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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2008,2015,2017,2019 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Test the `basic` module."""

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytest
import xarray as xr

from metpy.calc import (add_height_to_pressure, add_pressure_to_height,
                        altimeter_to_sea_level_pressure, altimeter_to_station_pressure,
                        apparent_temperature, coriolis_parameter, geopotential_to_height,
                        heat_index, height_to_geopotential, height_to_pressure_std,
                        pressure_to_height_std, sigma_to_pressure, smooth_circular,
                        smooth_gaussian, smooth_n_point, smooth_rectangular, smooth_window,
                        wind_components, wind_direction, wind_speed, windchill, zoom_xarray)
from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from metpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal
from metpy.units import units

def test_wind_comps_basic(array_type):
    """Test the basic wind component calculation."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False]
    speed = array_type([4, 4, 4, 4, 25, 25, 25, 25, 10.], 'mph', mask=mask)
    dirs = array_type([0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360], 'deg', mask=mask)
    s2 = np.sqrt(2.)

    u, v = wind_components(speed, dirs)

    true_u = array_type([0, -4 / s2, -4, -4 / s2, 0, 25 / s2, 25, 25 / s2, 0],
                        'mph', mask=mask)
    true_v = array_type([-4, -4 / s2, 0, 4 / s2, 25, 25 / s2, 0, -25 / s2, -10],
                        'mph', mask=mask)

    assert_array_almost_equal(true_u, u, 4)
    assert_array_almost_equal(true_v, v, 4)

def test_wind_comps_with_north_and_calm(array_type):
    """Test that the wind component calculation handles northerly and calm winds."""
    mask = [False, True, False]
    speed = array_type([0, 5, 5], 'mph', mask=mask)
    dirs = array_type([0, 360, 0], 'deg', mask=mask)

    u, v = wind_components(speed, dirs)

    true_u = array_type([0, 0, 0], 'mph', mask=mask)
    true_v = array_type([0, -5, -5], 'mph', mask=mask)

    assert_array_almost_equal(true_u, u, 4)
    assert_array_almost_equal(true_v, v, 4)

def test_wind_comps_scalar():
    """Test wind components calculation with scalars."""
    u, v = wind_components(8 * units('m/s'), 150 * units.deg)
    assert_almost_equal(u, -4 * units('m/s'), 3)
    assert_almost_equal(v, 6.9282 * units('m/s'), 3)

def test_speed(array_type):
    """Test calculating wind speed."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    u = array_type([4., 2., 0., 0.], 'm/s', mask=mask)
    v = array_type([0., 2., 4., 0.], 'm/s', mask=mask)

    speed = wind_speed(u, v)

    s2 = np.sqrt(2.)
    true_speed = array_type([4., 2 * s2, 4., 0.], 'm/s', mask=mask)

    assert_array_almost_equal(true_speed, speed, 4)

def test_direction(array_type):
    """Test calculating wind direction."""
    # The last two (u, v) pairs and their masks test masking calm and negative directions
    mask = [False, True, False, True, True]
    u = array_type([4., 2., 0., 0., 1.], 'm/s', mask=mask)
    v = array_type([0., 2., 4., 0., -1], 'm/s', mask=mask)

    direc = wind_direction(u, v)

    true_dir = array_type([270., 225., 180., 0., 315.], 'degree', mask=mask)

    assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir, direc, 4)

def test_direction_with_north_and_calm(array_type):
    """Test how wind direction handles northerly and calm winds."""
    mask = [False, False, False, True]
    u = array_type([0., -0., 0., 1.], 'm/s', mask=mask)
    v = array_type([0., 0., -5., 1.], 'm/s', mask=mask)

    direc = wind_direction(u, v)

    true_dir = array_type([0., 0., 360., 225.], 'deg', mask=mask)

    assert_array_almost_equal(true_dir, direc, 4)

def test_direction_dimensions():
    """Verify wind_direction returns degrees."""
    d = wind_direction(3. * units('m/s'), 4. * units('m/s'))
    assert d.units == units('degree')

def test_oceanographic_direction(array_type):
    """Test oceanographic direction (to) convention."""
    mask = [False, True, False]
    u = array_type([5., 5., 0.], 'm/s', mask=mask)
    v = array_type([-5., 0., 5.], 'm/s', mask=mask)

    direc = wind_direction(u, v, convention='to')
    true_dir = array_type([135., 90., 360.], 'deg', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(direc, true_dir, 4)

