

Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2010-2015:  G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
 * Author: Andreas Vogel
 * This file is part of UG4.
 * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
 * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
 * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
 * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
 * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
 * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
 * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
 * preserved in all covered files:
 * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
 *   parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
 *   Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
 * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
 *   flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
 *   computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

#ifndef __H__UG__LIB_DISC__IO__VTKOUTPUT__
#define __H__UG__LIB_DISC__IO__VTKOUTPUT__

//TODO: deduplicate code in VTUOutput - reduces vulnerability to errors and linker time 

// extern libraries
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

// other ug modules
#include "common/util/string_util.h"
#include "common/util/base64_file_writer.h"
#include "lib_disc/common/function_group.h"
#include "lib_disc/domain.h"
#include "lib_disc/spatial_disc/user_data/user_data.h"

namespace ug{
// todo this should avoid refactoring all the signatures of VTKOutput, remove it later
typedef Base64FileWriter VTKFileWriter;

template <typename T>
struct IteratorProvider
    template <typename TElem>
    struct traits
        typedef typename T::template traits<TElem>::iterator iterator;
        typedef typename T::template traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;

    template <typename TElem>
    static typename traits<TElem>::const_iterator begin(const T& provider, int si)
        if(si < 0) return provider.template begin<TElem>();
        else return provider.template begin<TElem>(si);

    template <typename TElem>
    static typename traits<TElem>::const_iterator end(const T& provider, int si)
        if(si < 0) return provider.template end<TElem>();
        else return provider.template end<TElem>(si);

template <>
struct IteratorProvider<MGSubsetHandler>
    typedef MGSubsetHandler T;

    template <typename TElem>
    struct traits
        typedef typename T::template traits<TElem>::iterator iterator;
        typedef typename T::template traits<TElem>::const_iterator const_iterator;

    template <typename TElem>
    static typename traits<TElem>::const_iterator begin(const T& provider, int si)
        const int lev = provider.num_levels() - 1;
        if(si < 0) return provider.multi_grid()->template begin<TElem>(lev);
        else return provider.template begin<TElem>(si, lev);

    template <typename TElem>
    static typename traits<TElem>::const_iterator end(const T& provider, int si)
        const int lev = provider.num_levels() - 1;
        if(si < 0) return provider.multi_grid()->template end<TElem>(lev);
        else return provider.template end<TElem>(si, lev);

/// output writer to the VTK file format
 * This class can be used to write grid and data associated with the grid to
 * the vtk file format.
 * The produced files are:
 * 1a) In case of functions that are only defined for some subsets
 * - filename_pXXXX_sXXXX_tXXXX.vtu  (piece of grid for proc, subset, timestep)
 * - filename_sXXXX_tXXXX.pvtu          (piece of grid for subset, timestep)
 * - filename_tXXXX.pvd              (piece of grid for timestep)
 * - filename.pvd                    (group of timeseries)
 * 1b) In case that all functions are defined globally
 * - filename_p0000_t0000.vtu        (piece of grid for proc, timestep)
 * - filename_t0000.pvtu            (piece of grid for timestep)
 * 2a) In case of functions that are only defined for some subsets
 * - filename_pXXXX_sXXXX.vtu  (piece of grid for proc, subset)
 * - filename_sXXXX.pvtu        (piece of grid for subset)
 * - filename.pvd              (group of subsets)
 * 2b) In case that all functions are defined globally
 * - filename_p0000.vtu        (piece of grid for proc)
 * - filename.pvtu            (group of procs)
 * In case that the simulation is run in serial (or in parallel environment but
 * with only one process), the *.pvtu are not written and the *.vtu file
 * contains all information.
 * ATTENTION: This class uses heavily the mark-function of the grid.
 *               Do not use any member function while having called begin_mark()
 * \tparam        dim     world dimension
template <int TDim>
class VTKOutput
    ///    clears the selected output
        void clear_selection() {m_vSymbFct.clear(); m_vSymbFctNodal.clear(); m_vSymbFctElem.clear();}

    ///    clears the selected output
        void clear_data_selection()


