

Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2015:  G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
 * Author: Raphael Prohl
 * This file is part of UG4.
 * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
 * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
 * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
 * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
 * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
 * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
 * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
 * preserved in all covered files:
 * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
 *   parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
 *   Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
 * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
 *   flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
 *   computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.


#include "active_set.h"
#include "lib_disc/common/geometry_util.h"
#include "lib_disc/spatial_disc/disc_util/fe_geom.h"

using namespace std;

namespace ug {

template <int dim> struct face_type_traits
    typedef void face_type0;
    typedef void face_type1;
    typedef void DimFEGeo;

template <> struct face_type_traits<1>
    typedef ReferenceVertex face_type0;
    typedef ReferenceVertex face_type1;
    typedef DimFEGeometry<1, 1> DimFEGeo;

template <> struct face_type_traits<2>
    typedef ReferenceEdge face_type0;
    typedef ReferenceEdge face_type1;
    typedef DimFEGeometry<2, 1> DimFEGeo;

template <> struct face_type_traits<3>
    typedef ReferenceTriangle face_type0;
    typedef ReferenceQuadrilateral face_type1;
    typedef DimFEGeometry<3, 2> DimFEGeo;

template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
void ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::prepare(function_type& u)
    m_vActiveSetGlob.resize(0); m_vActiveSetGlobOld.resize(0);
    m_spDD = u.dof_distribution();
    m_spDom = u.domain();

/*template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
bool ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::check_dist_to_obs(vector_type& u)
    //    STILL IN PROGRESS: u sollte hier reference-position + Startl�sung sein!
    value_type dist;

    bool geometry_cut_by_cons = false;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < u.size(); i++)
        UG_LOG("u(" << i << "):" << u[i] << "\n");
        UG_LOG("m_spObs(" << i << "):" << (*m_spObs)[i] << "\n");
        dist = (*m_spObs)[i] - u[i];
        UG_LOG("dist:" << dist << "\n");
        //TODO: anstatt u muss hier die geometrische Info einflie�en!
        for (size_t fct = 0; fct < m_nrFcts; fct++)
            if (BlockRef(dist,fct) < 0.0) // i.e.: u < m_spObs
                geometry_cut_by_cons = true;

        if (geometry_cut_by_cons)


    return geometry_cut_by_cons;

//    builds up a vector of global (dof,fct)-pairs, which are active (wrt. an obstacle-constraint)
template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
template <typename TElem, typename TIterator>
void ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::active_index_elem(TIterator iterBegin,
        TIterator iterEnd,
        function_type& u,
        function_type& rhs,
        function_type& lagrangeMult)
    //     check if at least an element exists, else return
    if(iterBegin == iterEnd) return;

    int elemCounter = 0;

    static const int dim = function_type::dim;
    typedef typename function_type::domain_type domain_type;
    typedef typename face_type_traits<dim>::face_type0 face_type0;
    typedef typename face_type_traits<dim>::face_type1 face_type1;

    //    get position accessor
    typename domain_type::position_accessor_type& aaPos
            = u.domain()->position_accessor();

    //    storage for corner coordinates
    vector<MathVector<dim> > vCorner;
    vector<MathVector<dim> > vSideCoPos;

    MathVector<dim> normal;

    //     local indices and local algebra
    LocalIndices ind, indObs;
    LocalVector locU, locLM, locObs;
    number complementaryVal;

    //    TODO: it could be more efficient to store the active elements
    //    and its active local indices as well

    //     Loop over all elements on active subsets
    for(TIterator iter = iterBegin; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
        TElem* sideElem = *iter;

    //    reference object type
        ReferenceObjectID roid = sideElem->reference_object_id();

        const DimReferenceElement<dim-1>& rRefElem
                = ReferenceElementProvider::get<dim-1>(roid);

    //    get corners of element
        CollectCornerCoordinates(vCorner, *sideElem, aaPos);

    //    here the ordering of the corners in the reference element is exploited
    //    in order to compute the outer normal later on
        int nCorner = (int)vCorner.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nCorner; ++i)
            vSideCoPos.push_back(vCorner[, 0, 0, i)]);

        if (nCorner == dim)
            ElementNormal<face_type0, dim>(normal, &vSideCoPos[0]);
            UG_LOG("face_type0 \n");
            ElementNormal<face_type1, dim>(normal, &vSideCoPos[0]);
            UG_LOG("face_type1 \n");

        /*for (int i = 0; i < (int)vCorner.size(); ++i)
            UG_LOG("sideCoPos: " << sideCoPos[i] << "\n");
        UG_LOG("normal: " << normal << "\n");*/


