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import cloneDeep from 'lodash-es/cloneDeep';
import sortBy from 'lodash-es/sortBy';
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { isDevMode } from '@angular/core';
import { VirtualScrollItemStatus } from '@uipath/angular/directives/ui-virtual-scroll-range-loader';

import {
} from '../models';

 * Case-insensitive comparer.
 * @param str1 Left hand input.
 * @param str2 Right hand input.
 * @returns If the strings are equal.
 * @ignore
export const caseInsensitiveCompare = (str1: string, str2: string): boolean => str1.trim().toLowerCase() === str2.trim().toLowerCase();

 * Warns the developer that the provided item collection is falsy.
 * @ignore
function arrayWarning(value: any) {
    if (!isDevMode()) { return; }

    if (!(value instanceof Array)) {
        console.warn(`The 'value': ${JSON.stringify(value, null, 4)} should be of type Array!`);

 * Warns the developer that the provided item collection contains falsy values.
 * @ignore
function nullValueWarning(value: any) {
    if (!isDevMode()) { return; }

    if (
        !value ||
        value instanceof Array &&
        value.some(v => v == null)
    ) {
        console.warn(`The provided 'value': ${JSON.stringify(value, null, 4)} contains 'undefined' entries, they will be removed!`);

 * Sorts the items according to their display priority.
 * @returns The sorted items.
 * @ignore
function applyDisplayPriority(mappedItems: ISuggestValue[], displayPriority: SuggestDisplayPriority, value: ISuggestValue[]) {
    if (displayPriority === 'selected') {
        return sortBy(mappedItems, [(item: ISuggestValue) => !value.find(v =>
            v.id === item.id &&
            v.text === item.text,
        ), 'text']);

    return mappedItems;

 * Filtering utility with `limit`.
 * @param arr The collection that needs to be filtered.
 * @param predicate The filter predicate.
 * @param [limit=0] Halts filtering if the `limit` amount of items have been found using the `predicate`.
 * @returns The filtering result.
 * @ignore
function filterItemsByPredicate(
    arr: ISuggestValue[],
    predicate: (item: ISuggestValue) => boolean,
    limit = 0,
) {
    const results = [];

    for (const item of arr) {
        if (
            limit > 0 &&
            results.length === limit
        ) { break; }

        if (predicate(item)) {

    return results;

 * Generates an in memory search factory.
 * @param searchTerm The term searched for.
 * @param sourceList The items that need to be filtered.
 * @ignore
export const inMemorySearch = (searchTerm: string, sourceList: ISuggestValue[]) =>
            map(items => {
                const data = filterItemsByPredicate(items,
                    item =>
                return {
                    total: data.length,
                } as ISuggestValues<any>;

 * Clears falsy values from the array.
 * @export
 * @param value The value that needs to be normalized.
 * @returns The normalized value.
 * @ignore
export function checkAndNormalizeValue(value: ISuggestValue[]) {

    const clone = cloneDeep(value);
    if (clone == null) {
        return [];

    if (clone.some((v: any) => v == null)) {
        return clone.filter((v: any) => v != null);

    return clone;

 * Sorts the items according to the configured display priority and render direction.
 * @export
 * @param data The item list that needs to be sorted.
 * @param displayPriority The requested display priority.
 * @param value The selected items.
 * @param isDown If the dropdown direction is `down`.
 * @returns The sorted item array.
 * @ignore
export function sortByPriorityAndDirection(
    data: ISuggestValue[],
    displayPriority: SuggestDisplayPriority,
    value: ISuggestValue[],
    isDown: boolean,
) {
    const mappedItems = applyDisplayPriority(data, displayPriority, value);
    return isDown ? mappedItems : mappedItems.reverse();

 * @ignore
export function mapInitialItems(
    { total = 0, data = [] }: ISuggestValues<any>,
    displayPriority: SuggestDisplayPriority,
    value: ISuggestValue[],
    loadingLabel: string,
    isDown: boolean,
    isLazy?: boolean,
) {
    const loadingLength = isLazy ? 0 : total - data.length;
    const queryResponse = data.map(r => ({
        loading: VirtualScrollItemStatus.loaded,
    const mappedItems = applyDisplayPriority(queryResponse, displayPriority, value);
    const loadingItems = generateLoadingInitialCollection(loadingLabel, loadingLength);

    const responseResults = [

    return isDown ? responseResults : responseResults.reverse();

 * @ignore
export function generateLoadingInitialCollection(text: string, total = 0): ISuggestValue[] {
    return new Array(total)
            () => ({
                id: -1,
                loading: VirtualScrollItemStatus.initial,

 * @ignore
export function setLoadedState(data: ISuggestValueData<any>[], start: number, currentItems: ISuggestValue[], isLazy?: boolean) {
    const isLazyUp = isLazy && start === -1;
    const items = [...(isLazyUp ? [] : currentItems)];

        .map(r => ({
            loading: VirtualScrollItemStatus.loaded,
        .forEach((item, chunkIndex) => {
            const offset = isLazyUp ? 1 : 0;
            const itemIndex = chunkIndex + start + offset;
            if (isLazy || items[itemIndex] && items[itemIndex].loading !== VirtualScrollItemStatus.loaded) {
                items[itemIndex] = item;

    const onlyLoadedCurrentItems = currentItems.filter(({ loading }) => loading === VirtualScrollItemStatus.loaded);

    return [...items,
    ...(isLazyUp ?
        onlyLoadedCurrentItems :

 * @ignore
export function toSuggestValue(inputValue: ISuggestValue | string, isCustom: boolean = false) {
    return typeof inputValue === 'string' ?
            id: inputValue.trim(),
            text: inputValue.trim(),
            loading: VirtualScrollItemStatus.loaded,
        } as ISuggestValue :

function toggleState(items: ISuggestValue[], mappedStart: number, mappedEnd: number, isPending: boolean) {

    items.slice(mappedStart, mappedEnd)
        .filter(item => item.loading === (isPending ? VirtualScrollItemStatus.initial : VirtualScrollItemStatus.pending))
        .forEach((item) => {
            item.loading = isPending ? VirtualScrollItemStatus.pending : VirtualScrollItemStatus.initial;

 * @ignore
export function resetUnloadedState(items: ISuggestValue[], mappedStart: number, mappedEnd: number) {
    toggleState(items, mappedStart, mappedEnd, false);

 * @ignore
export function setPendingState(items: ISuggestValue[], mappedStart: number, mappedEnd: number) {
    toggleState(items, mappedStart, mappedEnd, true);