    ///    schedules that all components of the passed discrete functions will be written to file
        void select_all(bool bAll) {m_bSelectAll = bAll;}

    ///    selects a value of a grid function value to be written
     * This function schedules the component(s) passed by symbolic name(s) of an
     * approximation space to be written to the vtk file under a specified name.
     * The type of the data (nodal/element) will be determined based on the
     * trial space of the components (i.e if continuous available or not)
     * If more than one component is passed, the data will be interpreted as a
     *  vector and #dim arguments must be passed.
     * example: fctName = "p"; name = "pressure"
     * example: fctNames = "u,v,w"; name = "velocity"
     * \param[in]    fctName        symbolic name of component
     * \param[in]    name        name that will appear in the vtk file for the data
    /// \{
        void select(const char* fctName, const char* name);
        void select(const std::vector<std::string>& vFct, const char* name);
    /// \}

    ///    selects a nodal value of a grid function value to be written
     * This function schedules the component(s) passed by symbolic name(s) of an
     * approximation space to be
     * written to the vtk file under a specified name. Note, that for the
     * trial space of the component an evaluation of the data at the nodes
     * must be available (continuous). If more than one component is passed, the
     * data will be interpreted as a vector and #dim arguments must be passed.
     * example: fctName = "p"; name = "pressure"
     * example: fctNames = "u,v,w"; name = "velocity"
     * \param[in]    fctName        symbolic name of component
     * \param[in]    name        name that will appear in the vtk file for the data
    /// \{
        void select_nodal(const char* fctName, const char* name);
        void select_nodal(const std::vector<std::string>& vFct, const char* name);
    /// \}

    ///    selects a element value of a grid function value to be written
     * This function schedules the component(s) passed by symbolic name(s) of an
     * approximation space to be written to the vtk file under a specified name.
     * If more than one component is passed, the
     * data will be interpreted as a vector and #dim arguments must be passed.
     * example: fctName = "p"; name = "pressure"
     * example: fctNames = "u,v,w"; name = "velocity"
     * \param[in]    fctName        symbolic name of component
     * \param[in]    name        name that will appear in the vtk file for the data
    /// \{
        void select_element(const char* fctName, const char* name);
        void select_element(const std::vector<std::string>& vFct, const char* name);
    /// \}

    ///    selects a data value to be written
     * This function schedules a user data to be written to the vtk file under
     * a specified name.
     * The type of the data (nodal/element) will be determined based on the
     * trial space of the components (i.e if continuous available or not)
     * \param[in]    spData        data to be written
     * \param[in]    name        name that will appear in the vtk file for the data
    /// \{
        void select(SmartPtr<UserData<number, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
        void select(SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<TDim>, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
        void select(SmartPtr<UserData<MathMatrix<TDim,TDim>, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
    /// \}

    ///    selects a nodal data value to be written
     * This function schedules a user data to be written to the vtk file under
     * a specified name. Note, that for the the data at the nodes must be
     * available (continuous).
     * \param[in]    spData        data to be written
     * \param[in]    name        name that will appear in the vtk file for the data
    /// \{
        void select_nodal(SmartPtr<UserData<number, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
        void select_nodal(SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<TDim>, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
        void select_nodal(SmartPtr<UserData<MathMatrix<TDim,TDim>, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
    /// \}

    ///    selects a element data value to be written
     * This function schedules a user data to be written to the vtk file under
     * a specified name.
     * \param[in]    spData        data to be written
     * \param[in]    name        name that will appear in the vtk file for the data
    /// \{
        void select_element(SmartPtr<UserData<number, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
        void select_element(SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<TDim>, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
        void select_element(SmartPtr<UserData<MathMatrix<TDim,TDim>, TDim> > spData, const char* name);
    /// \}