def test_invalid_direction_convention():
    """Test the error that is returned if the convention kwarg is not valid."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        wind_direction(1 * units('m/s'), 5 * units('m/s'), convention='test')

def test_speed_direction_roundtrip():
    """Test round-tripping between speed/direction and components."""
    # Test each quadrant of the whole circle
    wspd = np.array([15., 5., 2., 10.]) * units.meters / units.seconds
    wdir = np.array([160., 30., 225., 350.]) * units.degrees

    u, v = wind_components(wspd, wdir)

    wdir_out = wind_direction(u, v)
    wspd_out = wind_speed(u, v)

    assert_array_almost_equal(wspd, wspd_out, 4)
    assert_array_almost_equal(wdir, wdir_out, 4)

def test_scalar_speed():
    """Test wind speed with scalars."""
    s = wind_speed(-3. * units('m/s'), -4. * units('m/s'))
    assert_almost_equal(s, 5. * units('m/s'), 3)

def test_scalar_direction():
    """Test wind direction with scalars."""
    d = wind_direction(3. * units('m/s'), 4. * units('m/s'))
    assert_almost_equal(d, 216.870 * units.deg, 3)

def test_windchill_scalar():
    """Test wind chill with scalars."""
    wc = windchill(-5 * units.degC, 35 * units('m/s'))
    assert_almost_equal(wc, -18.9357 * units.degC, 0)

def test_windchill_basic(array_type):
    """Test the basic wind chill calculation."""
    temp = array_type([40, -10, -45, 20], 'degF')
    speed = array_type([5, 55, 25, 15], 'mph')

    wc = windchill(temp, speed)
    values = array_type([36, -46, -84, 6], 'degF')
    assert_array_almost_equal(wc, values, 0)

def test_windchill_kelvin():
    """Test wind chill when given Kelvin temperatures."""
    wc = windchill(268.15 * units.kelvin, 35 * units('m/s'))
    assert_almost_equal(wc, -18.9357 * units.degC, 0)

def test_windchill_invalid():
    """Test windchill for values that should be masked."""
    temp = np.array([10, 51, 49, 60, 80, 81]) * units.degF
    speed = np.array([4, 4, 3, 1, 10, 39]) * units.mph

    wc = windchill(temp, speed)
    # We don't care about the masked values
    truth = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([2.6230789, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan],
                                       mask=[False, True, True, True, True, True]), units.degF)
    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, wc)

def test_windchill_undefined_flag():
    """Test whether masking values for windchill can be disabled."""
    temp = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([49, 50, 49, 60, 80, 81]), units.degF)
    speed = units.Quantity(([4, 4, 3, 1, 10, 39]), units.mph)

    wc = windchill(temp, speed, mask_undefined=False)
    mask = np.array([False] * 6)
    assert_array_equal(wc.mask, mask)

def test_windchill_face_level():
    """Test windchill using the face_level flag."""
    temp = np.array([20, 0, -20, -40]) * units.degF
    speed = np.array([15, 30, 45, 60]) * units.mph

    wc = windchill(temp, speed, face_level_winds=True)
    values = np.array([3, -30, -64, -98]) * units.degF
    assert_array_almost_equal(wc, values, 0)

def test_heat_index_basic(array_type):
    """Test the basic heat index calculation."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True, False]
    temp = array_type([80, 88, 92, 110, 86], 'degF', mask=mask)
    rh = array_type([40, 100, 70, 40, 88], 'percent', mask=mask)

    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
    values = array_type([80, 121, 112, 136, 104], 'degF', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(hi, values, 0)

def test_heat_index_scalar():
    """Test heat index using scalars."""
    hi = heat_index(96 * units.degF, 65 * units.percent)
    assert_almost_equal(hi, 121 * units.degF, 0)

def test_heat_index_invalid(array_type):
    """Test heat index for values that should be masked."""
    mask = [False, False, False, False, False, False]
    temp = array_type([80, 88, 92, 79, 30, 81], 'degF', mask=mask)
    rh = array_type([40, 39, 2, 70, 50, 39], 'percent', mask=mask)

