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# frozen_string_literal: true
module Tasks
  require 'tasks/migrate/services/progress_tracker'

  class StatsCacheUpdatingService
    # WORK_TYPES = ['Article', 'Artwork', 'DataSet', 'Dissertation', 'General', 'HonorsThesis', 'Journal', 'MastersPaper',
    #             'Multimed', 'ScholarlyWork']
    # REPORT_EVERY_N = 10

    # attr_accessor :per_page, :num_threads, :failure_delay

    # def initialize
    #   @per_page = 1000
    #   @report_mutex = Mutex.new
    #   @fail_wait_mutex = Mutex.new
    #   @num_threads = 6
    #   @failure_delay = 60
    # end

    # def update_all
    #   update_works
    #   update_file_sets
    # end

    # def update_works
    #   # List all objects by type to split up the result set
    #   WORK_TYPES.each do |obj_type|
    #     update_records(obj_type, Hyrax::WorkUsage)
    #   end
    # end

    # def update_file_sets
    #   update_records('FileSet', Hyrax::FileUsage)
    # end

    # def completed_ids
    #   @completed_ids ||= progress_tracker.completed_set
    # end

    # def update_records(model_name, usage_class)
    #   @obj_id_queue = ObjectIdQueue.new(model_name, @per_page)
    #   @obj_id_queue.enqueue_next_page # populate the first page of results
    #   logger.info("Beginning processing of #{model_name}, #{@obj_id_queue.total_entries} items found")
    #   total_time = 0
    #   count = 0
    #   skipped_count = 0
    #   batch_start_time = nil

    #   # Array of threads
    #   threads = []

    #   # Define the work to be done by each thread
    #   cache_update_proc = Proc.new do
    #     batch_start_time = Time.now
    #     obj_id = @obj_id_queue.pop
    #     until obj_id.nil?
    #       # skip the object if its already been updated according to the progress tracker
    #       if completed_ids.include?(obj_id)
    #         obj_id = @obj_id_queue.pop
    #         skipped_count += 1
    #         next
    #       end

    #       await_failure_delay
    #       # Refresh cache
    #       start_time = Time.now
    #       completed = update_individual_record(usage_class, obj_id)
    #       total_time += Time.now - start_time

    #       progress_tracker.add_entry(obj_id) if completed
    #       # Synchronize for reporting so we don't skip over any numbers a miss a report
    #       @report_mutex.synchronize do
    #         count += 1
    #         if count % REPORT_EVERY_N == 0
    #           logger.info("Progress: #{count + skipped_count} of #{@obj_id_queue.total_entries}." \
    #             " Average times per record: Individual #{total_time / count}s," \
    #             " batch #{(Time.now - batch_start_time) / REPORT_EVERY_N}s")
    #           batch_start_time = Time.now
    #         end
    #       end
    #       # Get next id
    #       obj_id = @obj_id_queue.pop
    #     end
    #   end

    #   # Start the threads
    #   @num_threads.times do
    #     threads << Thread.new(&cache_update_proc)
    #   end

    #   # Wait for all threads to finish
    #   threads.each(&:join)
    # end

    # # Makes the current thread wait until a delay caused by a failed request to GA completes
    # def await_failure_delay
    #   while @fail_wait_mutex.locked?
    #     sleep(1.second)
    #   end
    # end

    # def update_individual_record(usage_class, obj_id)
    #   error = nil
    #   num_tries = 3
    #   num_tries.times do |try_counter|
    #     begin
    #       usage_class.new(obj_id).to_flot
    #       return true
    #     rescue Ldp::Gone => e
    #       logger.warn("Skipping #{obj_id}, it no longer exists")
    #       return true
    #     rescue StandardError => e
    #       # retrying after a delay, unless we are out of retries
    #       logger.warn("Failed to update record #{obj_id}: #{e.message}")
    #       delay_after_error(e) if try_counter < (num_tries - 1)
    #       error = e
    #     end
    #   end
    #   logger.error("Failed to update record #{obj_id} after retries")
    #   logger.error [error.class.to_s, error.message, *error.backtrace].join($RS)
    #   false
    # end

    # def delay_after_error(e)
    #   end_time = Time.now + @failure_delay.second
    #   # Too many requests for the day, so delay until the next day
    #   if e.message.include?('exceeded the daily request limit')
    #     # Delay until the next midnight west coast time, either today or the next day depending on current time
    #     end_time = Time.parse('3am')
    #     end_time += 24.hours if Time.now >= end_time
    #   elsif e.message.include?('blocked from the reporting API for at least an hour')
    #     end_time = Time.now + 60.minutes
    #   end
    #   # Start a lock to prevent other update requests from starting until the delay has completed
    #   @fail_wait_mutex.lock
    #   # Delay until end time, unless that time has already passed while waiting for the lock
    #   sleep(end_time - Time.now) if Time.now < end_time
    #   @fail_wait_mutex.unlock
    # end

    # def logger
    #   @logger ||= begin
    #     log_path = File.join(Rails.configuration.log_directory, 'stats_cache_output.log')
    #     Logger.new(log_path, progname: 'stats cache')
    #   end
    # end

    # def progress_tracker
    #   @progress_tracker ||= begin
    #     tracker_path = File.join(Rails.configuration.log_directory, 'stats_cache_progress.log')
    #     Migrate::Services::ProgressTracker.new(tracker_path)
    #   end
    # end

    # class ObjectIdQueue < Queue
    #   attr_accessor :total_entries, :current_count

    #   def initialize(model_name, per_page)
    #     super()
    #     @mutex = Mutex.new
    #     @total_entries = nil
    #     @completed_obj_type = false
    #     @model_name = model_name
    #     @next_page_start = 0
    #     @per_page = per_page
    #   end

    #   def pop
    #     begin
    #       return super(true)
    #     rescue ThreadError => error
    #       # error raised if the queue was empty
    #     end

    #     @mutex.synchronize do
    #       enqueue_next_page
    #     end

    #     begin
    #       return super(true)
    #     rescue ThreadError => error
    #       # error raised if the queue was empty
    #     end
    #   end

    #   def enqueue_next_page
    #     resp = ActiveFedora::SolrService.get("has_model_ssim:#{@model_name}", rows: @per_page, start: @next_page_start)['response']
    #     # Record total entries when retrieving the first page of results
    #     @total_entries = resp['numFound'] if @total_entries.nil?

    #     # populate the queue with the next batch of ids
    #     resp['docs'].each do |record|
    #       self << record['id']
    #     end

    #     # Adjust index of the next page of results to retrieve
    #     @next_page_start += @per_page
    #   end
    # end