     * This function writes the grid to a *.vtu file. It calls the function
     * print_subset for each subset if necessary and produces a grouping
     * *.pvd file for paraview. If all subsets have to be written, then only
     * a single file is produced containing the whole grid.
     * \param[in]    filename        filename for produced files
     * \param[in]    u                grid function
     * \param[in]    step             time step counter (-1 indicates stationary case)
     * \param[in]    time            time point corresponding to timestep
     * \param[in]    makeConsistent    flag if data shall be made consistent before printing
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print(const char*  filename, TFunction& u,
                   int step, number time,
                   bool makeConsistent);

    /**    Calls print with makeConsistent enabled.*/
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print(const char*  filename, TFunction& u,
                   int step, number time)
            return print(filename, u, step, time, true);

     * This function simply calls 'print' using step = -1 to indicate the
     * stationary case. It is intended to write time independent data.
     * \param[in]    filename        filename for produced files
     * \param[in]    u                grid function
     * \param[in]    makeConsistent    flag if data shall be made consistent before printing
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print(const char*  filename, TFunction& u,
                   bool makeConsistent)
            print(filename, u, -1, 0.0, makeConsistent);

    /**    Calls print with makeConsistent enabled.*/
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print(const char*  filename, TFunction& u)
            return print(filename, u, true);

    ///    prints the domain to file
        void print(const char* filename, Domain<TDim>& domain);

     * This function writes the subset si of the grid (or the whole grid if
     * si < 0) to the file "filename.vtu".
     * If step >= 0 is passed, this indicates that a time step is written and
     * to the filename a "*_pXXXX*.vtu" is added, indicating the timestep.
     * If the computation is done in parallel and the number of Processes is
     * greater than one, a "*_pXXXX*.vtu" is added, indicating the process. Then,
     * in addition a "filename*.pvtu" file is written, grouping all *vtu files
     * from different processes.
     * If only a part of the grid, i.e. a subset, is written, the to the filename
     * a "*_sXXXX*.vtu" is added, to indicate the subset.
     * \param[in, out]    filename         base name for output file(s)
     * \param[in]        u                grid function
     * \param[in]        si                Subset (si < 0 indicates whole grid)
     * \param[in]        step            counter for timestep (-1 means stationary)
     * \param[in]        time            time point of timestep
     * \param[in]    makeConsistent    flag if data shall be made consistent before printing
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print_subset(const char* filename, TFunction& u,
                          int si, int step, number time,
                          bool makeConsistent);

    /**    Calls print_subset with makeConsistent enabled.*/
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print_subset(const char* filename, TFunction& u,
                          int si, int step = -1, number time = 0.0)
            return print_subset(filename, u, si, step, time, true);

     * This function writes the given subsets ssGrp of the grid "filename.vtu".
     * If step >= 0 is passed, this indicates that a time step is written and
     * to the filename a "*_pXXXX*.vtu" is added, indicating the timestep.
     * If the computation is done in parallel and the number of Processes is
     * greater than one, a "*_pXXXX*.vtu" is added, indicating the process. Then,
     * in addition a "filename*.pvtu" file is written, grouping all *vtu files
     * from different processes.
     * \param[in, out]    filename         base name for output file(s)
     * \param[in]        u                grid function
     * \param[in]        ssGrp            subset group
     * \param[in]        step            counter for timestep (-1 means stationary)
     * \param[in]        time            time point of timestep
     * \param[in]    makeConsistent    flag if data shall be made consistent before printing
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print_subsets(const char* filename, TFunction& u,
                          const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, int step = -1, number time = 0.0,
                          bool makeConsistent = true);

     * This function writes the given subsets ssGrp of the grid "filename.vtu".
     * If step >= 0 is passed, this indicates that a time step is written and
     * to the filename a "*_pXXXX*.vtu" is added, indicating the timestep.
     * If the computation is done in parallel and the number of Processes is
     * greater than one, a "*_pXXXX*.vtu" is added, indicating the process. Then,
     * in addition a "filename*.pvtu" file is written, grouping all *vtu files
     * from different processes.
     * \param[in, out]    filename         base name for output file(s)
     * \param[in]        u                grid function
     * \param[in]        ssNames            subset names
     * \param[in]        step            counter for timestep (-1 means stationary)
     * \param[in]        time            time point of timestep
     * \param[in]    makeConsistent    flag if data shall be made consistent before printing
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print_subsets(const char* filename, TFunction& u,
                          const char* ssNames, int step = -1, number time = 0.0,
                          bool makeConsistent = true);