    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
    if isinstance(hi, xr.DataArray):
        hi = hi.data
    true_mask = np.array([False, False, False, True, True, False])
    assert_array_equal(hi.mask, true_mask)

def test_heat_index_undefined_flag():
    """Test whether masking values can be disabled for heat index."""
    temp = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([80, 88, 92, 79, 30, 81]), units.degF)
    rh = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([40, 39, 2, 70, 50, 39]), units.percent)

    hi = heat_index(temp, rh, mask_undefined=False)
    mask = np.array([False] * 6)
    assert_array_equal(hi.mask, mask)

def test_heat_index_units():
    """Test units coming out of heat index are unchanged."""
    temp = units.Quantity([35., 20.], units.degC)
    rh = 70 * units.percent
    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
    assert hi.units == temp.units
    assert_almost_equal(hi, units.Quantity([50.3405, np.nan], units.degC), 4)

def test_heat_index_ratio():
    """Test giving humidity as number [0, 1] to heat index."""
    temp = units.Quantity([35., 20.], units.degC)
    rh = 0.7
    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
    assert_almost_equal(hi, units.Quantity([50.3405, np.nan], units.degC), 4)

def test_heat_index_vs_nws():
    """Test heat_index against online calculated HI from NWS Website."""
    # https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml, visited 2019-Jul-17
    temp = units.Quantity(np.array([86, 111, 40, 96]), units.degF)
    rh = units.Quantity(np.array([45, 27, 99, 60]), units.percent)
    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
    truth = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([87, 121, 40, 116], mask=[False, False, True, False]),
    assert_array_almost_equal(hi, truth, 0)

def test_heat_index_kelvin():
    """Test heat_index when given Kelvin temperatures."""
    temp = 308.15 * units.degK
    rh = 0.7
    hi = heat_index(temp, rh)
    # NB rounded up test value here vs the above two tests
    assert_almost_equal(hi, 50.3406 * units.degC, 4)

def test_height_to_geopotential(array_type):
    """Test conversion from height to geopotential."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    height = array_type([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], 'meter', mask=mask)
    geopot = height_to_geopotential(height)
    truth = array_type([0., 9805, 19607, 29406], 'm**2 / second**2', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(geopot, truth, 0)

# See #1075 regarding previous destructive cancellation in floating point
def test_height_to_geopotential_32bit():
    """Test conversion to geopotential with 32-bit values."""
    heights = np.linspace(20597, 20598, 11, dtype=np.float32) * units.m
    truth = np.array([201336.64, 201337.62, 201338.6, 201339.58, 201340.55, 201341.53,
                      201342.5, 201343.48, 201344.45, 201345.44, 201346.39],
                     dtype=np.float32) * units('J/kg')
    assert_almost_equal(height_to_geopotential(heights), truth, 2)

def test_geopotential_to_height(array_type):
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    geopotential = array_type(
        [0., 9805.11102602, 19607.14506998, 29406.10358006],
        'm**2 / second**2',
    height = geopotential_to_height(geopotential)
    truth = array_type([0, 1000, 2000, 3000], 'meter', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(height, truth, 0)

# See #1075 regarding previous destructive cancellation in floating point
def test_geopotential_to_height_32bit():
    """Test conversion from geopotential to height with 32-bit values."""
    geopot = np.arange(201590, 201600, dtype=np.float32) * units('J/kg')
    truth = np.array([20623.000, 20623.102, 20623.203, 20623.307, 20623.408,
                      20623.512, 20623.615, 20623.717, 20623.820, 20623.924],
                     dtype=np.float32) * units.m
    assert_almost_equal(geopotential_to_height(geopot), truth, 2)

def test_pressure_to_heights_basic(array_type):
    """Test basic pressure to height calculation for standard atmosphere."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    pressures = array_type([975.2, 987.5, 956., 943.], 'mbar', mask=mask)
    heights = pressure_to_height_std(pressures)
    values = array_type([321.5, 216.5, 487.6, 601.7], 'meter', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(heights, values, 1)

def test_heights_to_pressure_basic(array_type):
    """Test basic height to pressure calculation for standard atmosphere."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    heights = array_type([321.5, 216.5, 487.6, 601.7], 'meter', mask=mask)
    pressures = height_to_pressure_std(heights)
    values = array_type([975.2, 987.5, 956., 943.], 'mbar', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(pressures, values, 1)

def test_pressure_to_heights_units():
    """Test that passing non-mbar units works."""
    assert_almost_equal(pressure_to_height_std(29 * units.inHg), 262.8498 * units.meter, 3)

