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package geometrize.bitmap;

import haxe.ds.Vector;

 * Helper class for working with bitmap data.
 * @author Sam Twidale (
class Bitmap {
     * The width of the bitmap.
    public var width:Int;
     * The height of the bitmap.
    public var height:Int;
     * The bitmap data.
    private var data:Vector<Rgba>;
     * Creates a new bitmap, filled with the given color.
     * @param    w        The width of the bitmap.
     * @param    h        The height of the bitmap.
     * @param    color    The starting background color of the bitmap.
     * @return    The new bitmap.
    public static inline function create(w:Int, h:Int, color:Rgba):Bitmap {
        var bitmap = new Bitmap();
        bitmap.width = w;
        bitmap.height = h; = new Vector<Rgba>(w * h);
        var i:Int = 0;
        while (i < {
  , color);
        return bitmap;
     * Creates a new bitmap from the supplied byte data.
     * @param    w        The width of the bitmap.
     * @param    h        The height of the bitmap.
     * @param    bytes    The byte data to fill the bitmap with, must be width * height * depth long.
     * @return    The new bitmap.
    public static inline function createFromBytes(w:Int, h:Int, bytes:Bytes):Bitmap {
        var bitmap = new Bitmap();
        Sure.sure(bytes != null);
        Sure.sure(bytes.length == w * h * 4); // Assume 4-byte RGBA8888 pixel format
        bitmap.width = w;
        bitmap.height = h; = new Vector( / 4));
        var i:Int = 0;
        var x:Int = 0;
        while (i < bytes.length) {
  , Rgba.create(bytes.get(i), bytes.get(i + 1), bytes.get(i + 2), bytes.get(i + 3)));
            i += 4;
        return bitmap;
     * Creates a new bitmap from the supplied array of bytes. Useful for target language consumers
     * that don't have direct access to the Bytes Haxe standard library class.
     * @param    w        The width of the bitmap.
     * @param    h        The height of the bitmap.
     * @param    bytes    The byte data to fill the bitmap with, must be width * height * depth long.
     * @return    The new bitmap.
    public static inline function createFromByteArray(w:Int, h:Int, bytes:Array<Int>):Bitmap {
        var data:Bytes = Bytes.alloc(bytes.length);
        var i:Int = 0;
        while (i < bytes.length) {
            data.set(i, bytes[i]);
        return Bitmap.createFromBytes(w, h, data);
     * Gets a pixel at the given coordinate.
     * @param    x    The x-coordinate.
     * @param    y    The y-coordinate.
     * @return    The pixel color value.
    public inline function getPixel(x:Int, y:Int):Rgba {
        return data.get(width * y + x);
     * Sets a pixel at the given coordinate.
     * @param    x    The x-coordinate.
     * @param    y    The y-coordinate.
     * @param    color    The color value to set at the given coordinate.
    public inline function setPixel(x:Int, y:Int, color:Rgba):Void {
        data.set((width * y + x), color);
     * Makes a deep copy of the bitmap data.
     * @return    The deep copy of the bitmap data.
    public inline function clone():Bitmap {
        var bitmap = new Bitmap();
        bitmap.width = width;
        bitmap.height = height; = new Vector(data.length);
        for (i in {
  , data.get(i));
        return bitmap;
     * Fills the bitmap with the given color.
     * @param    color The color to fill the bitmap with.
    public inline function fill(color:Rgba):Void {
        var idx:Int = 0;
        while (idx < data.length) {
            data.set(idx, color.r);
            data.set(idx + 1, color.g);
            data.set(idx + 2, color.b);
            data.set(idx + 3, color.a);
            idx += 4;
     * Gets the raw bitmap data bytes.
     * @return    The bitmap data.
    public inline function getBytes():Bytes {
        var bytes:Bytes = Bytes.alloc(data.length * 4);
        var i:Int = 0;
        while (i < data.length) {
            var idx:Int = i * 4;
            bytes.set(idx, data.get(i).r);
            bytes.set(idx + 1, data.get(i).g);
            bytes.set(idx + 2, data.get(i).b);
            bytes.set(idx + 3, data.get(i).a);
        return bytes;
     * Private constructor.
    private function new():Void {
        // No implementation