    //     get global indices
        u.indices(*iter, ind); (*m_spObs).indices(*iter, indObs);

    //     adapt local algebra
        locU.resize(ind); locLM.resize(ind); locObs.resize(indObs);

    //     read local values of u and lagrangeMult
        GetLocalVector(locU, u); GetLocalVector(locLM, lagrangeMult);
        GetLocalVector(locObs, *m_spObs);

    //    loop over DoFs in element and store all activeMultiIndex-pairs in vector
        size_t nrFctElem = ind.num_fct();
        number normOfNormal = VecLength(normal);
        MathVector<dim> locUDof;

        for(size_t fct = 0; fct < nrFctElem; ++fct)
            size_t nrDoFsPerFctElem = ind.num_dof(fct);
            for(size_t dof = 0; dof < nrDoFsPerFctElem; ++dof)
                for(int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
                    locUDof[i] = locU(i, dof);

                //    locLM corresponds to the lagrange multiplier lambda,
                //    c.f. Hintermueller/Ito/Kunisch(2003)
                number locUNormal = VecDot(locUDof, normal) / normOfNormal;
                complementaryVal = locLM(fct ,dof) + locUNormal - locObs(fct, dof);

                if (complementaryVal <= 1e-10){
                    locLM(fct,dof) = 0.0;
                    //    create list of active global MultiIndex-pairs. Only those pairs should be attached
                    //    which are not already a member of the 'activeSetGlob'-vector
                    bool bAlreadyActive = false;
                    for (vector<DoFIndex>::iterator itActiveInd = m_vActiveSetGlob.begin();
                            itActiveInd < m_vActiveSetGlob.end(); ++itActiveInd)
                        if ((*itActiveInd)[0] == ind.index(fct, dof)
                                && (*itActiveInd)[1] == ind.comp(fct, dof))
                            bAlreadyActive = true;

                    if (!bAlreadyActive)
                        DoFIndex newActiveIndex(ind.index(fct, dof), ind.comp(fct, dof));

                        BlockRef(rhs[ind.index(fct, dof)], ind.comp(fct, dof)) = locObs.value(fct,dof);
            } // end(dof)
        } // end(fct)

        //     send local to global lagrangeMult
        //AddLocalVector(lagrangeMult, locLM);

        UG_LOG("#activeDoFFctPairs global: " << m_vActiveSetGlob.size() << "\n");
    } // end(elem)
    UG_LOG("#elems: " << elemCounter << "\n");


//    builds up a vector of global (dof,fct)-pairs, which are active (wrt. an obstacle-constraint)
//    and sets dirichlet values in rhs for active indices
template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
bool ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::active_index(function_type& u,
        function_type& rhs, function_type& lagrangeMult, function_type& gap)
    //    note: the active-index search is restricted
    //    to constraint of the form u * n <= consGF
        UG_THROW("No constraint set in ActiveSet \n");

    if (u.num_indices() != rhs.num_indices() || u.num_indices() != lagrangeMult.num_indices() )
        UG_THROW("GridFunctions u, rhs and lagrangeMult need to be defined "
                "for the same domain and of the same size in 'ActiveSet:active_index' \n");

    //    remember old ActiveSet for convergence check
    //    TODO: avoid this vector copy; m_vActiveSetGlobOld really necessary?
    m_vActiveSetGlobOld = m_vActiveSetGlob;

    //    1.) get all subsets on which the 'gap'-gridfunction is defined!
    //    -> store them in vSubsetsOflagrangeMults
    //TODO: it is only necessary to loop over all BoundarySubsets!
    for (int si = 0; si < m_spDD->num_subsets(); si++){
        for (size_t fct = 0; fct < gap.num_fct(); fct++)
            if (gap.is_def_in_subset(fct, si))
                //    'break' is necessary to ensure that 'si' is
                //    only added once when several fcts of
                //    'gap' are defined in subset 'si'!

    if (m_vActiveSubsets.size() == 0)
        UG_LOG("No subsets chosen as possible active subsets. \n");

    UG_LOG("#sizeOfvActiveSubsets: " << m_vActiveSubsets.size() << "\n");

    //    2.) loop over all elements of the possible active subsets
    for (vector<int>::iterator activeSI = m_vActiveSubsets.begin();
            activeSI != m_vActiveSubsets.end(); ++activeSI)
        //UG_LOG("activeSI: " << *activeSI << "\n");
        const int subsetDim = DimensionOfSubset(*m_spDD->subset_handler(), *activeSI);
        //UG_LOG("subsetDim: " << subsetDim << "\n");