def test_coriolis_force(array_type):
    """Test basic coriolis force calculation."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True, False]
    lat = array_type([-90., -30., 0., 30., 90.], 'degrees', mask=mask)
    cor = coriolis_parameter(lat)
    values = array_type([-1.4584232E-4, -.72921159E-4, 0, .72921159E-4,
                         1.4584232E-4], 's^-1', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(cor, values, 7)

def test_add_height_to_pressure(array_type):
    """Test the pressure at height above pressure calculation."""
    mask = [False, True, False]
    pressure_in = array_type([1000., 900., 800.], 'hPa', mask=mask)
    height = array_type([877.17421094, 500., 300.], 'meter', mask=mask)
    pressure_out = add_height_to_pressure(pressure_in, height)
    truth = array_type([900., 846.725, 770.666], 'hPa', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(pressure_out, truth, 2)

def test_add_pressure_to_height(array_type):
    """Test the height at pressure above height calculation."""
    mask = [False, True, False]
    height_in = array_type([110.8286757, 250., 500.], 'meter', mask=mask)
    pressure = array_type([100., 200., 300.], 'hPa', mask=mask)
    height_out = add_pressure_to_height(height_in, pressure)
    truth = array_type([987.971601, 2114.957, 3534.348], 'meter', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(height_out, truth, 3)

def test_sigma_to_pressure(array_type):
    """Test sigma_to_pressure."""
    surface_pressure = 1000. * units.hPa
    model_top_pressure = 0. * units.hPa
    sigma_values = np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.1)
    mask = np.zeros_like(sigma_values)[::2] = 1
    sigma = array_type(sigma_values, '', mask=mask)
    expected = array_type(np.arange(0., 1100., 100.), 'hPa', mask=mask)
    pressure = sigma_to_pressure(sigma, surface_pressure, model_top_pressure)
    assert_array_almost_equal(pressure, expected, 5)

def test_warning_dir():
    """Test that warning is raised wind direction > 2Pi."""
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        wind_components(3. * units('m/s'), 270)

def test_coriolis_warning():
    """Test that warning is raise when latitude larger than pi radians."""
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):

def test_coriolis_units():
    """Test that coriolis returns units of 1/second."""
    f = coriolis_parameter(50 * units.degrees)
    assert f.units == units('1/second')

def test_apparent_temperature(array_type):
    """Test the apparent temperature calculation."""
    temperature = array_type([[90, 90, 70],
                              [20, 20, 60]], 'degF')
    rel_humidity = array_type([[60, 20, 60],
                               [10, 10, 10]], 'percent')
    wind = array_type([[5, 3, 3],
                       [10, 1, 10]], 'mph')

    truth = units.Quantity(np.ma.array([[99.6777178, 86.3357671, 70], [8.8140662, 20, 60]],
                                       mask=[[False, False, True], [False, True, True]]),
    res = apparent_temperature(temperature, rel_humidity, wind)
    assert_array_almost_equal(res, truth, 6)

def test_apparent_temperature_scalar():
    """Test the apparent temperature calculation with a scalar."""
    temperature = 90 * units.degF
    rel_humidity = 60 * units.percent
    wind = 5 * units.mph
    truth = 99.6777178 * units.degF
    res = apparent_temperature(temperature, rel_humidity, wind)
    assert_almost_equal(res, truth, 6)

def test_apparent_temperature_scalar_no_modification():
    """Test the apparent temperature calculation with a scalar that is NOOP."""
    temperature = 70 * units.degF
    rel_humidity = 60 * units.percent
    wind = 5 * units.mph
    truth = 70 * units.degF
    res = apparent_temperature(temperature, rel_humidity, wind, mask_undefined=False)
    assert_almost_equal(res, truth, 6)

def test_apparent_temperature_windchill():
    """Test that apparent temperature works when a windchill is calculated."""
    temperature = -5. * units.degC
    rel_humidity = 50. * units.percent
    wind = 35. * units('m/s')
    truth = -18.9357 * units.degC
    res = apparent_temperature(temperature, rel_humidity, wind)
    assert_almost_equal(res, truth, 0)

def test_apparent_temperature_mask_undefined_false():
    """Test that apparent temperature works when mask_undefined is False."""
    temp = np.array([80, 55, 10]) * units.degF
    rh = np.array([40, 50, 25]) * units.percent
    wind = np.array([5, 4, 10]) * units('m/s')

    app_temperature = apparent_temperature(temp, rh, wind, mask_undefined=False)
    assert not hasattr(app_temperature, 'mask')

