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Test Coverage
  <%=content_tag(:label, l(:label_enable_redmine_xapian))%>
  <%=check_box_tag 'settings[enable]', true, @settings['enable'] == "true" %>

  <%=content_tag(:label, l(:label_index_database)) %>
  <%=text_field_tag 'settings[index_database]', @settings['index_database'] %><br/>
  (<%=l(:label_default)%>: /var/tmp)
<% @stem_langs = ["danish", "dutch", "english", "finnish", "french", "german",
                "hungarian", "italian", "norwegian", "portuguese", "romanian",
                "russian", "spanish", "swedish", "turkish"] %>

<%= content_tag(:label, l(:label_enable_xapian_on_search))%> <%=radio_button_tag 'settings[stem_on_search]', 'true', @settings['stem_on_search'] == 'true', :checked=>true  %> yes <%=radio_button_tag 'settings[stem_on_search]', 'false', @settings['stem_on_search'] == 'false'  %> No

 <%=content_tag(:label, l(:label_default_stemming_lang)) %>
  <%=select_tag( "settings[stemming_lang]", 
        options_for_select( @stem_langs, @settings['stemming_lang'] ))%><br/>
  (<%=l(:label_default)%>: english )
<%=content_tag(:label, l(:label_search_languages)) %>

<%= select_tag("settings[stem_langs]", 
                   options_for_select( @stem_langs,  (@settings['stem_langs'].nil? ) ?  @settings['stemming_lang'] : @settings['stem_langs']),
                   :multiple => true) %>
<%=content_tag(:label, l(:label_default_stemming_strategy))%>
This controls how the query parser will apply the stemming algorithm. The default value is STEM_NONE. The possible values are:
    * STEM_NONE: Don't perform any stemming.<br>
    * STEM_SOME: Search for stemmed forms of terms except for those which start with a capital letter, or are followed by certain characters (currently: (/@\<\>=*[{\" ), or are used with operators which need positional information. Stemmed terms are prefixed with 'Z'.<br>
    * STEM_ALL: Search for stemmed forms of all words (note: no 'Z' prefix is added).<br>

Note that the stemming algorithm is only applied to words in probabilistic fields - boolean filter terms are never stemmed.<br>
  <%=radio_button_tag 'settings[stemming_strategy]', 'STEM_NONE', @settings['stemming_strategy'] == 'STEM_NONE', :checked=>true  %> <%=l(:label_stem_none)%> (<%=l(:label_default)%>)<br>
  <%=radio_button_tag 'settings[stemming_strategy]', 'STEM_SOME', @settings['stemming_strategy'] == 'STEM_SOME'  %> <%=l(:label_stem_some)%><br>
  <%=radio_button_tag 'settings[stemming_strategy]', 'STEM_ALL', @settings['stemming_strategy'] == 'STEM_ALL'  %> <%=l(:label_stem_all)%> <br>