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to the distributed language resources. If you would like to contribute to this list,
or report a problem, please [issue a ticket](https://github.com/UnitexGramLab/unitexgramlab-org/issues/new?title=[related-publications]&target=_blank)
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and then descending by author name.

[bibtexify hideMissing=true tweet="'UnitexGramLab'"]
  pages     = {2195--2205},
  title     = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics},
  publisher = {Oxford/NewYork/Seoul/Tokyo: Pergamon},
  year      = {1994},
  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  editor    = {Ashley, R.E.},
  note      = {Chapter title : The Lexicon-Grammar of a Language: Application to French},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://kybele.psych.cornell.edu/~edelman/TAU-05/Gross-french-lexicon-94.pdf},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Appropriate Nouns with Obligatory Modifiers},
  journal   = {Language research},
  year      = {1995},
  volume    = {31},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {251--289},
  note      = {ISSN 0254-4474},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, multiword expression, support verb},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Seoul National University},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Complémentarité des niveaux syntaxique et phonétique},
  journal   = {Faits de langue},
  year      = {1995},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {71--91},
  note      = {In Special issue: L'Exclamation},
  keywords  = {musique, figement, italien },
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {PUF},

  author      = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title       = {Les constructions passives être V-pp et leur lexique-grammaire},
  year        = {1995},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {(111 pp.)},
  institution = {Université nationale de Séoul},
  lang        = {FR},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {Une grammaire locale de l'expression des sentiments},
  journal = {Langue Fran¸ caise},
  year    = {1995},
  volume  = {105},
  pages   = {70--87},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://www.persee.fr/articleAsPDF/lfr_0023-8368_1995_num_105_1_5294/article_lfr_0023-8368_1995_num_105_1_5294.pdf},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Accord V/sujet ou V/objet dans les suites italiennes X + V + N ?},
  journal   = {Faits de langues},
  year      = {1996},
  number    = {8},
  pages     = {179--184},
  note      = {In special issue: L'accord},
  keywords  = {italien accord},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Ophrys},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {Classification syntaxique des verbes de mouvement en hongrois dans l'optique d'un traitement automatique},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Computational Lexicography (COMPLEX'96)},
  year      = {1996},
  editor    = {Kiefer, F. and Kiss, G. and Pajzs, J.},
  pages     = {257--265},
  publisher = {Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {Fordítás és számítógép. (Traduction et traitement automatique)},
  journal   = {Folia Practico-Linguistica},
  year      = {1996},
  number    = {XXV-XXVI},
  pages     = {98--112},
  note      = {en hongrois},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Institut de Langues, Université Polytechnique de Budapest (BME)},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {Les formes Être Prép X du fran¸ cais},
  journal = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year    = {1996},
  volume  = {20},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {217--270},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=2458298},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {Les verbes supports d'adjectifs et le passif},
  journal = {Langages},
  year    = {1996},
  volume  = {121},
  pages   = {8--18},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://www.persee.fr/articleAsPDF/lgge_0458-726x_1996_num_30_121_1737/article_lgge_0458-726x_1996_num_30_121_1737.pdf?mode=light},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Un regard différent sur la réalité extra-linguistique ? Etude d'un domaine métaphorique italien},
  journal   = {Transalpina},
  year      = {1996},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {29--52},
  editor    = {Colin, Mariella},
  keywords  = {figement musique Italie},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Presses Universitaires de Caen},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Quelques pistes pour l'enseignement des expressions métaphoriques figées},
  booktitle = {Hommage à Jacqueline Brunet},
  publisher = {Besanc con : Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comt'e},
  year      = {1997},
  editor    = {Diaz Rozzotto, Marcella},
  volume    = {1},
  series    = {Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche Comté},
  pages     = {103--111},
  keywords  = {figement,italien,enseignement},
  lang      = {FR},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {Synonymie, morphologie dérivationnelle et transformations},
  journal = {Langages},
  year    = {1997},
  volume  = {128},
  pages   = {72--90},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://www.persee.fr/articleAsPDF/lgge_0458-726x_1997_num_31_128_2134/article_lgge_0458-726x_1997_num_31_128_2134.pdf?mode=light},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {A magyar mozgást jelentő igék szintaktikai elemzése számítógépes felhasználáshoz. A helyhatározó főnévi igeneves szerkezetekben (Les verbes de mouvement du hongrois et les compléments locatifs dans des constructions infinitives)},
  booktitle = {8ème Colloque National de Linguistique Appliquée, Szombathely, Hongrie (MANYE'98)},
  year      = {1998},
  volume    = {2},
  pages     = {159--165},
  note      = {en hongrois},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Battaglia, Salvatore et Pernicone, Vincenzo},
  journal   = {H.E.L},
  year      = {1998},
  volume    = {Hors-série},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {379--380},
  note      = {Vol. Corpus représentatif des grammaires et des traditions linguistiques (tome 1)},
  editor    = {Colombat, Bernard and Lazcano, Elisabeth},
  keywords  = {grammaire, histoire, italien},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {SHESL},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {La fonction sémantique des verbes supports},
  journal = {Travaux de linguistique},
  year    = {1998},
  volume  = {37},
  pages   = {25--46},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=2019110},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Mambelli, Marcantonio},
  journal   = {Histoire Epistémologie Langage},
  year      = {1998},
  volume    = {Hors série},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {348--351},
  note      = {Vol. Corpus représentatif des grammaires et des traditions linguistiques (tome 1)},
  editor    = {Colombat, Bernard and Lazcano, Elisabeth},
  keywords  = {grammaire, histoire, italien},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {SHESL},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {On Lexicon-Grammar},
  booktitle = {Valency in Chinese},
  publisher = {Peking University Press},
  year      = {1998},
  volume    = {2},
  pages     = {317--331},
  note      = {(In Chinese. Translated from French by Zheng Ding'ou.)},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {A Bootstrap Method for Constructing Local Grammars},
  booktitle = {Symposium on Contemporary Mathematics},
  year      = {1999},
  editor    = {Bokan, Neda},
  pages     = {229--250},
  publisher = {University of Belgrade},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00278318/en/},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Lemmatization of Compound Tenses in English},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {1999},
  volume    = {22},
  pages     = {71--122},
  note      = {DOI: 10.1075/li.22.1-2.06gro},
  booktitle = {The Legacy of Zellig Harris. Language and information into the 21st century},
  editor    = {Nevin, Bruce E.},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  series    = {Current Issues in Linguistic Theory},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/Lemmatization.pdf},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {Les constructions intransitives à complément infinitif et les verbes de mouvement en hongrois. Etude comparée fran¸ cais-hongrois},
  booktitle = {16ème Colloque Européen sur la Grammaire et le Lexique Comparés},
  year      = {1999},
  volume    = {25},
  pages     = {251--266},
  publisher = {Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique},
  lang      = {FR},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {Nouvelles applications des graphes d'automates finis à la description linguistique},
  journal = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year    = {1999},
  volume  = {22},
  pages   = {249--262},
  note    = {DOI: 10.1075/li.22.1-2.15gro http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN\&cpsidt=1167069},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/jbp/li/1999/00000022/00000002/art00014},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {Sur la définition d'auxiliaire du verbe},
  journal = {Langages},
  year    = {1999},
  volume  = {135},
  pages   = {8--21},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://www.persee.fr/articleAsPDF/lgge_0458-726x_1999_num_33_135_2199/article_lgge_0458-726x_1999_num_33_135_2199.pdf?mode=light},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {A Lingüística para o processamento das línguas},
  booktitle = {Recortes Lingüísticos, Vitória, Brésil : Saberes},
  year      = {2000},
  editor    = {Silva, A. and Lins, M.},
  pages     = {67--75},
  note      = {Conférence prononcée à l'Université fédérale de l'Espírito Santo, avril 2000},
  lang      = {OT},