    /**    Calls print_subsets with makeConsistent enabled.*/
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print_subsets(const char*  filename, TFunction& u, const char* ssNames,
                   int step, number time)
            return print_subsets(filename, u, ssNames, step, time, true);

     * This function simply calls 'print_subsets' using step = -1 to indicate the
     * stationary case. It is intended to write time independent data.
     * \param[in]    filename        filename for produced files
     * \param[in]    u                grid function
     * \param[in]    ssNames            subset names
     * \param[in]    makeConsistent    flag if data shall be made consistent before printing
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print_subsets(const char*  filename, TFunction& u, const char* ssNames,
                   bool makeConsistent)
            print_subsets(filename, u, ssNames, -1, 0.0, makeConsistent);

    /**    Calls print_subsets with makeConsistent enabled.*/
        template <typename TFunction>
        void print_subsets(const char*  filename, TFunction& u, const char* ssNames)
            return print_subsets(filename, u, ssNames, true);

     * When a time series has been computed, this function can be used to procduce
     * a grouping *.pvd file for paraview visualization.
     * \param[in]        filename        filename used in time series
     * \param[in]        u                grid function
        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_time_pvd(const char* filename, TFunction& u);

     * When a time series has been computed, this function can be used to procduce
     * a grouping *_processwise.pvd file for paraview visualization.
     * \param[in]        filename        filename used in time series
     * \param[in]        u                grid function
        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_time_processwise_pvd(const char* filename, TFunction& u);

     * When a time series has been computed, this function can be used to procduce
     * a grouping *.pvd file for paraview visualization.
     * \param[in]        filename        filename used in time series
     * \param[in]        u                grid function
     * \param[in]        si                subset index
        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_time_pvd_subset(const char* filename, TFunction& u, int si);
     * This function counts the number of vertices, elements and connections for
     * given subsets.
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        ssGrp        subset group of the piece
     * \param[in]        dim            dimension of subset
     * \param[out]        numVert        number of vertices
     * \param[out]        numElem        number of elements
     * \param[out]        numConn        number of connections
        template <typename T>
        count_piece_sizes(Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                          int& numVert, int& numElem, int& numConn);

     * This function counts the number of vertices, elements and connections that
     * are in a subset of the grid (or whole grid, if and only if si < 0).
     * NOTE: that the number of vertices that are needed to describe the subset
     * may be more than the vertices of the subset. This happens, when elements are
     * part of the subset, but the vertices of these elements are part of another
     * subset. This function counts also those vertices, i.e. it counts the closure
     * of all vertices needed to describe the subset.
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        si            subset index (si < 0 indicates whole grid)
     * \param[out]        numVert        number of vertices needed to compose subset
     * \param[out]        numElem        number of elements in the subset
     * \param[out]        numConn        number of connections
        template <typename TElem, typename T>
        count_sizes(Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const int si,
                    int& numVert, int& numElem, int& numConn);

        template <typename T>
        write_points_cells_piece(VTKFileWriter& File,
                                 Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                                 const Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<MathVector<TDim> > >& aaPos,
                                 Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp,
                                 const int dim, const int numVert, const int numElem, const int numConn);

        template <typename T>
        write_grid_piece(VTKFileWriter& File,
                         Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                         const Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<MathVector<TDim> > >& aaPos,
                         Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, SubsetGroup& ssGrp, int dim);

        // maybe somebody wants to do this from outside
        static void write_empty_grid_piece(VTKFileWriter& File,
                bool binary = true);

        void set_user_defined_comment(const char* comment) {m_sComment = comment;};


        // writes an xml comment to a vtu file
        void write_comment(VTKFileWriter& File);

        // writes an xml comment to a pvd file
        void write_comment_printf(FILE* File);

