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'use strict';

/* SQL-92 standard data types and keywords
 * http://www.frontbase.com/docs/5.3.html
const sql92 = {

/* Oracle data types
 * https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/18/sqlrf/Data-Types.html#GUID-7B72E154-677A-4342-A1EA-C74C1EA928E6
const oracle = {

/* T-SQL data types and keywords
 * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/data-types-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017
const tsql = {

/* PostgreSQL data types and keywords
 * https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/datatype.html
const postgresql = {

/* MariaDB data types and keywords
 * https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/data-types
const mariadb = {

 * Creates an array of unique values
 * @param {...Array} [arrays]
 * @returns {Array}
/* Incompatible with current node version
 * Bump version on 2.0 release
 * function union(...arrays) {
 *     return [...new Set([].concat(...arrays))];
 * }
function union() {
    let array = [];
    for (let arg of arguments)
        for (let item of arg)
            if (!~array.indexOf(item))

    return array;

 * Moves all compound keywords to the front of the array
 * @param {string[]} array - Array of keywords to mutate
 * @returns {string[]}
function unshiftCompoundKeywords(array) {
    for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const word = array[i];

        if (/\w+\s\w+/.test(word))
            array.unshift(array.splice(i, 1)[0]);

    return array;

const defaultDataTypes = unshiftCompoundKeywords(union(sql92.defaultDataTypes, tsql.defaultDataTypes));


const defaultLesserKeywords = ['ALL', 'AND', 'ANY', 'AS', 'ASC', 'AVG', 'BETWEEN', 'COLLATE', 'COUNT', 'DESC', 'ESCAPE', 'EXISTS', 'IN', 'IS', 'LIKE', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'NOT', 'NULL', 'OR', 'SOME', 'SUM', 'TO'];

let dataTypes = defaultDataTypes.slice();
let standardKeywords = defaultStandardKeywords.slice();
let lesserKeywords = defaultLesserKeywords.slice();

const ANSIModes = {
    reset:         '\x1b[0m',
    bold:          '\x1b[1m',
    dim:           '\x1b[2m',
    italic:        '\x1b[3m',
    underline:     '\x1b[4m',
    blink:         '\x1b[5m',
    inverse:       '\x1b[7m',
    hidden:        '\x1b[8m',
    strikethrough: '\x1b[9m'

const ANSIColours = {
    fg: {
        black:     '\x1b[30m',
        red:       '\x1b[31m',
        green:     '\x1b[32m',
        yellow:    '\x1b[33m',
        blue:      '\x1b[34m',
        magenta:   '\x1b[35m',
        cyan:      '\x1b[36m',
        white:     '\x1b[37m'
    bg: {
        black:     '\x1b[40m',
        red:       '\x1b[41m',
        green:     '\x1b[42m',
        yellow:    '\x1b[43m',
        blue:      '\x1b[44m',
        magenta:   '\x1b[45m',
        cyan:      '\x1b[46m',
        white:     '\x1b[47m'

const defaults = {
    comments:               { mode: 'dim', fg: 'white' },
    constants:              { mode: 'dim', fg: 'red' },
    delimitedIdentifiers:   { mode: 'dim', fg: 'yellow' },
    variables:              { mode: 'dim', fg: 'magenta' },
    dataTypes:              { mode: 'dim', fg: 'green', casing: 'uppercase' },
    standardKeywords:       { mode: 'dim', fg: 'cyan', casing: 'uppercase' },
    lesserKeywords:         { mode: 'bold', fg: 'black', casing: 'uppercase' },
    prefix:                 { replace: /.*?: / }

let runestone;

 * Forge ANSI escape code sequence for text formatting.
 * @param {Object} rule - Object that defines the colors to use for formatting a particular rule.
 * @returns {string}
function forgeANSISequence(rule) {
    let mode, fg, bg;

    mode = (rule.mode && ANSIModes[rule.mode]) ? ANSIModes[rule.mode] : '';
    fg = (rule.fg && ANSIColours.fg[rule.fg]) ? ANSIColours.fg[rule.fg] : '';
    bg = (rule.bg && ANSIColours.bg[rule.bg]) ? ANSIColours.bg[rule.bg] : '';

    let ANSISequence = mode + bg + fg;
    return ANSISequence;

 * Remove all ANSI escape code sequences from text.
 * @param {string} text - Text piece from which to void all formatting.
 * @returns {string}
function voidFormatting(text) {
    return text.replace(/\x1b\[\d{1,2}m/g, '');

 * Highlight syntax of SQL-statments and log to terminal.
 * @param {string|Object} text - String of SQL-statements to highlight.
function illumine(text) {
    let output,
        type = typeof text;

    // Coerce entry to string primitive capable of being altered or exit.
    if (text && (type === 'string' || type === 'object'))
        output = type === 'string' ? text : text.toString();

    // If a given prefix should be replaced or removed, extract it before any subsequent highlights taint it.
    let __prefix;
    if (runestone.prefix && runestone.prefix.replace) {
        let match = runestone.prefix.replace.exec(output);
        if (match) {
            __prefix = match[0];
            output = output.substr(__prefix.length);

    let __archetypes = {};

    if (runestone.own) {
        for (const key of Object.keys(runestone.own)) {
            const rule = runestone.own[key];

