

Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2016:  G-CSC, Goethe University Frankfurt
 * Author: Markus Breit
 * This file is part of UG4.
 * UG4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation) with the following additional attribution
 * requirements (according to LGPL/GPL v3 §7):
 * (1) The following notice must be displayed in the Appropriate Legal Notices
 * of covered and combined works: "Based on UG4 (".
 * (2) The following notice must be displayed at a prominent place in the
 * terminal output of covered works: "Based on UG4 (".
 * (3) The following bibliography is recommended for citation and must be
 * preserved in all covered files:
 * "Reiter, S., Vogel, A., Heppner, I., Rupp, M., and Wittum, G. A massively
 *   parallel geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed grids.
 *   Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 151-164"
 * "Vogel, A., Reiter, S., Rupp, M., Nägel, A., and Wittum, G. UG4 -- a novel
 *   flexible software system for simulating pde based models on high performance
 *   computers. Computing and visualization in science 16, 4 (2013), 165-179"
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  Created on: 2016-12-19

#include "neurite_projector.h"
#include "common/error.h"
#include "lib_grid/global_attachments.h" // GlobalAttachments
#include "lib_grid/algorithms/debug_util.h"  // ElementDebugInfo
#include <cmath>
#include <iterator> // std::distance
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

namespace ug {

static number VecProd(const vector3& a, const vector3& b)
    return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2];

static number VecNormSquared(const vector3& a)
    return a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2];

static number VecNorm(const vector3& a)
    return sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2]);

NeuriteProjector::NeuriteProjector() // : m_quadOrder(80)
    typedef Attachment<NeuriteProjector::SurfaceParams> NPSurfParam;
    if (!GlobalAttachments::is_declared("npSurfParams"))
        GlobalAttachments::declare_attachment<NPSurfParam>("npSurfParams", true);

    // If branching points extend 5r in each direction and we integrate over twice that size
    // we add around quadOrder/2 Gaussians with sigma=r over a total length of 20r.
    // So we should use about quadOrder=80 to ensure a smooth surface
    // that does not look like a pearl necklace.

NeuriteProjector::NeuriteProjector(SPIGeometry3d geometry)
: RefinementProjector(geometry) // ,m_quadOrder(80)
    typedef Attachment<NeuriteProjector::SurfaceParams> NPSurfParam;
    if (!GlobalAttachments::is_declared("npSurfParams"))
        GlobalAttachments::declare_attachment<NPSurfParam>("npSurfParams", true);


NeuriteProjector::~NeuriteProjector() {}

void NeuriteProjector::set_geometry(SPIGeometry3d geometry)
    // call base class method

number NeuriteProjector::new_vertex(Vertex* vrt, Vertex* parent)
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].neuriteID = m_aaSurfParams[parent].neuriteID;
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].axial = m_aaSurfParams[parent].axial;
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].angular = m_aaSurfParams[parent].angular;
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].radial = m_aaSurfParams[parent].radial;

    set_pos(vrt, pos(parent));
    return 1.0;

number NeuriteProjector::new_vertex(Vertex* vrt, Edge* parent)
    return push_into_place(vrt, parent);

number NeuriteProjector::new_vertex(Vertex* vrt, Face* parent)
    return push_into_place(vrt, parent);

number NeuriteProjector::new_vertex(Vertex* vrt, Volume* parent)
    return push_into_place(vrt, parent);

void NeuriteProjector::project(Vertex* vrt)
    push_into_place(vrt, (IVertexGroup*) NULL);

void NeuriteProjector::direction_at_grid_object(vector3& dirOut, GridObject* o) const
    // treat vertex separately as it is no vertex group
    if (o->base_object_id() == VERTEX)
        Vertex* v = dynamic_cast<Vertex*>(o);
        UG_COND_THROW(!v, "Non-vertex with VERTEX base object id.")

        const SurfaceParams& sp = m_aaSurfParams[v];
        uint32_t nid = sp.neuriteID & ((1 << 20) - 1);
        float t = sp.axial;

        const Section& sec = *get_section_iterator(nid, t);

        number te = sec.endParam;
        const number* s = &sec.splineParamsX[0];
        number& v0 = dirOut[0];
        v0 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
        v0 = v0*(te-t) - s[2];

        s = &sec.splineParamsY[0];
        number& v1 = dirOut[1];
        v1 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
        v1 = v1*(te-t) - s[2];

        s = &sec.splineParamsZ[0];
        number& v2 = dirOut[2];
        v2 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
        v2 = v2*(te-t) - s[2];


    IVertexGroup* vrtGrp = dynamic_cast<IVertexGroup*>(o);
    UG_COND_THROW(!vrtGrp, "Non-vertex element which is not a vertex group.");

    uint32_t nid;
    float t, dummy1, dummy2;
    average_params(nid, t, dummy1, dummy2, vrtGrp);

    const Section& sec = *get_section_iterator(nid, t);

    number te = sec.endParam;
    const number* s = &sec.splineParamsX[0];
    number& v0 = dirOut[0];
    v0 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
    v0 = v0*(te-t) - s[2];

    s = &sec.splineParamsY[0];
    number& v1 = dirOut[1];
    v1 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
    v1 = v1*(te-t) - s[2];

    s = &sec.splineParamsZ[0];
    number& v2 = dirOut[2];
    v2 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
    v2 = v2*(te-t) - s[2];

void NeuriteProjector::attach_surf_params()
    Grid& grid = this->geometry()->grid();
        "GlobalAttachment 'npSurfParams' not declared.");
    m_aSurfParams = GlobalAttachments::attachment<Attachment<SurfaceParams> >("npSurfParams");

    // make sure surfaceParams attachment is attached
        "No surface parameter attachment for neurite projector attached to grid.");
    m_aaSurfParams.access(grid, m_aSurfParams);

void NeuriteProjector::debug_neurites() const
    UG_LOGN("BPs of neurites in projector:")
    // print out branching region data
    for (size_t n = 0; n < m_vNeurites.size(); ++n)
        UG_LOGN("Neurite " << n);
        const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& neurite = m_vNeurites[n];
        const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BranchingRegion> vBR = neurite.vBR;

        for (size_t b = 0; b < vBR.size(); ++b)
            UG_LOGN("  BR " << b << ": " << vBR[b].t);
            SmartPtr<NeuriteProjector::BranchingPoint> bp = vBR[b].bp;

            UG_LOGN("    associated BP data:")
            size_t bpSz = bp->vNid.size();
            if (bpSz != bp->vRegions.size())
                UG_LOGN("Size mismatch: vNid " << bpSz << ", vRegions " << bp->vRegions.size());
                for (size_t i = 0; i < bpSz; ++i)
                    UG_LOGN("      " << bp->vNid[i] << " (" << bp->vRegions[i]->t << ")");

std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Neurite>& NeuriteProjector::neurites()
    return m_vNeurites;

const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& NeuriteProjector::neurite(uint32_t nid) const
    UG_COND_THROW(nid >= m_vNeurites.size(),
        "Requested neurite index " << nid << " that is not present in the neurite.");
    return m_vNeurites[nid];

Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<NeuriteProjector::SurfaceParams> >&
    return m_aaSurfParams;

const Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<NeuriteProjector::SurfaceParams> >&
NeuriteProjector::surface_params_accessor() const
    return m_aaSurfParams;

const std::vector<std::pair<number, number> >& NeuriteProjector::quadrature_points() const
    return m_qPoints;

NeuriteProjector::get_section_iterator(uint32_t nid, float t) const
    Section cmpSec(t);
    const std::vector<Section>& vSections = m_vNeurites[nid].vSec;
    std::vector<Section>::const_iterator itSec =
        std::lower_bound(vSections.begin(), vSections.end(), cmpSec, CompareSections());

    UG_COND_THROW(itSec == vSections.end(),
        "Could not find section for parameter t = " << t << " in neurite " << nid << ".");

    return itSec;

NeuriteProjector::get_soma_section_iterator(uint32_t nid, float t) const
    Section cmpSec(t);
    const std::vector<Section>& vSections = m_vNeurites[nid].vSomaSec;
    std::vector<Section>::const_iterator itSec =
        std::lower_bound(vSections.begin(), vSections.end(), cmpSec, CompareSections());

