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# Whitecat 🐱
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[![PHPStan Enabled](](

> Developer toolbox for avoid boring setup during development

Whitecat is a developer toolbox of cli command. Each command is thought for avoid boring 
setup in developing of PHP: Packages, Library, Composer Plugin or everything you're building! 

## Table of Contents

- [Install](#install)
  - [Usage](#usage) 
    - [Docker setup](#docker-setup)
    - [Github init](#github-init)
    - [GitHub Workflow](#github-workflows) 
    - [GitHub Issue](#github-issue)  
    - [GitHub Pull](#github-pull)
    - [PHP CS Fixer](#php-cs-fixer)
    - [PHPStan](#phpstan)
    - [PHPUnit](#phpunit)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)

## Install

In composer.json

``` json
"require-dev": {
    "trusted97/whitecat": "^1.0.0"


In Shell

``` sh
composer require --dev trusted97/whitecat

### Usage

This command list all possible command available in whitecat

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat list

#### Docker setup

This command setup basic docker environment for your library

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat docker:setup

#### Github Init

This command setup basic .github directory and related files for your library

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat github:init

#### GitHub Workflows

This command setup basic workflows for GitHub through actions

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat github:workflow

#### GitHub Issue

This command setup basic issue template for your library

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat github:issue

#### GitHub Pull

This command setup basic pull request template for your library

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat github:pull

#### PHP CS Fixer

This command setup a basic PHP CS Fixer config file and check if in composer is installed

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat php-cs-fixer:init

#### PHPStan

This command setup a basic PHPStan config file with starting level of 6 and check if in composer is installed

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat phpstan:init

#### PHPUnit 

This command setup a basic PHPUnit config file and check if in composer is installed

``` sh
vendor/bin/whitecat phpunit:init

## Compatibility

| Repository Branch | PHP Compatibility | Status                     | Docs                        |
| `1.x`             | `^8.1`            | New features and bug fixes | [Documentation 1.x](./docs) |
| `2.x`             | `^8.3`            | New features and bug fixes | [Documentation 1.x](./docs) |

## Contributing

Any questions, bug reports or suggestions for improvement are very welcome. See the [contributing](./ file for details on how to contribute.

## License

Whitecat is licensed under the MIT license.  
See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for more information.