        //    3.) get localU out of u for each element and
        //    4.) store the active global (dof,fct)-pair in m_vActiveSetGlob
        case 0:
        case 1:
                (m_spDD->template begin<RegularEdge>(*activeSI),
                        m_spDD->template end<RegularEdge>(*activeSI), u, rhs, lagrangeMult);
        case 2:
                (m_spDD->template begin<Triangle>(*activeSI),
                        m_spDD->template end<Triangle>(*activeSI), u, rhs, lagrangeMult);
                (m_spDD->template begin<Quadrilateral>(*activeSI),
                        m_spDD->template end<Quadrilateral>(*activeSI), u, rhs, lagrangeMult);
                "SubsetDimension "<< subsetDim <<" (subset="<< *activeSI <<") not supported.");

    if (m_vActiveSetGlob.size() > 0) return true;
    else return false;

//    sets a Dirichlet row for all active Indices
template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
void ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::
set_dirichlet_rows(matrix_type& mat)
    for (vector<DoFIndex>::iterator itActiveInd = m_vActiveSetGlob.begin();
            itActiveInd < m_vActiveSetGlob.end(); ++itActiveInd){
        SetDirichletRow(mat, *itActiveInd);

//    computes the lagrange multiplier for a given discretization
template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
void ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::lagrange_multiplier(function_type& lagrangeMult,
        const function_type& u)
    //    check that lagrange multiplier disc is set
    if (m_spLagMultDisc.invalid())
        UG_THROW("No discretization set to compute the lagrange multiplier (in "
                    "ActiveSet:lagrange_multiplier) \n");

    if(m_vActiveSetGlob.size() != 0.0)
        UG_LOG("activeDoFs in ActiveSet:lagrange_multiplier " << m_vActiveSetGlob.size() << "\n");
        //TODO: pass localActiveElemAndIndex here!!!
        m_spLagMultDisc->lagrange_multiplier(lagrangeMult, u, m_vActiveSetGlob, m_vActiveSubsets);

template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
template <typename TElem, typename TIterator>
void ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::lagrange_mat_inv_elem(TIterator iterBegin,
        TIterator iterEnd, matrix_type& lagrangeMatInv)
    typedef typename face_type_traits<dim>::face_type0 face_type0;
    typedef typename face_type_traits<dim>::face_type1 face_type1;
    typedef typename face_type_traits<dim>::DimFEGeo sideGeo;
    typename TDomain::position_accessor_type& aaPos = m_spDom->position_accessor();

    //    some storage
    MathVector<dim> normal;
    vector<MathVector<dim> > vCorner;
    vector<MathVector<dim> > vSideCoPos;

    //     local indices and local algebra
    LocalIndices ind; LocalMatrix loclagrangeMatInv;

    //     Loop over all elements on active subsets
    for(TIterator iter = iterBegin; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
        TElem* elem = *iter;

        //     get global indices
        m_spDD->indices(elem, ind);

        loclagrangeMatInv.resize(ind, ind);
        loclagrangeMatInv = 0.0;

        //    reference object type and geometry
        ReferenceObjectID sideRoid = elem->reference_object_id();
        sideGeo geo(sideRoid, 3, LFEID(LFEID::LAGRANGE, dim, 1));

        //    prepare geometry for type and order
            geo.update_local(sideRoid, LFEID(LFEID::LAGRANGE, dim, 1), 1);
                " Cannot update local values of finite element geometry.");

        //    get corners of element
        CollectCornerCoordinates(vCorner, *elem, aaPos);

        const DimReferenceElement<dim-1>& rRefElem
                = ReferenceElementProvider::get<dim-1>(sideRoid);

        int nCorner = (int)vCorner.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nCorner; ++i)
            vSideCoPos.push_back(vCorner[, 0, 0, i)]);

        if (nCorner == dim)
            ElementNormal<face_type0, dim>(normal, &vSideCoPos[0]);
            ElementNormal<face_type1, dim>(normal, &vSideCoPos[0]);

        UG_LOG("normal in lagrange_mat_inv_elem: " << normal << "\n");
        //number normOfNormal = VecLength(normal);

            geo.update(elem, &vSideCoPos[0], LFEID(LFEID::LAGRANGE, dim, 1), 1);
                        " Cannot update finite element geometry.");

        for (size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
            for(size_t sh = 0; sh < geo.num_sh(); ++sh)
                for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) dim; ++i)
                    loclagrangeMatInv(i, sh, i, sh) += 1.0/(geo.weight(ip) * geo.shape(ip, sh));
            // * normal[i] / normOfNormal;

