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# Copyright (c) 2009,2016,2019 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""A collection of general purpose tools for reading files."""

import bz2
from collections import namedtuple
import contextlib
import gzip
from io import BytesIO, UnsupportedOperation
import logging
from struct import Struct
import zlib

import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def open_as_needed(filename, mode='rb'):
    """Return a file-object given either a filename or an object.

    Handles opening with the right class based on the file extension.

    # Handle file-like objects
    if hasattr(filename, 'read'):
        # See if the file object is really gzipped or bzipped.
        lead = filename.read(4)

        # If we can seek, seek back to start, otherwise read all the data into an
        # in-memory file-like object.
        except (AttributeError, UnsupportedOperation):
            filename = BytesIO(lead + filename.read())

        # If the leading bytes match one of the signatures, pass into the appropriate class.
        with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
            lead = lead.encode('ascii')
        if lead.startswith(b'\x1f\x8b'):
            filename = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=filename)
        elif lead.startswith(b'BZh'):
            filename = bz2.BZ2File(filename)

        return filename

    # This will convert pathlib.Path instances to strings
    filename = str(filename)

    if filename.endswith('.bz2'):
        return bz2.BZ2File(filename, mode)
    elif filename.endswith('.gz'):
        return gzip.GzipFile(filename, mode)
        kwargs = {'errors': 'surrogateescape'} if mode != 'rb' else {}
        return open(filename, mode, **kwargs)  # noqa: SIM115

class NamedStruct:
    """Parse bytes using :class:`Struct` but provide named fields."""

    def __init__(self, info, prefmt='', tuple_name=None):
        """Initialize the NamedStruct."""
        if tuple_name is None:
            tuple_name = 'NamedStruct'
        names, fmts = zip(*info, strict=False)
        self.converters = {}
        conv_off = 0
        for ind, i in enumerate(info):
            if len(i) > 2:
                self.converters[ind - conv_off] = i[-1]
            elif not i[0]:  # Skip items with no name
                conv_off += 1
        self._tuple = namedtuple(tuple_name, ' '.join(n for n in names if n))
        self._struct = Struct(prefmt + ''.join(f for f in fmts if f))

    def size(self):
        """Return the size of the struct in bytes."""
        return self._struct.size

    def _create(self, items):
        if self.converters:
            items = list(items)
            for ind, conv in self.converters.items():
                items[ind] = conv(items[ind])
            if len(items) < len(self._tuple._fields):
                items.extend([None] * (len(self._tuple._fields) - len(items)))
        return self.make_tuple(*items)

    def make_tuple(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Construct the underlying tuple from values."""
        return self._tuple(*args, **kwargs)

    def unpack(self, s):
        """Parse bytes and return a namedtuple."""
        return self._create(self._struct.unpack(s))

    def unpack_from(self, buff, offset=0):
        """Read bytes from a buffer and return as a namedtuple."""
        return self._create(self._struct.unpack_from(buff, offset))

    def unpack_file(self, fobj):
        """Unpack the next bytes from a file object."""
        return self.unpack(fobj.read(self.size))

    def pack(self, **kwargs):
        """Pack the arguments into bytes using the structure."""
        t = self.make_tuple(**kwargs)
        return self._struct.pack(*t)

# This works around times when we have more than 255 items and can't use
# NamedStruct. This is a CPython limit for arguments.
class DictStruct:
    """Parse bytes using :class:`Struct` but provide named fields using dictionary access."""

    def __init__(self, info, prefmt=''):
        """Initialize the DictStruct."""
        names, formats = zip(*info, strict=False)

        # Remove empty names
        self._names = [n for n in names if n]

        self._struct = Struct(prefmt + ''.join(f for f in formats if f))

    def size(self):
        """Return the size of the struct in bytes."""
        return self._struct.size

    def _create(self, items):
        return dict(zip(self._names, items, strict=False))

    def unpack(self, s):
        """Parse bytes and return a dict."""
        return self._create(self._struct.unpack(s))

    def unpack_from(self, buff, offset=0):
        """Unpack the next bytes from a file object."""
        return self._create(self._struct.unpack_from(buff, offset))

class Enum:
    """Map values to specific strings."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize the mapping."""
        # Assign values for args in order starting at 0
        self.val_map = dict(enumerate(args))

        # Invert the kwargs dict so that we can map from value to name
        self.val_map.update(zip(kwargs.values(), kwargs.keys(), strict=False))

    def __call__(self, val):
        """Map an integer to the string representation."""
        return self.val_map.get(val, f'Unknown ({val})')

class Bits:
    """Breaks an integer into a specified number of True/False bits."""

    def __init__(self, num_bits):
        """Initialize the number of bits."""
        self._bits = range(num_bits)

    def __call__(self, val):
        """Convert the integer to the list of True/False values."""
        return [bool((val >> i) & 0x1) for i in self._bits]

class BitField:
    """Convert an integer to a string for each bit."""

