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Test Coverage
 *    krige.c
 *    David Garen   8/91, 3/94
 *    Calculate kriging weights
 *    26 May 2000:
 *    Change solution method to LU decomposition
 *    Feb 2016:
 *    - Create new function krige_grid to calculate the kriging weights
 *        on a grid. This is meant to be called from a Python function
 *    - Everything else is the same except the 2D arrays must now be indexed
 *        with linear indexing

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <malloc/malloc.h>
#include <omp.h>

#include "dk_header.h"

void krige_grid(nsta, ngrid, ad, dgrid, elevations, nthreads, weights)
int nsta;                    /* number of stations used */
int ngrid;                    /* number of grid cells*/
double *ad;                      /* matrix of distances between prec/temp
                                    stations for computing kriging weights */
double *dgrid;                   /* array of distances between grid cells
                                    and prec/temp stations */
double *elevations;                 /* vector of station elevations */
int nthreads;                /* number of threads for parrallel processing */
double *weights;            /* output weights */
//int nthreads;                    /* number of threads to use */

    double w[nsta+1];            /* kriging weights */
    int i, j;

    /* Calculate kriging weights using all stations */
    omp_set_dynamic(0);     // Explicitly disable dynamic teams
    omp_set_num_threads(nthreads); // Use N threads for all consecutive parallel regions

#pragma omp parallel shared(nsta, ad, dgrid, elevations, weights) private(i, j, w)
#pragma omp for
        for (i = 0; i < ngrid; i++) {

            krige(nsta, ad, &dgrid[i*nsta], elevations, w);

            for (j = 0; j < nsta; j++){
                weights[i*nsta + j] = w[j];

    //    return wall;

void krige(nsta, ad, dgrid, elevations, w)
int nsta;                          /* number of stations used */
double *ad;                      /* matrix of distances between prec/temp
                                    stations for computing kriging weights */
double *dgrid;                   /* array of distances between grid cells
                                    and prec/temp stations */
double *elevations;                 /* vector of station elevations */
double *w;                        /* kriging weights */
    double elevsave;               /* stored value of station elevation */
    int m, mm, n, nn, i, j;             /* loop indexes */
    int msave;                    /* stored value of m index */
    int nsp1;                     /* ns plus 1 */
    double *wcalc;                /* calculation vector for weights */
    int ns;                          /* number of stations */
    int luret;                    /* return value from lusolv() */
    int *staflg;                      /* station use flags*/
    double temp;                         /* temporary variable */
    int itemp;                         /* temporary variable */
    double *dist;                     /* sorted distance */
    int *idx;                     /* index sorted distance */
    double **a;                   /* data matrix for solving for kriging
                                       weights (input to m_inv()) */
//    double *w;                    /* kriging weights */
//    double w[nsta+1];

    //   nsta = ns;

    // find the N closest stations
    dist = vector(nsta);
    idx = ivector(nsta);
    for (i = 0; i < nsta; ++i){
        dist[i] = dgrid[i];
        idx[i] = i;
    for (i = 0; i < nsta; ++i){
        for (j = i + 1; j < nsta; ++j){
            if (dist[i] > dist[j]) {
                // sort the distance
                temp = dist[i];
                dist[i] = dist[j];
                dist[j] = temp;

                // re-sort the index
                itemp = idx[i];
                idx[i] = idx[j];
                idx[j] = itemp;

    // set station use flags
    ns = 0;
    staflg = ivector(nsta);
    for (m = 0; m < nsta; m++) {
        staflg[idx[m]] = 1;
    //   for (i = 0; i < nsta; ++i){
    //       printf("%f - %i - %i\n",dist[i],idx[i],staflg[i]);
    //   }
    //   exit(0);

    a = dmatrix(nsta+1, nsta+2);
//    w = dvector(nsta+1);

    wcalc = dvector(nsta+1);
    while (1) {
        nsp1 = ns + 1;

        /* Load matrix for calculating kriging weights using only
         the desired stations (staflg = 1) */

        mm = -1;
        for (m = 0; m < nsta; m++) {
            if (staflg[m] == 1) {
                nn = -1;
                for (n = 0; n < nsta; n++) {
                    if (staflg[n] == 1) {
                        a[mm][nn] = ad[m*nsta + n];
                a[mm][ns] = a[ns][mm] = 1;
                a[mm][nsp1] = dgrid[m];
        a[ns][ns] = 0;
        a[ns][nsp1] = 1;
        n = nsp1;

        /* Solve linear system for kriging weights */

        if ((luret = lusolv(n, a, wcalc)) != 0) {
            printf("Error in lusolv()\n");

        /* Check for negative weights, throw out the most distant station by elevation with
         a negative weight, and recalculate weights until all are positive */

        elevsave = 0.0;
        mm = msave = -1;
        for (m = 0; m < nsta; m++) {
            if (staflg[m] == 1) {
                if (wcalc[mm] < 0.0) {
                    if (elevations[m] > elevsave) {
                        msave = m;
                        elevsave = elevations[m];
        if (msave >= 0) {
            staflg[msave] = 0; // set station use flag to zero for furthest station
        else {
            mm = -1;
            for (m = 0; m < nsta; m++) {
                if (staflg[m] == 1) {
                    w[m] = wcalc[mm];
                    w[m] = 0.0;

//    free(wcalc);

    /* clean up 1D arrays*/

    /* clean up 2D arrays*/
    for (m = 0; m < nsta+1; m++) {

//    return w;