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# For general details on syntax, see:

[awsm master]

run_smrf:             default = False,
                type = bool,
                                description = Specifies whether or not to run SMRF to distribute
                forcing data.

model_type:     default = None,
                options = [None smrf_ipysnobal ipysnobal],
                                description = Model used to simulate snowpack for given time
                period. Choose None if not running model

path_dr:        type = criticaldirectory,
                description = path to starting drive for AWSM directory
                structure. This path MUST exist

basin:          description = name of basin to run. i.e. tuolumne or brb.
                No spaces please

project_name:   description = name of project that will be used in directory
                structure. No spaces please.

project_description: description = project description that will be stored in text
                file in project directory. You cannot use punctuation here
                because config readers cannot deal with that

folder_date_style: default = start_end,
                options = [day start_end],
                description = style of date that gets appended to
                generated folders for each date range that is simulated

[awsm system]
log_level:          default = debug,
                options = [debug info error],
                description = level of information to be logged

log_to_file:    default = True,
                type = bool,
                description = log to auto generated file or print to screen

output_frequency: default = 24,
                type = int,
                description = frequency of snow model outputs in hours.
                This is sepreate from SMRF

daily_folders:  default = False,
                type = bool,
                description = seperate daily output folders. Used mainly for
                shortterm forecasts

run_for_nsteps: type = int,
                description = number of timesteps to run iSnobal. This is
                optional and mainly used in model crash scenarios

default = float,
options = [float double],
description = NetCDF variable output precision for float (32-bit) or double (64-bit) 

# Configurations for updating with lidar depths
[update depth]
update:         default = False,
                type = bool,
                description = should we update depth with LiDAR at given

update_file:    type = DiscretionaryCriticalFilename,
                description = netCDF containing depth images and dates for

buffer:         type = int,
                default = 400,
                description = number of buffer cells for update interpolation
                of variables

flight_numbers: type = int list,
                description = list of flight number integers to use. Integers
                start at 1. Default uses all within date range

update_change_file: type = Filename,
                description = optional file to save the changes in swe depth
                and density resulting from a depth update

[isnobal restart]

restart_crash:  default = False,
                type = bool,
                description = whether or not to restart iSnobal from crashed run

depth_thresh:   default = 0.05,
                type = float,
                description = threshold in meters for depth to be removed upon
                restart. This can help with shallow snowpack that causes crashes

wyh_restart_output: type = int,
                description = last iSnobal output wyhr. Program will look at
                output files to find output state at this wyhr for restart

output_folders: default = standard,
                options = [standard daily],
                description = let the restart procedure know where to look for
                the previous outputs. If standard then it looks in the same
                directory but it may look in the previous day output if daily


init_file:      type = filename,
                description = init file containing model state to initialize
                snow model

init_type:        default = None,
                options = [None netcdf netcdf_out],
                description = type of file for initializing model

active_layer:   type = float,
                default = 0.25,
                description = height of iSnobal active layer in meters

max_h2o:        type = float,
                default = 0.01,
                description = maximum volumetric content of liquid water in the snowpack

thresh_normal:  type = int,
                default = 60,
                description = normal mass threshold for timestep refinement
                within iSnobal

thresh_medium:  type = int,
                default = 10,
                description = medium mass threshold for timestep refinement
                within iSnobal

thresh_small:   type = int,
                default = 1,
                description = small mass threshold for timestep refinement
                within iSnobal

z_u:              default = 5.0,
                type = float,
                description = height of wind speed data in meters

z_t:              default = 5.0,
                type = float,
                description = height of temperature data in meters

z_g:              default = 0.5,
                type = float,
                description = depth of soil temperature data in meters

ithreads:       default = 1,
                type = int,
                description = numbers threads for running snow model

output_file_name: default = ipysnobal,
                  type = string,
                  description = name of the output file    

variables:      type = string list,
                default = [thickness snow_density specific_mass liquid_water
                temperature_surface temperature_lower temperature_snowcover thickness_lower
                water_saturation net_radiation sensible_heat latent_heat snow_soil
                precip_advected sum_energy_balance evaporation snowmelt surface_water_input cold_content],
                          options = [thickness snow_density specific_mass liquid_water
                temperature_surface temperature_lower temperature_snowcover thickness_lower
                water_saturation net_radiation sensible_heat latent_heat snow_soil
                precip_advected sum_energy_balance evaporation snowmelt surface_water_input cold_content],
                        description = Output variables for Pysnobal
mask_isnobal:   default = False,
                type = bool,
                description = Mask snowpack model output.

restart_date_time:  type = Datetime,
                description = Restart iPysnobal at this date time which will keep the output in the same 
                project and run directory. This will be the first time step that iPysnobal will perform.