# Copyright (c) 2019 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Parse METAR-formatted data."""
# Import the necessary libraries
from collections import namedtuple
import contextlib
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ._metar_parser.metar_parser import parse, ParseError, TreeNode
from ._tools import open_as_needed
from .station_data import station_info
from ..package_tools import Exporter
from ..units import units
exporter = Exporter(globals())
# Configure the named tuple used for storing METAR data
Metar = namedtuple('metar', ['station_id', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation', 'date_time',
'wind_direction', 'wind_speed', 'wind_gust', 'visibility',
'current_wx1', 'current_wx2', 'current_wx3', 'skyc1', 'skylev1',
'skyc2', 'skylev2', 'skyc3', 'skylev3', 'skyc4', 'skylev4',
'cloudcover', 'temperature', 'dewpoint', 'altimeter',
'current_wx1_symbol', 'current_wx2_symbol', 'current_wx3_symbol',
# Create a dictionary for attaching units to the different variables
col_units = {'station_id': None,
'latitude': 'degrees',
'longitude': 'degrees',
'elevation': 'meters',
'date_time': None,
'wind_direction': 'degrees',
'wind_speed': 'kts',
'wind_gust': 'kts',
'visibility': 'meters',
'eastward_wind': 'kts',
'northward_wind': 'kts',
'current_wx1': None,
'current_wx2': None,
'current_wx3': None,
'low_cloud_type': None,
'low_cloud_level': 'feet',
'medium_cloud_type': None,
'medium_cloud_level': 'feet',
'high_cloud_type': None,
'high_cloud_level': 'feet',
'highest_cloud_type': None,
'highest_cloud_level:': None,
'cloud_coverage': None,
'air_temperature': 'degC',
'dew_point_temperature': 'degC',
'altimeter': 'inHg',
'air_pressure_at_sea_level': 'hPa',
'current_wx1_symbol': None,
'current_wx2_symbol': None,
'current_wx3_symbol': None}
def _tree_repr_(self):
"""Produce string representation of a TreeNodex object."""
rep = self.__class__.__name__ + '('
args = []
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key == 'elements':
args.append(key + '=' + repr(value))
dict_str = ', '.join(args) + ')'
rep += dict_str
return rep
# Monkey patch to improve debugging
TreeNode.__repr__ = _tree_repr_
def parse_metar_to_dataframe(metar_text, *, year=None, month=None):
"""Parse a single METAR report into a Pandas DataFrame.
Takes a METAR string in a text form, and creates a `pandas.DataFrame` including the
essential information (not including the remarks)
The parser follows the WMO format, allowing for missing data and assigning
nan values where necessary. The WMO code is also provided for current weather,
which can be utilized when plotting.
metar_text : str
The METAR report
year : int, optional
Year in which observation was taken, defaults to current year. Keyword-only argument.
month : int, optional
Month in which observation was taken, defaults to current month. Keyword-only argument.
return _metars_to_dataframe([metar_text], year=year, month=month)
def parse_metar(metar_text, year, month, station_metadata=station_info):
"""Parse a METAR report in text form into a list of named tuples.
metar_text : str
The METAR report
station_metadata : dict
Mapping of station identifiers to station metadata
year : int
Reported year of observation for constructing 'date_time'
month : int
Reported month of observation for constructing 'date_time'
metar : namedtuple
Named tuple of parsed METAR fields
Returned data has named tuples with the following attributes:
* 'station_id': Station Identifier (ex. KLOT)
* 'latitude': Latitude of the observation, measured in degrees
* 'longitude': Longitude of the observation, measured in degrees
* 'elevation': Elevation of the observation above sea level, measured in meters