  author       = {Anna Anastasiadis-Symeonidis and Tita Kyriacopoulou and Elsa Sklavounou and Iasonas Thilikos and Rania Voskaki},
  title        = {A system for analysing texts in Modern Greek. Representing and solving ambiguities},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of COMLEX 2000},
  year         = {2000},
  pages        = {113--116},
  organization = {Departement of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology, University of Patras, Greece},
  lang         = {EN},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Andiamo a Lodi ? No a Verona ! De jeux phoniques en italien ancien},
  booktitle = {Humour, ironie, impertinence},
  publisher = {Université de Provence},
  year      = {2000},
  volume    = {4/2},
  series    = {Italies},
  pages     = {739--754},
  note      = {Hommage à Georges Ulysse},
  keywords  = {humour, italien, ancien},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Bazzanella, Carla and Guil, Pura and Manera, Manuela and Tejada, Paloma},
  title     = {Categorizzazioni del femminile e del maschile nelle nuove tecnologie : prime ricerche nel Thesaurus italiano, spagnolo, francese, inglese, danese di Word},
  journal   = {Cuadernos de filología italiana},
  year      = {2000},
  number    = {7 - 2000},
  pages     = {193--245},
  keywords  = {, grammaire, genre, dictionnaire électronique},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Universitad Complutense Madrid},

  title     = {Convergence et divergence phraséologiques},
  publisher = {Macedonski, Craiova},
  year      = {2000},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  note      = {étude contrastive français - roumain},
  lang      = {FR},

  author  = {Matthieu Constant},
  title   = {Description d'expressions numériques en fran¸ cais},
  journal = {Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {36},
  pages   = {119--136},
  note    = {Actes des troisièmes journées INTEX, Liège, 2000},
  editor  = {Anne Dister},
  lang    = {FR},

  author  = {Agata Chrobot},
  title   = {Description des déterminants numéraux anglais par automates et transducteurs finis},
  journal = {Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {36},
  pages   = {101--118},
  note    = {Actes des troisièmes journées INTEX, Liège, 2000},
  editor  = {Dister, Anne},
  lang    = {FR},

  title     = {Dictionnaire illustré, Mots et Images},
  publisher = {Athènes : Ilektronikes Texnes EPE et Université d'Athènes},
  year      = {2000},
  author    = {I. Antipa and M. Vlavianou and P. Chatzitheoxarous and S. Antonakou and Ch. Argiropoulou and E. Sklavounou},
  note      = {En grec.},
  lang      = {OT},
  pages     = {277},

  pages     = {325--330},
  title     = {Early years in machine translation},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2000},
  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  editor    = {Hutchins, W.J.},
  note      = {Chapter title : Early MT in France},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/27/83/20/PDF/MT98.pdf&docid=278320},

  author  = {Domingues, Catherine},
  title   = {Étude de classifieurs pour la construction du dictionnaire de mots composés},
  journal = {Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {36},
  pages   = {157--180},
  note    = {Actes des troisièmes journées INTEX, Liège, 2000},
  editor  = {Dister, Anne},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {Expressions figées dans la francophonie : le projet BFQS},
  journal   = {Bulag},
  year      = {2000},
  pages     = {321--331},
  note      = {Special Issue on Lexique, Syntaxe et Sémantique, Mélanges offerts à Gaston Gross},
  editor    = {P.-A. Buvet and D. Le Pesant and M. Mathieu-Colas},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Besançon: Centre Lucien Tesnière},

  author    = {Sklavounou, Elsa},
  title     = {Les adjectifs du grec moderne en -menos},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy (1999)},
  year      = {2000},
  pages     = {461--474},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Les bases terminologiques multilingues},
  booktitle = {Actes du Colloque International : Traduction humaine, Traduction automatique, Interprétation (Tunis, 2000)},
  year      = {2000},
  number    = {11},
  series    = {Série Linguistique},
  pages     = {67--75},
  lang      = {FR},

  title     = {Les expressions fran¸ caises à croquer},
  publisher = {Macedonski, Craiova},
  year      = {2000},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  note      = {français-roumain},
  keywords  = {anthologie des expressions françaises},

  author      = {Han, Sun-Hae},
  title       = {Les prédicats nominaux en coréen. Constructions à verbe support hata},
  year        = {2000},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, , Cortès, Colette and Tamba, Irène, Laporte, Éric and Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline and Gross, Maurice (192 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {hata, verbe support, nom prédicatif, verbe support causatif, variante},
  lang        = {FR},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Mots et niveau lexical},
  booktitle = {Ingénierie des langues},
  publisher = {Paris : Hermès},
  year      = {2000},
  editor    = {J.M. Pierrel},
  series    = {Informatique et systèmes d'information},
  pages     = {25--49},
  lang      = {FR},

  author  = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title   = {Nouvelles méthodes pour la recherche d'expressions dans de grands corpus},
  journal = {Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {36},
  pages   = {289--296},
  note    = {Actes des troisièmes journées INTEX, Liège (2000)},
  editor  = {Dister, Anne},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Problèmes de traduction en Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN)},
  booktitle = {Actes du Symposium International : Traduction, Université Nationale et Kapodistrienne d'Athènes (Athènes, 2000)},
  year      = {2000},
  number    = {11},
  series    = {Série Linguistique},
  pages     = {231--239},
  lang      = {FR},

  author  = {Kosawat, Krit},
  title   = {Procédure de reconnaissance des mots et des phrases thaï},
  journal = {Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {36},
  pages   = {241--256},
  note    = {Actes des troisièmes journées INTEX, Liège, 2000},
  editor  = {Dister, Anne},
  lang    = {FR},

  author  = {Jung, Eun-Jin},
  title   = {Quelques grammaires locales sur les expressions de durée en coréen},
  journal = {Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {36},
  pages   = {201--218},
  note    = {Actes des troisièmes journées INTEX, Liège, 2000},
  editor  = {Dister, Anne},
  lang    = {FR},

  author      = {Savary, Agata},
  title       = {Recensement et description des mots composés - méthodes et applications},
  year        = {2000},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Silberztein, Max, , Gross, Gaston and Jacquemin, Christian, Gross, Maurice and Guenthner, Franz and Humbley, John and Laporte, Éric and Silberztein, Max (177 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {Traitement automatique du langage naturel, analyse lexicale automatique, dictionnaires électroniques, mots composés, acquisition de terminologie, aide à la traduction, correction orthographique},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2000/savary.pdf},

  author      = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title       = {Recherche d'expressions dans de grands corpus: le système AGLAE},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  year        = {2000},
  note        = {Mémoire de DEA},
  lang        = {FR},

  author    = {Savary, A. and Jacquemin, Ch.},
  title     = {Reducing Information Variation in Text},
  booktitle = {Text- and Speech-Triggered Information Access, Proceedings of TESTIA 2000, 8th ELSNET European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication},
  year      = {2000},
  editor    = {Renals, S. and G. Grefenstette},
  volume    = {2705},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  pages     = {145--181},
  publisher = {Berlin : Springer Verlag},
  lang      = {EN},

  author  = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title   = {Remarque sur les phrases figées à adverbe du coréen},
  journal = {Linguistique (Eoneo)},
  year    = {2000},
  number  = {27},
  pages   = {235--260},
  note    = {En coréen.},
  editor  = {Hanguk, Eoneohakhoi},
  lang    = {OT},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Sur quelques extensions possibles de l'appellation passif},
  journal   = {Etudes Romanes},
  year      = {2000},
  volume    = {45},
  pages     = {23--38},
  note      = {Nom du numéro : Le Passif . Actes des Journées sur le Passif},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Université de Copenhague},
  timestamp = {2006.12.07},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Verbes à trois compléments essentiels},
  journal   = {Bulag},
  year      = {2000},
  pages     = {199--210},
  note      = {Special Issue on Lexique, Syntaxe et Sémantique, Mélanges offerts à Gaston Gross},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Besançon: Centre Lucien Tesnière},
  timestamp = {2006.12.07},

  author  = {Sun-Mee Bae},
  title   = {Vers le traitement des groupes nominaux du coréen avec INTEX},
  journal = {Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {36},
  pages   = {9--28},
  note    = {Actes des troisièmes journées INTEX, Liège, 2000},
  lang    = {FR},

  author  = {Ristov, Strahil and Laporte, Éric},
  title   = {Ziv Lempel compression of huge natural language data tries using suffix arrays},
  journal = {Journal of Discrete Algorithms},
  year    = {2000},
  volume  = {1},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {241--256},
  lang    = {EN},
  url     = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00189726/en/},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Bibliothèques d'automates finis et grammaires indépendantes du contexte : de nouveaux traitements informatiques},
  booktitle = {RECITAL 2001, 5eme Rencontre des étudiants chercheurs en informatique pour le traitement automatique des langues},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {1},
  pages     = {431--440},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Tours, France},