def test_apparent_temperature_mask_undefined_true():
    """Test that apparent temperature works when mask_undefined is True."""
    temp = np.array([80, 55, 10]) * units.degF
    rh = np.array([40, 50, 25]) * units.percent
    wind = np.array([5, 4, 10]) * units('m/s')

    app_temperature = apparent_temperature(temp, rh, wind, mask_undefined=True)
    mask = [False, True, False]
    assert_array_equal(app_temperature.mask, mask)

def test_smooth_gaussian(array_type):
    """Test the smooth_gaussian function with a larger n."""
    m = 10
    s = np.zeros((m, m))

    for i in np.ndindex(s.shape):
        s[i] = i[0] + i[1]**2

    mask = np.zeros_like(s)
    mask[::2, ::2] = 1
    scalar_grid = array_type(s, '', mask=mask)

    s_actual = smooth_gaussian(scalar_grid, 4)
    s_true = array_type([[0.40077472, 1.59215426, 4.59665817, 9.59665817, 16.59665817,
                          25.59665817, 36.59665817, 49.59665817, 64.51108392, 77.87487258],
                         [1.20939518, 2.40077472, 5.40527863, 10.40527863, 17.40527863,
                          26.40527863, 37.40527863, 50.40527863, 65.31970438, 78.68349304],
                         [2.20489127, 3.39627081, 6.40077472, 11.40077472, 18.40077472,
                          27.40077472, 38.40077472, 51.40077472, 66.31520047, 79.67898913],
                         [3.20489127, 4.39627081, 7.40077472, 12.40077472, 19.40077472,
                          28.40077472, 39.40077472, 52.40077472, 67.31520047, 80.67898913],
                         [4.20489127, 5.39627081, 8.40077472, 13.40077472, 20.40077472,
                          29.40077472, 40.40077472, 53.40077472, 68.31520047, 81.67898913],
                         [5.20489127, 6.39627081, 9.40077472, 14.40077472, 21.40077472,
                          30.40077472, 41.40077472, 54.40077472, 69.31520047, 82.67898913],
                         [6.20489127, 7.39627081, 10.40077472, 15.40077472, 22.40077472,
                          31.40077472, 42.40077472, 55.40077472, 70.31520047, 83.67898913],
                         [7.20489127, 8.39627081, 11.40077472, 16.40077472, 23.40077472,
                          32.40077472, 43.40077472, 56.40077472, 71.31520047, 84.67898913],
                         [8.20038736, 9.3917669, 12.39627081, 17.39627081, 24.39627081,
                          33.39627081, 44.39627081, 57.39627081, 72.31069656, 85.67448522],
                         [9.00900782, 10.20038736, 13.20489127, 18.20489127, 25.20489127,
                          34.20489127, 45.20489127, 58.20489127, 73.11931702, 86.48310568]],
                        '', mask=mask)
    assert_array_almost_equal(s_actual, s_true)

def test_smooth_gaussian_small_n():
    """Test the smooth_gaussian function with a smaller n."""
    m = 5
    s = np.zeros((m, m))
    for i in np.ndindex(s.shape):
        s[i] = i[0] + i[1]**2
    s = smooth_gaussian(s, 1)
    s_true = [[0.0141798077, 1.02126971, 4.02126971, 9.02126971, 15.9574606],
              [1.00708990, 2.01417981, 5.01417981, 10.0141798, 16.9503707],
              [2.00708990, 3.01417981, 6.01417981, 11.0141798, 17.9503707],
              [3.00708990, 4.01417981, 7.01417981, 12.0141798, 18.9503707],
              [4.00000000, 5.00708990, 8.00708990, 13.0070899, 19.9432808]]
    assert_array_almost_equal(s, s_true)

def test_smooth_gaussian_3d_units():
    """Test the smooth_gaussian function with units and a 3D array."""
    m = 5
    s = np.zeros((3, m, m))
    for i in np.ndindex(s.shape):
        s[i] = i[1] + i[2]**2
    s[0::2, :, :] = 10 * s[0::2, :, :]
    s = s * units('m')
    s = smooth_gaussian(s, 1)
    s_true = ([[0.0141798077, 1.02126971, 4.02126971, 9.02126971, 15.9574606],
              [1.00708990, 2.01417981, 5.01417981, 10.0141798, 16.9503707],
              [2.00708990, 3.01417981, 6.01417981, 11.0141798, 17.9503707],
              [3.00708990, 4.01417981, 7.01417981, 12.0141798, 18.9503707],
              [4.00000000, 5.00708990, 8.00708990, 13.0070899, 19.9432808]]) * units('m')
    assert_array_almost_equal(s[1, :, :], s_true)