            // Extract custom-built archetypes so no subsequent operations alter them. Mark their positions for reinsertion.
            __archetypes[key] = output.match(rule.regexp);
            if (__archetypes[key] && __archetypes[key].length) {
                output = output.replace(rule.regexp, '⥂_' + key + '⥄');

    // Extract delimited identifiers so no subsequent operations alter them. Mark their positions for reinsertion.
    let __identifiers = output.match(/(\[.*?\]|".*?")/g);
    if (__identifiers && __identifiers.length) {
        output = output.replace(/(\[.*?\]|".*?")/g, '⇁※↼');

    // Extract constants so no subsequent operations alter them. Mark their positions for reinsertion.
    let __constants = output.match(/('.*?')/g);
    if (__constants && __constants.length) {
        output = output.replace(/('.*?')/g, '⇝※⇜');

    // Extract local variables so no subsequent operations alter them. Mark their positions for reinsertion.
    let __variables = output.match(/(\B@[@#$_\w\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u00ff\u0100-\u017f\u0180-\u024f]*)/g);
    if (__variables && __variables.length) {
        output = output.replace(/(\B@[@#$_\w\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u00ff\u0100-\u017f\u0180-\u024f]*)/g, '↪※↩');

    // Extract comment sections so no subsequent operations alter them. Mark their positions for reinsertion.
    let __comments = output.match(/(-{2}.*)|(\/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*\/)/g);
    if (__comments && __comments.length) {
        output = output.replace(/(-{2}.*)|(\/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*\/)/g, '⥤※⥢');

    if (runestone.dataTypes && runestone.dataTypes.sequence) {
        let regex = new RegExp('\\b' + '(' + dataTypes.join('|') + ')' + '\\b' + '(?![\'"\\]])', 'gi');
        output = output.replace(regex, (match, g1) => {
            let word = g1;

            const casing = runestone.dataTypes.casing;
            if (typeof casing === 'string' && (casing === 'lowercase' || casing === 'uppercase'))
                word = casing === 'lowercase' ? word.toLowerCase() : word.toUpperCase();

            return runestone.dataTypes.sequence + word + ANSIModes.reset;

    if (runestone.standardKeywords && runestone.standardKeywords.sequence) {
        let regex = new RegExp('\\b' + '(' + standardKeywords.join('|') + ')' + '\\b' + '(?![\'"\\]])', 'gi');
        output = output.replace(regex, (match, g1) => {
            let word = g1;

            const casing = runestone.standardKeywords.casing;
            if (typeof casing === 'string' && (casing === 'lowercase' || casing === 'uppercase'))
                word = casing === 'lowercase' ? word.toLowerCase() : word.toUpperCase();

            return runestone.standardKeywords.sequence + word + ANSIModes.reset;

    if (runestone.lesserKeywords && runestone.lesserKeywords.sequence) {
        let regex = new RegExp('\\b' + '(' + lesserKeywords.join('|') + ')' + '\\b' + '(?![\'"\\]])', 'gi');
        output = output.replace(regex, (match, g1) => {
            let word = g1;

            const casing = runestone.lesserKeywords.casing;
            if (typeof casing === 'string' && (casing === 'lowercase' || casing === 'uppercase'))
                word = casing === 'lowercase' ? word.toLowerCase() : word.toUpperCase();

            return runestone.lesserKeywords.sequence + word + ANSIModes.reset;

    if (runestone.numbers && runestone.numbers.sequence) {
        output = output.replace(/((\d+\.{1}){0,1}(\d+)(?![a-z\x1b]))(?!\d)/gi, runestone.numbers.sequence + '$1' + ANSIModes.reset);

    if (runestone.operators && runestone.operators.sequence) {
        output = output.replace(/(\+|-|\*|\/|%|&|\||\^|=|>|<)+/g, runestone.operators.sequence + '$&' + ANSIModes.reset);

    // If comment sections were found and extracted, reinsert them on the marked positions and cordon off the area for reference.
    if (__comments && __comments.length) {
        for (let i of __comments) {
            // If comment sections were to be formatted, apply the provided style.
            if (runestone.comments && runestone.comments.sequence)
                output = output.replace('⥤※⥢', runestone.comments.sequence + 'c†s' + i + 'c‡e' + ANSIModes.reset);
                output = output.replace('⥤※⥢', 'c†s' + i + 'c‡e');

    // If local variables were found and extracted, reinsert them on the marked positions.
    if (__variables && __variables.length) {
        for (let i of __variables) {
            // If local variables were to be formatted, apply the provided style.
            if (runestone.variables && runestone.variables.sequence)
                output = output.replace('↪※↩', runestone.variables.sequence + i + ANSIModes.reset);
                output = output.replace('↪※↩', i);

