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title: "Unitex/GramLab Partners"

date: 12/12/2016

    category: [blog, featured]
    tag: [contributors,resources]

    active: true
    selectors: '.autumn-post-content h1'

  default: '/partners'    

Unitex/GramLab grows with the help of many people. Below is the list of our partners and sponsors:


# Language Resources

Unitex/GramLab [Language Resources](/language-resources) are mainly built
and maintained by the members of the [RELEX network](/relex-network), an international network of
laboratories specialized in Computational Linguistics that was created by Maurice
Gross and his LADL (*Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique*) team.
A non-exhaustive list of partner laboratories & universities :

| Country         | Partner                                                                                            |
| --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Belgium         | [Catholic University of Leuven](http://www.kuleuven.ac.be?target=_blank)                           |
| Belgium         | [CENTAL](http://www.uclouvain.be/cental?target=_blank)                                             |
| Brazil          | [Federal University of Goias](http://www.letras.ufg.br?target=_blank)                              |
| Brazil          | [NILC](http://www.nilc.icmc.usp.br/nilc?target=_blank)                                             |
| Brazil          | [Projeto Relex](http://ladl.univ-mlv.fr/brasil?target=_blank)                                      |
| Brazil          | [PUC RIO](http://www.puc-rio.br?target=_blank)                                                     |
| Canada          | [University of Montréal](http://www.fas.umontreal.ca?target=_blank)                                |
| Denmark         | [University of Copenhagen](http://www.ku.dk?target=_blank)                                         |
| England         | [Research and Development Unit for English Studies](http://rdues.bcu.ac.uk?target=_blank)          |
| France          | [CRISCO](http://www.crisco.unicaen.fr?target=_blank)                                               |
| France          | [EHESS](http://www.ehess.fr?target=_blank)                                                         |
| France          | [LDI](https://www.univ-paris13.fr/Tout/ldi-2?target=_blank)                                        |
| France          | [LIGM](http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/?target=_blank)                                                |
| France          | [LIMSI](http://www.limsi.fr?target=_blank)                                                         |
| France          | [LIP6](http://www.lip6.fr?target=_blank)                                                           |
| France          | [LORIA](http://www.loria.fr?target=_blank)                                                         |
| France          | [UFRL](http://www.linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr?target=_blank)                                    |
| France          | [Université de Tours](http://www.li.univ-tours.fr?target=_blank)                                   |
| France          | [University Bordeaux 3](http://www.u-bordeaux3.fr?target=_blank)                                   |
| France          | [University Grenoble 3](http://www.u-grenoble3.fr?target=_blank)                                   |
| France          | [University of Franche-Comté](http://www.univ-fcomte.fr?target=_blank)                             |
| France          | [University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée](http://www.univ-mlv.fr?target=_blank)                    |
| France          | [University of Rouen](http://www.univ-rouen.fr?target=_blank)                                      |
| France          | [University of Strasbourg](http://www.unistra.fr?target=_blank)                                    |
| France          | [University Paris 8](http://www.univ-paris8.fr?target=_blank)                                      |
| France          | [University Paris-Sorbonne](http://www.paris-sorbonne.fr?target=_blank)                            |
| Germany         | [CIS, University of Munich](http://www.cis.uni-muenchen.de?target=_blank)                          |
| Germany         | [University of Heidelberg](http://www.cl.uni-heidelberg.de?target=_blank)                          |
| Greece          | [ILSP](http://www.ilsp.gr?target=_blank)                                                           |
| Greece          | [University of Thessaloniki](http://www.frl.auth.gr?target=_blank)                                 |
| Hong Kong       | [City University of Hong Kong](http://www.cityu.edu.hk?target=_blank)                              |
| Hungaria        | [Research Institute for Linguistics](http://www.nytud.hu/eng/index.html?target=_blank)             |
| Israel          | [University of Tel Aviv](http://www.tau.ac.il?target=_blank)                                       |
| Italy           | [University of Bari](http://www.uniba.it?target=_blank)                                            |
| Italy           | [University of Salerno](http://www.linguistics.unisa.it?target=_blank)                             |
| Japan           | [Information Science Research Center](http://www.cc.aoyama.ac.jp?target=_blank)                    |
| Korea           | [Hankuk University of Foreign Studies](http://www.hufs.ac.kr?target=_blank)                        |
| Madagascar      | [University of Antananarivo](http://www.univ-antananarivo.mg?target=_blank)                        |
| Norway          | [University of Bergen](http://www.uib.no?target=_blank)                                            |
| Poland          | [Adam Mickiewicz University](http://www.amu.edu.pl?target=_blank)                                  |
| Portugal        | [LabEL](http://label.ist.utl.pt/pt/apresentacao.php?target=_blank)                                 |
| Portugal        | [University of Algarve](http://www.ualg.pt/pt?target=_blank)                                       |
| Serbia          | [University of Belgrad](http://poincare.matf.bg.ac.rs?target=_blank)                               |
| Slovakia        | [The Faculty of Economics](http://www.ef.umb.sk?target=_blank)                                     |
| Spain           | [Autonomous University of Barcelona](http://www.uab.cat?target=_blank)                             |
| Spain           | [University of Alicante](http://www.ua.es?target=_blank)                                           |
| Switzerland     | [University of Genève](http://www.unige.ch?target=_blank)                                          |
| Switzerland     | [University of Zürich](http://www.uzh.ch?target=_blank)                                            |
| United States   | [Florida International University](http://www.fiu.edu?target=_blank)                               |
| United States   | [New York University](http://www.nyu.edu?target=_blank)                                            |
| United States   | [University of California San Diego](http://www.ucsd.edu?target=_blank)                            |
| United States   | [University of North Texas](http://www.unt.edu?target=_blank)                                      |

# Core & IDE

| Country         | Partner                                                                                            |
| --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |