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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2020 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Test station data information."""
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
import pandas as pd
import pytest

from metpy.io import add_station_lat_lon, station_info

def test_add_lat_lon_station_data():
    """Test for when the METAR does not correspond to a station in the dictionary."""
    df = pd.DataFrame({'station': ['KOUN', 'KVPZ', 'KDEN', 'PAAA']})

    df = add_station_lat_lon(df, 'station')
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'KOUN'].latitude.values[0], 35.25)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'KOUN'].longitude.values[0], -97.47)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'KVPZ'].latitude.values[0], 41.45)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'KVPZ'].longitude.values[0], -87)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'KDEN'].latitude.values[0], 39.85)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'KDEN'].longitude.values[0], -104.65)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'PAAA'].latitude.values[0], np.nan)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'PAAA'].longitude.values[0], np.nan)
    assert df['longitude'].dtype == np.float64

def test_add_lat_lon_station_data_optional():
    """Test for when only one argument is passed."""
    df = pd.DataFrame({'station': ['KOUN', 'KVPZ', 'KDEN', 'PAAA']})

    df = add_station_lat_lon(df)
    assert_almost_equal(df.loc[df.station == 'KOUN'].latitude.values[0], 35.25)

def test_add_lat_lon_station_data_not_found():
    """Test case where key cannot be inferred."""
    df = pd.DataFrame({'location': ['KOUN']})

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

def test_station_lookup_get_station():
    """Test that you can get a station by ID from the lookup."""
    assert station_info['KOUN'].id == 'KOUN'

def test_station_lookup_len():
    """Test that you can get the length of the station data."""
    assert len(station_info) == 13798

def test_station_lookup_iter():
    """Test iterating over the station data."""
    for stid in station_info:
        assert stid in station_info