    // If constants were found and extracted, reinsert them on the marked positions.
    if (__constants && __constants.length) {
        for (let i of __constants) {
            // If constants were to be formatted, apply the provided style.
            if (runestone.constants && runestone.constants.sequence)
                output = output.replace('⇝※⇜', runestone.constants.sequence + i + ANSIModes.reset);
                output = output.replace('⇝※⇜', i);

    // If delimited identifiers were found and extracted, reinsert them on the marked positions.
    if (__identifiers && __identifiers.length) {
        for (let i of __identifiers) {
            // If delimited identifiers were to be formatted, apply the provided style.
            if (runestone.delimitedIdentifiers && runestone.delimitedIdentifiers.sequence)
                output = output.replace('⇁※↼', runestone.delimitedIdentifiers.sequence + i + ANSIModes.reset);
                output = output.replace('⇁※↼', i);

    if (runestone.own) {
        for (const key of Object.keys(runestone.own).reverse()) {
            const rule = runestone.own[key];

            // If custom-built archetypes were found and extracted, reinsert them on the marked positions.
            if (__archetypes[key] && __archetypes[key].length) {
                for (let i of __archetypes[key]) {
                    let re = i;

                    if (typeof rule.transform === 'string')
                        re = rule.transform;
                    else if (typeof rule.transform === 'function')
                        re = rule.transform(i);

                    // Prevent back-reference
                    re = re.replace(/\$/g,'$$$');

                    // If custom-built archetypes were to be formatted, apply the provided style.
                    if (rule && rule.sequence)
                        output = output.replace('⥂_' + key + '⥄', rule.sequence + re + ANSIModes.reset);
                        output = output.replace('⥂_' + key + '⥄', re);

    // Constants are to be formatted as a whole and no other format should exist inside them. Void any that could have been applied.
    output = output.replace(/('.*?')/g, (match) => {
        return voidFormatting(match);

    // Comment sections are to be formatted as a whole and no other format should exist inside them. Void any that could have been applied and remove cordon.
    output = output.replace(/(c†s)((-{2}.*)|(\/\*(.|[\r\n])*?\*\/))(c‡e)/g, (match, p1, p2) => {
        return voidFormatting(p2);

    // If the given prefix was found and a replacement pattern was provided, substitute it.
    if (__prefix && typeof runestone.prefix.text === 'string') {
        output = __prefix + output;
        output = output.replace(__prefix, runestone.prefix.sequence + runestone.prefix.text + ANSIModes.reset);
    // If only the prefix text was provided, append it.
    else if (runestone.prefix && runestone.prefix.text && !runestone.prefix.replace) {
        output = runestone.prefix.sequence + runestone.prefix.text + ANSIModes.reset + output;

    if (runestone.postfix && runestone.postfix.text) {
        output = output + runestone.postfix.sequence + runestone.postfix.text + ANSIModes.reset;

    return runestone.output(output);

 * Create logger.
 * @param {any} [options] - Custom format rules.
 * @returns {function} - Syntax highlighter and logging function.
function igniculus(options) {

    /* Draft all format sequences from the provided or default
     * configuration and save them.
    runestone = options || defaults;

    if (runestone.comments) {
        runestone.comments.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.comments);

    if (runestone.constants) {
        runestone.constants.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.constants);

    if (runestone.delimitedIdentifiers) {
        runestone.delimitedIdentifiers.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.delimitedIdentifiers);

    if (runestone.numbers) {
        runestone.numbers.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.numbers);

    if (runestone.operators) {
        runestone.operators.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.operators);

    if (runestone.variables) {
        runestone.variables.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.variables);

    if (runestone.dataTypes) {
        if (Array.isArray(runestone.dataTypes.types))
            dataTypes = runestone.dataTypes.types;
            dataTypes = defaultDataTypes.slice();

        runestone.dataTypes.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.dataTypes);

    if (runestone.standardKeywords) {
        if (Array.isArray(runestone.standardKeywords.keywords))
            standardKeywords = runestone.standardKeywords.keywords;
            standardKeywords = defaultStandardKeywords.slice();

        runestone.standardKeywords.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.standardKeywords);

    if (runestone.lesserKeywords) {
        if (Array.isArray(runestone.lesserKeywords.keywords))
            lesserKeywords = runestone.lesserKeywords.keywords;
            lesserKeywords = defaultLesserKeywords.slice();

        runestone.lesserKeywords.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.lesserKeywords);

    if (runestone.prefix) {
        runestone.prefix.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.prefix);

        /* If prefix should replace a given pattern and that pattern is a string,
         * escape it so it can be passed to the RegExp constructor.
        if (runestone.prefix.replace && typeof runestone.prefix.replace === 'string') {
            runestone.prefix.replace = runestone.prefix.replace.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
            runestone.prefix.replace = new RegExp('^' + runestone.prefix.replace, 'i');

    if (runestone.postfix) {
        runestone.postfix.sequence = forgeANSISequence(runestone.postfix);

    if (runestone.own) {
        for (const key of Object.keys(runestone.own)) {
            const rule = runestone.own[key];

            rule.sequence = forgeANSISequence(rule);

    if (typeof runestone.output !== 'function') {
        runestone.output = console.log;

    return illumine;

module.exports = igniculus;
module.exports.log = illumine;