    def __init__(self, *names):
        """Initialize the list of named bits."""
        self._names = names

    def __call__(self, val):
        """Return a list with a string for each True bit in the integer."""
        if not val:
            return None

        bits = []
        for n in self._names:
            if val & 0x1:
            val >>= 1
            if not val:

        # Return whole list if empty or multiple items, otherwise just single item
        return bits[0] if len(bits) == 1 else bits

class Array:
    """Use a Struct as a callable to unpack a bunch of bytes as a list."""

    def __init__(self, fmt):
        """Initialize the Struct unpacker."""
        self._struct = Struct(fmt)

    def __call__(self, buf):
        """Perform the actual unpacking."""
        return list(self._struct.unpack(buf))

class IOBuffer:
    """Holds bytes from a buffer to simplify parsing and random access."""

    def __init__(self, source):
        """Initialize the IOBuffer with the source data."""
        self._data = bytearray(source)

    def fromfile(cls, fobj):
        """Initialize the IOBuffer with the contents of the file object."""
        return cls(fobj.read())

    def reset(self):
        """Reset buffer back to initial state."""
        self._offset = 0

    def set_mark(self):
        """Mark the current location and return its id so that the buffer can return later."""
        return len(self._bookmarks) - 1

    def jump_to(self, mark, offset=0):
        """Jump to a previously set mark."""
        self._offset = self._bookmarks[mark] + offset

    def offset_from(self, mark):
        """Calculate the current offset relative to a marked location."""
        return self._offset - self._bookmarks[mark]

    def clear_marks(self):
        """Clear all marked locations."""
        self._bookmarks = []

    def splice(self, mark, newdata):
        """Replace the data after the marked location with the specified data."""
        self._data = self._data[:self._offset] + bytearray(newdata)

    def read_struct(self, struct_class):
        """Parse and return a structure from the current buffer offset."""
        struct = struct_class.unpack_from(memoryview(self._data), self._offset)
        return struct

    def read_func(self, func, num_bytes=None):
        """Parse data from the current buffer offset using a function."""
        # only advance if func succeeds
        res = func(self.get_next(num_bytes))
        return res

    def read_ascii(self, num_bytes=None):
        """Return the specified bytes as ascii-formatted text."""
        return self.read(num_bytes).decode('ascii')

    def read_binary(self, num, item_type='B'):
        """Parse the current buffer offset as the specified code."""
        if 'B' in item_type:
            return self.read(num)

        if item_type[0] in ('@', '=', '<', '>', '!'):
            order = item_type[0]
            item_type = item_type[1:]
            order = '@'

        return list(self.read_struct(Struct(order + f'{int(num):d}' + item_type)))

    def read_int(self, size, endian, signed):
        """Parse the current buffer offset as the specified integer code."""
        return int.from_bytes(self.read(size), endian, signed=signed)

    def read_array(self, count, dtype):
        """Read an array of values from the buffer."""
        ret = np.frombuffer(self._data, offset=self._offset, dtype=dtype, count=count)
        return ret

    def read(self, num_bytes=None):
        """Read and return the specified bytes from the buffer."""
        res = self.get_next(num_bytes)
        return res

    def get_next(self, num_bytes=None):
        """Get the next bytes in the buffer without modifying the offset."""
        if num_bytes is None:
            return self._data[self._offset:]
            return self._data[self._offset:self._offset + num_bytes]

    def skip(self, num_bytes):
        """Jump the ahead the specified bytes in the buffer."""
        if num_bytes is None:
            self._offset = len(self._data)
            self._offset += num_bytes

    def check_remains(self, num_bytes):
        """Check that the number of bytes specified remains in the buffer."""
        return len(self._data[self._offset:]) == num_bytes

    def truncate(self, num_bytes):
        """Remove the specified number of bytes from the end of the buffer."""
        self._data = self._data[:-num_bytes]

    def at_end(self):
        """Return whether the buffer has reached the end of data."""
        return self._offset >= len(self._data)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return the data at the specified location."""
        return self._data[item]

    def __str__(self):
        """Return a string representation of the IOBuffer."""
        return f'Size: {len(self._data)} Offset: {self._offset}'

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the amount of data in the buffer."""
        return len(self._data)

def zlib_decompress_all_frames(data):
    """Decompress all frames of zlib-compressed bytes.

    Repeatedly tries to decompress `data` until all data are decompressed, or decompression
    fails. This will skip over bytes that are not compressed with zlib.

    data : bytearray or bytes
        Binary data compressed using zlib.

            All decompressed bytes

    frames = bytearray()
    data = bytes(data)
    while data:
        decomp = zlib.decompressobj()
            frames += decomp.decompress(data)
            data = decomp.unused_data
            log.debug('Decompressed zlib frame (total %d bytes). %d bytes remain.',
                      len(frames), len(data))
        except zlib.error:
            log.debug('Remaining %d bytes are not zlib compressed.', len(data))
    return frames

def bits_to_code(val):
    """Convert the number of bits to the proper code for unpacking."""
    if val == 8:
        return 'B'
    elif val == 16:
        return 'H'
        log.warning('Unsupported bit size: %s. Returning "B"', val)
        return 'B'