        AddLocalMatrixToGlobal(lagrangeMatInv, loclagrangeMatInv);

template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
void ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::lagrange_mat_inv(matrix_type& lagrangeMatInv)
    for (vector<int>::iterator activeSI = m_vActiveSubsets.begin();
                activeSI != m_vActiveSubsets.end(); ++activeSI)
        UG_LOG("activeSI: " << *activeSI << "\n");
        const int subsetDim = DimensionOfSubset(*m_spDD->subset_handler(), *activeSI);
        UG_LOG("subsetDim: " << subsetDim << "\n");

        case 0:
        case 1:
                (m_spDD->template begin<RegularEdge>(*activeSI), m_spDD->template end<RegularEdge>(*activeSI), lagrangeMatInv);
        case 2:
                (m_spDD->template begin<Triangle>(*activeSI), m_spDD->template end<Triangle>(*activeSI), lagrangeMatInv);
                (m_spDD->template begin<Quadrilateral>(*activeSI), m_spDD->template end<Quadrilateral>(*activeSI), lagrangeMatInv);
                "SubsetDimension "<<subsetDim<<" (subset="<<*activeSI<<") not supported.");

template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
void ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::residual_lagrange_mult(vector_type& lagMult,
        const matrix_type& mat,
        const vector_type& u,
        vector_type& rhs)
    //     only if some indices are active the lagrange multiplier is computed
    if(m_vActiveSetGlob.size() != 0.0)
        if (u.size() != lagMult.size())
            UG_THROW("Temporarily u and lagMult need to be "
                    "of same size in ActiveSet:residual_lagrange_mult \n");

        /*matrix_type lagrangeMatInv;
        //SmartPtr<AssembledLinearOperator<algebra_type> > splagrangeMatInv;

        SmartPtr<vector_type> spMat_u = u.clone_without_values();

        #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
            MatMultDirect(*spMat_u, 1.0, mat, u);
            MatMult(*spMat_u, 1.0, mat, u);

        //SmartPtr<vector_type> spRes = u.clone_without_values();

        //    loop MultiIndex-pairs in activeSet-vector
        for (vector<DoFIndex>::iterator itActiveInd = m_vActiveSetGlob.begin();
                itActiveInd < m_vActiveSetGlob.end(); ++itActiveInd)
            //    compute lagrange multiplier for active multiIndices
            //    lagMult = rhs - Mat * u;
            DoFRef(lagMult, *itActiveInd) = DoFRef(rhs, *itActiveInd) - DoFRef((*spMat_u), *itActiveInd);

        /*#ifdef UG_PARALLEL
            MatMultDirect(lagMult, 1.0, lagrangeMatInv, *spRes);
            MatMult(lagMult, 1.0, lagrangeMatInv, *spRes);

        UG_LOG("new lagMult-values computed \n");
        //UG_LOG("rhs updated \n");
        UG_LOG("no active index in residual_lagrange_mult \n");

template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
template <typename TElem, typename TIterator>
bool ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::check_conv_elem(TIterator iterBegin,
        TIterator iterEnd, function_type& u, const function_type& lambda)
    static const int dim = function_type::dim;
    typedef typename function_type::domain_type domain_type;
    typedef typename face_type_traits<dim>::face_type0 face_type0;
    typedef typename face_type_traits<dim>::face_type1 face_type1;

    //    get position accessor
    typename domain_type::position_accessor_type& aaPos
            = u.domain()->position_accessor();

    //    storage for corner coordinates
    vector<MathVector<dim> > vCorner;
    vector<MathVector<dim> > vSideCoPos;
    MathVector<dim> normal;

    //     local indices and local algebra
    LocalIndices ind, indObs;
    LocalVector locU, locObs, locLambda;

    //     Loop over all elements on active subsets
    for(TIterator iter = iterBegin; iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
        TElem* elem = *iter;

    //    reference object type
        ReferenceObjectID roid = elem->reference_object_id();

        const DimReferenceElement<dim-1>& rRefElem
                = ReferenceElementProvider::get<dim-1>(roid);

    //    get corners of element
        CollectCornerCoordinates(vCorner, *elem, aaPos);

    //    here the ordering of the corners in the reference element is exploited
    //    in order to compute the outer normal later on
        int nCorner = (int)vCorner.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < nCorner; ++i)
            vSideCoPos.push_back(vCorner[, 0, 0, i)]);

        if (nCorner == dim)
            ElementNormal<face_type0, dim>(normal, &vSideCoPos[0]);
            ElementNormal<face_type1, dim>(normal, &vSideCoPos[0]);