    UG_COND_THROW(itSec == vSections.end(),
        "Could not find section for parameter t = " << t << " in neurite " << nid << ".");

    return itSec;

static bool cmpQPairs(const std::pair<number, number>& a, const std::pair<number, number>& b)
{return a.first < b.first;}

void NeuriteProjector::prepare_quadrature()
    GaussLegendre gl(m_quadOrder);
    size_t nPts = gl.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nPts; ++i)
        m_qPoints[i].first = gl.point(i)[0];
        m_qPoints[i].second = gl.weight(i);
    /// points
    m_qPoints[0].first = 4.8061379124697458903340327798768835266e-1;
    m_qPoints[1].first = 5.1938620875302541096659672201231164734e-1;
    m_qPoints[2].first = 4.4195796466237239575827435779598794312e-1;
    m_qPoints[3].first = 5.5804203533762760424172564220401205688e-1;
    m_qPoints[4].first = 4.0365120964931445014224157396742505259e-1;
    m_qPoints[5].first = 5.9634879035068554985775842603257494741e-1;
    m_qPoints[6].first = 3.6592390749637315942940782759570190829e-1;
    m_qPoints[7].first = 6.3407609250362684057059217240429809171e-1;
    m_qPoints[8].first = 3.2900295458712076349625375941040284497e-1;
    m_qPoints[9].first = 6.7099704541287923650374624058959715503e-1;
    m_qPoints[10].first = 2.9311039781419749923756012709814315851e-1;
    m_qPoints[11].first = 7.0688960218580250076243987290185684149e-1;
    m_qPoints[12].first = 2.584620991569106435457167128775884977e-1;
    m_qPoints[13].first = 7.415379008430893564542832871224115023e-1;
    m_qPoints[14].first = 2.2526643745243589896203434723524101488e-1;
    m_qPoints[15].first = 7.7473356254756410103796565276475898512e-1;
    m_qPoints[16].first = 1.9372305516600988102369377488465256131e-1;
    m_qPoints[17].first = 8.0627694483399011897630622511534743869e-1;
    m_qPoints[18].first = 1.6402165769291022581032274251925294501e-1;
    m_qPoints[19].first = 8.3597834230708977418967725748074705499e-1;
    m_qPoints[20].first = 1.3634087240503644835950177412253472572e-1;
    m_qPoints[21].first = 8.6365912759496355164049822587746527428e-1;
    m_qPoints[22].first = 1.1084717428674030615251422724675257599e-1;
    m_qPoints[23].first = 8.8915282571325969384748577275324742401e-1;
    m_qPoints[24].first = 8.7693884583344168401839884666950613046e-2;
    m_qPoints[25].first = 9.1230611541665583159816011533304938695e-1;
    m_qPoints[26].first = 6.7020248393870248089609095822690018215e-2;
    m_qPoints[27].first = 9.3297975160612975191039090417730998179e-1;
    m_qPoints[28].first = 4.8950596515562851635873334565753448208e-2;
    m_qPoints[29].first = 9.5104940348443714836412666543424655179e-1;
    m_qPoints[30].first = 3.3593595860661733319573916577397141783e-2;
    m_qPoints[31].first = 9.6640640413933826668042608342260285822e-1;
    m_qPoints[32].first = 2.1041590393104172097729500273620357453e-2;
    m_qPoints[33].first = 9.7895840960689582790227049972637964255e-1;
    m_qPoints[34].first = 1.1370025008112868668314858143548096511e-2;
    m_qPoints[35].first = 9.8862997499188713133168514185645190349e-1;
    m_qPoints[36].first = 4.6368806502714967734728238893139225189e-3;
    m_qPoints[37].first = 9.9536311934972850322652717611068607748e-1;
    m_qPoints[38].first = 8.8114514472039982518864878970675383211e-4;
    m_qPoints[39].first = 9.9911885485527960017481135121029324617e-1;

    /// weights
    m_qPoints[0].second = 3.8752973989212405631861981479163163482e-2;
    m_qPoints[1].second = 3.8752973989212405631861981479163163482e-2;
    m_qPoints[2].second = 3.8519909082123982794153767141905124262e-2;
    m_qPoints[3].second = 3.8519909082123982794153767141905124262e-2;
    m_qPoints[4].second = 3.8055180950313121185779037961247411506e-2;
    m_qPoints[5].second = 3.8055180950313121185779037961247411506e-2;
    m_qPoints[6].second = 3.7361584528984132100094668130662336596e-2;
    m_qPoints[7].second = 3.7361584528984132100094668130662336596e-2;
    m_qPoints[8].second = 3.6443291197902029530255341721258917929e-2;
    m_qPoints[9].second = 3.6443291197902029530255341721258917929e-2;
    m_qPoints[10].second = 3.530582369564338984774181542764341618e-2;
    m_qPoints[11].second = 3.530582369564338984774181542764341618e-2;
    m_qPoints[12].second = 3.3956022907616951912845054115961992992e-2;
    m_qPoints[13].second = 3.3956022907616951912845054115961992992e-2;
    m_qPoints[14].second = 3.2402006728300519037277264783376365016e-2;
    m_qPoints[15].second = 3.2402006728300519037277264783376365016e-2;
    m_qPoints[16].second = 3.0653121246464469583268998204199297951e-2;
    m_qPoints[17].second = 3.0653121246464469583268998204199297951e-2;
    m_qPoints[18].second = 2.87198845496957756833088654552129928e-2;
    m_qPoints[19].second = 2.87198845496957756833088654552129928e-2;
    m_qPoints[20].second = 2.6613923491968412177498239886130252278e-2;
    m_qPoints[21].second = 2.6613923491968412177498239886130252278e-2;
    m_qPoints[22].second = 2.4347903817536116030717080224073194034e-2;
    m_qPoints[23].second = 2.4347903817536116030717080224073194034e-2;
    m_qPoints[24].second = 2.1935454092836635995837343020857747906e-2;
    m_qPoints[25].second = 2.1935454092836635995837343020857747906e-2;
    m_qPoints[26].second = 1.9391083987236008819986015645223081127e-2;
    m_qPoints[27].second = 1.9391083987236008819986015645223081127e-2;
    m_qPoints[28].second = 1.6730097641273923696339091543205424489e-2;
    m_qPoints[29].second = 1.6730097641273923696339091543205424489e-2;
    m_qPoints[30].second = 1.3968503490011700549244578753860538651e-2;
    m_qPoints[31].second = 1.3968503490011700549244578753860538651e-2;
    m_qPoints[32].second = 1.1122924597083478630752162092104286604e-2;
    m_qPoints[33].second = 1.1122924597083478630752162092104286604e-2;
    m_qPoints[34].second = 8.2105291909539443564317424411819636462e-3;
    m_qPoints[35].second = 8.2105291909539443564317424411819636462e-3;
    m_qPoints[36].second = 5.2491422655764068073710855336398261884e-3;
    m_qPoints[37].second = 5.2491422655764068073710855336398261884e-3;
    m_qPoints[38].second = 2.2606385492665956292358664390926663639e-3;
    m_qPoints[39].second = 2.2606385492665956292358664390926663639e-3;

    std::sort(m_qPoints.begin(), m_qPoints.end(), cmpQPairs);

static void compute_first_section_end_points
    vector3& pos0Out,
    vector3& pos1Out,
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator secIt
    number te = secIt->endParam;
    const number* s = &secIt->splineParamsX[0];
    number& p0 = pos0Out[0];
    p0 = s[0]*te + s[1];
    p0 = p0*te + s[2];
    p0 = p0*te + s[3];
    pos1Out[0] = s[3];

    s = &secIt->splineParamsY[0];
    number& p1 = pos0Out[1];
    p1 = s[0]*te + s[1];
    p1 = p1*te + s[2];
    p1 = p1*te + s[3];
    pos1Out[1] = s[3];

    s = &secIt->splineParamsZ[0];
    number& p2 = pos0Out[2];
    p2 = s[0]*te + s[1];
    p2 = p2*te + s[2];
    p2 = p2*te + s[3];
    pos1Out[2] = s[3];

static void compute_position_and_velocity_in_section
    vector3& posAxOut,
    vector3& velOut,
    number& radiusOut,
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator secIt,
    float t
    number te = secIt->endParam;
    const number* s = &secIt->splineParamsX[0];
    number& p0 = posAxOut[0];
    number& v0 = velOut[0];
    p0 = s[0]*(te-t) + s[1];  v0 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
    p0 = p0*(te-t) + s[2];    v0 = v0*(te-t) - s[2];
    p0 = p0*(te-t) + s[3];

