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Test Coverage
    "(save {{highestYearlyDiscount}}%)": "",
    "{{amount}} days free": "",
    "{{amount}} off": "",
    "{{amount}} off for first {{number}} months.": "",
    "{{amount}} off for first {{period}}.": "",
    "{{amount}} off forever.": "",
    "{{discount}}% discount": "Знижка {{discount}}%",
    "{{memberEmail}} will no longer receive {{newsletterName}} newsletter.": "",
    "{{memberEmail}} will no longer receive emails when someone replies to your comments.": "",
    "{{memberEmail}} will no longer receive this newsletter.": "",
    "{{trialDays}} days free": "Безплатно {{trialDays}} дні(-в)",
    "A login link has been sent to your inbox. If it doesn't arrive in 3 minutes, be sure to check your spam folder.": "Посилання для входу було надіслано на твою пошту. Якщо воно не прийде протягом 3 хвилин, перевірь папку спам.",
    "Account": "Oбліковий запис",
    "Account settings": "Налаштування облікового запису",
    "After a free trial ends, you will be charged the regular price for the tier you've chosen. You can always cancel before then.": "Після закінчення безплатного періоду, з тебе буде стягнена вартість за обраний тариф. Ти завжди можеш скасувати послугу до цього часу.",
    "Already a member?": "Вже зареєстрований?",
    "An unexpected error occured. Please try again or <a>contact support</a> if the error persists.": "",
    "Back": "Назад",
    "Back to Log in": "Повернутись до входу",
    "Billing info": "",
    "Black Friday": "",
    "Cancel anytime.": "",
    "Cancel subscription": "Скасуй підписку",
    "Cancellation reason": "Причина скасування",
    "Change": "",
    "Check spam & promotions folders": "",
    "Check with your mail provider": "",
    "Choose": "",
    "Choose a different plan": "Вибари інший план",
    "Choose your newsletters": "Вибери свої підписки",
    "Click here to retry": "",
    "Close": "Закрий",
    "Comments": "Коментарі",
    "Complimentary": "",
    "Confirm": "Підтвердь",
    "Confirm cancellation": "",
    "Confirm subscription": "",
    "Contact support": "",
    "Continue": "Далі",
    "Continue subscription": "",
    "Could not sign in. Login link expired.": "",
    "Could not update email! Invalid link.": "",
    "Create a new contact": "",
    "Current plan": "",
    "Delete account": "Видалити обліковий запис",
    "Didn't mean to do this? Manage your preferences <button>here</button>.": "",
    "Don't have an account?": "Не маєш облікового запису?",
    "Edit": "",
    "Email": "Електронна пошта",
    "Email newsletter": "",
    "Email preferences": "Налаштування електронної пошти",
    "Emails": "Електронні листи",
    "Emails disabled": "Електронна пошта вимкнена",
    "Ends {{offerEndDate}}": "",
    "Error": "",
    "Expires {{expiryDate}}": "",
    "Forever": "",
    "Free Trial – Ends {{trialEnd}}": "",
    "Get help": "Отримати допомогу",
    "Get in touch for help": "",
    "Get notified when someone replies to your comment": "Повідомляй коли хтось відповість на твій коментар",
    "Give feedback on this post": "Дати відгук на цю публікацію",
    "Help! I'm not receiving emails": "",
    "Here are a few other sites you may enjoy.": "",
    "If a newsletter is flagged as spam, emails are automatically disabled for that address to make sure you no longer receive any unwanted messages.": "",
    "If the spam complaint was accidental, or you would like to begin receiving emails again, you can resubscribe to emails by clicking the button on the previous screen.": "",
    "If you cancel your subscription now, you will continue to have access until {{periodEnd}}.": "",
    "If you have a corporate or government email account, reach out to your IT department and ask them to allow emails to be received from {{senderEmail}}": "",
    "If you would like to start receiving emails again, the best next steps are to check your email address on file for any issues and then click resubscribe on the previous screen.": "",
    "If you're not receiving the email newsletter you've subscribed to, here are a few things to check.": "",
    "If you've completed all these checks and you're still not receiving emails, you can reach out to get support by contacting {{supportAddress}}.": "",
    "In the event a permanent failure is received when attempting to send a newsletter, emails will be disabled on the account.": "",
    "In your email client add {{senderEmail}} to your contacts list. This signals to your mail provider that emails sent from this address should be trusted.": "",
    "Less like this": "Менше подібних",
    "Make sure emails aren't accidentally ending up in the Spam or Promotions folders of your inbox. If they are, click on \"Mark as not spam\" and/or \"Move to inbox\".": "",
    "Manage": "Управління",
    "Maybe later": "",
    "Memberships unavailable, contact the owner for access.": "",
    "Monthly": "Місячно",
    "More like this": "Більше подібних",
    "Name": "Ім'я",
    "Need more help? Contact support": "",
