# Copyright (c) 2021 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Test text handling functions."""
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from metpy.cbook import get_test_data
from metpy.io import parse_wpc_surface_bulletin
from metpy.testing import needs_module
def test_parse_wpc_surface_bulletin_highres():
"""Test parser reading a high res WPC coded surface bulletin into a dataframe."""
# Get rows 17 and 47 from dataframe representing parsed text file
# Row 17 is a pressure center and row 47 is front
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
input_file = get_test_data('WPC_sfc_fronts_20210628_1800.txt')
df = parse_wpc_surface_bulletin(input_file)
assert len(df) == 89
assert len(df[df.feature == 'HIGH']) == 16
assert len(df[df.feature == 'LOW']) == 24
assert len(df[df.feature == 'TROF']) == 22
assert df.feature[17] == 'LOW'
assert df.strength[17] == 1002.0
assert df.geometry[17] == sgeom.Point([-114.5, 34.4])
assert df.feature[47] == 'STNRY'
assert np.isnan(df.strength[47])
assert df.geometry[47] == sgeom.LineString([[-100.5, 32.4], [-101.0, 31.9],
[-101.9, 31.5], [-102.9, 31.2]])
assert all(df.valid == datetime(2021, 6, 28, 18, 0, 0))
def test_parse_wpc_surface_bulletin():
"""Test parser reading a low res WPC coded surface bulletin into a dataframe."""
# Get rows 17 and 47 from dataframe representing parsed text file
# Row 17 is a pressure center and row 47 is front
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
input_file = get_test_data('WPC_sfc_fronts_lowres_20210628_1800.txt')
df = parse_wpc_surface_bulletin(input_file)
assert len(df) == 89
assert len(df[df.feature == 'HIGH']) == 16
assert len(df[df.feature == 'LOW']) == 24
assert len(df[df.feature == 'TROF']) == 22
assert df.feature[17] == 'LOW'
assert df.strength[17] == 1002.0
assert df.geometry[17] == sgeom.Point([-115, 34])
assert df.feature[47] == 'STNRY'
assert df.strength[47] == 'WK'
assert df.geometry[47] == sgeom.LineString([[-100, 32], [-101, 32],
[-102, 32], [-103, 31]])
assert all(df.valid == datetime(2021, 6, 28, 18, 0, 0))
def test_negative_lat_highres():
"""Test decoding of high res coordinates with negative latitude."""
from io import BytesIO
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
sample = BytesIO(b"""
ASUS02 KWBC 281800
342 PM EDT MON JUN 28 2021
VALID 062818Z
HIGHS 1022 -3961069 1020 -3851069 1026 3750773 1022 4430845 1019 5520728 1018
df = parse_wpc_surface_bulletin(sample)
assert df.geometry[0] == sgeom.Point([-106.9, -39.6])
def test_negative_lat():
"""Test decoding of coordinates with negative latitude."""
from io import BytesIO
import shapely.geometry as sgeom
sample = BytesIO(b"""12HR PROG VALID xxxxxxZ
HIGHS -351 -3985 -4046 -38117 -7510
df = parse_wpc_surface_bulletin(sample)
assert df.geometry[0] == sgeom.Point([-51, -3])