* 'date_time': Date and time of the observation, datetime object
* 'wind_direction': Direction the wind is coming from, measured in degrees
* 'wind_speed': Wind speed, measured in knots
* 'wind_gust': Wind gust, measured in knots
* 'current_wx1': Current weather (1 of 3)
* 'current_wx2': Current weather (2 of 3)
* 'current_wx3': Current weather (3 of 3)
* 'skyc1': Sky cover (ex. FEW)
* 'skylev1': Height of sky cover 1, measured in feet
* 'skyc2': Sky cover (ex. OVC)
* 'skylev2': Height of sky cover 2, measured in feet
* 'skyc3': Sky cover (ex. FEW)
* 'skylev3': Height of sky cover 3, measured in feet
* 'skyc4': Sky cover (ex. CLR)
* 'skylev4:': Height of sky cover 4, measured in feet
* 'cloudcover': Cloud coverage measured in oktas, taken from maximum of sky cover values
* 'temperature': Temperature, measured in degrees Celsius
* 'dewpoint': Dewpoint, measured in degrees Celsius
* 'altimeter': Altimeter value, measured in inches of mercury
* 'current_wx1_symbol': Current weather symbol (1 of 3), WMO integer code from [WMO306]_
Attachment IV
* 'current_wx2_symbol': Current weather symbol (2 of 3), WMO integer code from [WMO306]_
Attachment IV
* 'current_wx3_symbol': Current weather symbol (3 of 3), WMO integer code from [WMO306]_
Attachment IV
* 'visibility': Visibility distance, measured in meters
* 'remarks': Remarks (unparsed) in the report
from ..plots.wx_symbols import wx_code_to_numeric
# Decode the data using the parser (built using Canopy) the parser utilizes a grammar
# file which follows the format structure dictated by the WMO Handbook, but has the
# flexibility to decode the METAR text when there are missing or incorrectly
# encoded values
tree = parse(metar_text)
# Station ID which is used to find the latitude, longitude, and elevation
station_id = tree.siteid.text.strip()
# Extract the latitude and longitude values from 'master' dictionary
info = station_metadata[station_id]
lat = info.latitude
lon = info.longitude
elev = info.altitude
except KeyError:
lat = np.nan
lon = np.nan
elev = np.nan
# Set the datetime, day, and time_utc
day_time_utc = tree.datetime.text.strip()
day = int(day_time_utc[0:2])
hour = int(day_time_utc[2:4])
minute = int(day_time_utc[4:6])
date_time = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute)
except ValueError:
date_time = np.nan
# Set the wind values
wind_units = 'kts'
# If there are missing wind values, set wind speed and wind direction to nan
if ('/' in tree.wind.text) or (tree.wind.text == 'KT') or (tree.wind.text == ''):
wind_dir = np.nan
wind_spd = np.nan
# If the wind direction is variable, set wind direction to nan but keep the wind speed
wind_spd = float(tree.wind.wind_spd.text)
if 'MPS' in tree.wind.text:
wind_units = 'm/s'
wind_spd = units.Quantity(wind_spd, wind_units).m_as('knots')
if (tree.wind.wind_dir.text == 'VRB') or (tree.wind.wind_dir.text == 'VAR'):
wind_dir = np.nan
wind_dir = int(tree.wind.wind_dir.text)
# If there are any errors, return nan
except ValueError:
wind_dir = np.nan
wind_spd = np.nan
# Parse out the wind gust field
if 'G' in tree.wind.text:
wind_gust = units.Quantity(float(tree.wind.gust.text.strip()[1:]),
wind_gust = np.nan
# Handle visibility
if tree.vis.text.endswith('SM'):
visibility = 0
# Strip off the SM and any whitespace around the value and any leading 'M'
vis_str = tree.vis.text[:-2].strip().lstrip('M')
# Case of e.g. 1 1/4SM
if ' ' in vis_str:
whole, vis_str = vis_str.split(maxsplit=1)
visibility += int(whole)
# Handle fraction regardless
if '/' in vis_str:
num, denom = vis_str.split('/', maxsplit=1)
if int(denom) == 0:
raise ValueError('Visibility denominator is 0.')
