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const {parse: parseUrl} = require('url');
const createCookies = require('cookies');
const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('members-ssr');

const {
} = require('@tryghost/errors');

 * @typedef {import('http').IncomingMessage} Request
 * @typedef {import('http').ServerResponse} Response
 * @typedef {import('cookies').ICookies} Cookies
 * @typedef {import('cookies').Option} CookiesOptions
 * @typedef {import('cookies').SetOption} SetCookieOptions
 * @typedef {string} JWT

 * @typedef {object} Member
 * @prop {string} id
 * @prop {string} transient_id
 * @prop {string} email

const SIX_MONTHS_MS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 184;

class MembersSSR {
     * @typedef {object} MembersSSROptions
     * @prop {string|string[]} cookieKeys - A secret or array of secrets used to sign cookies
     * @prop {() => object} getMembersApi - A function which returns an instance of members-api
     * @prop {boolean} [cookieSecure = true] - Whether the cookie should have Secure flag
     * @prop {string} [cookieName] - The name of the members-ssr cookie
     * @prop {number} [cookieMaxAge] - The max age in ms of the members-ssr cookie
     * @prop {string} [cookiePath] - The Path flag for the cookie
     * @prop {boolean} [dangerousRemovalOfSignedCookie] - Flag for removing signed cookie

     * Create an instance of MembersSSR
     * @param {MembersSSROptions} options  - The options for the members ssr class
    constructor(options) {
        const {
            cookieSecure = true,
            cookieName = 'members-ssr',
            cookieMaxAge = SIX_MONTHS_MS,
            cookiePath = '/',
        } = options;

        if (!getMembersApi) {
            throw new IncorrectUsageError({message: 'Missing option getMembersApi'});

        this._getMembersApi = getMembersApi;

        if (!cookieKeys) {
            throw new IncorrectUsageError({message: 'Missing option cookieKeys'});

        this.sessionCookieName = cookieName;

         * @type SetCookieOptions
        this.sessionCookieOptions = {
            signed: true,
            httpOnly: true,
            sameSite: 'lax',
            maxAge: cookieMaxAge,
            path: cookiePath

        if (dangerousRemovalOfSignedCookie === true) {
            this.sessionCookieOptions.signed = false;

         * @type CookiesOptions
        this.cookiesOptions = {
            keys: Array.isArray(cookieKeys) ? cookieKeys : [cookieKeys],
            secure: cookieSecure

     * @method _getCookies
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
     * @returns {Cookies} An instance of the cookies object for current request/response
    _getCookies(req, res) {
        return createCookies(req, res, this.cookiesOptions);

     * @method _removeSessionCookie
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
    _removeSessionCookie(req, res) {
        const cookies = this._getCookies(req, res);
        cookies.set(this.sessionCookieName, null, this.sessionCookieOptions);
        // If members caching cookies are set, remove them
        if (cookies.get('ghost-access') || cookies.get('ghost-access-hmac')) {
            cookies.set('ghost-access', null, {...this.sessionCookieOptions, signed: false});
            cookies.set('ghost-access-hmac', null, {...this.sessionCookieOptions, signed: false});

     * @method _setSessionCookie
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
     * @param {string} value
    _setSessionCookie(req, res, value) {
        if (!value) {
            return this._removeSessionCookie(req, res);
        const cookies = this._getCookies(req, res);
        cookies.set(this.sessionCookieName, value, this.sessionCookieOptions);

     * @method _getSessionCookies
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
     * @returns {string} The cookie value
    _getSessionCookies(req, res) {
        const cookies = this._getCookies(req, res);
        const value = cookies.get(this.sessionCookieName, {signed: true});
        if (!value) {
            throw new BadRequestError({
                message: `Cookie ${this.sessionCookieName} not found`
        return value;

     * @method _getMemberDataFromToken
     * @param {JWT} token
     * @returns {Promise<Member>} member
    async _getMemberDataFromToken(token) {
        const api = await this._getMembersApi();
        return api.getMemberDataFromMagicLinkToken(token);

     * @method _getMemberIdentityData
     * @param {string} email
     * @returns {Promise<Member>} member
    async _getMemberIdentityData(email) {
        const api = await this._getMembersApi();
        return api.getMemberIdentityData(email);

     * @method _getMemberIdentityData
     * @param {string} transientId
     * @returns {Promise<Member>} member
    async _getMemberIdentityDataFromTransientId(transientId) {
        const api = await this._getMembersApi();
        return api.getMemberIdentityDataFromTransientId(transientId);

     * @method _getMemberIdentityToken
     * @param {string} email
     * @returns {Promise<JWT>} member
    async _getMemberIdentityToken(transientId) {
        const api = await this._getMembersApi();
        return api.getMemberIdentityToken(transientId);

     * @method _setMemberGeolocationFromIp
     * @param {string} email
     * @param {string} ip
     * @returns {Promise<Member>} member
    async _setMemberGeolocationFromIp(email, ip) {
        const api = await this._getMembersApi();
        return api.setMemberGeolocationFromIp(email, ip);

     * @method exchangeTokenForSession
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
     * @returns {Promise<Member>} The member the session was created for
    async exchangeTokenForSession(req, res) {
        if (!req.url) {
            return Promise.reject(new BadRequestError({
                message: 'Expected token param containing JWT'

        const {query} = parseUrl(req.url, true);
        if (!query || !query.token) {
            return Promise.reject(new BadRequestError({
                message: 'Expected token param containing JWT'

        const token = Array.isArray(query.token) ? query.token[0] : query.token;
        const member = await this._getMemberDataFromToken(token);

        if (!member) {
            // The member doesn't exist any longer (could be a sign in token for a member that was deleted)
            return Promise.reject(new BadRequestError({
                message: 'Invalid token'

        // perform and store geoip lookup for members when they log in
        if (!member.geolocation) {
            try {
                await this._setMemberGeolocationFromIp(, req.ip);
            } catch (err) {
                // no-op, we don't want to stop anything working due to
                // geolocation lookup failing
                debug(`Geolocation lookup failed: ${err.message}`);

        this._setSessionCookie(req, res, member.transient_id);

        return member;

    async _cycleTransientId(memberId) {
        const api = await this._getMembersApi();
        return api.cycleTransientId(memberId);

     * @method deleteSession
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async deleteSession(req, res) {
        if (req.body && typeof req.body === 'object' && req.body.all) {
            // Update transient_id to invalidate all sessions
            const member = await this.getMemberDataFromSession(req, res);
            if (member) {
                await this._cycleTransientId(;
        this._removeSessionCookie(req, res);

     * @method getMemberDataFromSession
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
     * @returns {Promise<Member>}
    async getMemberDataFromSession(req, res) {
        const transientId = this._getSessionCookies(req, res);
        const member = await this._getMemberIdentityDataFromTransientId(transientId);
        return member;

     * @method getIdentityTokenForMemberFromSession
     * @param {Request} req
     * @param {Response} res
     * @returns {Promise<JWT>} identity token
    async getIdentityTokenForMemberFromSession(req, res) {
        const transientId = this._getSessionCookies(req, res);
        const token = await this._getMemberIdentityToken(transientId);
        if (!token) {
            await this.deleteSession(req, res);
            throw new BadRequestError({
                message: 'Invalid session, could not get identity token'
        return token;

 * Factory function for creating instance of MembersSSR
 * @param {MembersSSROptions} options
 * @returns {MembersSSR}
module.exports = function create(options) {
    if (!options) {
        throw new IncorrectUsageError({
            message: 'Must pass options'
    return new MembersSSR(options);