  author      = {Éric Laporte and Claude Martineau and Marc Zipstein},
  title       = {Compactage des données},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  year        = {2001},
  note        = {Rapport final, Transweb 2, 12p. + annexes},
  lang        = {FR},

  author      = {Martineau, Claude},
  title       = {Compression de textes en langue naturelle},
  year        = {2001},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Crochemore, Maxime, , Shmuel, Tomi Klein and Plateau, Gérard and Maurel, Denis, Zipstein, Marc and Laporte, Éric and Crochemore, Maxime (170 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {Compression, compression de données, compression de texte, langue naturelle, lexique.},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2001/martineau.ps.gz},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Francis Kaplan : Des singes et des hommes},
  journal   = {Pour la science},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {284},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Paris : Belin},

  author    = {Sun-Mee Bae},
  title     = {Construction of an electronic dictionary for compound nouns in Korean},
  booktitle = {2nd International Conference ASIALEX},
  year      = {2001},
  pages     = {182--187},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Seoul},
  owner     = {blanchou},
  timestamp = {2006.12.07},

  author    = {Sun-Mee Bae},
  title     = {Deux types de représentations des séquences nominales figées en coréen et de leurs formes fléchies avec INTEX},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {147--165},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  title     = {Dictionnaire phraséologique des rapports interhumains},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2001},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  note      = {dictionnaire français - roumain},
  keywords  = {phraséologie, figement, dictionnaire thématique},

  author    = {Agata Chrobot},
  title     = {Étude comparative de deux outils d'acquisition de termes complexes},
  booktitle = {Actes des Quatrièmes Rencontres: Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle},
  year      = {2001},
  pages     = {129--139},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {INIST-CNRS, Nancy, France},

  author      = {Domingues, Catherine},
  title       = {Étude d'outils informatiques et linguistiques pour l'aide à la recherche automatique d'information dans un corpus documentaire},
  year        = {2001},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {(241 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  lang        = {FR},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Grammaires locales de déterminants nominaux},
  booktitle = {Détermination et Formalisation},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2001},
  editor    = {Blanco, Xavier and Buvet, Pierre-André and Gavriilidou, Zoé},
  number    = {23},
  series    = {Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa},
  pages     = {177--194},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Pantazara, Mavina},
  title     = {Le lexique-grammaire des verbes : verbes intransitifs à un complément prépositionnel essentiel. Une première approche: les verbes symétriques},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 21st annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy (2000)},
  year      = {2001},
  pages     = {538--549},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Les ambiguïtés},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {3--41},
  note      = {DOI: 10.1075/li.24.1.03gro},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  url       = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=13543081},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya and Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Les expressions de pourcentage},
  journal   = {Flambeau},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {27},
  pages     = {27--46},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Université des Langues Etrangères, Tokyo (TUFS)},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Lessico e sintassi nell'evoluzione diacronica delle espressioni metaforiche fisse},
  booktitle = {32 SLI . Semantica e lessicologia storiche},
  year      = {2001},
  editor    = {Fábian, Zsuzsanna and Salvi, Paolo},
  volume    = {42},
  series    = {SLI},
  pages     = {207--224},
  publisher = {Bulzoni},
  keywords  = {, figement, diachronie, musique},
  lang      = {OT},
  url       = {http://www.societadilinguisticaitaliana.org/pubbl_SLI.htm},

  author    = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title     = {Omission des particules et description syntaxique en Coréen},
  booktitle = {20th Conference of the association of Korean studies in Europe},
  year      = {2001},
  pages     = {295--311},
  publisher = {Saffron},
  note      = {En coréen.},
  lang      = {OT},
  location  = {London},

  author    = {Ungermanová, Marta},
  title     = {Préfixation des verbes de déplacement tchèques},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {329--351},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Reduction of lexical ambiguity},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {67--103},
  note      = {DOI: 10.1075/li.24.1.05lap},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00190852/en/},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Some remarks on the application of a lexicon-grammar},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {245--256},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  chapter   = {Resolução de ambiguidades},
  pages     = {44--89},
  title     = {Tratamento das Línguas por Computador. Uma introdução à Linguística Computacional e suas aplicações},
  publisher = {Lisbonne : Caminho},
  year      = {2001},
  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  editor    = {E. Ranchhod},
  note      = {En portugais. Une version anglaise est parue dans Lingvisticae Investigationes, 24(1)},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Savary, Agata},
  title     = {Typographical Nearest-Neighbour Search in a Finite-State Lexicon and its Application to Spelling Correction},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Implementations and Applications of Automata (CIAA)},
  year      = {2001},
  editor    = {Watson, B. and D. Wood},
  volume    = {2494},
  series    = {LNCS},
  pages     = {251--260},
  publisher = {Berlin : Springer Verlag},
  lang      = {EN},

  author  = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title   = {Un dictionnaire électronique bilingue pour les expressions figées à Npc},
  journal = {Studies in Lexicography (Sajon Pyonchanhak yongu)},
  year    = {2001},
  volume  = {2},
  number  = {11},
  pages   = {147--165},
  note    = {En coréen.},
  editor  = {Center for linguistic informatics development, Yonsei University},
  lang    = {OT},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Une expérience d'enseignement par visio-centre},
  booktitle = {Actes du 12ème Congrès International : L'apport de l'enseignement/apprentissage de langues dans la défense d'une culture de la paix (Thessaloniki, 1999)},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {8},
  pages     = {279--286},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Jung, Eun-Jin},
  title     = {Verbes spécifiques de durée avec une complétive en dei (pour que P) en coréen},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {203--225},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula and Yannacopoulou, Anastasia},
  title     = {Vers la construction d'un dictionnaire électronique du grec moderne},
  year      = {2001},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {20th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar},

  author    = {Ristov, Strahil and Eric Laporte},
  title     = {A Method for Compressing Lexicons},
  booktitle = {Data Compression Conference (DCC 2002) - Poster Session},
  year      = {2002},
  pages     = {451},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Snowbird, UT, USA},

  author    = {Gohsran Chung},
  title     = {A type of Transitive Inalienable Possession Construction in Korean},
  booktitle = {Third International Conference on Advances in Natural Language Processing (PorTAL 2002)},
  year      = {2002},
  editor    = {E. Ranchhod and N. Mamede},
  number    = {2389},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  pages     = {71--74},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Faro, Portugal},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Automatic Recognition of Temporal Locations in Modern Greek texts: Dates and Hours},
  booktitle = {23rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  year      = {2002},
  editor    = {Stavrou-Sifaki, N. and Fliatouras, A.},
  volume    = {II},
  series    = {Studies in Greek Linguistics},
  pages     = {802--813},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  note      = {in Greek},
  lang      = {OT},
  location  = {Thessaloniki, Greece},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Consequences of the metalanguage being included in the language},
  booktitle = {The Legacy of Zellig Harris. Language and information into the 21st century},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2002},
  editor    = {Nevin, Bruce E.},
  volume    = {1: Philosophy of science, syntax and semantics},
  number    = {228},
  series    = {Current Issues in Linguistic Theory},
  pages     = {57--67},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?id=h2PHAVwp-ZQC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA57},

  author    = {Sun-Mee Bae},
  title     = {Construction of an electronic dictionary for compound nouns in Korean},
  journal   = {Studies in Lexicography},
  year      = {2002},
  volume    = {11},
  pages     = {151--164},
  note      = {Séoul : Centre de recherches sur le coréen de l'Université Yonsei},
  lang      = {EN},
  owner     = {blanchou},
  timestamp = {2006.12.07},

  title     = {Dictionnaire inverse du grec moderne},
  publisher = {Thessaloniki : Zitis et Institut d'Études Néohelléniques, Université Aristote},
  year      = {2002},
  author    = {A. Anastassiadis-Symeonidis and E. Sklavounou and E. Mavrakaki-Polybiou and P. Panayotopoulou-Florou and A. Simota-Basila},
  note      = {En grec.},
  lang      = {OT},
  pages     = {745},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {Emplois verbaux, distributions, métaphores},
  journal   = {Langue française},
  year      = {2002},
  volume    = {134},
  pages     = {78--89},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Paris : Larousse},
  url       = {http://www.persee.fr/articleAsPDF/lfr_0023-8368_2002_num_134_1_6454/article_lfr_0023-8368_2002_num_134_1_6454.pdf},

