}: Ignoring volume because its '${BACKUP_API_TAG}' tag could not be intepreted. Please check it is in a valid format.`);
                            return false;

                        volume.BackupConfig.BackupTypes = volume.BackupConfig.BackupTypes.filter(type => {
                            if (!type.Frequency || !type.Expiry) {
                                warnings.push(`Volume ${prettyPrintVol(volume)}: Ignoring backup type '${type}'. Please check the volume's '${BACKUP_API_TAG}' tag is valid`);
                                return false;
                            return true;

                        return true;
                    resolve({volumes, warnings});

export default EC2Store;