def test_smooth_n_pt_5(array_type):
    """Test the smooth_n_pt function using 5 points."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                     [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                     [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                     [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                     [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]])
    mask = np.zeros_like(hght)
    mask[::2, ::2] = 1
    hght = array_type(hght, '', mask=mask)

    shght = smooth_n_point(hght, 5, 1)
    s_true = array_type([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                         [5684., 5675.75, 5666.375, 5658.875, 5651.],
                         [5728., 5711.5, 5692.75, 5677.75, 5662.],
                         [5772., 5747.25, 5719.125, 5696.625, 5673.],
                         [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]], '')
    assert_array_almost_equal(shght, s_true)

def test_smooth_n_pt_5_units():
    """Test the smooth_n_pt function using 5 points with units."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                    [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                    [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                    [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                    [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]]) * units.meter
    shght = smooth_n_point(hght, 5, 1)
    s_true = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                      [5684., 5675.75, 5666.375, 5658.875, 5651.],
                      [5728., 5711.5, 5692.75, 5677.75, 5662.],
                      [5772., 5747.25, 5719.125, 5696.625, 5673.],
                      [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]]) * units.meter
    assert_array_almost_equal(shght, s_true)

def test_smooth_n_pt_9_units():
    """Test the smooth_n_pt function using 9 points with units."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                    [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                    [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                    [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                    [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]]) * units.meter
    shght = smooth_n_point(hght, 9, 1)
    s_true = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                      [5684., 5675.5, 5666.75, 5658.75, 5651.],
                      [5728., 5711., 5693.5, 5677.5, 5662.],
                      [5772., 5746.5, 5720.25, 5696.25, 5673.],
                      [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]]) * units.meter
    assert_array_almost_equal(shght, s_true)

def test_smooth_n_pt_9_repeat():
    """Test the smooth_n_pt function using 9 points with two passes."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                    [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                    [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                    [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                    [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]])
    shght = smooth_n_point(hght, 9, 2)
    s_true = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                       [5684., 5675.4375, 5666.9375, 5658.8125, 5651.],
                       [5728., 5710.875, 5693.875, 5677.625, 5662.],
                       [5772., 5746.375, 5720.625, 5696.375, 5673.],
                       [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]])
    assert_array_almost_equal(shght, s_true)

def test_smooth_n_pt_wrong_number():
    """Test the smooth_n_pt function using wrong number of points."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                     [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                     [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                     [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                     [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        smooth_n_point(hght, 7)

def test_smooth_n_pt_3d_units():
    """Test the smooth_n_point function with a 3D array with units."""
    hght = [[[5640.0, 5640.0, 5640.0, 5640.0, 5640.0],
             [5684.0, 5676.0, 5666.0, 5659.0, 5651.0],
             [5728.0, 5712.0, 5692.0, 5678.0, 5662.0],
             [5772.0, 5748.0, 5718.0, 5697.0, 5673.0],
             [5816.0, 5784.0, 5744.0, 5716.0, 5684.0]],
            [[6768.0, 6768.0, 6768.0, 6768.0, 6768.0],
             [6820.8, 6811.2, 6799.2, 6790.8, 6781.2],
             [6873.6, 6854.4, 6830.4, 6813.6, 6794.4],
             [6926.4, 6897.6, 6861.6, 6836.4, 6807.6],
             [6979.2, 6940.8, 6892.8, 6859.2, 6820.8]]] * units.m
    shght = smooth_n_point(hght, 9, 2)
    s_true = [[[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
               [5684., 5675.4375, 5666.9375, 5658.8125, 5651.],
               [5728., 5710.875, 5693.875, 5677.625, 5662.],
               [5772., 5746.375, 5720.625, 5696.375, 5673.],
               [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]],
              [[6768., 6768., 6768., 6768., 6768.],
               [6820.8, 6810.525, 6800.325, 6790.575, 6781.2],
               [6873.6, 6853.05, 6832.65, 6813.15, 6794.4],
               [6926.4, 6895.65, 6864.75, 6835.65, 6807.6],
               [6979.2, 6940.8, 6892.8, 6859.2, 6820.8]]] * units.m
    assert_array_almost_equal(shght, s_true)

