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Smoothly poll the University of Washington's [Person Web Service](https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/pws/Person+Web+Service) (PWS) and [Student Web Service](https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/SWS/Student+Web+Service) (SWS) to aggregate data on a given affiliate, using X.509 certificate authentication.

For example:

    // Intialize the required settings
    define('UW_WS_BASE_PATH', '/path/to/my/private.key');
    define('UW_WS_SSL_KEY_PATH', '/path/to/my/private.key');
    define('UW_WS_SSL_CERT_PATH', '/path/to/my/public_cert.pem');
    define('UW_WS_SSL_KEY_PASSWD', 'myprivatekeypassword');  // Can be blank for no password: ''
    define('UW_WS_VERBOSE', false);  // (Optional) Whether to include verbose cURL messages in error messages.
    /* Query the web services */
    $student = Student::fromStudentNumber("1033334");
    echo $student->getAttr("RegisteredFirstMiddleName");
    echo $student->getAttr("UWNetID");
    // "javerage"
    /* Retrieve registration for James Average*/
    $registrations = $student->registrationSearch("2009", "summer");
    echo $registrations[0]["CurriculumAbbreviation"];  // "TRAIN"
    echo $registrations[0]["CourseNumber"];  // "100"
    /* Retrieve employee information from the web services */
    $employee = Employee::fromUWNetID("jschilz");
    echo $employee->getAttr("Department1");
    // "Student Financial Aid Office"
    echo $employee->getAttr("Title1");
    // "Web Developer"



This is *not* an official library, endorsed or supported by any party who manages or owns information accessed via PWS or SWS. This library is *not* endorsed or supported by the University of Washington Department of Enrollment Management.


This library is published on packagist. To install using Composer, add the `"uwdoem/person": "1.*"` line to your "require" dependencies:

    "require": {
        "uwdoem/person": "1.*"

Of course it is possible to use *Person* without Composer by downloading it directly, but use of Composer to manage packages is highly recommended. See [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) for more information.


This client library provides four data-container classes: `Person`, `Student`, `Employee`, and `Alumni`.

If you have not already done so, follow PWS's instructions on [getting access to PWS](https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/pws/Getting+Access+to+PWS). A similar set of steps will allow you to [gain access to SWS](https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/SWS/Getting+Access+to+SWS). You'll need to place both the private private key you created and also the university-signed certificate on your web server, with read-accessibility for your web-server process.

Before querying the web services, you must first initialize the connection by calling `::createInstance`:

    // Intialize the required settings
    define('UW_WS_BASE_PATH', '/path/to/my/private.key');
    define('UW_WS_SSL_KEY_PATH', '/path/to/my/private.key');
    define('UW_WS_SSL_CERT_PATH', '/path/to/my/public_cert.pem');
    define('UW_WS_SSL_KEY_PASSWD', 'myprivatekeypassword');  // Can be blank for no password: ''
    define('UW_WS_VERBOSE', false);  // (Optional) Whether to include verbose cURL messages in error messages.

The terms `UW_WS_SSL_KEY_PATH` and `UW_WS_SSL_CERT_PATH` correspond to the absolute locations of your private key and university-signed certificate. The `UW_WS_SSL_KEY_PASSWD` corresponds to the string which unlocks your private key; if your key does not have a password then use a blank string, eg: `''`.

The term `UW_WS_BASE_PATH` corresponds to the base URL shared by UW web services. Currently this is either `"https://ws.admin.washington.edu/"` for the production-access web services, or `"https://wseval.s.uw.edu/"` for the testing/development-access web services.

You may now issue queries against the web service:

    // Queries PWS/SWS for a student with StudentNumber "1033334".
    $student = Student::fromStudentNumber("1033334");
    // If no such student was found, then $student is null
    if ($student != null) {
        echo $student->getAttr("RegisteredFirstMiddleName");

In the case above, there does exist a student with StudentNumber "1033334": one of the university's notional test students. So this script will output "JAMES AVERAGE".

The following methods may be used to query the database:
    // Available to Person, and all subclasses of Person
    $person = Person::fromUWNetID($uwnetid);
    $person = Person::fromUWRegID($uwregid);
    $person = Person::fromIdentifier("uwregid", $uwregid);
    $person = Person::fromIdentifier("uwnetid", $uwnetid);
    $person = Person::fromIdentifier("employee_id", $employeeid);
    $person = Person::fromIdentifier("student_number", $studentnumber);
    $person = Person::fromIdentifier("student_system_key", $studentsystemkey);
    $person = Person::fromIdentifier("development_id", $developmentid);
    // Available only to Student
    $student = Student::fromStudentNumber($studentnumber);
    $registrations = $student->registrationSearch($year, $quarter, [$extraSearchTerms]);
    // Available only to Employee
    $employee = Employee::fromEmployeeID($employeeid);
    // Available only to Alumni
    $alumni = Alumni::fromDevelopmentID($developmentid);

You can cast between classes each of the container classes' `::fromPerson` method:
    $person = Person::fromUWNetID($uwnetid);
    // Cast the Person object into a Student
    $person = Student::fromPerson($person);

The `::hasAffiliation` method can tell you whether a given person is a student, employee, and/or alumni:
    $person = Person::fromUWNetID($uwnetid);
    // The ::hasAffiliation method check is useful, but not required:
    if ($person->hasAffiliation("employee") {
        $person = Employee::fromPerson($person);

Use `::getAttr` to retrieve an attribute from a person:
    $person = Person::fromUWNetID($uwnetid);
    $displayName = $person->getAttr("DisplayName");
    $person = Student::fromPerson($person);
    $academicDepartment = $person->getAttr("Department1");


The `Student::registrationSearch` method returns an array of [Registration Resources](https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/SWS/Registration+Resource+V5), in associative array format:
   $student = Student::fromStudentNumber("1033334");
   $registrations = $student->registrationSearch("2009", "summer");
   foreach ($registrations as $registration) {
       echo $registration["CurriculumAbbreviation"];
       echo $registration["CourseNumber"];

You can include optional parameters in your registration search, per the [Registration Search Resource spec](https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/SWS/Registration+Search+Resource+v5):
    $student = Student::fromStudentNumber("1033334");
    $registrations = $student->registrationSearch("2009", "summer", ["is_active" => "true"]);

Exposed Attributes

The container classes expose the following attributes, corresponding to those described in [this PWS glossary](https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/pws/PWS+Attribute+Glossary):

    Exposed by all classes:
    Exposed only by Employee:
    Exposed only by Student:

    Exposed by Student, when SWS access is enabled:

    Exposed only by Alumni:


This library *will* throw warnings and exceptions when it recognizes an error. Turn on error reporting to see these. For errors involving *cURL*, *SSL*, and or script execution halts/no output, see [UWEnrollmentManagement/Connection](https://github.com/UWEnrollmentManagement/Connection) troubleshooting.


* Person Web Service v1
* Student Web Service v5


* PHP 7.0
* uwdoem/connection 3.*


See GitHub [issue tracker](https://github.com/UWEnrollmentManagement/Person/issues/).

Getting Involved

Feel free to open pull requests or issues. [GitHub](https://github.com/UWEnrollmentManagement/Person) is the canonical location of this project.

Here's the general sequence of events for code contribution:

1. Open an issue in the [issue tracker](https://github.com/UWEnrollmentManagement/Person/issues/).
2. In any order:
  * Submit a pull request with a **failing** test that demonstrates the issue/feature.
  * Get acknowledgement/concurrence.
3. Revise your pull request to pass the test in (2). Include documentation, if appropriate.

PSR-2 compliance is enforced by [CodeSniffer](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer) in Travis.