  author    = {Grammenidis, Simos and Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Formation des traducteurs : du savoir théorique au savoir-faire professionnel},
  booktitle = {Territoires actuels de la traduction. Actes du Colloque International : Traduire l'Europe.},
  year      = {2002},
  pages     = {315--326},
  publisher = {Cluj-Napoca : Echinox},
  editors   = {Baconsky, Rodica and Gouadec, Daniel and Lascu, Gheorghe},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Formation universitaire et nouvelles technologies},
  booktitle = {Actes du Colloque International, Médiation des savoirs et des cultures : Quelles perspectives pour les Nouvelles Technologies ? Université d'Athènes},
  year      = {2002},
  pages     = {163--173},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Jacqueline Giry-Schneider},
  title     = {L'adjectif personnel anaphore ou prédicat de relation ?},
  journal   = {Langue Française},
  year      = {2002},
  volume    = {136},
  pages     = {20--33},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Paris : Larousse},

  title     = {La langue des jeunes en Italie : Guide à une enquête de terrain},
  publisher = {CRISCO, Université de Caen},
  year      = {2002},
  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  editor    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  volume    = {7},
  series    = {Cahiers du CRISCO},
  note      = {(54 pp.)},
  keywords  = {sociolinguistique, italien},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Mrabti, Safia and Yannacopoulou, Anastasia},
  title     = {Le dictionnaire électronique des noms composés en grec moderne},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2002},
  volume    = {25},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {7--28},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  author      = {Bae, Sun-Mee},
  title       = {Le dictionnaire électronique des séquences nominales figées en coréen et de leurs formes fléchies - méthodes et applications},
  year        = {2002},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Laporte, Éric, , Maurel, Denis and Gross, Gaston, Crochemore, Maxime and Kim, Hyun-kwon and Laporte, Éric (196 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {dictionnaire électronique, transducteur fini, séquence nominal figée (ou nom composé), postposition nominale (ou suffixe nominal), analyse automatique de textes coréens},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2002/bae.ps.gz},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Le verbe support A FACE},
  booktitle = {Analele Universitãtii din Craiova},
  year      = {2002},
  series    = {Langues et littératures romane},
  pages     = {51--59},
  keywords  = {verbe support, a face, roumain},
  lang      = {FR},

  author  = {Gross, Maurice},
  title   = {Les déterminants numéraux, un exemple : les dates horaires},
  journal = {Langages},
  year    = {2002},
  volume  = {145},
  pages   = {21--37},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://www.persee.fr/articleAsPDF/lgge_0458-726x_2002_num_36_145_905/article_lgge_0458-726x_2002_num_36_145_905.pdf?mode=light},

  title     = {Lessicografia e dizionari elettronici. Dagli usi linguistici alle basi di dati lessicali},
  publisher = {Napoli : Fiorentino and New Technology},
  year      = {2002},
  author    = {Monteleone, Mario},
  note      = {En italien.},
  lang      = {OT},
  pages     = {179},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Methods for constructing lexicon-grammar resources : the example of measure expressions},
  booktitle = {3rd Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
  year      = {2002},
  pages     = {1341--1345},
  publisher = {Paris : Elda},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Las Palmas},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/constant_LREC02.pdf},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {On the analysis of locative prepositional phrases : the classifier/proper noun pairing},
  booktitle = {Third International Conference on Advances in Natural Language Processing (PorTAL 2002)},
  year      = {2002},
  editor    = {Ranchhod, E. and Mamede, N.},
  number    = {2389},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  pages     = {33--42},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Faro, Portugal},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/constant_PorTAL02.pdf},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {Organization of the lexicon-grammar of French verbs},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2002},
  volume    = {25},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {29--48},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  author    = {Tsaknaki, Olympia and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Représentation des variantes des adverbes: le cas des proverbes grecs},
  year      = {2002},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {21st International Conference on Lexis and Grammar},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Un système d'analyse de textes en grec moderne : représentation des mots composés},
  booktitle = {Actes du 5ème colloque international de linguistique grecque (Sorbone, 2001)},
  year      = {2002},
  volume    = {II},
  series    = {Recherches en linguistique grecque},
  pages     = {51--54},
  publisher = {Paris : L'Harmattan},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Une tentative de traduction semi-automatique des adverbes de date du grec vers le français},
  booktitle = {Translating in the 21st century: Trends and Prospects},
  year      = {2002},
  editor    = {Androulakis, George},
  pages     = {575--583},
  publisher = {University Studio Press},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Thessaloniki, Greece},

  author    = {Pantazara, Mavina},
  title     = {Verbes à complément prépositionnel entrant dans de doubles constructions},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 22nd annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy (2001)},
  year      = {2002},
  pages     = {507--518},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {FR},

  title     = {¸ Ca tombe comme à Gravelotte. Numele propriu în expresiile franceze},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2003},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  note      = {écrit en roumain, étude contrastive français - roumain},
  keywords  = {expressions, figements, noms propre},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {A FACE - verbe support des verbes désignant une attitude},
  booktitle = {Analele Universitãtii din Craiova},
  year      = {2003},
  series    = {Langues et littératures romanes},
  pages     = {75--80},
  lang      = {FR},

  author  = {Chung, Gohsran},
  title   = {A study of Korean Sôngsang adjective class and its constructions based on the lexicon-grammar},
  journal = {Journal of the Linguistic Association of Korea},
  year    = {2003},
  volume  = {11},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {17--37},
  note    = {In Korean.},
  lang    = {OT},

  author    = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title     = {A study on the Korean tense system for Francophone learners},
  booktitle = {13th conference of the international association of Korean language education},
  year      = {2003},
  pages     = {413--429},
  publisher = {IAKLE, Seoul national university},
  note      = {En coréen.},
  lang      = {EN},

  author  = {Chung, Gohsran},
  title   = {A Syntactic Classification of Sôngsang Adjectival Constructions},
  journal = {Journal of the Linguistic Association of Korea},
  year    = {2003},
  volume  = {11},
  number  = {4},
  pages   = {163--184},
  note    = {In Korean.},
  lang    = {OT},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {A Time-Efficient Token Representation for Parsers},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Finite-State Methods in Natural Language Processing},
  year      = {2003},
  pages     = {83--90},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Budapest},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ paumier/paumier_EACL_2004.pdf},

  author      = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title       = {Analyse automatique des textes écrits : le cas du grec moderne},
  year        = {2003},
  type        = {Habilitation `a diriger des recherches},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  lang        = {FR},

  author      = {Chung, Gohsran},
  title       = {Analyse des constructions à double nominatif/accusatif par l'opération de restructuration en coréen: Classsification syntaxique des constructions à adjectifs Sôngsang},
  year        = {2003},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, Le Pesant, Denis, Pak, Man-ghyu and Vivès, Robert, Laporte, Éric and Le Pesant, Denis and Arques, Didier and Dugas, André (319 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {Lexique-grammaire, Cadre harrissien, Adjectifs songsang, Constructions à double nominatif/accusatif, Opération de restructuration, Construction de possession inaliénable, Substantifs appropriés, Groupe nominal sujet, Substantifs des parties du corps/de l'objet, Equivalence avec les constructions à verbe/adjectif support, Symétrie avec la classe de verbes de contact corporel.},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2003/chung1.pdf},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Analysing texts in a specific domain with local grammars: The case of stock exchange market reports},
  booktitle = {1st International Conference on Linguistic Informatics. State of the Art and the Future},
  year      = {2003},
  editor    = {Kawaguchi, Yuji and Zaima, Susumu and Takagaki, Toshihiro and Shibano, Kohji and Usami, Mayumi},
  pages     = {109--130},
  publisher = {UBLI : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=aL49LazNxzgC&oi=fnd&pg=PA76},

  author    = {Matthieu Constant},
  title     = {Converting Linguistic Systems of Relational Matrices into Finite-State Transducers},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Finite-State Methods in Natural Language Processing},
  year      = {2003},
  pages     = {75--82},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Budapest, Hungary},