def test_smooth_n_pt_temperature():
    """Test the smooth_n_pt function with temperature units."""
    t = np.array([[2.73, 3.43, 6.53, 7.13, 4.83],
                  [3.73, 4.93, 6.13, 6.63, 8.23],
                  [3.03, 4.83, 6.03, 7.23, 7.63],
                  [3.33, 4.63, 7.23, 6.73, 6.23],
                  [3.93, 3.03, 7.43, 9.23, 9.23]]) * units.degC

    smooth_t = smooth_n_point(t, 9, 1)
    smooth_t_true = np.array([[2.73, 3.43, 6.53, 7.13, 4.83],
                              [3.73, 4.6425, 5.96125, 6.81124, 8.23],
                              [3.03, 4.81125, 6.1175, 6.92375, 7.63],
                              [3.33, 4.73625, 6.43, 7.3175, 6.23],
                              [3.93, 3.03, 7.43, 9.23, 9.23]]) * units.degC
    assert_array_almost_equal(smooth_t, smooth_t_true, 4)

def test_smooth_gaussian_temperature():
    """Test the smooth_gaussian function with temperature units."""
    t = np.array([[2.73, 3.43, 6.53, 7.13, 4.83],
                  [3.73, 4.93, 6.13, 6.63, 8.23],
                  [3.03, 4.83, 6.03, 7.23, 7.63],
                  [3.33, 4.63, 7.23, 6.73, 6.23],
                  [3.93, 3.03, 7.43, 9.23, 9.23]]) * units.degC

    smooth_t = smooth_gaussian(t, 3)
    smooth_t_true = np.array([[2.8892, 3.7657, 6.2805, 6.8532, 5.3174],
                              [3.6852, 4.799, 6.0844, 6.7816, 7.7617],
                              [3.2762, 4.787, 6.117, 7.0792, 7.5181],
                              [3.4618, 4.6384, 6.886, 6.982, 6.6653],
                              [3.8115, 3.626, 7.1705, 8.8528, 8.9605]]) * units.degC
    assert_array_almost_equal(smooth_t, smooth_t_true, 4)

def test_smooth_window(array_type):
    """Test smooth_window with default configuration."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                     [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                     [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                     [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                     [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]])
    mask = np.zeros_like(hght)
    mask[::2, ::2] = 1
    hght = array_type(hght, 'meter', mask=mask)

    smoothed = smooth_window(hght, np.array([[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]]))
    truth = array_type([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                        [5684., 5675., 5667.5, 5658.5, 5651.],
                        [5728., 5710., 5695., 5677., 5662.],
                        [5772., 5745., 5722.5, 5695.5, 5673.],
                        [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]], 'meter')
    assert_array_almost_equal(smoothed, truth)

def test_smooth_window_1d_dataarray():
    """Test smooth_window on 1D DataArray."""
    temperature = xr.DataArray(
        [37., 32., 34., 29., 28., 24., 26., 24., 27., 30.],
        coords={'time': pd.date_range('2020-01-01', periods=10, freq='h')},
        attrs={'units': 'degF'})
    smoothed = smooth_window(temperature, window=np.ones(3) / 3, normalize_weights=False)
    truth = xr.DataArray(
        [37., 34.33333333, 31.66666667, 30.33333333, 27., 26., 24.66666667,
         25.66666667, 27., 30.] * units.degF,
        coords={'time': pd.date_range('2020-01-01', periods=10, freq='h')}
    xr.testing.assert_allclose(smoothed, truth)

def test_smooth_rectangular(array_type):
    """Test smooth_rectangular with default configuration."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                     [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                     [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                     [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                     [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]])
    mask = np.zeros_like(hght)
    mask[::2, ::2] = 1
    hght = array_type(hght, 'meter', mask=mask)

    smoothed = smooth_rectangular(hght, (5, 3))
    truth = array_type([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                        [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                        [5728., 5710.66667, 5694., 5677.33333, 5662.],
                        [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                        [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]], 'meter')
    assert_array_almost_equal(smoothed, truth, 4)

def test_smooth_circular(array_type):
    """Test smooth_circular with default configuration."""
    hght = np.array([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                     [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                     [5728., 5712., 5692., 5678., 5662.],
                     [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                     [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]])
    mask = np.zeros_like(hght)
    mask[::2, ::2] = 1
    hght = array_type(hght, 'meter', mask=mask)

