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title: Install Instructions
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[section name="win"]
Once the download has completed please follow the below steps to install Unitex/GramLab on Windows:

1. Open the **download folder**
1. Double-click the file named <strong><span class="os-text" data-text="Unitex-GramLab-{stable}{suffix}"></span></strong>
1. You will see a welcome screen, click **Next** and follow the setup process <p markdown="1">![Unitex/GramLab Windows Setup Installer](windows-installer.png?resize=250,200)</p>
1. After the installation process has completed, you can start the Unitex/GramLab IDE direct
   either from the icon on your desktop or the **start menu**

[section name="linux"]
Once the download has completed please follow the below steps to install Unitex/GramLab on your Linux distribution:

1. **Open a Terminal** (Applications <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Accessories
  <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Terminal) and switch to the directory where
  you have saved the download, by typing e.g.:     
  cd ~/Downloads
1. Give the downloaded file **executable permissions**:
<pre><code class="language-sh">chmod a+x <span class="os-text" data-text="./Unitex-GramLab-{stable}{suffix}"></span></code></pre>
1. **Run the install**:
  <pre><code class="language-sh"><span class="os-text" data-text="./Unitex-GramLab-{stable}{suffix}"></span></code></pre>
1. A license agreement will pop up. If you **agree** with the license
   terms type <kbd>Y</kbd> to continue the install.
1. After the installation has completed, shortcuts to the Unitex/GramLab Visual
  <abbr title="Integrated Development Environment">IDE</abbr> will be placed in
  Applications <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Development

[section name="osx"]
Once the download has completed please follow the below steps to install Unitex/GramLab on OS X:

1. **Open a Terminal** (Applications <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Accessories
  <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Terminal) and switch to the directory where
  you have saved the download, by typing e.g.:     
  cd ~/Downloads
1. Give the downloaded file **executable permissions**:
<pre><code class="language-sh">chmod a+x <span class="os-text" data-text="./Unitex-GramLab-{stable}{suffix}"></span></code></pre>
1. **Run the install**:
  <pre><code class="language-sh"><span class="os-text" data-text="./Unitex-GramLab-{stable}{suffix}"></span></code></pre>
1. A license agreement will pop up. If you **agree** with the license
   terms type <kbd>Y</kbd> to continue the install.
1. After the installation has completed, shortcuts to the Unitex/GramLab Visual
  <abbr title="Integrated Development Environment">IDE</abbr> will be placed in
  Applications <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Development

[section name="other"]
Once the download has completed, proceeding through the install process is straightforward:

1. **Open a Terminal** (Applications <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Accessories
  <i class="icon fa-arrow-circle-o-right"></i> Terminal) and switch to the directory where
  you have saved the download, by typing e.g.:     
  cd ~/Downloads
1. **Extract** the contents of the downloaded file to a preferred location, by typing e.g:   
<pre><code class="language-sh"><span class="os-text" data-text="unzip Unitex-GramLab-{stable}{suffix}"></span></code></pre>
1. **Go** to the next directory:
  <pre><code class="language-sh"><span class="os-text" data-text="cd Unitex-GramLab-{stable}/App/install"></span></code></pre>
1. Launch the **installer script**:
  sh setup
1. This command will check if you have Java installed, compile the C++ Core
sources, setup the workspace directory and create some desktop shortcuts

[section name="footer"]
Thank you for downloading Unitex/GramLab. To help us learn more about you, we would
be grateful if you could please take a moment to **<a class="dialogbox" target="_blank" href="https://unitexgramlab.typeform.com/to/nLE4sb">answer some questions</a>**.