    "Newsletters can be disabled on your account for two reasons: A previous email was marked as spam, or attempting to send an email resulted in a permanent failure (bounce).": "",
    "Not receiving emails?": "Не приходять листи?",
    "Now check your email!": "А тепер перевір свою пошту!",
    "Once resubscribed, if you still don't see emails in your inbox, check your spam folder. Some inbox providers keep a record of previous spam complaints and will continue to flag emails. If this happens, mark the latest newsletter as 'Not spam' to move it back to your primary inbox.": "",
    "Permanent failure (bounce)": "",
    "Plan": "",
    "Plan checkout was cancelled.": "",
    "Plan upgrade was cancelled.": "",
    "Please contact {{supportAddress}} to adjust your complimentary subscription.": "",
    "Please fill in required fields": "",
    "Price": "Ціна",
    "Re-enable emails": "Знову включити пошту",
    "Recommendations": "",
    "Renews at {{price}}.": "",
    "Retry": "Повтори спробу",
    "Save": "Збережи",
    "Send an email and say hi!": "",
    "Send an email to {{senderEmail}} and say hello. This can also help signal to your mail provider that emails to and from this address should be trusted.": "",
    "Sending login link...": "Відправляється посилання для входу...",
    "Sending...": "Відправляється...",
    "Show all": "",
    "Sign in": "Вхід",
    "Sign out": "",
    "Sign up": "Реєстрація",
    "Signup error: Invalid link": "",
    "Sorry, that didn’t work.": "",
    "Spam complaints": "",
    "Start {{amount}}-day free trial": "Почни {{amount}}-денний безплатний період",
    "Starting {{startDate}}": "",
    "Starting today": "",
    "Submit feedback": "Вишли відгук",
    "Subscribe": "",
    "Subscribed": "",
    "Success": "",
    "Success! Check your email for magic link to sign-in.": "",
    "Success! Your account is fully activated, you now have access to all content.": "",
    "Success! Your email is updated.": "",
    "Successfully unsubscribed": "Підписку успішно скасовано",
    "Thank you for subscribing. Before you start reading, below are a few other sites you may enjoy.": "",
    "Thanks for the feedback!": "Дякуємо за відгук!",
    "That didn't go to plan": "Щось пішло не так",
    "The email address we have for you is {{memberEmail}} — if that's not correct, you can update it in your <button>account settings area</button>.": "",
    "There was a problem submitting your feedback. Please try again a little later.": "",
    "This site is invite-only, contact the owner for access.": "Цей сайт доступний тільки за запрошенням, звернись до власника сайта для доступу.",
    "To complete signup, click the confirmation link in your inbox. If it doesn't arrive within 3 minutes, check your spam folder!": "Щоб завершити реєстрацію, натисни посилання в своїй електронній пошті для підтвердження. Якщо електронний лист не прийде протягом 3 хвилин, перевір папку спам!",
    "Try free for {{amount}} days, then {{originalPrice}}.": "",
    "Unlock access to all newsletters by becoming a paid subscriber.": "",
    "Unsubscribe from all emails": "Відписатись від усіх листів",
    "Unsubscribed": "",
    "Unsubscribed from all emails.": "",
    "Unsubscribing from emails will not cancel your paid subscription to {{title}}": "Відписка від листів не скасує твою платну підписку на {{title}}",
    "Update": "",
    "Update your preferences": "Онови свої налаштування",
    "Verification link sent, check your inbox": "",
    "Verify your email address is correct": "",
    "View plans": "",
    "We couldn't unsubscribe you as the email address was not found. Please contact the site owner.": "Ми не можемо відписати тебе, оскільки адреса електронної пошти не знайдена. Будь ласка, зв'яжись з власником сайту.",
    "Welcome back, {{name}}!": "",
    "Welcome back!": "",
    "Welcome to {{siteTitle}}": "",
    "When an inbox fails to accept an email it is commonly called a bounce. In many cases, this can be temporary. However, in some cases, a bounced email can be returned as a permanent failure when an email address is invalid or non-existent.": "",
    "Why has my email been disabled?": "",
    "Yearly": "Річно",
    "You currently have a free membership, upgrade to a paid subscription for full access.": "",
    "You have been successfully resubscribed": "Тебе успішно підписано знову",
    "You're currently not receiving emails": "",
    "You're not receiving emails": "",
    "You're not receiving emails because you either marked a recent message as spam, or because messages could not be delivered to your provided email address.": "Не приходять листи, оскільки останній отриманий лист був тобою позначений як спам, або листи не можуть бути доставлені на твою адресу електронної пошти.",
    "You've successfully signed in.": "",
    "You've successfully subscribed to": "",
    "Your account": "Твій обліковий запис",
    "Your input helps shape what gets published.": "Твій відгук допоможе вирішити що публікувати далі.",
    "Your subscription will expire on {{expiryDate}}": "",
    "Your subscription will renew on {{renewalDate}}": "",
    "Your subscription will start on {{subscriptionStart}}": ""