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# Redmine Default Version Plugin

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This plugin enables you to specify a default version for a Redmine project.

The initial authors are [Tony Marschall](https://github.com/tonymarschall/redmine_default_version) and [benasher44](https://github.com/benasher44/redmine_default_version).

## Compatibility

This plugin version is compatible only with Redmine 2.1 and later.

## Installation

1. To install the plugin
    * Download the .ZIP archive, extract files and copy the plugin directory into #{REDMINE_ROOT}/plugins.

    * Change you current directory to your Redmine root directory:  

            cd {REDMINE_ROOT}
      Copy the plugin from GitHub using the following commands:
            git clone https://github.com/Undev/redmine_default_version.git plugins/redmine_default_version

2. Update the Gemfile.lock file by running the following commands:  

         rm Gemfile.lock  
         bundle install
3. This plugin requires a migration. Run the following command to upgrade your database (make a database backup before):  

        bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
4. Restart Redmine.

Now you should be able to see the plugin in **Administration > Plugins**.

## Usage    

If there are any project versions specified, the plugin adds the **Default version** field to the **Information** tab of the project settings.  
![default version](default_version_1.png)

After you set a project version as default, this version will be automatically specified as the target version when you create a new issue for this project.  
![default version applied](default_version_2.PNG)

## Maintainers

Danil Tashkinov, [github.com/nodecarter](https://github.com/nodecarter)

## License

This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.