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  ```gauntlet [flags] [tests]```


    -p port

    -h host name

    -f test file path

    -d test files directory path

    -a the base path for the test endpoints (optional)

    -u JSON diff url (optional)

    --shortener path to shortener config js file (optional)

    --aws-secrect AWS secret (optional)

    --aws-key AWS Key (optional)

    --aws-bucket AWS Bucket (optional)

    --verbose Prints out the headers and output from the server for each test. (optional)

Running a specific set of tests.
  `gauntlet <parameters> "testname.subTest" "testname"`

_Test names are automatically URL encoded_

###Using the converter
The format for the test file has changed the converter can convert old format to the new one.

./converter filename

This command will overwrite the old file. If you want to keep the old file I suggest making a backup.

###Using the shortener
To use the shortener you must specify a js file that looks something like:
const request = require('request')

module.exports = (url, callback) => {
    url     : 'https://example.com',
    headers : {
      'content-type' : 'application/json'
    body : JSON.stringify({
      url : url
  }, (error, response, body) => {
    if (error) {
      throw error
