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Geometrize Haxe is a Haxe library for recreating images with geometric primitives. Run the demo [in your browser](

Geometrize Haxe is part of [Geometrize]( and was inspired by the [primitive]( Go library.

[![Geometrized Cat 500 Triangles]( "Geometrized Cat - 500 Geometric Primitives")](

## Features
* Recreate images as geometric primitives - rectangles, rotated rectangles, triangles, circles, ellipses, rotated ellipses, lines and beziers are supported.
* Export generated shape data to JSON.
* Export geometrized images as SVGs.
* All Haxe targets are supported.

## Shape Comparison

The matrix shows typical results for circles, triangles, rotated rectangles, rotated ellipses and all supported shapes at 50, 200 and 500 total shapes:

| -                  | 50 Shapes     | 200 Shapes    | 500 Shapes   |
| ------------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------ |
| Circles            | [![50 Circles](]( | [![200 Circles](]( | [![500 Circles](]( |
| Triangles          | [![50 Triangles](]( | [![200 Triangles](]( | [![500 Triangles](]( |
| Rotated Rectangles | [![50 Rotated Rectangles](]( | [![200 Rotated Rectangles](]( | [![500 Rotated Rectangles](]( |
| Rotated Ellipses   | [![50 Rotated Ellipses](]( | [![200 Rotated Ellipses](]( | [![500 Rotated Ellipses](]( |
| All Shapes         | [![50 All Shapes](]( | [![200 All Shapes](]( | [![500 All Shapes](]( |

## How It Works

A user provides a target image, and the algorithm finds shapes to approximate that image. To identify a good shape, the algorithm generates a large number of random candidate shapes, repeatedly improving the fit of each using a hillclimbing optimization approach, eventually choosing the best-fitting shape. The shapes are added one by one.

## JavaScript Usage

If you are working in JavaScript, check out [geometrizejs]( which provides JavaScript API and types for this library, tested on browser and Node.js.

On top of it, [geometrizejs-cli]( tool provides command line interface and support for common image formats.

## Haxe Install

Get the [Haxe]( library from [GitHub]( or through [haxelib](

haxelib install geometrize-haxe

## Haxe Usage

* Instantiate an ```ImageRunner```, passing it a ```Bitmap``` target image and a starting background ```Rgba``` color.
* Generate shapes by repeatedly calling ```runner.step(options)```, passing in your ```ImageRunnerOptions```.
* Export the results using the ```export``` methods on ```SvgExporter``` and ```ShapeJsonExporter```.

Refer to the library [documentation]( Also see the Geometrize Haxe [web demo]( and [code](, or this HaxeFlixel [example]( and [code](

## Resources

* See the Geometrize [resources]( page.

## Examples And Screenshots

Geometrized public domain [artwork]( and [photos](

[![Geometrized Flower 330 Rotated Ellipses]( "Flower - 330 Rotated Ellipses")](
[![Geometrized Train 230 Rotated Ellipses]( "Train - 230 Rotated Ellipses")](
[![Geometrized Woodland Cemetery 600 Rotated Rectangles]( "Woodland Cemetery - 600 Rotated Rectangles")](
[![Geometrized Pomegranate 300 Rotated Ellipses]( "Pomegranate - 300 Rotated Ellipses")](
[![Geometrized Monarch Butterfly 800 Various Shapes]( "Monarch Butterfly - 800 Various Shapes")](
[![Geometrized Leafy Railroad 800 Rotated Rectangles]( "Leafy Railroad - 800 Rotated Rectangles")](
[![Geometrized Pyramid 150 Triangles]( "Pyramid - 150 Triangles")](
[![Geometrized Trees 210 Ellipses]( "Tree Under Clouds - 210 Ellipses")](
[![Geometrized Chomsky 300 Triangles]( "Noam Chomsky - 300 Triangles")](
[![Geometrized Trees 250 Rotated Ellipses]( "Trees - 250 Rotated Ellipses")](
[![Geometrized Fairies 500 Triangles]( "Fairies - 500 Triangles")](

For more examples, see the Geometrize [gallery](

## Notes
* This implementation is single-threaded, and performance varies by target platform. Small target images work best.
* Got an idea or suggestion? Open an issue on GitHub, or send Sam a message on [Twitter](
* Find more related projects and open source code [here](