# Copyright (c) 2018 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Tools for working with geometric objects (points, triangles, polygons)."""
import logging
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_points_within_r(center_points, target_points, r):
r"""Get all target_points within a specified radius of a center point.
All data must be in same coordinate system, or you will get undetermined results.
center_points: (X, Y) numpy.ndarray
location from which to grab surrounding points within r
target_points: (X, Y) numpy.ndarray
points from which to return if they are within r of center_points
r: integer
search radius around center_points to grab target_points
matches: (X, Y) numpy.ndarray
A list of points within r distance of, and in the same
order as, center_points
tree = KDTree(target_points)
indices = tree.query_ball_point(center_points, r)
def get_point_count_within_r(center_points, target_points, r):
r"""Get count of target points within a specified radius from center points.
All data must be in same coordinate system, or you will get undetermined results.
center_points: (X, Y) numpy.ndarray
locations from which to grab surrounding points within r
target_points: (X, Y) numpy.ndarray
points from which to return if they are within r of center_points
r: integer
search radius around center_points to grab target_points
matches: (N, ) numpy.ndarray
A list of point counts within r distance of, and in the same
order as, center_points
tree = KDTree(target_points)
indices = tree.query_ball_point(center_points, r)
return np.array([len(x) for x in indices])
def triangle_area(pt1, pt2, pt3):
r"""Return the area of a triangle.
pt1: (X,Y) numpy.ndarray
Starting vertex of a triangle
pt2: (X,Y) numpy.ndarray
Second vertex of a triangle
pt3: (X,Y) numpy.ndarray
Ending vertex of a triangle
area: float
Area of the given triangle.
a = 0.0
a += pt1[0] * pt2[1] - pt2[0] * pt1[1]
a += pt2[0] * pt3[1] - pt3[0] * pt2[1]
a += pt3[0] * pt1[1] - pt1[0] * pt3[1]
return abs(a) / 2
def dist_2(x0, y0, x1, y1):
r"""Return the squared distance between two points.
This is faster than calculating distance but should
only be used with comparable ratios.
x0: float
Starting x coordinate
y0: float
Starting y coordinate
x1: float
Ending x coordinate
y1: float
Ending y coordinate
d2: float
squared distance
See Also
d0 = x1 - x0
d1 = y1 - y0
return d0**2 + d1**2
def distance(p0, p1):
r"""Return the distance between two points.
p0: (X,Y) numpy.ndarray
Starting coordinate
p1: (X,Y) numpy.ndarray
Ending coordinate
d: float
See Also
return math.sqrt(dist_2(p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1]))
def circumcircle_radius(pt0, pt1, pt2):
r"""Calculate and return the radius of a given triangle's circumcircle.
pt0: (x, y)
Starting vertex of triangle
pt1: (x, y)
Second vertex of triangle
pt2: (x, y)
Final vertex of a triangle
r: float
circumcircle radius
See Also
a = distance(pt0, pt1)
b = distance(pt1, pt2)
c = distance(pt2, pt0)
t_area = triangle_area(pt0, pt1, pt2)
return (a * b * c) / (4 * t_area) if t_area > 0 else np.nan
def circumcenter(pt0, pt1, pt2):
r"""Calculate and return the circumcenter of a circumcircle generated by a given triangle.
All three points must be unique or a division by zero error will be raised.
pt0: (x, y)
Starting vertex of triangle
pt1: (x, y)
Second vertex of triangle
pt2: (x, y)
Final vertex of a triangle
cc: (x, y)
circumcenter coordinates
See Also
a_x = pt0[0]
a_y = pt0[1]
b_x = pt1[0]
b_y = pt1[1]
c_x = pt2[0]
c_y = pt2[1]
bc_y_diff = b_y - c_y
ca_y_diff = c_y - a_y
ab_y_diff = a_y - b_y
cb_x_diff = c_x - b_x
ac_x_diff = a_x - c_x
ba_x_diff = b_x - a_x
d_div = (a_x * bc_y_diff + b_x * ca_y_diff + c_x * ab_y_diff)
if d_div == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError
d_inv = 0.5 / d_div
a_mag = a_x**2 + a_y**2
b_mag = b_x**2 + b_y**2
c_mag = c_x**2 + c_y**2
cx = (a_mag * bc_y_diff + b_mag * ca_y_diff + c_mag * ab_y_diff) * d_inv
cy = (a_mag * cb_x_diff + b_mag * ac_x_diff + c_mag * ba_x_diff) * d_inv
return cx, cy
def find_natural_neighbors(tri, grid_points):
r"""Return the natural neighbor triangles for each given grid cell.
