namespace Whitecat\Service;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversNothing;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOExceptionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Path;
use Whitecat\Enums\DirectoryPath;
use Whitecat\Helper\FileCopyHelper;
class GithubWorkflowService
protected readonly string $workflowDirectoryPath;
protected FileCopyHelper $fileCopyHelper;
public function __construct(
protected readonly SymfonyStyle $io,
protected readonly Filesystem $fs,
) {
$this->workflowDirectoryPath = Path::normalize(DirectoryPath::WORKFLOW->value);
$this->fileCopyHelper = new FileCopyHelper($this->io, $this->fs);
public function run(): int
$this->io->title('Github workflow');
$choice = $this->io->choice(
question: 'Select the workflow to create',
choices: [
'PHPUnit & Coverage (CodeCov)',
'Deploy to Amazon ECS',
'Deploy to Google Kubernetes Engine',
'Terraform Deploy',
switch ($choice) {
case 'PHPUnit & Coverage (CodeCov)':
$this->io->warning('Remember to add your Codecov Token in Github Secrets');
case 'Deploy to Amazon ECS':
case 'Deploy to Google Kubernetes Engine':
case 'Terraform Deploy':
case 'All':
$this->io->success('All work was correctly done!');
return Command::SUCCESS;
protected function addGithubWorkflowDirectory(): void
$workflowDirectoryExists = $this->fs->exists($this->workflowDirectoryPath);
$override = true;
if ($workflowDirectoryExists) {
$override = $this->io->confirm(
question: 'It seems that github workflow directory already exists, do you want to continue?',
default: false
if ($override) {
try {
$this->io->comment('Github workflow directory created');
} catch (IOExceptionInterface $IOException) {
'An error occurred while creating your directory at %s',
} catch (\Exception $commandException) {
'An error occurred while executing github:workflow command %s',
} else {
$this->io->comment('Skipped creation of github workflow directory');
protected function addGithubTestAction(): void
fileName: 'test.yaml',
questionMessage: 'It seems that github action for test already exists, do you want to override?',
overrideCommentMessage: 'Adding github action for phpunit and code coverage',
skippedMessage: 'Skipped creation of github action for phpunit and code coverage',
sourceFileDirectory: $this->workflowDirectoryPath,
distFileDirectory: DirectoryPath::DIST_WORKFLOW->value
protected function addGoogleGKEDeployAction(): void
fileName: 'deploy_google_gke.yaml',
questionMessage: 'It seems that github action for deploy on Google Kubernetes Engine already exists, do you want to override?',
overrideCommentMessage: 'Adding Google GKE Deploy action',
skippedMessage: 'Skipped creation of Google GKE Deploy action',
sourceFileDirectory: $this->workflowDirectoryPath,
distFileDirectory: DirectoryPath::DIST_WORKFLOW->value
protected function addAmazonECSDeployAction(): void
fileName: 'deploy_aws_ecs.yaml',
questionMessage: 'It seems that github action for deploy on Amazon ECS already exists, do you want to override?',
overrideCommentMessage: 'Adding Amazon ECS Deploy action',
skippedMessage: 'Skipped creation of Amazon ECS Deploy action',
sourceFileDirectory: $this->workflowDirectoryPath,
distFileDirectory: DirectoryPath::DIST_WORKFLOW->value
protected function addTerraformDeployAction(): void
fileName: 'terraform.yaml',
questionMessage: 'It seems that github action for deploy on terraform already exists, do you want to override?',
overrideCommentMessage: 'Adding Terraform Deploy action',
skippedMessage: 'Skipped creation of Terraform Deploy action',
sourceFileDirectory: $this->workflowDirectoryPath,
distFileDirectory: DirectoryPath::DIST_WORKFLOW->value