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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2016,2017,2019 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Functionality that we have upstreamed or will upstream into matplotlib."""

from matplotlib.axes import Axes  # noqa: E402, I100, I202
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
import numpy as np

# See if we need to patch in our own scattertext implementation
if not hasattr(Axes, 'scattertext'):
    from matplotlib import rcParams
    from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization
    import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
    from matplotlib.text import Text
    import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms

    def scattertext(self, x, y, texts, loc=(0, 0), **kw):
        """Add text to the axes.

        Add text in string `s` to axis at location `x`, `y`, data

        x, y : array-like, shape (n, )
            Input positions

        texts : array-like, shape (n, )
            Collection of text that will be plotted at each (x,y) location

        loc : length-2 tuple
            Offset (in screen coordinates) from x,y position. Allows
            positioning text relative to original point.

        Other Parameters
        kwargs : `~matplotlib.text.TextCollection` properties.
            Other miscellaneous text parameters.

        Individual keyword arguments can be used to override any given

            >>> ax = plt.gca()
            >>> ax.scattertext([0.25, 0.75], [0.25, 0.75], ['aa', 'bb'],
            ... fontsize=12)  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

        The default setting to to center the text at the specified x, y
        locations in data coordinates. The example below places the text
        above and to the right by 10 pixels::

            >>> ax = plt.gca()
            >>> ax.scattertext([0.25, 0.75], [0.25, 0.75], ['aa', 'bb'],
            ... loc=(10, 10))  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

        # Start with default args and update from kw
        new_kw = {
            'verticalalignment': 'center',
            'horizontalalignment': 'center',
            'transform': self.transData,
            'clip_on': False}

        # Handle masked arrays
        x, y, texts = cbook.delete_masked_points(x, y, texts)

        # If there is nothing left after deleting the masked points, return None
        if x.size == 0:
            return None

        # Make the TextCollection object
        text_obj = TextCollection(x, y, texts, offset=loc, **new_kw)

        # The margin adjustment is a hack to deal with the fact that we don't
        # want to transform all the symbols whose scales are in points
        # to data coords to get the exact bounding box for efficiency
        # reasons.  It can be done right if this is deemed important.
        # Also, only bother with this padding if there is anything to draw.
        if self._xmargin < 0.05:

        if self._ymargin < 0.05:

        # Add it to the axes and update range

        # Matplotlib at least up to 3.2.2 does not properly clip text with paths, so
        # work-around by setting to the bounding box of the Axes
        # TODO: Remove when fixed in our minimum supported version of matplotlib
        text_obj.clipbox = self.bbox

        return text_obj

    class TextCollection(Text):
        """Handle plotting a collection of text.

        Text Collection plots text with a collection of similar properties: font, color,
        and an offset relative to the x,y data location.

        def __init__(self, x, y, text, offset=(0, 0), **kwargs):
            """Initialize an instance of `TextCollection`.

            This class encompasses drawing a collection of text values at a variety
            of locations.

            x : array-like
                The x locations, in data coordinates, for the text

            y : array-like
                The y locations, in data coordinates, for the text

            text : array-like of str
                The string values to draw

            offset : (int, int)
                The offset x and y, in normalized coordinates, to draw the text relative
                to the data locations.

            kwargs : arbitrary keywords arguments

            Text.__init__(self, **kwargs)
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.text = text
            self.offset = offset

        def __str__(self):
            """Make a string representation of `TextCollection`."""
            return 'TextCollection'

        __repr__ = __str__

        def get_datalim(self, transData):  # noqa: N803
            """Return the limits of the data.

            transData : matplotlib.transforms.Transform

                The bounding box of the data

            full_transform = self.get_transform() - transData
            posx = self.convert_xunits(self.x)
            posy = self.convert_yunits(self.y)
            XY = full_transform.transform(np.vstack((posx, posy)).T)  # noqa: N806
            bbox = transforms.Bbox.null()
            bbox.update_from_data_xy(XY, ignore=True)
            return bbox

        def draw(self, renderer):
            """Draw the :class:`TextCollection` object to the given *renderer*."""
            if renderer is not None:
                self._renderer = renderer
            if not self.get_visible():
            if not any(self.text):

            renderer.open_group('text', self.get_gid())

            trans = self.get_transform()
            if self.offset != (0, 0):
                scale = self.axes.figure.dpi / 72
                xoff, yoff = self.offset
                trans += mtransforms.Affine2D().translate(scale * xoff,
                                                          scale * yoff)

            posx = self.convert_xunits(self.x)
            posy = self.convert_yunits(self.y)
            pts = np.vstack((posx, posy)).T
            pts = trans.transform(pts)
            _, canvash = renderer.get_canvas_width_height()

            gc = renderer.new_gc()

            angle = self.get_rotation()

            for (posx, posy), t in zip(pts, self.text):
                # Skip empty strings--not only is this a performance gain, but it fixes
                # rendering with path effects below.
                if not t:

                self._text = t  # hack to allow self._get_layout to work
                _, info, _ = self._get_layout(renderer)
                self._text = ''

                for line, _, x, y in info:

                    mtext = self if len(info) == 1 else None
                    x = x + posx
                    y = y + posy
                    if renderer.flipy():
                        y = canvash - y

                    clean_line, ismath = self._preprocess_math(line)

                    if self.get_path_effects():
                        from matplotlib.patheffects import PathEffectRenderer
                        textrenderer = PathEffectRenderer(
                                            self.get_path_effects(), renderer)  # noqa: E126
                        textrenderer = renderer

                    if self.get_usetex():
                        textrenderer.draw_tex(gc, x, y, clean_line,
                                              self._fontproperties, angle,
                        textrenderer.draw_text(gc, x, y, clean_line,
                                               self._fontproperties, angle,
                                               ismath=ismath, mtext=mtext)


        def set_usetex(self, usetex):
            Set this `Text` object to render using TeX (or not).

            If `None` is given, the option will be reset to use the value of
            self._usetex = None if usetex is None else bool(usetex)
            self.stale = True

        def get_usetex(self):
            Return whether this `Text` object will render using TeX.

            If the user has not manually set this value, it will default to
            the value of `rcParams['text.usetex']`
            if self._usetex is None:
                return rcParams['text.usetex']
                return self._usetex

    # Monkey-patch scattertext onto Axes
    Axes.scattertext = scattertext