import React from 'react';
import {PaginationData} from '../hooks/usePagination';
import Icon from './Icon';
export type PaginationProps = PaginationData
const Pagination: React.FC<PaginationProps> = ({page, limit, total, prevPage, nextPage}) => {
// Detect loading state
const startIndex = (page - 1) * limit + 1;
const endIndex = total ? Math.min(total, startIndex + limit - 1) : (startIndex + limit - 1);
const hasNext = total ? endIndex < total : false;
const hasPrev = page > 1;
/* If there is less than X items total, where X is the number of items per page that we want to show */
if (total && limit < total) {
return (
<div className={`mt-1 flex items-center gap-2 text-xs text-grey-700`}>Showing {startIndex}-{endIndex} of {total}
<button type='button' onClick={prevPage}><Icon className={`h-[10px] w-[10px] [&>path]:stroke-[3px] ${!hasPrev ? 'cursor-default opacity-50' : 'hover:text-green-700 cursor-pointer'}`} colorClass="text-green" name='chevron-left' />
<button type="button" onClick={nextPage}><Icon className={`h-[10px] w-[10px] [&>path]:stroke-[3px] ${!hasNext ? 'cursor-default opacity-50' : 'hover:text-green-700 cursor-pointer'}`} colorClass="text-green" name='chevron-right' /></button>
/* If there is more than X items total, where X is the number of items per page that we want to show */
} else {
return (
<div className={`mt-1 flex items-center gap-2 text-xs text-grey-700`}>Showing {total ?? '?'} in total
export default Pagination;