    s = &secIt->splineParamsY[0];
    number& p1 = posAxOut[1];
    number& v1 = velOut[1];
    p1 = s[0]*(te-t) + s[1];  v1 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
    p1 = p1*(te-t) + s[2];    v1 = v1*(te-t) - s[2];
    p1 = p1*(te-t) + s[3];

    s = &secIt->splineParamsZ[0];
    number& p2 = posAxOut[2];
    number& v2 = velOut[2];
    p2 = s[0]*(te-t) + s[1];  v2 = -3.0*s[0]*(te-t) - 2.0*s[1];
    p2 = p2*(te-t) + s[2];    v2 = v2*(te-t) - s[2];
    p2 = p2*(te-t) + s[3];

    s = &secIt->splineParamsR[0];
    radiusOut = s[0]*(te-t) + s[1];
    radiusOut = radiusOut*(te-t) + s[2];
    radiusOut = radiusOut*(te-t) + s[3];

static void compute_radius_in_section
    number& radiusOut,
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator secIt,
    float t
    number te = secIt->endParam;
    const number* s = &secIt->splineParamsR[0];
    radiusOut = s[0]*(te-t) + s[1];
    radiusOut = radiusOut*(te-t) + s[2];
    radiusOut = radiusOut*(te-t) + s[3];

static inline void compute_ONB
    vector3& firstOut,
    vector3& secondOut,
    vector3& thirdOut,
    const vector3& firstIn,
    const vector3& refDir
    VecNormalize(firstOut, firstIn);
    number fac = VecProd(refDir, firstOut);
    VecScaleAdd(secondOut, 1.0, refDir, -fac, firstOut);
    VecNormalize(secondOut, secondOut);

    VecCross(thirdOut, firstOut, secondOut);

// computes the polar angle phi of a vector
// given a rotational axis direction and two additional
// directions, together being a orthoNORMAL basis
static inline number compute_angle
    const vector3& axis,
    const vector3& secondAxis,
    const vector3& thirdAxis,
    const vector3& posFromAxis
    // eliminate component in axis direction
    vector3 posFromAxisCopy;
    VecScaleAdd(posFromAxisCopy, 1.0, posFromAxis, -VecProd(posFromAxis, axis), axis);

    // compute coord vector (components 2 and 3) w.r.t. ONB
    vector2 relCoord;
    relCoord[0] = VecProd(posFromAxis, secondAxis);
    VecScaleAdd(posFromAxisCopy, 1.0, posFromAxisCopy, -relCoord[0], secondAxis);
    relCoord[1] = VecProd(posFromAxisCopy, thirdAxis);
    VecNormalize(relCoord, relCoord);

    // get angle from coord vector
    number angle;
    if (fabs(relCoord[0]) < 1e-8)
        angle = relCoord[1] < 0 ? 1.5*PI : 0.5*PI;
        angle = relCoord[0] < 0 ? PI - atan(-relCoord[1]/relCoord[0]) : atan(relCoord[1]/relCoord[0]);

    // angle should be in [0,2*PI)
    if (angle < 0) angle += 2.0*PI;

    return angle;

void NeuriteProjector::average_params
    uint32_t& neuriteID,
    float& t,
    float& angle,
    float& radius,
    const IVertexGroup* parent
) const
    // find neurite ID parent belongs to
    size_t nVrt = parent->num_vertices();
    //std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > > candidates(nVrt);
    std::map<uint32_t, size_t> candidates;
    std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> branchInfo;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nVrt; ++i)
        const SurfaceParams& surfParams = m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(i)];
        uint32_t thisNID = surfParams.neuriteID & ((1 << 20) - 1);

        if (surfParams.neuriteID > (1 << 20))  // vrt also belongs to branch(es)
            const uint32_t br = (surfParams.neuriteID & (255 << 20)) >> 20;
            const std::vector<uint32_t>& vNID = m_vNeurites[thisNID].vBR[br].bp->vNid;
            const uint32_t children = surfParams.neuriteID >> 28;
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                if (children & (1 << j))
                    branchInfo[vNID[j+1]] = (br << 20) + (1 << (28+j));

    // vertex gets all NIDs that have maximal counts
    std::vector<uint32_t> maxCands;
    size_t maxCnt = 0;

    std::map<uint32_t, size_t>::const_iterator it = candidates.begin();
    std::map<uint32_t, size_t>::const_iterator itEnd = candidates.end();
    for (; it != itEnd; ++it)
        if (it->second > maxCnt)
            maxCnt = it->second;
    for (it = candidates.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it)
        if (it->second == maxCnt)

    const size_t nMaxCands = maxCands.size();
    if (nMaxCands == 1)
        neuriteID = maxCands[0];
        neuriteID = *std::min_element(maxCands.begin(), maxCands.end());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nMaxCands; ++i)
            std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator it2 = branchInfo.find(maxCands[i]);
            if (it2 != branchInfo.end())
                neuriteID = neuriteID | it2->second;

    // special case:
    // when refining the initial BP volume the center vertex needs to belong
    // to all branches and the parent
    if (branchInfo.size() && nVrt == 8)
        // all must have the same radius and parent
        // and all children need to have count 4
        const number firstRad = m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(0)].radial;
        const uint32_t firstParent = m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(0)].neuriteID & ((1 << 20) - 1);
        bool allSame = true;
        for (size_t i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
            if (m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(i)].radial != firstRad
                || (m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(i)].neuriteID & ((1 << 20) - 1)) != firstParent)
                allSame = false;

        if (allSame)
            bool allChildCounts4 = true;

            std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator it2 = branchInfo.begin();
            std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator it2End = branchInfo.end();
            for (; it2 != it2End; ++it2)
                if (candidates[it2->first] != 4)
                    allChildCounts4 = false;

            if (allChildCounts4)
                neuriteID = candidates.begin()->first;
                for (it2 = branchInfo.begin(); it2 != it2End; ++it2)
                    neuriteID = neuriteID | it2->second;

    // special case:
    // when refining the initial connecting quadrilateral face of a branch
    // the center vertex needs to belong exclusively to the branch, not to the parent
    if (nMaxCands == 2 && nVrt == 4 && maxCnt == 4)
        neuriteID = std::max(maxCands[0], maxCands[1]);

    const uint32_t plainNID = neuriteID & ((1 << 20) - 1);

    // average t, phi, r
    t = 0.0;
    float minRad = 1.0;
    float maxRad = 0.0;
    vector2 v(0.0);
    size_t nForeignParents = 0;
    std::vector<number> foreignParentRad(8, 0.0);
    vector3 foreignParentPosCenter = 0.0;
    number foreignParentsCenterRadial = 0.0;

    size_t nForeignChildren = 0;
    vector3 foreignChildrenPosCenter = 0.0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nVrt; ++i)
        const SurfaceParams& surfParams = m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(i)];
        uint32_t nid = surfParams.neuriteID & ((1 << 20) - 1);
        minRad = std::min(minRad, surfParams.radial);
        maxRad = std::max(maxRad, surfParams.radial);

        // parent vertex belongs to our branch
        if (nid == plainNID)
            t += surfParams.axial;
            if (surfParams.radial > 0 && surfParams.axial < 2.0)
                const float phi = surfParams.angular;
                VecAdd(v, v, vector2(surfParams.radial*cos(phi), surfParams.radial*sin(phi)));

        // parent vertex belongs to parent branch
        else if (nid < plainNID)
            foreignParentPosCenter += this->pos(parent->vertex(i));
            foreignParentRad[nForeignParents] = surfParams.radial;

        // parent vertex belongs to child branch
            foreignChildrenPosCenter += this->pos(parent->vertex(i));

    // for parent vertices, calculate the t and phi params of their center
    // w.r.t. branching neurite
    if (nForeignParents)
        foreignParentPosCenter /= nForeignParents;

        std::vector<Section>::const_iterator secIt = m_vNeurites[plainNID].vSec.begin();
        vector3 pos0, pos1;
        compute_first_section_end_points(pos0, pos1, secIt);
        VecSubtract(pos1, pos1, pos0);
        VecSubtract(pos0, foreignParentPosCenter, pos0);
        number axPos = VecProd(pos0, pos1) / VecNormSquared(pos1) * secIt->endParam;

        vector3 vel;
        number surfRadius;
        compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(pos1, vel, surfRadius, secIt, axPos);
        const vector3& refDir = m_vNeurites[plainNID].refDir;
        vector3 posRefDir, thirdDir;
        compute_ONB(vel, posRefDir, thirdDir, vel, refDir);
        vector3 posFromAxis;
        VecSubtract(posFromAxis, foreignParentPosCenter, pos1);
        number phi = compute_angle(vel, posRefDir, thirdDir, posFromAxis);

        t += nForeignParents*axPos;
        foreignParentsCenterRadial = VecNorm(posFromAxis) / surfRadius;
        VecScaleAdd(v, 1.0, v, nForeignParents, vector2(foreignParentsCenterRadial*cos(phi), foreignParentsCenterRadial*sin(phi)));

    // for child vertices, calculate the t and phi params of their center
    // w.r.t. parent neurite TODO: ATM this is not done as it is not overly important.
    if (nForeignChildren)
        t *= ((number) nVrt) / (nVrt - nForeignChildren);
        VecScale(v, v, ((number) nVrt) / (nVrt - nForeignChildren));

    t /= nVrt;
    radius = 0.5*(maxRad + minRad);

    // special case initial face of a branch:
    // move frontier between branch and parent into branch
    if (nForeignParents == 4 && nVrt == 4)
        t *= sqrt(2.0);

    // special case tip of neurite
    if (fabs(t-2.0) < 1e-8)

    if (VecTwoNorm(v) / nVrt < 0.4 * radius && (nVrt == 4 || nVrt == 8))
        if (VecTwoNorm(v) / nVrt > 0.2 * radius)
            UG_LOGN("HERE: radius " << radius << " -> 0  (real: " << VecTwoNorm(v) / nVrt << ")");
            //UG_LOGN("      plainNID " << plainNID);
            UG_LOGN("      nVrt " << nVrt);
            UG_LOGN("      parent vertex positions");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < nVrt; ++i)
                UG_LOGN("        " << this->position(parent->vertex(i)));
        angle = 0.0;
        radius = 0.0;

    if (fabs(v[0]) < 1e-4)
        if (fabs(v[1]) < 1e-4)  // do not alter radius in tip
            angle = 0.0;  // center angle is 0.0 by default
            radius = 0.0;
            angle = v[1] < 0 ? 1.5*PI : 0.5*PI;
        angle = v[0] < 0 ? PI - atan(-v[1]/v[0]) : atan(v[1]/v[0]);

    if (angle < 0)
        angle += 2.0*PI;


void NeuriteProjector::average_pos_from_parent(vector3& posOut, const IVertexGroup* const parent) const
    posOut = 0.0;
    size_t nVrt = parent->num_vertices();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nVrt; ++i)
        posOut += this->pos(parent->vertex(i));
    posOut /= (number) nVrt;

void NeuriteProjector::average_pos_from_parent_weighted(vector3& posOut, const IVertexGroup* parent) const
    MultiGrid* mg = dynamic_cast<MultiGrid*>(&this->geometry()->grid());
    UG_COND_THROW(!mg, "Underlying grid is not a multigrid.");
    int lv = mg->get_level<Vertex>(parent->vertex(0));
    if (lv == 0)
        lv = 1;

    posOut = 0.0;
    size_t nVrt = parent->num_vertices();
    std::vector<int> vSheathID(nVrt);
    vSheathID[0] = 0;
    int sheathID[2] = {std::round(m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(0)].radial*(1 << (lv-1))), -1};
    int count[2] = {1, 0};
    for (size_t i = 1; i < nVrt; ++i)
        int thisSheathID = std::round(m_aaSurfParams[parent->vertex(i)].radial*(1 << (lv-1)));
        if (thisSheathID != sheathID[0] && sheathID[1] == -1)
            sheathID[1] = thisSheathID;
        if (thisSheathID == sheathID[0])
            vSheathID[i] = 0;
        else if (thisSheathID == sheathID[1])
            vSheathID[i] = 1;
            UG_THROW("An element must only be part of at most 2 sheaths.");

    if (!count[1])
        count[1] = 1;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nVrt; ++i)
        VecScaleAppend(posOut, count[1-vSheathID[i]], this->pos(parent->vertex(i)));

    posOut /= 2*count[0]*count[1];

vector3 NeuriteProjector::position(Vertex* vrt) const
    return this->pos(vrt);

number NeuriteProjector::axial_range_around_branching_region
    uint32_t nid,
    size_t brInd,
    number numberOfRadii
) const
    const Neurite& neurite = m_vNeurites[nid];
    const BranchingRegion& br = neurite.vBR[brInd];

    std::vector<Section>::const_iterator secIt;
    try {secIt = get_section_iterator(nid, br.t);}
    UG_CATCH_THROW("Could not get section iterator to branching region " << brInd << " at t = " << br.t
        << " of neurite " << nid << " (which has " << neurite.vBR.size() << " branching regions).");

    vector3 secStartPos;
    vector3 secEndPos;
    const number te = secIt->endParam;
    number ts = 0.0;
    if (secIt == m_vNeurites[nid].vSec.begin())
        compute_first_section_end_points(secStartPos, secEndPos, secIt);
        secEndPos[0] = secIt->splineParamsX[3];
        secEndPos[1] = secIt->splineParamsY[3];
        secEndPos[2] = secIt->splineParamsZ[3];
        ts = secIt->endParam;
        secStartPos[0] = secIt->splineParamsX[3];
        secStartPos[1] = secIt->splineParamsY[3];
        secStartPos[2] = secIt->splineParamsZ[3];
    const number neuriteLengthApprox = VecDistance(secEndPos, secStartPos) / (te - ts);

    const number* s = &secIt->splineParamsR[0];
    number radius = s[0]*(te-br.t) + s[1];
    radius = radius*(te-br.t) + s[2];
    radius = radius*(te-br.t) + s[3];

    return numberOfRadii*radius / neuriteLengthApprox;

void NeuriteProjector::print_surface_params(const Vertex* const v) const
    const SurfaceParams& sp = m_aaSurfParams[v];
    UG_LOGN("neuriteID: " << sp.neuriteID);
    UG_LOGN("axial:     " << sp.axial);
    UG_LOGN("angular:   " << sp.angular);
    UG_LOGN("radial:    " << sp.radial);

static void bp_defect_and_gradient
    number& defectOut,
    vector3& gradientOut,
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper>& bpList,
    const vector3& x,
    number rad,
    const vector3& constAngleSurfNormal,
    const NeuriteProjector* np
    // get integration rule points and weights
    const std::vector<std::pair<number, number> >& qPoints = np->quadrature_points();
    size_t nPts = qPoints.size();

    // evaluate integrand at points
    defectOut = 0.0;
    gradientOut = 0.0;
    size_t nParts = bpList.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nParts; ++i)
        const NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper& helper = bpList[i];
        const number& start = helper.start;
        const number& end = helper.end;
        std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator secIt = helper.sec_start;

        // iterate IPs
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nPts; ++j)
            // transform point coords to current context
            float t = (float) (start + qPoints[j].first*(end-start));
            while (secIt->endParam < t) ++secIt;    // this should be safe as last section must end with 1.0

            vector3 posAx, vel, blub;
            number radius;
            compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(posAx, vel, radius, secIt, t);

            number radInv = 1.0 / (rad*radius);
            VecSubtract(posAx, posAx, x);
            number posNormSq = VecNormSquared(posAx);
            number velNorm = sqrt(VecNormSquared(vel));
            number integrandVal = radInv*exp(-posNormSq*radInv*radInv) * velNorm;
            number gradIntegrandVal = 2.0*radInv*radInv * integrandVal;
            VecScale(blub, posAx, gradIntegrandVal);

            number w = qPoints[j].second;
            defectOut += integrandVal * w * (end-start);
            VecScaleAdd(gradientOut, 1.0, gradientOut, w * (end-start), blub);
#if 0
            UG_LOGN("  Ival: " << integrandVal << ",  iExp: " << -posNormSq*radInv*radInv
                << ",  velNorm: " << velNorm << ",  weight: " << w
                << ",  t: " << t << ",  intvl: " << end-start
                << ", posAx: " << posAx << "x: " << x);