visibility += int(num) / int(denom)
else: # Should be getting all cases of whole number without fraction
visibility += int(vis_str)
visibility = units.Quantity(visibility, 'miles').m_as('meter')
# CAVOK means vis is "at least 10km" and no significant clouds or weather
elif 'CAVOK' in tree.vis.text:
visibility = 10000
elif not tree.vis.text or tree.vis.text.strip() == '////':
visibility = np.nan
# Only worry about the first 4 characters (digits) and ignore possible 'NDV'
visibility = int(tree.vis.text.strip()[:4])
# If there are any errors, return nan
except ValueError:
visibility = np.nan
# Set the weather symbols
# If the weather symbol is missing, set values to nan
current_wx = []
current_wx_symbol = []
if tree.curwx.text.strip() not in ('', '//', 'NSW'):
current_wx = tree.curwx.text.strip().split()
# Handle having e.g. '+' and 'TSRA' parsed into separate items
if current_wx[0] in ('-', '+') and current_wx[1]:
current_wx[0] += current_wx[1]
current_wx_symbol = wx_code_to_numeric(current_wx).tolist()
while len(current_wx) < 3:
while len(current_wx_symbol) < 3:
# Set the sky conditions
skyc = [np.nan] * 4
skylev = [np.nan] * 4
if tree.skyc.text[1:3] == 'VV':
skyc[0] = 'VV'
level = tree.skyc.text.strip()[2:5]
skylev[0] = np.nan if not level or '/' in level else 100 * int(level)
for ind, part in enumerate(tree.skyc.text.strip().split(maxsplit=3)):
cover = part[:3]
level = part[3:6] # Strips off any ending text like in FEW017CB
if '/' not in cover:
skyc[ind] = cover
if level and '/' not in level:
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
skylev[ind] = float(level) * 100
# Set the cloud cover variable (measured in oktas)
if 'OVC' in tree.skyc.text or 'VV' in tree.skyc.text:
cloudcover = 8
elif 'BKN' in tree.skyc.text:
cloudcover = 6
elif 'SCT' in tree.skyc.text:
cloudcover = 4
elif 'FEW' in tree.skyc.text:
cloudcover = 2
elif ('SKC' in tree.skyc.text or 'NCD' in tree.skyc.text or 'NSC' in tree.skyc.text
or 'CLR' in tree.skyc.text or 'CAVOK' in tree.vis.text):
cloudcover = 0
cloudcover = 10
# Set the temperature and dewpoint
temp = np.nan
dewp = np.nan
if tree.temp_dewp.text and tree.temp_dewp.text != ' MM/MM':
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
temp = float(tree.temp_dewp.temp.text[-2:])
if 'M' in tree.temp_dewp.temp.text:
temp *= -1
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
dewp = float(tree.temp_dewp.dewp.text[-2:])
if 'M' in tree.temp_dewp.dewp.text:
dewp *= -1
# Set the altimeter value and sea level pressure
if tree.altim.text:
val = float(tree.altim.text.strip()[1:5])
altim = val / 100 if val > 1100 else units.Quantity(val, 'hPa').m_as('inHg')
altim = np.nan
# Strip off extraneous stuff off the remarks section
remarks = tree.remarks.text.lstrip().rstrip('= ')
if remarks.startswith('RMK'):
remarks = remarks[3:].strip()
# Returns a named tuple with all the relevant variables
return Metar(station_id, lat, lon, elev, date_time, wind_dir, wind_spd, wind_gust,
visibility, current_wx[0], current_wx[1], current_wx[2], skyc[0], skylev[0],
skyc[1], skylev[1], skyc[2], skylev[2], skyc[3], skylev[3], cloudcover, temp,
dewp, altim, current_wx_symbol[0], current_wx_symbol[1], current_wx_symbol[2],
def parse_metar_file(filename, *, year=None, month=None):
"""Parse a text file containing multiple METAR reports and/or text products.
filename : str or file-like object
If str, the name of the file to be opened. If `filename` is a file-like object,
this will be read from directly and needs to be opened in text mode (i.e. ``read()``
needs to return a string, not bytes).
year : int, optional
Year in which observation was taken, defaults to current year. Keyword-only argument.
month : int, optional
Month in which observation was taken, defaults to current month. Keyword-only argument.
# Function to merge METARs
def full_metars(x, prefix=' '):
tmp = []
for i in x:
# Skip any blank lines
if not i.strip():
# No prefix signals a new report, so yield
if not i.startswith(prefix) and tmp:
yield ' '.join(tmp)
tmp = []
# Handle any leftovers
if tmp:
yield ' '.join(tmp)
# Open the file
with contextlib.closing(open_as_needed(filename, 'rt')) as myfile:
# Merge multi-line METARs into a single report--drop reports that are too short to
# be a METAR with a robust amount of data.
return _metars_to_dataframe(filter(lambda m: len(m) > 25, full_metars(myfile)),
year=year, month=month)
def _metars_to_dataframe(metar_iter, *, year=None, month=None):
"""Turn an iterable of METAR reports into a DataFrame.