  author      = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title       = {De la reconnaissance de formes linguistiques à l'analyse syntaxique},
  year        = {2003},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, Guenthner, Franz, Choffrut, Christian and Guenthner, Franz, Laporte, Éric and Nam, Jee-sun and Perrin, Dominique (197 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {recherche de motifs, lexique-grammaire, analyse syntaxique, grammaires syntaxiques, transducteurs algébriques étendus, traitement des langues naturelles (TALN), forme normale de Greibach, réseaux de transitions récursifs (RTN).},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2003/paumier1.ps.gz},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Description lexico-sémantique des adverbes simples en vue d'un système d'analyse automatique des textes en grec moderne},
  year      = {2003},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {22nd International Conference on Lexis and Grammar},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Description par automates des adverbes de date du grec moderne},
  year      = {2003},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Unpublished talk at the 6th INTEX Workshop, Sofia},

  author    = {Panagiotidis, Panagiotis and Tita Kyriacopoulou},
  title     = {Development of the technological skills of translators and interpreters},
  booktitle = {Actes du Colloque International, Traduire au XXIème siècle : Tendances et Perspectives (2002)},
  year      = {2003},
  pages     = {407--415},
  publisher = {Université de Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Electronic Representation and Automatic Recognition of Numeral Determiners in Modern Greek texts},
  booktitle = {24th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  year      = {2003},
  editor    = {Margariti-Rogka, M. and Papanastasiou, J. and Liosis, N.},
  series    = {Studies in Greek Linguistics},
  pages     = {78--89},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  note      = {in Greek},
  lang      = {OT},
  location  = {Thessaloniki, Greece},

  author      = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title       = {Grammaires locales pour l'analyse automatique de textes: Méthodes de construction et outils de gestion},
  year        = {2003},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, Laporte, Éric, Guenthner, Franz and Maurel, Denis, Crochemore, Maxime and Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline and Laporte, Éric (252 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {analyse automatique de textes, analyse syntaxique, complément prépositionnel locatif, conversion de tables syntaxiques en graphes, expression de mesure, gestion de grammaires locales, grammaire locale, graphe, lexique-grammaire, nom propre géographique, recherche automatique d'informations linguistiques, réseau linguistiques, réseau récursif de transitions},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/constant_these.pdf},

  author    = {Matthieu Constant and Anastasia Yannacopoulou},
  title     = {Le dictionnaire électronique du grec moderne: conception et développement d'outils pour son enrichissement et sa validation},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 23rd annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics (2002)},
  year      = {2003},
  volume    = {2},
  pages     = {783--791},
  publisher = {Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Voskaki, Rania and Yannacopoulou, Anastasia},
  title     = {Le Module grec d'INTEX : état de l'art},
  year      = {2003},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Unpublished talk at the 6th INTEX Workshop, Sofia},
  url       = {http://www.bacl.org/abstract_texts.html#a12},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice and Elia, Annibale},
  title     = {Le temps grammatical et le temps qui s'écoule},
  booktitle = {Il Verbo italiano. Studi diacronici, sincronici, contrastivi, didattici. Atti del XXXV Congresso internationale di studi (Parigi, 20-22 settembre 2001)},
  year      = {2003},
  editor    = {Giacomo-Marcellesi, Mathée and Rocchetti, Alvaro},
  series    = {Pubblicazioni della Società di Linguistica italiana},
  pages     = {379--396},
  publisher = {Roma : Bulzoni},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Sfetsiou, Vasso},
  title     = {Les constructions nominales à verbe support en grec moderne},
  journal   = {Linguistic Insights: Studies in Language and Communication},
  year      = {2003},
  volume    = {5},
  pages     = {163--181},
  note      = {Special Issue on Phrases and Phraseology - Data and Descriptions},
  editor    = {Nuccorini, Stefania},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Bern : Peter Lang},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Les dictionnaires et la phraséologie},
  booktitle = {Mélanges de terminologie et de sémantique},
  year      = {2003},
  pages     = {262--276},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Dumitriu,Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Les dictionnaires phraséologiques et la classe de FLE},
  booktitle = {Analele Universitãtii din Craiova},
  year      = {2003},
  series    = {Langues et littératures romanes},
  pages     = {172--179},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Lamiroy, Béatrice and Leclère, Christian and Klein, Jean-René and Labelle, Jacques},
  title     = {Les expressions verbales figées dans quatre variétés de français : Le projet BFQS},
  journal   = {Cahiers de lexicologie},
  year      = {2003},
  volume    = {83},
  pages     = {153--172},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Honoré Champion, Paris},

  author    = {Eum, Du-Eun},
  title     = {Les propriétés des complétives en -ko en coréen},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2003},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {71--96},
  note      = {Selected papers du Colloque Grammaires et Lexiques Comparés, Bari, 2002. DOI: 10.1075/li.26.1.07eum},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  author      = {Monteleone, Mario},
  title       = {Lexicographie et dictionnaires électroniques. Des usages linguistiques aux bases de données lexicales},
  year        = {2003},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Elia, Annibale, Laporte, Éric, Conenna, Mirella and Piot, Mireille, Elia, Annibale and Laporte, Éric (197 pp.)},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  keywords    = {Lexicographie et dictionnaires électroniques. Des usages linguistiques aux bases de données lexicales.},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2003/monteleone.pdf},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Liberté et figement},
  booktitle = {Mélanges de terminologie et de sémantique},
  year      = {2003},
  pages     = {253--261},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Maurice Gross et le lexique-grammaire, deuxième partie},
  journal   = {Flambeau},
  year      = {2003},
  volume    = {29},
  pages     = {75--92},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Université des Langues Etrangères, Tokyo (TUFS)},

  title     = {Metafora culinarã în expresiile franceze},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2003},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  note      = {écrit en roumain, étude contrastive français - roumain},
  keywords  = {métaphore, expressions françaises},
  lang      = {OT},

  author      = {Kosawat, Krit},
  title       = {Méthodes de segmentation et d'analyse automatique de textes thaï},
  year        = {2003},
  type        = {Th`ese de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, Laporte, Éric, Guenthner, Franz and Maurel, Denis, Delouche, Gilles and Désarménien, Jacques and Laporte, Éric (548 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = { Segmentation en mots, segmentation en phrases, dictionnaire électronique, analyse automatique de textes, tha\̈i, INTEX, automate, transducteur, expression rationnelle},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2003/kosawat1.pdf},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Qu'est-ce que tu chantes là ? Syntaxe et Lexique dans le cadre des expressions métaphoriques figées},
  journal   = {Cahiers de Lexicologie},
  year      = {2003},
  number    = {82},
  pages     = {175--192},
  note      = {In special issue: le figement lexical},
  editor    = {Mejri, Salah},
  keywords  = {, figement, musique, contrastif},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Honoré Champion},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Tsaknaki, Olympia},
  title     = {Représentation automatique des proverbes avec des automates finis},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 23rd annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics (Thessaloniki, 2002)},
  year      = {2003},
  volume    = {II},
  pages     = {860--871},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Thilikos, Iassonas and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Représentation des adjectifs à emploi nominal en grec moderne par des automates à état fini},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 23rd annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy (2002)},
  year      = {2003},
  volume    = {II},
  pages     = {814--825},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {FR},

  author      = {Pantazara, Mavina},
  title       = {Syntaxe derivationnelle du grec moderne : Les constructions verbales à un complément prépositionnel et les constructions nominales et adjectivales predicatives associées},
  year        = {2003},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, Piot, Mireille, Anastassiadis-Symeonidis, Anna and Leeman, Danielle, Leclère, Christian and Vivès, Robert and Piot, Mireille (350 pp.) ISBN 9-782-72955-9},
  institution = {Université de Paris VIII - Saint-Denis},
  keywords    = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www.anrtheses.com.fr/Asp/MonPanier.asp?MYNUM=43530&Num=3623359},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {The lexicon-grammar of French verbs: a syntactic database},
  booktitle = {1st International Conference on Linguistic Informatics},
  year      = {2003},
  editor    = {Kawaguchi, Yuji and Zaima, Susumu and Takagaki, Toshihiro and Shibano, Kohji and Usami, Mayumi},
  pages     = {33--46},
  publisher = {UBLI : Tokyo University of Foreign Studies},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00192888/en/},

