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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2015,2016,2017 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Test the `nexrad` module."""
import contextlib
from datetime import datetime
from io import BytesIO
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pytest

from metpy.cbook import get_test_data, POOCH
from metpy.io import is_precip_mode, Level2File, Level3File

# Turn off the warnings for tests

# NEXRAD Level 2 Tests

# 1999 file tests old message 1
# KFTG tests bzip compression and newer format for a part of message 31
# KTLX 20150530 has missing segments for message 18, which was causing exception
# KICX has message type 29 (MDM)
# KVWX and KLTX have some legacy "quirks"; KLTX was crashing the parser
level2_files = [('KTLX20130520_201643_V06.gz', datetime(2013, 5, 20, 20, 16, 46), 17, 4, 6, 0),
                ('KTLX19990503_235621.gz', datetime(1999, 5, 3, 23, 56, 21), 16, 1, 3, 0),
                ('Level2_KFTG_20150430_1419.ar2v', datetime(2015, 4, 30, 14, 19, 11),
                 12, 4, 6, 0),
                ('KTLX20150530_000802_V06.bz2', datetime(2015, 5, 30, 0, 8, 3), 14, 4, 6, 2),
                ('KICX_20170712_1458', datetime(2017, 7, 12, 14, 58, 5), 14, 4, 6, 1),
                ('TDAL20191021021543V08.raw.gz', datetime(2019, 10, 21, 2, 15, 43), 10, 1,
                 3, 0),
                ('Level2_FOP1_20191223_003655.ar2v', datetime(2019, 12, 23, 0, 36, 55, 649000),
                 16, 5, 7, 0),
                ('KVWX_20050626_221551.gz', datetime(2005, 6, 26, 22, 15, 51), 11, 1, 3, 21),
                ('KLTX20050329_100015.gz', datetime(2005, 3, 29, 10, 0, 15), 11, 1, 3, 21)]

# ids here fixes how things are presented in pycharm
@pytest.mark.parametrize('fname, voltime, num_sweeps, mom_first, mom_last, expected_logs',
                         level2_files, ids=[i[0].replace('.', '_') for i in level2_files])
def test_level2(fname, voltime, num_sweeps, mom_first, mom_last, expected_logs, caplog):
    """Test reading NEXRAD level 2 files from the filename."""
    caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, 'metpy.io.nexrad')
    f = Level2File(get_test_data(fname, as_file_obj=False))
    assert f.dt == voltime
    assert len(f.sweeps) == num_sweeps
    assert len(f.sweeps[0][0][-1]) == mom_first
    assert len(f.sweeps[-1][0][-1]) == mom_last
    assert len(caplog.records) == expected_logs

@pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', ['Level2_KFTG_20150430_1419.ar2v',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_seek', [True, False])
def test_level2_fobj(filename, use_seek):
    """Test reading NEXRAD level2 data from a file object."""
    f = get_test_data(filename)
    if not use_seek:
        class SeeklessReader:
            """Simulate file-like object access without seek."""

            def __init__(self, f):
                self._f = f

            def read(self, n=None):
                """Read bytes."""
                return self._f.read(n)

            def close(self):
                """Close object."""
                return self._f.close()

        f = SeeklessReader(f)

    # Need to close manually (since we own the fboj) to avoid a warning
    with contextlib.closing(f):

def test_doubled_file():
    """Test for #489 where doubled-up files didn't parse at all."""
    with contextlib.closing(get_test_data('Level2_KFTG_20150430_1419.ar2v')) as infile:
        data = infile.read()
    fobj = BytesIO(data + data)
    f = Level2File(fobj)
    assert len(f.sweeps) == 12

@pytest.mark.parametrize('fname, has_v2', [('KTLX20130520_201643_V06.gz', False),
                                           ('Level2_KFTG_20150430_1419.ar2v', True),
                                           ('TDAL20191021021543V08.raw.gz', False)])
def test_conditional_radconst(fname, has_v2):
    """Test whether we're using the right volume constants."""
    f = Level2File(get_test_data(fname, as_file_obj=False))
    assert hasattr(f.sweeps[0][0][3], 'calib_dbz0_v') == has_v2

def test_msg15():
    """Check proper decoding of message type 15."""
    f = Level2File(get_test_data('KTLX20130520_201643_V06.gz', as_file_obj=False))
    data = f.clutter_filter_map['data']
    assert isinstance(data[0][0], list)
    assert f.clutter_filter_map['datetime'] == datetime(2013, 5, 19, 5, 15, 0, 0)

def test_msg18_novcps():
    """Check handling of message type 18 with VCP info now spares does not crash."""
    f = Level2File(get_test_data('KJKL_20240227_102059', as_file_obj=False))
    assert 'VCPAT11' not in f.rda

def test_single_chunk(caplog):
    """Check that Level2File copes with reading a file containing a single chunk."""
    # Need to override the test level set above
    caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, 'metpy.io.nexrad')
    f = Level2File(get_test_data('Level2_KLBB_single_chunk'))
    assert len(f.sweeps) == 1
    assert 'Unable to read volume header' in caplog.text

    # Make sure the warning is not present if we pass the right kwarg.
    Level2File(get_test_data('Level2_KLBB_single_chunk'), has_volume_header=False)
    assert 'Unable to read volume header' not in caplog.text

def test_build19_level2_additions():
    """Test handling of new additions in Build 19 level2 data."""
    f = Level2File(get_test_data('Level2_KDDC_20200823_204121.ar2v'))
    assert f.vcp_info.vcp_version == 1
    assert f.sweeps[0][0].header.az_spacing == 0.5