The output has the following columns:
* 'station_id': Station Identifier (ex. KLOT)
* 'latitude': Latitude of the observation, measured in degrees
* 'longitude': Longitude of the observation, measured in degrees
* 'elevation': Elevation of the observation above sea level, measured in meters
* 'date_time': Date and time of the observation, datetime object
* 'wind_direction': Direction the wind is coming from, measured in degrees
* 'wind_speed': Wind speed, measured in knots
* 'wind_gust': Wind gust, measured in knots
* 'visibility': Visibility distance, measured in meters
* 'current_wx1': Current weather (1 of 3)
* 'current_wx2': Current weather (2 of 3)
* 'current_wx3': Current weather (3 of 3)
* 'low_cloud_type': Low-level sky cover (ex. FEW)
* 'low_cloud_level': Height of low-level sky cover, measured in feet
* 'medium_cloud_type': Medium-level sky cover (ex. OVC)
* 'medium_cloud_level': Height of medium-level sky cover, measured in feet
* 'high_cloud_type': High-level sky cover (ex. FEW)
* 'high_cloud_level': Height of high-level sky cover, measured in feet
* 'highest_cloud_type': Highest-level Sky cover (ex. CLR)
* 'highest_cloud_level:': Height of highest-level sky cover, measured in feet
* 'cloud_coverage': Cloud cover measured in oktas, taken from maximum of sky cover values
* 'air_temperature': Temperature, measured in degrees Celsius
* 'dew_point_temperature': Dew point, measured in degrees Celsius
* 'altimeter': Altimeter value, measured in inches of mercury
* 'remarks': Any remarks section in the report
* 'current_wx1_symbol': Current weather symbol (1 of 3), WMO integer code from [WMO306]_
Attachment IV
* 'current_wx2_symbol': Current weather symbol (2 of 3), WMO integer code from [WMO306]_
Attachment IV
* 'current_wx3_symbol': Current weather symbol (3 of 3), WMO integer code from [WMO306]_
Attachment IV
* 'air_pressure_at_sea_level': Sea level pressure, derived from temperature, elevation
and altimeter value
* 'eastward_wind': Eastward component (u-component) of the wind vector, measured in knots
* 'northward_wind': Northward component (v-component) of the wind vector, measured in knots
from ..calc import altimeter_to_sea_level_pressure, wind_components
# Defaults year and/or month to present reported date if not provided
if year is None or month is None:
now =
year = now.year if year is None else year
month = now.month if month is None else month
# Try to parse each METAR that is given
metars = []
for metar in metar_iter:
with contextlib.suppress(ParseError):
# Parse the string of text and assign to values within the named tuple
metars.append(parse_metar(metar, year=year, month=month))
# Take the list of Metar objects and turn it into a DataFrame with appropriate columns
df = pd.DataFrame(metars)
df.set_index('station_id', inplace=True, drop=False)
df.rename(columns={'skyc1': 'low_cloud_type', 'skylev1': 'low_cloud_level',
'skyc2': 'medium_cloud_type', 'skylev2': 'medium_cloud_level',
'skyc3': 'high_cloud_type', 'skylev3': 'high_cloud_level',
'skyc4': 'highest_cloud_type', 'skylev4': 'highest_cloud_level',
'cloudcover': 'cloud_coverage', 'temperature': 'air_temperature',
'dewpoint': 'dew_point_temperature'}, inplace=True)
# Drop duplicate values
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['date_time', 'latitude', 'longitude'], keep='last',
# Calculate sea-level pressure from function in metpy.calc
df['air_pressure_at_sea_level'] = altimeter_to_sea_level_pressure(
units.Quantity(df.altimeter.values, col_units['altimeter']),
units.Quantity(df.elevation.values, col_units['elevation']),
units.Quantity(df.air_temperature.values, col_units['air_temperature'])).m_as('hPa')
# Use get wind components and assign them to eastward and northward winds
u, v = wind_components(
units.Quantity(df.wind_speed.values, col_units['wind_speed']),
units.Quantity(df.wind_direction.values, col_units['wind_direction']))
df['eastward_wind'] = u.m
df['northward_wind'] = v.m
# Round altimeter and sea-level pressure values
df['altimeter'] = df.altimeter.round(2)
df['air_pressure_at_sea_level'] = df.air_pressure_at_sea_level.round(2)
# Set the units for the dataframe--filter out warning from Pandas
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning)
df.units = col_units.copy()
return df
# Patch in the notes section into the two main parse functions
if _metars_to_dataframe.__doc__:
# Finds the Notes snippet in the docstring
snippet = _metars_to_dataframe.__doc__[_metars_to_dataframe.__doc__.find('Notes'):]
parse_metar_file.__doc__ = parse_metar_file.__doc__ + snippet
parse_metar_to_dataframe.__doc__ = parse_metar_to_dataframe.__doc__ + snippet