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    "All the best!": "Meal do shlàinte!",
    "Complete signup for {{siteTitle}}!": "Coilean an clàradh ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}!",
    "Complete your sign up to {{siteTitle}}!": "Coilean an clàradh agad ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}!",
    "Confirm email address": "Dearbhaich am post-d",
    "Confirm signup": "Dearbhaich an clàradh",
    "Confirm your email address": "Dearbhaich am post-d agad",
    "Confirm your email update for {{siteTitle}}!": "Dearbhaich gu bheil thu airson am post a chleachdas tu air {{siteTitle}} ùrachadh!",
    "Confirm your subscription to {{siteTitle}}": "Deabhaich gu bheil thu airson fo-sgìobhadh ri ùrachaidhean bho {{siteTitle}}",
    "For your security, the link will expire in 24 hours time.": "Cha mair an ceangal nas fhaide na 24 uair a thìde.",
    "Hey there,": "Halò,",
    "Hey there!": "Halò!",
    "If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email.": "Faodaidh tu leigeil seachad air a' phost-d seo mura dh'iarr thu e.",
    "If you did not make this request, you can simply delete this message.": "Faodaidh tu am post-d sguabadh às mura dh'iarr thu e.",
    "Please confirm your email address with this link:": "Dearbhaich am post-d agad leis a' cheangal seo:",
    "Secure sign in link for {{siteTitle}}": "Ceangal tèarainte airson clàradh a-steach ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}",
    "See you soon!": "Tìoraidh an-dràsta!",
    "Sent to {{email}}": "Cuir gu {{email}}",
    "Sign in": "Clàraich a-steach",
    "Sign in to {{siteTitle}}": "Clàraich a-steach dhan làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}",
    "Tap the link below to complete the signup process for {{siteTitle}}, and be automatically signed in:": "Dèan briog air a' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus dearbhadh gu bheil thu airson cunntas a chlàradh air an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}, agus thèid do chlàradh a-steach gu fèin-obrachail",
    "Thank you for signing up to {{siteTitle}}!": "Mòran taing airson cunntas a chlàradh air an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}!",
    "Thank you for subscribing to {{siteTitle}}!": "Mòran taing airson fo-sgrìobhadh ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}!",
    "Thank you for subscribing to {{siteTitle}}.": "Mòran taing airson fo-sgrìobhadh ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}.",
    "Thank you for subscribing to {{siteTitle}}. Tap the link below to be automatically signed in:": "Mòran taing airson fo-sgrìobhadh ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}. Dèan briog air a' cheangal gu h-ìosal gus clàradh a-steach:",
    "This email address will not be used.": "Cha tèid am post-d seo a chleachdadh.",
    "Welcome back to {{siteTitle}}!": "Fàilte air ais dhan làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}",
    "Welcome back! Use this link to securely sign in to your {{siteTitle}} account:": "Fàilte air ais! Cleachd an ceangail seo gus clàradh a-steach dhan chunntas agad air an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}:",
    "You can also copy & paste this URL into your browser:": "Dèan leth-bhreac air a' cheangal seo, agus 's urrainn dhut a chur a-steach dhan bhrabhsair agad:",
    "You will not be signed up, and no account will be created for you.": "Cha clàraich thu cunntas.",
    "You will not be subscribed.": "Cha fo-sgrìobh thu.",
    "You're one tap away from subscribing to {{siteTitle}} — please confirm your email address with this link:": "Chan eil ach aon cheum ri dhol a-nis gus fo-sgrìobhadh ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}, dearbhaich am post-d agad leis a' cheangal seo:",
    "You're one tap away from subscribing to {{siteTitle}}!": "Chan eil ach aon cheum ri dhol a-nis gus fo-sgrìobhadh ris an làrach-lìn, {{siteTitle}}!"