    smoothed = smooth_circular(hght, 2, 2)
    truth = array_type([[5640., 5640., 5640., 5640., 5640.],
                        [5684., 5676., 5666., 5659., 5651.],
                        [5728., 5712., 5693.98817, 5678., 5662.],
                        [5772., 5748., 5718., 5697., 5673.],
                        [5816., 5784., 5744., 5716., 5684.]], 'meter')
    assert_array_almost_equal(smoothed, truth, 4)

def test_smooth_window_with_bad_window():
    """Test smooth_window with a bad window size."""
    temperature = [37, 32, 34, 29, 28, 24, 26, 24, 27, 30] * units.degF
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        smooth_window(temperature, np.ones(4))
    assert 'must be odd in all dimensions' in str(exc)

def test_altimeter_to_station_pressure_inhg():
    """Test the altimeter to station pressure function with inches of mercury."""
    altim = 29.8 * units.inHg
    elev = 500 * units.m
    res = altimeter_to_station_pressure(altim, elev)
    truth = 950.96498 * units.hectopascal
    assert_almost_equal(res, truth, 3)

def test_altimeter_to_station_pressure_hpa(array_type):
    """Test the altimeter to station pressure function with hectopascals."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    altim = array_type([1000., 1005., 1010., 1013.], 'hectopascal', mask=mask)
    elev = array_type([2000., 1500., 1000., 500.], 'meter', mask=mask)
    res = altimeter_to_station_pressure(altim, elev)
    truth = array_type(
        [784.262996, 838.651657, 896.037821, 954.639265], 'hectopascal', mask=mask
    assert_array_almost_equal(res, truth, 3)

def test_altimiter_to_sea_level_pressure_inhg():
    """Test the altimeter to sea level pressure function with inches of mercury."""
    altim = 29.8 * units.inHg
    elev = 500 * units.m
    temp = 30 * units.degC
    res = altimeter_to_sea_level_pressure(altim, elev, temp)
    truth = 1006.089 * units.hectopascal
    assert_almost_equal(res, truth, 3)

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings('ignore:overflow encountered in exp:RuntimeWarning')
def test_altimeter_to_sea_level_pressure_hpa(array_type):
    """Test the altimeter to sea level pressure function with hectopascals."""
    mask = [False, True, False, True]
    altim = array_type([1000., 1005., 1010., 1013], 'hectopascal', mask=mask)
    elev = array_type([2000., 1500., 1000., 500.], 'meter', mask=mask)
    temp = array_type([-3., -2., -1., 0.], 'degC')
    res = altimeter_to_sea_level_pressure(altim, elev, temp)
    truth = array_type(
        [1009.963556, 1013.119712, 1015.885392, 1016.245615], 'hectopascal', mask=mask
    assert_array_almost_equal(res, truth, 3)

def test_zoom_xarray():
    """Test zoom_xarray on 2D DataArray."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('GFS_test.nc', False))
    data = data.metpy.parse_cf()
    hght = data.Geopotential_height_isobaric[0, 15, ::25, ::50]
    zoomed = zoom_xarray(hght, 3)
    truth = xr.DataArray(
        [[3977.05, 3973.2676, 3965.3857, 3958.6035, 3958.12, 3967.2178, 3981.5144, 3994.7114,
         [4014.1333, 4005.9824, 3988.5469, 3972.3525, 3967.9253, 3982.075, 4006.7507, 4030.185,
         [4102.5625, 4083.995, 4043.7776, 4005.1387, 3991.3066, 4017.5037, 4066.9292, 4114.776,
         [4208.1074, 4177.107, 4109.698, 4044.2705, 4019.2134, 4059.7896, 4138.7554, 4215.7397,
         [4296.5366, 4255.1196, 4164.9287, 4077.0566, 4042.5947, 4095.2183, 4198.9336,
          4300.3306, 4345.9985],
         [4333.62, 4287.8345, 4188.09, 4090.8057, 4052.4, 4110.0757, 4224.17, 4335.804,
        dims=('lat', 'lon'),
        coords={'lat': [65., 62.4, 56.2, 48.8, 42.6, 40.],
                'lon': [210., 214.29688, 225.625, 241.64062, 260., 278.35938, 294.375,
                        305.70312, 310.],
                'metpy_crs': hght.metpy_crs},
    xr.testing.assert_allclose(zoomed, truth)