    //     get global indices
        u.indices(*iter, ind); (*m_spObs).indices(*iter, indObs);

    //     adapt local algebra
        locU.resize(ind); locObs.resize(indObs); locLambda.resize(ind);

    //     read local values of u and lagrangeMult
        GetLocalVector(locU, u); GetLocalVector(locObs, *m_spObs);
        GetLocalVector(locLambda, lambda);

        size_t nrFctElem = ind.num_fct();
        number gapValue, locUNormal, kktcond;
        number normOfNormal = VecLength(normal);
        MathVector<dim> locUDof;

        for(size_t fct = 0; fct < nrFctElem; ++fct)
            size_t nrDoFsPerFctElem = ind.num_dof(fct);
            for(size_t dof = 0; dof < nrDoFsPerFctElem; ++dof)
                for(int i = 0; i < dim; ++i)
                    locUDof[i] = locU(i, dof);
                locUNormal = VecDot(locUDof, normal) / normOfNormal;

                gapValue =    locUNormal - locObs(fct, dof);
                if (gapValue > 1e-06){
                    //    i.e.: m_spObs < u
                    //    constraint is violated
                    return false;

                kktcond = gapValue * locLambda(fct, dof);
                if (kktcond > 1e-06 || kktcond < -1e-06)
                    return false;

            } // end(dof)
        } // end(fct)
    } // end(elem)

    return true;

template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
bool ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::check_conv(function_type& u, const function_type& lambda,
        const size_t step)
    //    ensure that at least one activeSet-iteration is performed
    if (step <= 1)
        return false;

    //    1.     Did some multiIndices change from 'active' to 'inactive' or vice versa
    //        in the last iteration-step?
    //    2.     Is the constraint violated for any DoFIndex?

    UG_LOG(m_vActiveSetGlob.size() << " indices are active at the begin "
            "of step " << step << " ! \n");

    //    check if activeSet has changed
    if (m_vActiveSetGlob == m_vActiveSetGlobOld)
        //    check if constraint is fulfilled
        bool bConstraintViolated = false;
        for (vector<int>::iterator activeSI = m_vActiveSubsets.begin();
                activeSI != m_vActiveSubsets.end(); ++activeSI)
            const int subsetDim = DimensionOfSubset(*m_spDD->subset_handler(), *activeSI);
            case 0:
            case 1:
                if (!check_conv_elem<RegularEdge>
                    (m_spDD->template begin<RegularEdge>(*activeSI), m_spDD->template end<RegularEdge>(*activeSI),
                            u, lambda))
                {bConstraintViolated = true;}

            case 2:
                if (!check_conv_elem<Triangle>
                    (m_spDD->template begin<Triangle>(*activeSI),
                            m_spDD->template end<Triangle>(*activeSI), u, lambda))
                {bConstraintViolated = true;}

                if (!check_conv_elem<Quadrilateral>
                    (m_spDD->template begin<Quadrilateral>(*activeSI),
                            m_spDD->template end<Quadrilateral>(*activeSI), u, lambda))
                {bConstraintViolated = true;}

                    "SubsetDimension "<< subsetDim <<" (subset="<< *activeSI <<") not supported.");

            if (bConstraintViolated)
                return false;

        //    activeSet remains unchanged & constraint is fulfilled for all indices
        return true;
        return false;

template <typename TDomain, typename TAlgebra>
bool ActiveSet<TDomain, TAlgebra>::check_inequ(const matrix_type& mat,
                const vector_type& u,
                const vector_type& lambda,
                const vector_type& rhs)
    if (u.size() != lambda.size())
        UG_THROW("Temporarily u and lambda need to be "
                "of same size in ActiveSet:check_inequ \n");

    SmartPtr<vector_type> spMat_u = u.clone_without_values();
    SmartPtr<vector_type> spRes = u.clone_without_values();
    (*spMat_u).resize(u.size()); (*spRes).resize(u.size());

    #ifdef UG_PARALLEL
        MatMultDirect(*spMat_u, 1.0, mat, u);
        MatMult(*spMat_u, 1.0, mat, u);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < u.size(); ++i)
        //if (lambda[i] < -1e-06)
        //    return false;

        (*spRes)[i] = (*spMat_u)[i] - rhs[i]; //+ lambda[i] - rhs[i]; //
        UG_LOG("lambda["<< i << "]: " << lambda[i] <<", res[" << i << "]: " << (*spRes)[i] << "\n");
        //if ((*spRes)[i] > 1e-06)
        //    return false;

    return true;

}; // namespace ug

#endif /* ACTIVE_SET_IMPL_H_ */