     * This function writes the vertices of a piece (the specified subsets) of
     * the grid to a vtk file.
     * \param[in,out]    File        file to write the points
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        ssGrp        specified subsets
     * \param[in]        dim            dimension of subsets
     * \param[in]        numVert        number of vertices
        template <typename T>
        write_points(VTKFileWriter& File,
                     Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                     const Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<MathVector<TDim> > >& aaPos,
                     Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                     const int numVert);

     * This method loops all elements of a subset and writes the vertex
     * coordinates to a file. All vertices of the element are written reguardless
     * if the vertex itself is contained in the subset or another. Written
     * vertices are marked and not written again.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
     * \param[in]    n            counter for vertices
        template <typename TElem, typename T>
        write_points_elementwise(VTKFileWriter& File,
                                 Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                                 const Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<MathVector<TDim> > >& aaPos,
                                 Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const int si, int& n);

     * This function writes the elements that are part of the specified subsets.
     * \param[in,out]    File        file to write the points
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        ssGrp        specified subsets
     * \param[in]        dim            dimension of subsets
     * \param[out]        numElem        number of elements
     * \param[out]        numConn        number of connections
        template <typename T>
        write_cells(VTKFileWriter& File,
                    Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                    Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp,
                    const int dim, const int numElem, const int numConn);

     * This method writes the 'connectivity' for each element of a subset. The
     * connectivity are the indices of all vertex the element is formed of.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
        template <typename TElem, typename T>
        write_cell_connectivity(VTKFileWriter& File,
                                Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                                Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const int si);

        template <typename T>
        write_cell_connectivity(VTKFileWriter& File,
                                Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                                Grid& grid, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp,
                                const int dim, const int numConn);

     * This method writes the 'offset' for each element of a subset.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
     * \param[in]    n            counter for vertices
        template <typename TElem, typename T>
        write_cell_offsets(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const int si, int& n);

        template <typename T>
        write_cell_offsets(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp,
                           const int dim, const int numElem);

     * This method writes the 'type' for each element of a subset. The type is
     * a vtk-format specified number for a given element type.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
        template <typename TElem, typename T>
        write_cell_types(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const int si);

        template <typename T>
        write_cell_types(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp,
                         const int dim, const int numElem);

     * This method writes the 'region' for each element of a subset. The region is
     * the ug4 subset index for a given element.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
     * \param[in]    sh            multigrid subset handler
        template <typename TElem, typename T>
        write_cell_subsets(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const int si, MGSubsetHandler& sh);

        template <typename T>
        write_cell_subsets(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp,
                         const int dim, const int numElem, MGSubsetHandler& sh);

     * This method writes the subset names.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    sh            multigrid subset handler
        write_cell_subset_names(VTKFileWriter& File, MGSubsetHandler& sh);

     * This method writes the proc ranks for each cell.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
     * \param[in]    sh            multigrid subset handler
        template <typename TElem, typename T>
        write_cell_proc_ranks(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const int si, MGSubsetHandler& sh);

        template <typename T>
        write_cell_proc_ranks(VTKFileWriter& File, const T& iterContainer, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp,
                         const int dim, const int numElem, MGSubsetHandler& sh);

     * This function writes a piece of the grid to the vtk file. First the
     * geometric data is written (points, cells, connectivity). Then the data
     * associated to the points or cells is written.
     * \param[in,out]    File        file to write the points
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        ssGrp        subsets
     * \param[in]        dim            dimension of subset
        template <typename TFunction>
        write_grid_solution_piece(VTKFileWriter& File,
                                  Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<int> >& aaVrtIndex,
                                  Grid& grid, TFunction& u, number time,
                                  const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim);

    // nodal data

     * This method writes the nodal values of a function to file. If the function
     * group consists of more than on component, than a vector of components is
     * expected. For each function, access to the (unique) nodal value is
     * required.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    vFct        components to be written
     * \param[in]    grid        Grid
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
        template <typename TElem, typename TFunction>
        void write_nodal_values_elementwise(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u,
                                            const std::vector<size_t>& vFct,
                                            Grid& grid, const int si);