These are determined by the properties of the given Delaunay triangulation.
A triangle is a natural neighbor of a grid cell if that triangle's circumcenter
is within the circumradius of the grid cell center.
tri: `scipy.spatial.Delaunay`
A Delaunay Triangulation.
grid_points: (X, Y) numpy.ndarray
Locations of grids.
members: dict
List of simplex codes for natural neighbor triangles in ``tri`` for each grid cell.
circumcenters: numpy.ndarray
Circumcenter for each triangle in ``tri``.
# Used for fast identification of points with a radius of another point
tree = KDTree(grid_points)
# Mask for points that are outside the triangulation
in_triangulation = tri.find_simplex( >= 0
circumcenters = []
members = {key: [] for key in range(len(}
for i, indices in enumerate(tri.simplices):
# Find the circumcircle (center and radius) for the triangle.
triangle = tri.points[indices]
cc = circumcenter(*triangle)
r = circumcircle_radius(*triangle)
# Find all grid points within the circumcircle.
for point in tree.query_ball_point(cc, r):
# If this point is within the triangulation, add this triangle to its list of
# natural neighbors
if in_triangulation[point]:
return members, np.array(circumcenters)
def find_nn_triangles_point(tri, cur_tri, point):
r"""Return the natural neighbors of a triangle containing a point.
This is based on the provided Delaunay Triangulation.
tri: `scipy.spatial.Delaunay`
A Delaunay Triangulation
cur_tri: int
Simplex code for Delaunay Triangulation lookup of
a given triangle that contains 'position'.
point: (x, y)
Coordinates used to calculate distances to
simplexes in 'tri'.
nn: (N, ) array
List of simplex codes for natural neighbor
triangles in 'tri'.
nn = []
candidates = set(tri.neighbors[cur_tri])
# find the union of the two sets
candidates |= set(tri.neighbors[tri.neighbors[cur_tri]].flat)
# remove instances of the "no neighbors" code
for neighbor in candidates:
triangle = tri.points[tri.simplices[neighbor]]
cur_x, cur_y = circumcenter(triangle[0], triangle[1], triangle[2])
r = circumcircle_radius(triangle[0], triangle[1], triangle[2])
if dist_2(point[0], point[1], cur_x, cur_y) < r**2:
return nn
def find_local_boundary(tri, triangles):
r"""Find and return the outside edges of a collection of natural neighbor triangles.
There is no guarantee that this boundary is convex, so ConvexHull is not
sufficient in some situations.
tri: `scipy.spatial.Delaunay`
A Delaunay Triangulation
triangles: (N, ) array
List of natural neighbor triangles.
edges: list
List of vertex codes that form outer edges of
a group of natural neighbor triangles.
edges = []
for triangle in triangles:
for i in range(3):
pt1 = tri.simplices[triangle][i]
pt2 = tri.simplices[triangle][(i + 1) % 3]
if (pt1, pt2) in edges:
edges.remove((pt1, pt2))
elif (pt2, pt1) in edges:
edges.remove((pt2, pt1))
edges.append((pt1, pt2))
return edges
def area(poly):
r"""Find the area of a given polygon using the shoelace algorithm.
poly: (2, N) numpy.ndarray
2-dimensional coordinates representing an ordered
traversal around the edge a polygon.
area: float
a = 0.0
n = len(poly)
for i in range(n):
a += poly[i][0] * poly[(i + 1) % n][1] - poly[(i + 1) % n][0] * poly[i][1]
return abs(a) / 2.0
def order_edges(edges):
r"""Return an ordered traversal of the edges of a two-dimensional polygon.
edges: (2, N) numpy.ndarray
List of unordered line segments, where each
line segment is represented by two unique
vertex codes.
ordered_edges: (2, N) numpy.ndarray
edge = edges[0]
edges = edges[1:]
ordered_edges = [edge]
num_max = len(edges)
while len(edges) > 0 and num_max > 0:
match = edge[1]
for search_edge in edges:
vertex = search_edge[0]
if match == vertex:
edge = search_edge
num_max -= 1
return ordered_edges