            UG_LOGN(" gradientOut: " << gradientOut);

    defectOut -= sqrt(PI)*exp(-1.0);

    // project gradient to surface of constant angle
    VecScaleAppend(gradientOut, -VecDot(constAngleSurfNormal, gradientOut), constAngleSurfNormal);

#if 0
static void pos_on_surface_soma
    vector3& posOut,
    const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& neurite,
    const NeuriteProjector* np,
    const IVertexGroup* parent
    if (parent) np->average_pos_from_parent(posOut, parent);

static void bp_defect_and_gradient_soma
    number& defectOut,
    vector3& gradientOut,
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper>& bpList,
    const vector3& x,
    const NeuriteProjector* np,
    const vector3& constAngleSurfNormal
    // get integration rule points and weights
    const std::vector<std::pair<number, number> >& qPoints = np->quadrature_points();
    size_t nPts = qPoints.size();

    // evaluate integrand at points
    defectOut = 0.0;
    gradientOut = 0.0;
    const NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper& helper = bpList[0];
    const number& start = helper.start;
    const number& end = helper.end;
    const number& somaRadius =>somaPt.get()->radius;
    const vector3& posSoma =>somaPt.get()->soma;
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator secIt = helper.sec_start;

    // iterate IPs
    for (size_t j = 0; j < nPts; ++j)
         /// NEURITE part
         // transform point coords to current context
         float t = (float) (start + qPoints[j].first*(end-start));

         vector3 posAx, vel, blub;
         number radius;
         /// First section is always BP to soma PM or ER surface of inner sphere
         // /t/=10000;
         /// if (t < 0) { t = -t; }
         UG_LOGN("Section information... t: " << t << ", secIt->endParam(): " << secIt->endParam);
         compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(posAx, vel, radius, secIt, t);
         UG_LOGN("position in neurite: " << posAx);

         /// FIXME: add back rad in denominator (rad*radius) from current vertex's aaSurfParams
         UG_LOGN("x: " << x);
         number radInv = 1.0 / (radius*radius);
         VecSubtract(posAx, posAx, x);
         number posNormSq = VecNormSquared(posAx);
         number velNorm = sqrt(VecNormSquared(vel));
         number integrandVal = radInv*exp(-posNormSq*radInv*radInv) * velNorm;
         number gradIntegrandVal = 2.0*radInv*radInv * integrandVal;
         VecScale(blub, posAx, gradIntegrandVal);
         number w = qPoints[j].second;

         defectOut += integrandVal * w * (end-start);
         VecScaleAdd(gradientOut, 1.0, gradientOut, w * (end-start), blub);

         UG_LOGN("posNeurite: " << posAx);
         UG_LOGN("Neurite part information... radius: " << radius << ", "
                 << "x: " << x << ", vel: " << vel << ", posAx: " << posAx
                 << ",radInv: "<< radInv << ", velNorm: " << velNorm
                 << ",posNormSq: " << posNormSq << ", w:" << w << ", j: "
                 << j << ", start: " << start << ", end: " << end
                 << ",defectOut neurite: " << integrandVal * w * (end-start)
                 << ",integrand neurite:" << integrandVal
                 << ",gradintegrand neurite: " << gradIntegrandVal
                 << ",blub: " << blub);
    UG_LOGN("gradientOut (neurite): " << gradientOut);

    /// SOMA surface PM part or ER surface of inner sphere part
    vector3 posAxSoma;
    UG_LOGN("posSoma (initial): " << posSoma);
    /// VecSubtract(posAxSoma, posSoma, x);
    /// TODO: Verify: Soma position means: in direction from soma center towards
    /// current point position (x) scaled with t (axial) equals position!
    vector3 dir;
    VecSubtract(dir, x, posSoma);
    // FIXME verify this: soma outer sphere axial = 0 inner ER sphere -1:
    /// set position of soma between end and start region of integration
    const number t = std::fabs(>t) +>t+(start-end)/2;
    VecScale(dir, dir, 1+t/>radius);
    VecAdd(posAxSoma, posSoma, dir);
    VecSubtract(posAxSoma, posAxSoma, x);
    vector3 velSoma = posAxSoma;
    number velSomaNorm = sqrt(VecNormSquared(velSoma));
    number posNormSomaSq = VecNormSquared(posAxSoma);
    UG_LOGN("t (Soma): " << t);
    UG_LOGN("somaPos: " << posAxSoma);
    number radInvSoma = 1.0 / ((1+t)*somaRadius);
    number gradIntegrandValSoma = radInvSoma * exp(-posNormSomaSq*radInvSoma*radInvSoma) * velSomaNorm;
    vector3 blubSoma;
    VecScale(blubSoma, posAxSoma, gradIntegrandValSoma);
    VecScaleAdd(gradientOut, 1.0, gradientOut, 1.0 * (end-start), blubSoma);

    defectOut += gradIntegrandValSoma * 1.0 * (end-start);
    UG_LOGN("defectOut (soma):" << gradIntegrandValSoma * 1.0 * (end-start));

    UG_LOGN("Soma part information... radius: " << (1+t)*somaRadius << ", "
            << "x: " << x << ", vel: " << velSoma << ", posAx: " << posAxSoma
            << ",radInv: "<< radInvSoma << ", velNorm: " << velSomaNorm
            << ",posNormSq: " << posNormSomaSq << ", w:" << 1.0 << ", j: "
            << 1 << ", start: " << start << ", end: " << end
            << ",defectOut neurite: " << gradIntegrandValSoma * 1.0 * (end-start)
            << ",gradIntegrand neurite:" << gradIntegrandValSoma
            << ",blub: " << blubSoma);

    /// TODO: Is the defect calculation correct? It seems we do not account for the added soma point to the integrand?
    defectOut -= sqrt(PI)*exp(-1.0);
    UG_LOGN("defectOut (total): " << defectOut);
    UG_LOGN("gradientOut (total): " << gradientOut);

    // TODO: project gradient to surface of constant angle: Is this still correct to use after adding the soma point to the integrand?
    VecScaleAppend(gradientOut, -VecDot(constAngleSurfNormal, gradientOut), constAngleSurfNormal);

static void newton_for_soma_bp_projection
    vector3& posOut,
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper>& vProjHelp,
    const NeuriteProjector* np,
    const vector3& constAngleSurfNormal
    vector3 posStart = posOut;
    UG_LOGN("posOut (iter):" << posOut);
    // calculate start defect and gradient
    number def;
    number def_init;
    vector3 grad;
    bp_defect_and_gradient_soma(def, grad, vProjHelp, posOut, np, constAngleSurfNormal);
    def_init = fabs(def);
    // if initially gradient is zero, better starting position has to be chosen
    UG_LOGN("def initial: " << def);
    UG_LOGN("gradient initial: " << grad);

    // perform some kind of Newton search for the correct position
    size_t maxIt = 100;
    number minDef = 1e-8*sqrt(PI)*exp(-1.0);
    size_t iter = 0;
    number corr = 1.0;

    while (fabs(def) > minDef && fabs(def) > 1e-8 * def_init && ++iter <= maxIt)
        UG_LOGN("First while loop")
        vector3 posTest;
        vector3 gradTest;
        number defTest;
        // start with reduced step size to prevent overshooting in case the start position is too bad
        corr /= 2;
        UG_LOGN("-def: " << -def);
        UG_LOGN("VecNormSquared(grad): " << VecNormSquared(grad));
        UG_LOGN("grad: " << grad);
        VecScaleAdd(posTest, 1.0, posOut, -(1.0-corr)*def / VecNormSquared(grad), grad);
        bp_defect_and_gradient_soma(defTest, gradTest, vProjHelp, posTest, np, constAngleSurfNormal);
        UG_COND_THROW(std::fabs(VecNorm(gradTest)) < SMALL, "Quasi-zero gradient: Iteration will always fail.");

        // line search
        number lambda = 0.5;
        number bestDef = defTest;
        vector3 bestGrad = gradTest;
        vector3 bestPos = posTest;
        while (fabs(defTest) >= fabs(def) && lambda > 0.001)
            UG_LOGN("Second while loop")
            VecScaleAdd(posTest, 1.0, posOut, -lambda*def / VecNormSquared(grad), grad);
            bp_defect_and_gradient_soma(defTest, gradTest, vProjHelp, posTest, np, constAngleSurfNormal);
            if (fabs(defTest) < fabs(bestDef))
                bestDef = defTest;
                bestGrad = gradTest;
                bestPos = posTest;
            lambda *= 0.5;
        def = bestDef;
        grad = gradTest;
        posOut = bestPos;
    UG_COND_THROW(def != def,
        "Newton iteration did not converge for soma branching point projection at " << posStart << ". Defect is NaN.")
    UG_COND_THROW(fabs(def) > minDef && fabs(def) > 1e-8 * def_init,
        "Newton iteration did not converge for soma branching point projection at " << posStart << ".")