# NIDS/Level 3 Tests
nexrad_nids_files = [get_test_data(fname, as_file_obj=False)
                     for fname in POOCH.registry if fname.startswith('nids/')]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('fname', nexrad_nids_files)
def test_level3_files(fname):
    """Test opening a NEXRAD NIDS file."""
    f = Level3File(fname)

    # If we have some raster data in the symbology block, feed it into the mapper to make
    # sure it's working properly (Checks for #253)
    if hasattr(f, 'sym_block'):
        block = f.sym_block[0][0]
        if 'data' in block:
            data = block['data']
        # Looks for radials in the XDR generic products
        elif 'components' in block and hasattr(block['components'], 'radials'):
            data = np.array([rad.data for rad in block['components'].radials])
            data = []

    assert f.filename == fname

def test_basic():
    """Test reading one specific NEXRAD NIDS file based on the filename."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/Level3_FFC_N0Q_20140407_1805.nids', as_file_obj=False))
    assert f.metadata['prod_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['vol_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['msg_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(2014, 4, 7, 18, 6)
    assert f.filename == get_test_data('nids/Level3_FFC_N0Q_20140407_1805.nids',

    # At this point, really just want to make sure that __str__ is able to run and produce
    # something not empty, the format is still up for grabs.
    assert str(f)

def test_new_gsm():
    """Test parsing recent mods to the GSM product."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KDDC-gsm.nids'))

    assert f.gsm_additional.vcp_supplemental == ['AVSET', 'SAILS', 'RxR Noise', 'CBT']
    assert f.gsm_additional.supplemental_cut_count == 2
    truth = [False] * 16
    truth[2] = True
    truth[5] = True
    assert f.gsm_additional.supplemental_cut_map == truth
    assert f.gsm_additional.supplemental_cut_map2 == [False] * 9

    # Check that str() doesn't error out
    assert str(f)

def test_bad_length(caplog):
    """Test reading a product with too many bytes produces a log message."""
    fname = get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS84_DAATLX_201305202016', as_file_obj=False)
    with open(fname, 'rb') as inf:
        data = inf.read()
        fobj = BytesIO(data + data)

    with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, 'metpy.io.nexrad'):
        assert len(caplog.records) == 1
        assert 'This product may not parse correctly' in caplog.records[0].message

def test_tdwr():
    """Test reading a specific TDWR file."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/Level3_SLC_TV0_20160516_2359.nids'))
    assert f.prod_desc.prod_code == 182

def test_dhr():
    """Test reading a time field for DHR product."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS54_DHRTLX_201305202016'))
    assert f.metadata['avg_time'] == datetime(2013, 5, 20, 20, 18)

def test_fobj():
    """Test reading a specific NEXRAD NIDS files from a file object."""

def test_level3_pathlib():
    """Test that reading with Level3File properly sets the filename from a Path."""
    fname = Path(get_test_data('nids/Level3_FFC_N0Q_20140407_1805.nids', as_file_obj=False))
    f = Level3File(fname)
    assert f.filename == str(fname)

def test_nids_super_res_width():
    """Test decoding a super resolution spectrum width product."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KLZK_H0W_20200812_1305'))
    width = f.map_data(f.sym_block[0][0]['data'])
    assert np.nanmax(width) == 15

def test_power_removed_control():
    """Test decoding new PRC product."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KGJX_NXF_20200817_0600.nids'))
    assert f.prod_desc.prod_code == 113
    assert f.metadata['rpg_cut_num'] == 1
    assert f.metadata['cmd_generated'] == 0
    assert f.metadata['el_angle'] == -0.2
    assert f.metadata['clutter_filter_map_dt'] == datetime(2020, 8, 17, 4, 16)
    assert f.metadata['compression'] == 1
    assert f.sym_block[0][0]

def test21_precip():
    """Test checking whether VCP 21 is precipitation mode."""
    assert is_precip_mode(21), 'VCP 21 is precip'

def test11_precip():
    """Test checking whether VCP 11 is precipitation mode."""
    assert is_precip_mode(11), 'VCP 11 is precip'

def test31_clear_air():
    """Test checking whether VCP 31 is clear air mode."""
    assert not is_precip_mode(31), 'VCP 31 is not precip'

def test_tracks():
    """Check that tracks are properly decoded."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS34_NSTTLX_201305202016'))
    for data in f.sym_block[0]:
        if 'track' in data:
            x, y = np.array(data['track']).T
            assert len(x)
            assert len(y)

def test_vector_packet():
    """Check that vector packets are properly decoded."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS64_NHITLX_201305202016'))
    for page in f.graph_pages:
        for item in page:
            if 'vectors' in item:
                x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(item['vectors']).T
                assert len(x1)
                assert len(x2)
                assert len(y1)
                assert len(y2)

                         [('nids/KEAX_N0Q_20200817_0401.nids', (0, 'MRLE scan')),
                          ('nids/KEAX_N0Q_20200817_0405.nids', (0, 'Non-supplemental scan')),
                          ('nids/KDDC_N0Q_20200817_0501.nids', (16, 'Non-supplemental scan')),
                          ('nids/KDDC_N0Q_20200817_0503.nids', (143, 'SAILS scan'))])
def test_nids_supplemental(fname, truth):
    """Checks decoding of supplemental scan fields for some nids products."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data(fname))
    assert f.metadata['delta_time'] == truth[0]
    assert f.metadata['supplemental_scan'] == truth[1]