# Copyright (c) 2018,2019 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Test the `points` module."""
import logging
import numpy as np
import pytest
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, Delaunay
from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from metpy.interpolate import (interpolate_to_points, inverse_distance_to_points,
from metpy.interpolate.geometry import dist_2, find_natural_neighbors
from metpy.interpolate.points import barnes_point, cressman_point, natural_neighbor_point
from metpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal
from metpy.units import units
def test_data():
r"""Return data used for tests in this file."""
x = np.array([8, 67, 79, 10, 52, 53, 98, 34, 15, 58], dtype=float)
y = np.array([24, 87, 48, 94, 98, 66, 14, 24, 60, 16], dtype=float)
z = np.array([0.064, 4.489, 6.241, 0.1, 2.704, 2.809, 9.604, 1.156,
0.225, 3.364], dtype=float)
return x, y, z
def test_points():
r"""Return point locations used for tests in this file."""
with get_test_data('interpolation_test_grid.npz') as fobj:
data = np.load(fobj)
return np.stack([data['xg'].reshape(-1), data['yg'].reshape(-1)], axis=1)
def test_nn_point(test_data):
r"""Test find natural neighbors for a point interpolation function."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
tri = Delaunay(list(zip(xp, yp, strict=False)))
sim_gridx = [30]
sim_gridy = [30]
members, tri_info = find_natural_neighbors(tri,
list(zip(sim_gridx, sim_gridy, strict=False)))
val = natural_neighbor_point(xp, yp, z, (sim_gridx[0], sim_gridy[0]),
tri, members[0], tri_info)
truth = 1.009
assert_almost_equal(truth, val, 3)
def test_cressman_point(test_data):
r"""Test Cressman interpolation for a point function."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
r = 40
obs_tree = cKDTree(list(zip(xp, yp, strict=False)))
indices = obs_tree.query_ball_point([30, 30], r=r)
dists = dist_2(30, 30, xp[indices], yp[indices])
values = z[indices]
truth = 1.05499444404
value = cressman_point(dists, values, r)
assert_almost_equal(truth, value)
def test_barnes_point(test_data):
r"""Test Barnes interpolation for a point function."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
r = 40
obs_tree = cKDTree(list(zip(xp, yp, strict=False)))
indices = obs_tree.query_ball_point([60, 60], r=r)
dists = dist_2(60, 60, xp[indices], yp[indices])
values = z[indices]
assert_almost_equal(barnes_point(dists, values, 5762.7), 4.0871824)
def test_natural_neighbor_to_points(test_data, test_points):
r"""Test natural neighbor interpolation to grid function."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose()
img = natural_neighbor_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points)
with get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz') as fobj:
truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)
assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
def test_inverse_distance_to_points_invalid(test_data, test_points):
"""Test that inverse_distance_to_points raises when given an invalid method."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
inverse_distance_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, kind='shouldraise', r=40)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('assume_units', [None, 'mbar'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('method', ['cressman', 'barnes'])
def test_inverse_distance_to_points(method, assume_units, test_data, test_points):
r"""Test inverse distance interpolation to points function."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose()
extra_kw, test_file = {'cressman': ({'r': 20, 'min_neighbors': 1}, 'cressman_r20_mn1.npz'),
'barnes': ({'r': 40, 'kappa': 100}, 'barnes_r40_k100.npz')}[method]
with get_test_data(test_file) as fobj:
truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)
if assume_units:
z = units.Quantity(z, assume_units)
truth = units.Quantity(truth, assume_units)
img = inverse_distance_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, kind=method, **extra_kw)
assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
def test_interpolate_to_points_invalid(test_data):
"""Test that interpolate_to_points raises when given an invalid method."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose() * 10
with get_test_data('interpolation_test_points.npz') as fobj:
test_points = np.load(fobj)['points']
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
interpolate_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, interp_type='shouldraise')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('assume_units', [None, 'mbar'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('method', ['natural_neighbor', 'cressman', 'barnes', 'linear',
'nearest', 'rbf', 'cubic'])
def test_interpolate_to_points(method, assume_units, test_data):
r"""Test main grid interpolation function."""
xp, yp, z = test_data
obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose() * 10
with get_test_data('interpolation_test_points.npz') as fobj:
test_points = np.load(fobj)['points']
if method == 'cressman':
extra_kw = {'search_radius': 200, 'minimum_neighbors': 1}
elif method == 'barnes':
extra_kw = {'search_radius': 400, 'minimum_neighbors': 1, 'gamma': 1}
extra_kw = {}
with get_test_data(f'{method}_test.npz') as fobj:
truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)
if assume_units:
z = units.Quantity(z, assume_units)
truth = units.Quantity(truth, assume_units)
img = interpolate_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, interp_type=method, **extra_kw)
assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)