  author  = {Chung, Gohsran},
  title   = {Une classe de verbes transitifs en coréen: verbes de contact-corporel},
  journal = {Language research},
  year    = {2003},
  volume  = {39},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {39--68},
  editor  = {Seoul National University, Language Research Institute},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Michailidis, Ionas and Tsaknaki, Olympia},
  title     = {Une tentative de traduction semi-automatique des proverbes},
  booktitle = {Actes du Colloque International, Traduire au XXIème siècle : Tendances et Perspectives (Thessaloniki, 2002)},
  year      = {2003},
  pages     = {329--335},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Laporte, Eric},
  title     = {Acceptability as the source of syntactic knowledge},
  journal   = {Journal of Applied Linguistics},
  year      = {2004},
  pages     = {9--22},
  note      = {Special issue on Lexicon-Grammar. In Chinese. ISSN 1003-5397},
  editor    = {Laporte, Eric and Cheng, Ting-Au},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Beijing: Institute of Applied Linguistics},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Analyse automatique d'un discours spécialisé au moyen de grammaires locales},
  booktitle = {7èmes Journées internationales d'analyse statistique des données textuelles (JADT'04)},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Purnelle, Gérald and Fairon, Cédrick and Dister, Anne},
  pages     = {837--847},
  lang      = {FR},

  title     = {Analyse automatique des textes écrits : le cas du grec moderne},
  publisher = {Thessaloniki : University Press},
  year      = {2004},
  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  note      = {En français.},
  lang      = {FR},
  pages     = {153},

  author    = {Jung, Eun-Jin},
  title     = {Analyse des adverbes de temps coréens : autour des noms de partie du jour},
  booktitle = {INTEX pour la linguistique et le traitement automatique des langues},
  publisher = {Besançon : Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Muller, Claude and Royauté, Jean and Silberztein, Max},
  volume    = {1},
  series    = {Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux},
  pages     = {101--120},
  keywords  = {computational lexicon, local grammar},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?id=B-ru2YEshe4C&pg=PA101},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Dister, Anne},
  title     = {Automates lexicaux avec structure de traits},
  booktitle = {8ème Rencontre des étudiants chercheurs en informatique pour le traitement automatique des langues (RECITAL'04)},
  year      = {2004},
  pages     = {23--32},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Fès, Maroc},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {Criteria of the Distinction of Entries in Formal Lexicography},
  journal   = {Journal of Applied Linguistics},
  year      = {2004},
  pages     = {49--59},
  note      = {Special issue on Lexicon-Grammar. In Chinese. ISSN 1003-5397},
  editor    = {Laporte, Eric and Cheng, Ting-Au},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Beijing: Institute of Applied Linguistics},

  author    = {Kazantzi, Dimitra and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Désambiguïsation des adjectifs à emploi nominal et des adverbes},
  booktitle = {6ème Colloque international de linguistique grecque, 18-21 septembre 2003, Rethymno, Grèce},
  year      = {2004},
  note      = {(En grec) electronic version (13 pp.)},
  lang      = {OT},
  url       = {http://www.philology.uoc.gr/conferences/6thICGL/ebook/a/voskaki.pdf},

  author    = {Bakoura, Stella and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Désambiguisation des unités monétaires, des symboles et des langues en grec moderne en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de traitement automatique des textes},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 24th annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics (2003)},
  year      = {2004},
  pages     = {90--101},
  publisher = {Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  note      = {En grec},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Bae, Sun-Mee},
  title     = {Description of frozen nominal sequences in Korean in an electronic dictionary},
  booktitle = {INTEX pour la linguistique et le traitement automatique des langues},
  publisher = {Besançon : Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Muller, Claude and Royauté, Jean and Silberztein, Max},
  volume    = {1},
  series    = {Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux},
  pages     = {77--100},
  keywords  = {computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?id=B-ru2YEshe4C&pg=PA77},

  author    = {Courtois, Blandine},
  title     = {Dictionnaires électroniques DELAF anglais et français},
  booktitle = {Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire. Papers in Honour of Maurice Gross},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Leclère, Christian and Laporte, Éric and Piot, Mireille and Silberztein, Max},
  series    = {Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24},
  pages     = {113--123},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?id=c1tJhiZsHbkC&pg=PA113&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=0_0},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Electronic Representation and Automatic Recognition of Compound Adverbs introduced by san, wsan, ws and opws},
  booktitle = {25th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Karali, M. and Koutsogiannis, D. and Liosis, N.},
  series    = {Studies in Greek Linguistics},
  pages     = {101--111},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  note      = {in Greek},
  lang      = {OT},
  location  = {Thessaloniki, Greece},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Foreword},
  booktitle = {Syntaxe, Lexique et Lexique-Grammaire. Papers in Honour of Maurice Gross},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Leclère, Christian and Laporte, Éric and Piot, Mireille and Silberztein, Max},
  series    = {Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24},
  pages     = {xi--xxi},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?id=c1tJhiZsHbkC&pg=PAxi&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=0_0#PPR11%2CM1},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {GRAAL, une bibliothèque de graphes : mode d'emploi},
  booktitle = {INTEX pour la linguistique et le traitement automatique des langues},
  publisher = {Besançon : Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Muller, Claude and Royauté, Jean and Silberztein, Max},
  volume    = {1},
  series    = {Cahiers de la MSH Ledoux},
  pages     = {321--330},
  keywords  = {computational lexicon, local grammar},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?id=B-ru2YEshe4C&pg=PA322},

  author    = {Moustaki, Argyro and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {L'enseignement du FLE à l'aide des systèmes de traitement automatique et des tables du LADL : la syntaxe des verbes},
  booktitle = {5ème Congrès Panhellénique des Professeurs de Français},
  year      = {2004},
  volume    = {2},
  pages     = {427--440},
  publisher = {Association des Professeurs de Français FU - Athènes},
  confyear  = {2004},
  country   = {GR},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Les adverbes figés du grec moderne: les classes GPAC et GPCA},
  year      = {2004},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {23rd International Conference on Lexis and Grammar},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina and Guta, Ancuta},
  title     = {Les phraséologismes et les vécus cognitif et affectif},
  booktitle = {Analele Universitãtii din Craiova},
  year      = {2004},
  series    = {Langues et littératures romanes},
  pages     = {72--79},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Ungermanová, Marta},
  title     = {Locative Complements of Verbs of Movement in Czech. Some Typical Structures and Their Interpretation},
  journal   = {Belgian Journal of Linguistics},
  year      = {2004},
  volume    = {18},
  pages     = {87--113},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  url       = {http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=16879768},

  author      = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title       = {Marginalité et centralité dans les langues et les littératures romanes},
  year        = {2004},
  type        = {Habilitation `a diriger des recherches},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  lang        = {FR},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Quale metadiscorso grammaticale per gli studenti francesi italianisti dell'orientamento LLCE ?},
  booktitle = {Didattica della lingua e della letteratura italiana},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Begioni, Louis and Cazalé Bérard, Claude},
  series    = {CIRRMI},
  pages     = {173--195},
  publisher = {Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3},
  keywords  = {grammaire - italien},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Recursive Automata for Syntactic Grammars},
  journal   = {Journal of Applied Linguistics},
  year      = {2004},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {122--131},
  note      = {Special issue on Lexicon-Grammar. In Chinese. ISSN 1003-5397},
  editor    = {Laporte, Eric and Cheng, Ting-Au},
  keywords  = {local grammar ; computational lexicon ; lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Beijing: Institute of Applied Linguistics},
  url       = {https://hal-upec-upem.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00621589},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Restructuration and the subject of adjectives},
  booktitle = {Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire. Papers in honour of Maurice Gross},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Leclère, Christian and Laporte, Éric and Piot, Mireille and Silberztein, Max},
  series    = {Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24},
  pages     = {373--388},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, multiword expression, support verb},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00190850/en/},