#if 0
static void pos_on_neurite_spine
    vector3& posOut,
    const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& neurite,
    size_t neuriteID,
    float& t
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>& vSections = neurite.vSec;

    // find correct section
    NeuriteProjector::Section cmpSec(t);
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator it =
        std::lower_bound(vSections.begin(), vSections.end(), cmpSec, NeuriteProjector::CompareSections());

    UG_COND_THROW(it == vSections.end(),
        "Could not find section for parameter t = " << t << " in neurite " << neuriteID << ".");

    // calculate correct axial position
    // and velocity dir
    vector3 vel_dummy;
    number radius_dummy;
    compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(posOut, vel_dummy, radius_dummy, it, t);

static void newton_for_bp_projection
    vector3& posOut,
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper>& vProjHelp,
    float rad,
    const vector3& constAngleSurfNormal,
    const NeuriteProjector* np
    vector3 posStart = posOut;

    // calculate start defect and gradient
    number def;
    number def_init;
    vector3 grad;

    bp_defect_and_gradient(def, grad, vProjHelp, posOut, rad, constAngleSurfNormal, np);
    def_init = fabs(def);

    // perform some kind of Newton search for the correct position
    size_t maxIt = 10;
    number minDef = 1e-8*sqrt(PI)*exp(-1.0);
    size_t iter = 0;
    number corr = 1.0;

    //UG_LOGN(iter << "  " << def << "  " << grad << "  " << posOut);
    while (fabs(def) > minDef && fabs(def) > 1e-8 * def_init && ++iter <= maxIt)
        corr /= 2;  // start with reduced step size to prevent overshooting in case the start position is too bad
        vector3 posTest;
        vector3 gradTest;
        number defTest;
        VecScaleAdd(posTest, 1.0, posOut, -(1.0-corr)*def / VecNormSquared(grad), grad);
        bp_defect_and_gradient(defTest, gradTest, vProjHelp, posTest, rad, constAngleSurfNormal, np);

        // line search
        number lambda = 0.5;
        number bestDef = defTest;
        vector3 bestGrad = gradTest;
        vector3 bestPos = posTest;
        while (fabs(defTest) >= fabs(def) && lambda > 0.001)
            //UG_LOGN("    line search with lambda = " << lambda);
            VecScaleAdd(posTest, 1.0, posOut, -lambda*def / VecNormSquared(grad), grad);
            bp_defect_and_gradient(defTest, gradTest, vProjHelp, posTest, rad, constAngleSurfNormal, np);
            if (fabs(defTest) < fabs(bestDef))
                bestDef = defTest;
                bestGrad = gradTest;
                bestPos = posTest;
            lambda *= 0.5;
        def = bestDef;
        grad = gradTest;
        posOut = bestPos;

        //UG_LOGN(iter << "  " << def << "  " << grad << "  " << posOut);
    UG_COND_THROW(def != def,
        "Newton iteration did not converge for branching point projection at " << posStart << ". Defect is NaN.")
    UG_COND_THROW(fabs(def) > minDef && fabs(def) > 1e-8 * def_init,
        "Newton iteration did not converge for branching point projection at " << posStart << ".")

static void pos_in_neurite
    vector3& posOut,
    const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& neurite,
    size_t neuriteID,
    float t,
    float angle,
    float rad
    /// TODO: A similiar procedure as below has to be used for the soma/neurite BP iteration
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>& vSections = neurite.vSec;

    // find correct section
    NeuriteProjector::Section cmpSec(t);
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator it =
        std::lower_bound(vSections.begin(), vSections.end(), cmpSec, NeuriteProjector::CompareSections());

    UG_COND_THROW(it == vSections.end(),
        "Could not find section for parameter t = " << t << " in neurite " << neuriteID << ".");

    // calculate correct axial position
    // and velocity dir
    vector3 posAx, vel;
    number radius;
    compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(posAx, vel, radius, it, t);

    // calculate orthonormal basis vectors
    vector3 projRefDir, thirdDir;
    compute_ONB(vel, projRefDir, thirdDir, vel, neurite.refDir);

    // calculate new position
    VecScaleAdd(posOut, 1.0, posAx, rad*radius*cos(angle), projRefDir, rad*radius*sin(angle), thirdDir);

static void bp_newton_start_pos
    vector3& initOut,
    uint32_t neuriteID,
    float t,
    float angle,
    float rad,
    const vector3& constAngleSurfaceNormal,
    const IVertexGroup* parent,
    const NeuriteProjector* np
    // Usually, we will want to just use the average position v_avg of all
    // parent element vertices as start position for the Newton iteration.
    // However, if a dendrite is strongly bent in the vicinity of a BP,
    // this position can be quite far away from the final position.
    // In these cases, we rather want to start in the position v_spl defined
    // in the dendrite by the axial, radial and angular coordinates.

    // In order to detect these cases, we calculate
    //     q = ||v_avg - v_spl|| / r(t),
    // where r(t) is the dendrite radius at the axial position of interest,
    // as well as
    //     p = diam(parent) / r(t)
    // where diam(parent) is the diameter of the parent element.
    // This is used to distinguish a situation as described above from one
    // where we are in the middle of a BP and q is large, but we still want
    // to use simple averaging.

    // To avoid hard switching between cases, we calculate a continuous weighting
    // function w and use
    //     w*v_spl + (1-w)*v_avg
    // as the starting position.

    vector3 pos_avg_onNeurite;
    pos_in_neurite(pos_avg_onNeurite, np->neurite(neuriteID), neuriteID, t, angle, rad);

    // special case: no parents (happens when a vertex is being projected without refinement)
    if (!parent)
        // start at position given by the parameterization
        initOut = pos_avg_onNeurite;

    // find correct section
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>& vSections = np->neurite(neuriteID).vSec;
    NeuriteProjector::Section cmpSec(t);
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator it =
        std::lower_bound(vSections.begin(), vSections.end(), cmpSec, NeuriteProjector::CompareSections());
    UG_COND_THROW(it == vSections.end(),
        "Could not find section for parameter t = " << t << " in neurite " << neuriteID << ".");

    // calculate radius
    number radius = 0.0;
    compute_radius_in_section(radius, it, t);

    // calculate element diameter
    number diamSq = 0.0;
    const size_t nVrt = parent->size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nVrt; ++i)
        const vector3& posi = np->geometry()->pos(parent->vertex(i));
        for (size_t j = i+1; j < nVrt; ++j)
            diamSq = std::max(diamSq, VecDistanceSq(posi, np->geometry()->pos(parent->vertex(j))));

    vector3 pos_avg;
    np->average_pos_from_parent(pos_avg, parent);

    number distSq = VecDistanceSq(pos_avg_onNeurite, pos_avg);

    number qSq = 0.0;
    if (radius*radius <= 1e-8*distSq)
        qSq = 1e8;
        qSq = distSq / (radius*radius);
    const number w1 = qSq*qSq / (qSq*qSq + 1e-4); // in [0,1] with w1 = 0.5 for q = 0.1;

    number pSq = 0.0;
    if (radius*radius <= 1e-8*diamSq)
        pSq = 1e8;
        pSq = diamSq / (radius*radius);
    const number w2 = pSq*pSq / (pSq*pSq + 256); // in [0,1] with w2 = 0.5 for p = 4

    VecScaleAdd(initOut, w1*w2, pos_avg_onNeurite, 1.0-w1*w2, pos_avg);

    // project onto plane of constant angle
    vector3 ptToSurf;
    VecSubtract(ptToSurf, pos_avg_onNeurite, initOut);
    VecScaleAdd(initOut, 1.0, initOut, VecDot(ptToSurf, constAngleSurfaceNormal), constAngleSurfaceNormal);

