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Test Coverage

# Docks

Docks API

# Group Authentication
## Tokens [/api/auth/token]

### Token Payload
  "username": "<username>"

### Request new JWT [POST]
Request a new JWT for use in Authenticated requests

+ Request (application/json)

            "username": "admin",
            "password": "admin"

+ Response 200 (application/json)
    Valid credentials

    + Body

                "jwt": "8HhsbJ86AFjjhzj.ASKI9ghA7778ah.blahlbalhlb"

+ Response 401 (application/json)
    Invalid credentials

    + Body

                "message": "Invalid username or password"

# Group User Management
## User Collection [/users]

### Get All Users [GET]
Returns all users in the database.

+ Response 200 (application/json)

    + Body

                "data": [
                        "username": "bob"
                        "username": "john"

### Create User [POST]
Create a new user

+ Attributes
    + username (string)
    + password (string)

+ Request (application/json)

            "username": "fred",
            "password": "pass",

+ Response 200
+ Response 409
    Username already exists

    + Body

## User [/users/{username}]

+ Parameters
    + username (string) - The username used to login

### Update User [PUT]

+ Attributes
    + password (string, optional)

+ Request (application/json)

            "password": "BetterPass333"

+ Response 200
+ Response 404
    User does not exist

    + Body

### Delete User [DELETE]
Delete a user from the system

+ Response 200
+ Response 404
    User does not exist

    + Body

# Group Stacks
## Stack Collection [/stacks]
### List Stacks [GET]
Get all stacks running in the Swarm

+ Response 200 (application/json)

    + Attributes
        + data (array)
            + (object)
                + stackName: `docks-api` (string, required) - The unique name for the stack
                + servicesCount: 3 (number, required) - The number of services running in the stack

    + Body

                "data": [
                        "stackName": "docks-api",
                        "servicesCount": 3
                        "stackName": "docks-ui",
                        "servicesCount": 1

### Deploy New Stack [POST]
Deploy a new stack to the Swarm. The stack name should not exist

+ Request (application/json)

    + Attributes
        + stackName: `docks-api` (string, required) - Unique stack name
        + stackFile: IyBEZXBsb3kgdG...V09SRD1leGFtcGxl (string, required)
        Base64 encoded docker-compose file

+ Response 200
    Stack created successfully

    + Body

+ Response 409
    Stack name already exists

    + Body

## Stack [/stacks/{stackName}]
+ Parameters
    + stackName (string) - The unique stack name

### Update Existing Stack [PUT]

+ Request (application/json)
    + Attributes
        + stackFile: IyBEZXBsb3kgdG...V09SRD1leGFtcGxl (string, required)
        Base64 encoded docker-compose file

+ Response 200
    Stack updated successfully

    + Body

+ Response 404
    Stack name does not exist

    + Body

### Remove Stack [DELETE]

+ Response 200
+ Response 404
    Stack does not exist

    + Body

### Get Services in Stack [GET /stacks/{stackName}/services]

Returns an array of Services associated with the given stack from Docker API.

The Schema for the service is defined in the Docker API, the Schema displayed
here is only for demonstration purposes.

+ Parameters
    + stackName (string) - The unique stack name

+ Response 200 (application/json)

    + Attributes
        + data (array[object])
            + (object)
                + ID (string)
                + Version (object)
                + CreatedAt (string)
                + UpdatedAt (string)
                + Spec (object)
                + Endpoint (object)

### Get Tasks in Stack [GET /stacks/{stackName}/tasks]

Returns an array of Tasks associated with the given stack.

The Schema for the tasks is defined in the Docker API, the Schema displayed
here is only for demonstration purposes.

+ Parameters
    + stackName (string) - The unique stack name

+ Response 200 (application/json)

    + Attributes
        + data (array[object], fixed)
            + (object)
                + ID (string)
                + Version (object)
                + CreatedAt (string)
                + UpdatedAt (string)
                + Name (string) - Name of the task.
                + Labels (object) - User defined key/value metadata.
                + Spec (object) - User modifiable task configuration.

+ Response 404
    Stack does not exist

    + Body

### Get Stackfile [GET /stacks/{stackName}/stackfile]

Returns the Base64 encoded docker-compose file generated from the
current Docker Swarm state

+ Parameters
    + stackName (string) - The unique stack name

+ Response 200 (application/json)

    + Attributes
        + data (object, fixed)
            + stackFile: IyBEZXBsb3kgdG...V09SRD1leGFtcGxl (string, required)
                Base64 encoded docker-compose file

+ Response 404
    Stack does not exist

    + Body

# Group Tasks
## Task Collection [/tasks]
### Get Tasks [GET]
The same as the Docker API, but returns an extra attribute named `NodeHostname`

+ Response 200 (application/json)

# Group Docker
## Proxy [/docker]
All requests to the `/docker` endpoint will be forwarded to the Docker API

### List Services [GET /docker/services]

+ Request

    + Headers

            Authorization: Bearer <jwt>

+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Response 406
+ Response 500