  author    = {Panagiotidis, Panagiotis and Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Solutions technologiques pour la formation des traducteurs et interprètes},
  journal   = {Journal de Linguistique Appliquée},
  year      = {2004},
  volume    = {18},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Association grecque de linguistique appliquée},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita},
  title     = {Structures of Elementary Sentences},
  journal   = {Journal of Applied Linguistics},
  year      = {2004},
  pages     = {24--34},
  note      = {(In Chinese.) ISSN 1003-5397},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Beijing: Institute of Applied Linguistics},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Sur le nom propre dans les phraséologismes français},
  booktitle = {Analele Universitãtii din Craiova},
  year      = {2004},
  series    = {Stiinte filologice. Lingvisticã},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian and Brisbois-Leenhardt, Jacqueline},
  title     = {Synonymie de mots et synonymie de phrases},
  booktitle = {Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire. Papers in honor of Maurice Gross},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Leclère, Christian and Laporte, Éric and Piot, Mireille and Silberztein, Max},
  number    = {24},
  series    = {Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24},
  pages     = {389--404},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://books.google.fr/books?id=c1tJhiZsHbkC&pg=PA389},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Syntactic Transformations with Support Verbs},
  journal   = {Journal of Applied Linguistics},
  year      = {2004},
  pages     = {73--79},
  note      = {Special issue on Lexicon-Grammar. In Chinese. ISSN 1003-5397},
  editor    = {Laporte, Eric and Cheng, Ting-Au},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Beijing: Institute of Applied Linguistics},

  author      = {Eum, Du-Eun},
  title       = {Syntaxe des verbes de communication en coréen},
  year        = {2004},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, Laporte, Éric, Gross, Gaston and Nam, Jee-sun, Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline and Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Leclère, Christian (178 pp.)},
  institution = {Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {verbes de communication, complétives, complément essentiel, restructuration, nominalisation, verbe support},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2004/},

  author      = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title       = {Syntaxe libre et figement},
  year        = {2004},
  type        = {Habilitation `a diriger des recherches},
  note        = {Jury : Conenna, Mirella, , Elia, Annibale and Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Laporte, Éric, Piot, Mireille and Rocchetti, Alvaro and Vivès, Robert},
  institution = {Université de Marne la Vallée},
  keywords    = { Figement - contrastif italien/français},
  lang        = {FR},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Uma descrição sintática e semântica dos adjetivos do francês para aplicações computacionais (A Syntactic-Semantic Description of French Adjectives for Computer Applications)},
  journal   = {Palavra},
  year      = {2004},
  volume    = {12},
  pages     = {91--105},
  note      = {ISSN 1413-7763. Series Language. Special Issue: Processamento Automático do Português. (In Portuguese.)},
  editor    = {Dias, Maria Carmelita and Quental, Violeta},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Rio de Janeiro : Galo Branco},

  author    = {Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline},
  title     = {Une construction tronquée du verbe faire : Jean fait le (brave + cachottier + repentant + enfant gâté)},
  booktitle = {Lexique, Syntaxe et Lexique-Grammaire. Papers in honor of Maurice Gross},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2004},
  editor    = {Leclère, Christian and Laporte, Éric and Piot, Mireille and Silberztein, Max},
  number    = {24},
  series    = {Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24},
  pages     = {223--229},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://books.google.com/books?id=c1tJhiZsHbkC&pg=PA223&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=0_0},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Yannacopoulou, Anastasia},
  title     = {Vers la constitution du lexique-grammaire des verbes en grec moderne},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2004},
  volume    = {26},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {217--236},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  author  = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title   = {Vers la construction d'une bibliothèque en-ligne de grammaires linguistiques},
  journal = {Lexicometrica. Numéro spécial},
  year    = {2004},
  note    = {electronic version (14 pp.)},
  lang    = {FR},
  url     = {http://www.cavi.univ-paris3.fr/lexicometrica/thema/thema7/Texte-Constant.pdf},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Weak Greibach Normal Form of Recursive Transition Networks},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Journées Montoises d'Informatique Théorique},
  year      = {2004},
  pages     = {304--324},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Liège},

  author    = {Huh, Hyun-gue and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {A Resource-Based Korean morphological annotation system},
  booktitle = {Poster session of International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP'05)},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {37--42},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Jeju, Korea},
  url       = {http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/0711.3453},

  author    = {Ulland, Harald and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Analyse automatique des mots polylexicaux en norvégien},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2005},
  volume    = {28},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {255--281},
  note      = {DOI: 10.1075/li.28.2.05ull},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},

  author    = {Yannacopoulou, Anastasia and Eva Fista},
  title     = {Analyse syntactico-sémantique des verbes préfixés en kse- du grec moderne et méthodes de leur représentation},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy (2004)},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {132--143},
  publisher = {Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  note      = {(en grec)},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Analysing texts in a specific domain with local grammars: The case of stock exchange market reports},
  booktitle = {Linguistic Informatics - State of the Art and the Future},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {76--98},
  note      = {Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, UBLI 1},
  lang      = {EN},

  chapter   = {3},
  pages     = {164--209},
  title     = {Applied Combinatorics on Words},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  year      = {2005},
  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  editor    = {Lothaire,},
  volume    = {Applied Combinatorics on Words},
  note      = {Chapter title : Symbolic Natural Language Processing DOI: 10.2277/0521848024},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00145253/en/},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Ioannidou, Kelly and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Automatic elimination of lexical ambiguities in Modern Greek: presentation of the ELAG system},
  booktitle = {Studies in Greek Linguistics, Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2004)},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {89--100},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},

  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Paumier, Sébastien and Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {Can we parse without tagging ?},
  booktitle = {2nd Language \& Technology Conference (LTC'05)},
  year      = {2005},
  editor    = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
  pages     = {473--477},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/ltc_138_fairon.pdf},

  author    = {Ioannidou, Kelly and Kyriakopoulou, Anthie and Tsaknaki, Olympia and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Creation of an electronic dictionary of sports terminology},
  booktitle = {5th Conference on Greek Language and Terminology},
  year      = {2005},
  volume    = {1},
  pages     = {243--251},
  publisher = {Technical Chamber of Greece and Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO)},
  note      = {ISBN: 960-8369-11-8},
  keywords  = { multilingual sports terminology database, Olympic Games, electronic dictioanaries},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://www.eleto.gr/download/Conferences/5th%20Conference/5th_20-26-VoskakiIoannidouKyriakopoulouTsaknaki%20Paper2.pdf},

  author      = {Huh, Hyun-Gue},
  title       = {Délimitation et étiquetage des morphèmes en coréen par ressources linguistiques},
  year        = {2005},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Laporte, Éric, , Nam, Jee-sun and Guenthner, Franz and Abeillé, Anne and Savary, Agata and Laporte, Éric, (195 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = { texte coréen, transducteur morphologique, transcodage de syllable, lexique-grammaire},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2005/huh.pdf},

  author      = {Jung, Eun-Jin},
  title       = {Grammaire des adverbes de durée et de date en coréen},
  year        = {2005},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Maurice, Laporte, Éric, Chai-song, Hong and Maurel, Denis, Seung-un, Choi and Kyriacopoulou, Tita (234 pp.)},
  institution = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = { adverbe de temps, durée, date, lexique-grammaire, analyse syntaxique, verbe support, grammaire locale, graphe, automate fini, reconnaissance automatique},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2005/jung.pdf},

  author      = {Dumitriu, Marina},
  title       = {Grammaires de flexion du roumain en format DELA},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  year        = {2005},
  type        = {Rapport interne},
  number      = {2005-02},
  keywords    = {grammaires, flexion électronique, roumain},
  lang        = {FR},
  owner       = {blanchou},
  timestamp   = {2006.12.07},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Graphes paramétrés et lexique-grammaire},
  booktitle = {Interface lexique-grammaire et lexiques syntaxiques et sémantiques (Atala Workshop'05)},
  year      = {2005},
  note      = {Unpublished conference electronic version (5 pp.)},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Paris},
  url       = {http://www.atala.org/doc/JE_050312/Lexsynt-Laporte.pdf},

  author  = {Laporte, Eric},
  title   = {In Memoriam Maurice Gross},
  journal = {Archives of Control Sciences},
  year    = {2005},
  volume  = {15},
  number  = {3},
  pages   = {257--278},
  note    = {Special issue on Human Language Technologies as a challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. Part I. (2nd Language and Technology Conference)},
  lang    = {EN},
  url     = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00190841/en/},

  author      = {Yannacopoulou, Anastasia},
  title       = {Le lexique-grammaire des verbes du grec moderne: les constructions transitives locatives standard},
  year        = {2005},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Kyriacopoulou, Panayota-Tita, , Anastassiadis-Symeonidis, Anna and Mejri, Salah, Laporte, Éric and Leclère, Christian and Maurel, Denis (297 pp.)},
  institution = {Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {Table du lexique-grammaire, construction transitive locative, analyse syntaxique, préposition, complément locatif, propriété transformationnelle, propriété distributionnelle, classification de verbes, traitement automatique des langues naturelles, traduction},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/LIGM/thesis_habilitations/pdf/2005_yannacopoulou.zip},

