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    "{{amount}} characters left": "还剩{{amount}}字",
    "{{amount}} comments": "{{amount}}条评论",
    "{{amount}} days ago": "{{amount}}天前",
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    "{{amount}} months ago": "{{amount}}个月前",
    "{{amount}} more": "",
    "{{amount}} seconds ago": "{{amount}}秒前",
    "{{amount}} weeks ago": "{{amount}}周前",
    "{{amount}} years ago": "{{amount}}年前",
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    "Enter your name": "输入您的称呼",
    "Expertise": "专业背景",
    "Founder @ Acme Inc": "Acme Inc的创建者",
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    "Head of Marketing at Acme, Inc": "Acme, Inc市场部负责人",
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    "Jamie Larson": "Jamie Larson",
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    "Just now": "刚刚",
    "Local resident": "本地居民",
    "Member discussion": "会员讨论",
    "Name": "称呼",
    "Neurosurgeon": "神经外科医生",
    "One day ago": "一天前",
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