     * This function writes the values of a function as a \<DataArray\> field to
     * the vtu file.
     * \param[in,out]    File        file to write the points
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        vFct        components to be written
     * \param[in]        name        name to appear for the component
     * \param[in]        grid        Grid
     * \param[in]        si            subset
     * \param[in]        dim            dimension of subset
     * \param[in]        numVert        number of vertices
        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_nodal_values(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u,
                                const std::vector<size_t>& vFct,
                                const std::string& name,
                                Grid& grid, const int si, const int dim,
                                const int numVert);

     * This function writes the values of a function as a \<DataArray\> field to
     * the vtu file.
     * \param[in,out]    File        file to write the points
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        vFct        components to be written
     * \param[in]        name        name to appear for the component
     * \param[in]        grid        Grid
     * \param[in]        ssGrp        subsets
     * \param[in]        dim            dimension of subsets
     * \param[in]        numVert        number of vertices
        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_nodal_values(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u,
                                const std::vector<size_t>& vFct,
                                const std::string& name,
                                Grid& grid, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                                const int numVert);

    ///    writes the nodal scalar data
    /// \{
        template <typename TElem, typename TFunction, typename TData>
        void write_nodal_data_elementwise(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u,
                                          number time,
                                          SmartPtr<UserData<TData, TDim> > spData,
                                          Grid& grid, const int si);
        template <typename TFunction, typename TData>
        void write_nodal_data(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u, number time,
                              SmartPtr<UserData<TData, TDim> > spData,
                              const int numCmp,
                              const std::string& name,
                              Grid& grid, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                              const int numVert);
    /// \}

        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_nodal_values_piece(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u, number time,
                                      Grid& grid, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                                      const int numVert);

    // cell data

     * This method writes the cell values of a function to file. If the function
     * group consists of more than on component, than a vector of components is
     * expected.
     * \param[in]    File        file stream
     * \param[in]    u            grid function
     * \param[in]    vFct        components to be written
     * \param[in]    grid        Grid
     * \param[in]    si            subset index
        template <typename TElem, typename TFunction>
        void write_cell_values_elementwise(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u,
                                           const std::vector<size_t>& vFct,
                                           Grid& grid, const int si);

     * This function writes the values of a function as a \<DataArray\> field to
     * the vtu file.
     * \param[in,out]    File        file to write the points
     * \param[in]        u            discrete function
     * \param[in]        vFct        components to be written
     * \param[in]        name        name to appear for the component
     * \param[in]        grid        Grid
     * \param[in]        ssGrp        subset
     * \param[in]        dim            dimension of subsets
     * \param[in]        numVert        number of vertices
        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_cell_values(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u,
                                const std::vector<size_t>& vFct,
                                const std::string& name,
                                Grid& grid, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                                const int numElem);

    ///    writes the nodal cell data
    /// \{
        template <typename TElem, typename TFunction, typename TData>
        void write_cell_data_elementwise(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u, number time,
                                          SmartPtr<UserData<TData, TDim> > spData,
                                          Grid& grid, const int si);

        template <typename TFunction, typename TData>
        void write_cell_data(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u, number time,
                              SmartPtr<UserData<TData, TDim> > spData,
                              const int numCmp,
                              const std::string& name,
                              Grid& grid, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                              const int numElem);
    /// \}

        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_cell_values_piece(VTKFileWriter& File, TFunction& u, number time,
                                      Grid& grid, const SubsetGroup& ssGrp, const int dim,
                                      const int numElem);

    // file names

    ///    writes a grouping *.pvtu file
        template <typename TFunction>
        void write_pvtu(TFunction& u, const std::string&  filename,
                        int si, int step, number time);

    ///    writes a grouping *.pvd file, grouping all data from different subsets
        static void write_subset_pvd(int numSubset, const std::string&  filename,
                                     int step = -1, number time = 0.0);

    ///    creates the needed vtu file name
        static void vtu_filename(std::string& nameOut, std::string nameIn,
                                 int rank, int si, int maxSi, int step);

    ///    create the needed pvtu file name
        static void pvtu_filename(std::string& nameOut, std::string nameIn,
                                  int si, int maxSi, int step);

    ///    creates the needed pvd file name
        static void pvd_filename(std::string& nameOut, std::string nameIn);

    ///    creates the needed pvd file name to group the time steps
        static void pvd_time_filename(std::string& nameOut, std::string nameIn,
                                      int step);

    ///    default constructor
        VTKOutput()    : m_bSelectAll(true), m_bBinary(true), m_bWriteGrid(true), m_bWriteSubsetIndices(false), m_bWriteProcRanks(false) {} //TODO: maybe true?