#if 0
static void pos_on_surface_soma_bp
        vector3& posOut,
        const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& neurite,
        size_t neuriteID,
        float& t,
        float& angle,
        const IVertexGroup* parent,
        const NeuriteProjector* np,
        float rad,
        Vertex* vrt,
        const NeuriteProjector::SomaBranchingRegion& sr,
        const Grid::VertexAttachmentAccessor<Attachment<NeuriteProjector::SurfaceParams> >& aaSurfParams
) {
    // if vertex is on the neurite backbone, simply project onto spline
    // (Newton iteration will not succeed for Jacobian is zero)
    if (rad < 1e-5)
        pos_in_neurite(posOut, np->neurite(neuriteID), neuriteID, t, angle, rad);

    // 1. preparations for Newton method:
    // save integration start and end positions of soma connection
    // also save a section iterator to start from
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper> vProjHelp(1);
    number& start = vProjHelp[0].start;
    number& end = vProjHelp[0].end;
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator& sec_start = vProjHelp[0].sec_start;
    number range = 0;
    /// FIXME: This method generates a range (which is negative) far too large, c
    /// reate only range up to first sections secEnd param at most and not negative
    try {range = np->axial_range_around_soma_region(sr, rad, neuriteID, vrt); }
    UG_CATCH_THROW("Range around soma region could not be calculated.");
    UG_LOGN("range: " << range);
    /// Test: Too small range will never succeed in integration. Why?!
    start = aaSurfParams[vrt].axial;
    end = aaSurfParams[vrt].axial+0.00001;
    /// FIXME: Integrates only outside of the soma for now now, but need to
    // integrate around soma or ER start, e.g. [start-range, start+range]
    /// soma starts at 0 ER starts at -1
    start = 0;
    end = 0.001;
    UG_LOGN("Range: (start: " << start << ", end: " << end << ")");
    vProjHelp[0].sr = &sr;
     sec_start = (&np->neurite(neuriteID).vSec)->begin();

    // 2. determine suitable start position for Newton iteration
    pos_on_surface_soma(posOut, np->neurite(neuriteID), np, parent);
    /*if (parent) {
        bp_newton_start_pos(posOut, neuriteID, t, angle, rad, parent, np);

    // also calculate normal of constant-angle surface
    vector3 s, v;
    number radius;
    compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(s, v, radius, sec_start, t);
    vector3 projRefDir;
    vector3 thirdDir;
    vector3 constAngleSurfNormal;
    compute_ONB(constAngleSurfNormal, projRefDir, thirdDir, v, neurite.refDir);
    VecScaleAdd(constAngleSurfNormal, sin(angle), projRefDir, -cos(angle), thirdDir);
    UG_LOGN("posOut (initial): " << posOut);

    // 3. perform Newton iteration
    try {newton_for_soma_bp_projection(posOut, vProjHelp, np, constAngleSurfNormal);}
    UG_CATCH_THROW("Newton iteration for neurite projection at branching point failed.");

static void pos_in_bp
    vector3& posOut,
    const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& neurite,
    uint32_t neuriteID,
    float& t,
    float& angle,
    float rad,
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BranchingRegion>::const_iterator& it,
    const IVertexGroup* parent,
    const NeuriteProjector* np
    // if vertex is on the neurite backbone, simply project onto spline
    // (Newton iteration will not succeed for Jacobian is zero)
    if (rad < 1e-5)
        pos_in_neurite(posOut, np->neurite(neuriteID), neuriteID, t, angle, rad);

    // preparations for Newton method:
    // save integration start and end positions of all BRs of this BP,
    // also save a section iterator to start from
    SmartPtr<NeuriteProjector::BranchingPoint> bp = it->bp;
    size_t nParts = bp->vRegions.size();
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::BPProjectionHelper> vProjHelp(nParts);
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>* secs;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nParts; ++i)
        number& start = vProjHelp[i].start;
        number& end = vProjHelp[i].end;
        std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator& sec_start = vProjHelp[i].sec_start;

        uint32_t nid = bp->vNid[i];
        const NeuriteProjector::BranchingRegion* br = bp->vRegions[i];

        UG_COND_THROW(!br, "Requested branching region not accessible.");

        // integrate over twice the size of the original BR (i.e., 10 times rad*radius in each direction)
        number range = 0.0;
        try {range = np->axial_range_around_branching_region(nid,
            (size_t) (br - &np->neurite(nid).vBR[0]), 10.0*rad);}
        UG_CATCH_THROW("Range around branching region could not be calculated.");
        start = std::max(br->t - range, 0.0);
        end = std::min(br->t + range, 1.0);

        secs = &np->neurite(nid).vSec;
        if (start == 0.0)
            sec_start = secs->begin();
            NeuriteProjector::Section cmpSec(start);
            sec_start = std::lower_bound(secs->begin(), secs->end(), cmpSec, NeuriteProjector::CompareSections());
            UG_COND_THROW(sec_start == secs->end(),
                "Could not find section for start parameter t = " << start << ".");

    // also calculate normal of constant-angle surface
    vector3 constAngleSurfNormal;
    NeuriteProjector::Section cmpSec(t);
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>& vSections = neurite.vSec;
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator secIt =
        std::lower_bound(vSections.begin(), vSections.end(), cmpSec, NeuriteProjector::CompareSections());

    vector3 s, v;
    number radius;
    compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(s, v, radius, secIt, t);
    vector3 projRefDir;
    vector3 thirdDir;
    compute_ONB(constAngleSurfNormal, projRefDir, thirdDir, v, neurite.refDir);
    VecScaleAdd(constAngleSurfNormal, sin(angle), projRefDir, -cos(angle), thirdDir);

    // determine suitable start position for Newton iteration
    bp_newton_start_pos(posOut, neuriteID, t, angle, rad, constAngleSurfNormal, parent, np);
    //if (parent)
    //    np->average_pos_from_parent(posOut, parent);
    //pos_in_neurite(posOut, np->neurite(neuriteID), neuriteID, t, angle, rad);

    // perform Newton iteration
    try {newton_for_bp_projection(posOut, vProjHelp, rad, constAngleSurfNormal, np);}
    UG_CATCH_THROW("Newton iteration for neurite projection at branching point failed"
        " in neurite " << neuriteID << ".");

    // update the surface param info to the new position
    // In order not to have to compute zeros of a 5th order polynomial,
    // we make a linearity approximation here:
    // s(t) = s(t0) + v(t0)*(t-t0);
    // v(t) = v(t0)
    // Then from v(t) * (s(t)-pos) = 0, we get:
    // t = t0 + v(t0) * (pos - s(t0)) / (v(t0)*v(t0))
    VecSubtract(s, posOut, s);
    t += VecProd(v,s) / VecProd(v,v);

    // and now angle
    if (rad > 1e-5)
        angle = compute_angle(v, projRefDir, thirdDir, s);

    // and radius
    //rad = VecNorm(s) / radius;

    // if we have ended up outside of the BP, then use the usual positioning
    if (t > it->tend)
        vector3 posAx;
        number radius;
        compute_position_and_velocity_in_section(posAx, v, radius, secIt, t);
        VecScaleAdd(posOut, 1.0, posAx, rad*radius*cos(angle), projRefDir, rad*radius*sin(angle), thirdDir);

static void pos_on_surface_tip
    vector3& posOut,
    const NeuriteProjector::Neurite& neurite,
    const IVertexGroup* parent,
    const NeuriteProjector* np,
    number rad
    const std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>& vSections = neurite.vSec;

    // initial position: regular refinement
    // in case there is no parent (projection of an existing vertex), keep the position
    if (parent)
        np->average_pos_from_parent(posOut, parent);

    // project to half-sphere with given radius over tip center
    // TODO: One might think about something more sophisticated,
    // as the current approach ensures only continuity of the radius
    // at tips, but not differentiability.
    const NeuriteProjector::Section& sec = vSections[vSections.size()-1];
    vector3 tipCenter(sec.splineParamsX[3], sec.splineParamsY[3], sec.splineParamsZ[3]);
    number radius = sec.splineParamsR[3];

    vector3 radialVec;
    VecSubtract(radialVec, posOut, tipCenter);
    number radNorm = sqrt(VecProd(radialVec, radialVec));

    // only project if we are not in the center of the half sphere
    if (radNorm >= 1e-5*rad*radius)
        VecScale(radialVec, radialVec, rad*radius/radNorm);
        VecAdd(posOut, tipCenter, radialVec);

number NeuriteProjector::axial_range_around_soma_region
    const SomaBranchingRegion& sr,
    const size_t numRadii,
    const size_t nid,
    Vertex* vrt
) const
    // soma parameters
    ///const float somaRad = sr.radius;
    vector3 bp = sr.bp;
    std::vector<NeuriteProjector::Section>::const_iterator secIt;
    try {secIt = get_soma_section_iterator(nid, sr.t);}
    UG_CATCH_THROW("Could not get section iterator to soma region: " << sr.t);
    vector3 secStartPos;
    vector3 secEndPos;
    const number te = secIt->endParam;
    number ts = 0.0;
    compute_first_section_end_points(secStartPos, secEndPos, secIt);
    const number neuriteLengthApprox = VecDistance(secEndPos, secStartPos) / (te - ts);
    const number* s = &secIt->splineParamsR[0];
    number radius = s[0]*(te-sr.t) + s[1];
    radius = radius*(te-sr.t) + s[2];
    radius = radius*(te-sr.t) + s[3];
    const number bpToVrt = VecDistance(bp, position(vrt));
    const number neurite_length_to_soma_bp= neuriteLengthApprox + bpToVrt;
    const number rad = (numRadii * radius)/neurite_length_to_soma_bp;
    return rad;

bool NeuriteProjector::is_in_axial_range_around_soma_region
    const SomaBranchingRegion& sr,
    size_t nid,
    Vertex* vrt
) const {
    ///const number radius = axial_range_around_soma_region(sr, 0.1, nid, vrt);
    const number radius = 0.1;
    UG_LOGN("Soma Branching Region center: " <<;
    UG_LOGN("Soma Branching Region raidus: " << radius);
    return IsElementInsideSphere<Vertex>(vrt,, radius);

number NeuriteProjector::push_into_place(Vertex* vrt, const IVertexGroup* parent)
    // average axial and angular params from parent;
    // also decide on neuriteID for aaSurfParams.
    // the mapping parameters 1d<->2d are not needed on higher levels of refinment
    uint32_t neuriteID;
    float t;
    float angle;
    float rad;
    if (parent) {
        average_params(neuriteID, t, angle, rad, parent);
    } else {
        neuriteID = m_aaSurfParams[vrt].neuriteID;
        t = m_aaSurfParams[vrt].axial;
        angle = m_aaSurfParams[vrt].angular;
        rad = m_aaSurfParams[vrt].radial;

    //UG_LOGN("averaged params: nid " << neuriteID << "   t " << t << "   angle "
    //    << angle << "   rad " << rad);

    const uint32_t plainNID = (neuriteID << 12) >> 12;

    UG_COND_THROW(plainNID >= m_vNeurites.size(), "Requested neurite ID which is not present.");

    const Neurite& neurite = m_vNeurites[plainNID];
    const std::vector<BranchingRegion>& vBR = neurite.vBR;
    const std::vector<SomaBranchingRegion>& vSBR = neurite.vSBR;

    ///UG_LOGN("Number of soma branching regions for neurite with id: " << plainNID << ": " << vSBR.size());

    // vector for new position
    vector3 pos(position(vrt));

    // FIVE CASES can occur:
    // 1. We are at a branching point.
    // 2. We are at a soma branching point
    // 3. We are well inside a regular piece of neurite.
    // 4. We are well inside a regular piece of soma.
    // 5. We are at the tip of a neurite.

    /// This works due to the fact that vBR is sorted ascending
    bool isBP = false;
    BranchingRegion cmpBR(t);
    std::vector<BranchingRegion>::const_iterator it =
        std::upper_bound(vBR.begin(), vBR.end(), cmpBR, CompareBranchingRegionEnds());

    /// This works due to the fact that vSBR is sorted ascending
    bool isSP = false;
    SomaBranchingRegion cmpSBR(t);
    std::vector<SomaBranchingRegion>::const_iterator it2 =
        std::lower_bound(vSBR.begin(), vSBR.end(), cmpSBR, CompareSomaBranchingRegionsEnd());

    if (it2 != vSBR.end()) {
        isSP = is_in_axial_range_around_soma_region(*it2, plainNID, vrt);
        if (isSP) {
            UG_LOGN("Soma branching point: " << this->pos(vrt));

    if (it != vBR.end())
        number range = 0.0;
        try {range = axial_range_around_branching_region(plainNID, std::distance(vBR.begin(), it), 5.0*rad);}
        UG_CATCH_THROW("Range around branching region could not be determined.");
        if (it->t - t < range)
            isBP = true;

    if (!isBP && it != vBR.begin())
        number range = 0.0;
        try {range = axial_range_around_branching_region(plainNID, std::distance(vBR.begin(), it), 5.0*rad);}
        UG_CATCH_THROW("Range around branching region could not be determined.");
        if (t - it->t < range)
            isBP = true;

    // case 1: branching point
    if (isBP)
        pos_in_bp(pos, neurite, plainNID, t, angle, rad, it, parent, this);

    // case 2: soma/neurite or er/neurite branching point
    else if (isSP)
        /// This should integrate along the neurite [0, END_SOMA_BRANCHING_REGION]
        /// but not [-range, range] to avoid dints in the soma interior close to
        /// the surface. A new position for the vertex based on the average of the
        /// (first) neurite section and the soma sphere position and radius will
        /// be calculated based on the SomaRegion information stored in a struct.
        /// FIXME: Optimize iteration: Find better starting position for iteration start
        ///pos_on_surface_soma_bp(pos, neurite, neuriteID, t, angle, parent, this, rad, vrt, *it2, m_aaSurfParams);

    // case 3: normal neurite position
    else if (t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0)
        pos_in_neurite(pos, neurite, plainNID, t, angle, rad);

    // case 4: normal soma position
    else if (t < 0 && t >= -1.0)
        ///pos_on_surface_soma(pos, neurite, this, parent);

    // case 5: tip of neurite
        pos_on_surface_tip(pos, neurite, parent, this, rad);

    // save new surface params for new vertex
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].neuriteID = neuriteID;
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].axial = t;
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].angular = angle;
    m_aaSurfParams[vrt].radial = rad;

    // set position
    set_pos(vrt, pos);

    return 1.0;

// -------------------------------------------------------- //
// DO NOT CHANGE below this line! Needed for serialization. //

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NeuriteProjector::SurfaceParams& surfParams)
    using std::ostringstream;
    ostringstream strs;
    strs << surfParams.neuriteID << " ";
    strs << surfParams.axial << " ";
    strs << surfParams.angular << " ";
    strs << surfParams.radial;
    os << strs.str();
    return os;

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, NeuriteProjector::SurfaceParams& surfParams)
    std::string temp;
    using boost::lexical_cast;

    in >> temp;
    surfParams.neuriteID = lexical_cast<uint32>(temp);

    in >> temp;
    surfParams.axial = (lexical_cast<float>(temp));

    in >> temp;
    surfParams.angular = lexical_cast<float>(temp);

    in >> temp;
    surfParams.radial = lexical_cast<float>(temp);

    return in;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NeuriteProjector::Mapping& mapping)
    /// Standard precision for UGX coord export is 18. Is this even correct to use?
    /// Shouldn't one use std::numeric_limits<number>::digits10+1?
    using std::ostringstream;
    ostringstream strs;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mapping.v1.size(); i++) {
        strs << std::setprecision(18) << mapping.v1[i] << " ";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mapping.v1.size(); i++) {
        strs << std::setprecision(18) << mapping.v2[i] << " ";
    strs << mapping.lambda;
    os << strs.str();
    return os;

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, NeuriteProjector::Mapping& mapping)
    std::string temp;
    using boost::lexical_cast;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < mapping.v1.size(); i++) {
        in >> temp;
        mapping.v1[i] = (lexical_cast<number>(temp));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < mapping.v2.size(); i++) {
        in >> temp;
        mapping.v2[i] = (lexical_cast<number>(temp));

    in >> temp;
    mapping.lambda = (lexical_cast<number>(temp));

    return in;

} // namespace ug