# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2016 Alessandro Fernandes Martini, Trustcode
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
from import float_compare
from odoo import models
class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.move.line'
# Correção na ordenação do faturamento, remover esse código caso o PR 14852
# no Odoo seja aceito ou eles corrijam de outra forma
def _get_pair_to_reconcile(self):
# field is either 'amount_residual' or 'amount_residual_currency'
# (if the reconciled account has a secondary currency set)
field = self[0].account_id.currency_id and 'amount_residual_currency'\
or 'amount_residual'
rounding = self[0].company_id.currency_id.rounding
if self[0].currency_id and all([
x.amount_currency and x.currency_id == self[0].currency_id
for x in self]):
# or if all lines share the same currency
field = 'amount_residual_currency'
rounding = self[0].currency_id.rounding
if self._context.get(
'skip_full_reconcile_check') == 'amount_currency_excluded':
field = 'amount_residual'
elif self._context.get(
'skip_full_reconcile_check') == 'amount_currency_only':
field = 'amount_residual_currency'
# target the pair of move in self that are the oldest
if self.env.context.get('move_line_to_reconcile', False) and\
not self.env.context.get('move_line_to_reconcile').reconciled:
sorted_moves = [self.env.context['move_line_to_reconcile'],
sorted_moves = sorted(self, key=lambda a: a.date_maturity)
debit = credit = False
for aml in sorted_moves:
if credit and debit:
if float_compare(aml[field], 0,
precision_rounding=rounding) == 1 and not debit:
debit = aml
elif float_compare(aml[field], 0,
precision_rounding=rounding) == -1 and\
not credit:
credit = aml
return debit, credit