    /// should values be printed in binary (base64 encoded way ) or plain ascii
        void set_binary(bool b) {m_bBinary = b;};

        void set_write_grid(bool b) {m_bWriteGrid = b;};

        void set_write_subset_indices(bool b) {m_bWriteSubsetIndices = b;};

        void set_write_proc_ranks(bool b) {m_bWriteProcRanks = b;};

    ///    returns true if name for vtk-component is already used
        bool vtk_name_used(const char* name) const;

    ///    writes data to stream
     * The purpose of the function is to convert a double data to binary float
     * (the Float32-format as used in vtk) or ASCII representation. Note that
     * the ASCII output should contain only numbers in the range of the normalized
     * Float32 representation, i.e. with the minimum absolute value
     * 1.1755e-38 = 2^-126. As 'float'-variables can potentially store denormalized
     * numbers (and this is really the case in the practice) with the minimum
     * absolute value 1.4013e-45 = 2^-149 that are not correctly read by some
     * visualization tools (in some operating systems), these function replace
     * those values (lying near to 0) with 0.
    /// \{
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, float data);
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, double data) {write_item_to_file(File, (float) data);};
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, const ug::MathVector<1>& data);
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, const ug::MathVector<2>& data);
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, const ug::MathVector<3>& data);
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, const ug::MathMatrix<1,1>& data);
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, const ug::MathMatrix<2,2>& data);
        inline void write_item_to_file(VTKFileWriter& File, const ug::MathMatrix<3,3>& data);
    /// \}
    /// prints ascii representation of a float in the Float32 format (a protection against the denormalized floats)
        inline VTKFileWriter& write_asc_float(VTKFileWriter& File, float data);

    ///    scheduled components to be printed
        bool m_bSelectAll;
    /// print values in binary (base64 encoded way) or plain ascii
        bool m_bBinary;
        std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > m_vSymbFct;
        std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > m_vSymbFctNodal;
        std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > m_vSymbFctElem;
        typedef typename std::map<std::string,
                std::vector<std::string> >::iterator ComponentsIterator;

    ///    scheduled scalar data to be printed
        std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<UserData<number, TDim> > > m_vScalarNodalData;
        std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<UserData<number, TDim> > > m_vScalarElemData;
        typedef typename std::map<std::string,
                SmartPtr<UserData<number, TDim> > >::iterator ScalarDataIterator;

    ///    scheduled vector data to be printed
        std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<TDim>, TDim> > > m_vVectorNodalData;
        std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<TDim>, TDim> > > m_vVectorElemData;
        typedef typename std::map<std::string,
                SmartPtr<UserData<MathVector<TDim>, TDim> > >::iterator VectorDataIterator;

    ///    scheduled vector data to be printed
        std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<UserData<MathMatrix<TDim,TDim>, TDim> > > m_vMatrixNodalData;
        std::map<std::string, SmartPtr<UserData<MathMatrix<TDim,TDim>, TDim> > > m_vMatrixElemData;
        typedef typename std::map<std::string,
                SmartPtr<UserData<MathMatrix<TDim,TDim>, TDim> > >::iterator MatrixDataIterator;

    ///    map storing the time points
        std::map<std::string, std::vector<number> > m_mTimestep;

        bool m_bWriteGrid;
        std::string m_sComment;

        bool m_bWriteSubsetIndices;
        bool m_bWriteProcRanks;

} // namespace ug

#include "vtkoutput_impl.h"

#endif /* __H__UG__LIB_DISC__IO__VTKOUTPUT__ */