  author  = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title   = {Le verbe dire et sa complémentation : relations entre complétive et compléments substantifs},
  journal = {Flambeau},
  year    = {2005},
  volume  = {31},
  pages   = {51--66},
  lang    = {FR},

  author  = {Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline},
  title   = {Les adjectifs intensifs : syntaxe et sémantique},
  journal = {Cahiers de Lexicologie},
  year    = {2005},
  volume  = {86},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {163--178},
  note    = {Adjectifs non prédicatifs. Actes du Colloque, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (novembre 2002)},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Les compléments nominaux de verbes de parole : impératif caché},
  booktitle = {Examen du français},
  publisher = {Sanshû-sha},
  year      = {2005},
  volume    = {3},
  series    = {Problèmes de linguistique française},
  pages     = {103--117},
  note      = {en japonais},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline},
  title     = {Les noms épistémiques et leurs verbes supports},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2005},
  volume    = {27},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {219--238},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  timestamp = {2006.12.07},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Lexicalisation of grammars with parameterized graphs},
  booktitle = {Poster session of Proceedings of the international conference, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'05)},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {117--121},
  confyear  = {2005},
  country   = {BG},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, computational lexicon, local grammar},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Borovets, Bulgaria},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/blanc_constant_ranlp05.pdf},

  author   = {Laporte, Éric},
  title    = {Lexicon management and standard formats},
  journal  = {Archives of Control Sciences},
  year     = {2005},
  volume   = {15},
  number   = {3},
  pages    = {329--340},
  note     = {Proceedings of the 2nd Language and Technology Conference. Poznan, Poland. Part I.},
  editor   = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
  lang     = {EN},
  location = {Poznán, Poland},
  url      = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00189711/en/},

  title     = {Marginalité et centralité},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2005},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  volume    = {I:Littérature, traduction et marginalité},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ dumitriu/divers/marginalite.pdf},

  author    = {Huh, Hyun-gue and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Morphological annotation of Korean with Maintainable Resources},
  booktitle = {Dicora Annual Meeting},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {14--18},
  publisher = {Hankuk University of Foreign Studies},
  keywords  = {computational lexicon},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Ioannidou, Kelly and Michailidis, Ionas and Politis, Periklis and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Paramétrage du corpus grec numérique par genre textuel: le discours journalistique},
  year      = {2005},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {24th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {The lexicon-grammar of French verbs: a syntactic database},
  booktitle = {Linguistic Informatics - State of the Art and the Future.},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {29--45},
  note      = {Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, UBLI 1},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/19/28/88/PDF/_Tokyo-article-last-version-Jan04.pdf},

  author    = {Savary, Agata},
  title     = {Towards a Formalism for the Computational Morphology of Multi-Word Units},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Language and Technology Conference},
  year      = {2005},
  editor    = {Zygmunt Vetulani},
  pages     = {305--309},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Poznán, Poland},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Une classe d'adjectifs de localisation},
  journal   = {Cahiers de lexicologie},
  year      = {2005},
  volume    = {86},
  pages     = {145--161},
  note      = {Adjectifs non prédicatifs. Actes du Colloque, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (novembre 2002)},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Paris : Larousse},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00189736/fr/},

  author    = {Muniz, Marcelo C.M. and Nunes, Maria das Graccas V. and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {UNITEX-PB, a set of flexible language resources for Brazilian Portuguese},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Technology on Information and Human Language (TIL'05)},
  year      = {2005},
  pages     = {2059--2068},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00190857/en/},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Variazioni contestuali di metafore nominali. Primi tentativi computazionali},
  booktitle = {6 Convegno SILFI. Tradizione e Innovazione. Il parlato: teoria, corpora, linguistica dei corpora},
  year      = {2005},
  editor    = {Burr, Elisabeth},
  volume    = {1},
  number    = {43},
  series    = {Quaderni della Rassegna},
  pages     = {345--360},
  publisher = {Franco Cesati},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Sastre, Javier},
  title     = {XML-Based Representation Formats of Local Grammars for the NL},
  booktitle = {2nd Language \& Technology Conference (LTC'05)},
  year      = {2005},
  editor    = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
  pages     = {314--317},
  note      = {(4 pp.)},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/sastre05.pdf},

  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {A framework for real time dictionary updating},
  booktitle = {Poster session of LREC},
  year      = {2006},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {A translated corpus of 30,000 French SMS},
  booktitle = {LREC},
  year      = {2006},
  lang      = {EN},

  author      = {Blanc, O.},
  title       = {Algorithmes d'analyse syntaxique par grammaires lexicalisées : optimisation et traitement de l'ambiguïté},
  year        = {2006},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Laporte, Éric, , Fairon, Cédrick and Guenthner, Franz, Danlos, Laurence and Maurel, Denis (205 pp.)},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/labinfo/theses/2006/blanc.ps},

  author    = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title     = {Analyse statistique des traductions françaises de la littérature coréenne pour la constitution du corpus bilingue},
  journal   = {Lux Coreana},
  year      = {2006},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {69--109},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Han-Seine},

  author    = {Tsaknaki, Olympia},
  title     = {Automatic recognition of proverbs and applications},
  booktitle = {7th Conference on Teaching and Language Corpora},
  year      = {2006},
  note      = {To appear},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Maurel, Denis},
  title     = {Compiling Linguistic Constraints into Finite State Automata},
  booktitle = {11th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA'06)},
  year      = {2006},
  volume    = {4094},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages     = {242--252},
  publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/jj22666470t85500/fulltext.pdf},

  author    = {Sastre, Javier},
  title     = {Computer Tools for the Management of Lexicon-Grammar Databases},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 13ème Conférence sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN'06)},
  year      = {2006},
  editor    = {Mertens, Piet and Fairon, Cédrick and Dister, Anne and Watrin, Patrick},
  pages     = {600--608},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  confyear  = {2006},
  country   = {BE},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ sastre/publications/sastre06a.zip},

  author    = {Huh, Hyun-gue},
  title     = {Construction of Korean Word Dictionary by Morphological Analysis},
  booktitle = {25th Korea Information Processing Society Spring Conference (KIPS Spring conference'06)},
  year      = {2006},
  volume    = {13},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {615--618},
  note      = {(In Korean)},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {De l'adjectif dans les séquences figées à verbe transitif du Lexique Grammaire italien},
  booktitle = {Composition syntaxique et figement lexical},
  publisher = {Presses Universitaires de Caen},
  year      = {2006},
  editor    = {François, Jacques and Mejri, Salah},
  volume    = {7},
  series    = {Bibliothèque de Syntaxe et Sémantique},
  pages     = {91--108},
  keywords  = {, adjectif, figement lexical, italien},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://www.unicaen.fr/services/puc/article.php3?id_article=658},

  author      = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title       = {Description morpho-syntaxique et sémantique des adverbes figés en vue d'un système d'analyse automatique des textes grecs},
  year        = {2006},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Désarmenien, Jacques, , Anastassiadis-Symeonidis, Anna and Maurel, Denis and Molinier, Christian, Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Laporte, Éric (486 pp.)},
  institution = {Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée},
  keywords    = {adverbe figé, adverbe semi-figé, adverbe de date, classification des adverbes figés, propriété syntaxique, propriété sémantique, propriété transformationnelle, traitement automatique des langues naturelles, dictionnaire électronique morphologique, grammaire locale, table de lexique-grammaire, automate è états finis récursifs.},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/TheseVOYATZI.pdf},

  author    = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title     = {Description structurale des proverbes coréens autour des noms de cuisine},
  journal   = {Lux Coreana},
  year      = {2006},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {114--154},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Han-Seine},

  title     = {Dictionnaires DELA des verbes représentatifs pour la flexion roumaine},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2006},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  series    = {coll. Infolingua 5},
  keywords  = {Dictionnaires DELA, dictionnaires électroniques, verbes, roumain},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {État du lexique-grammaire du français et perspectives d'extension},
  booktitle = {History of the Language Sciences},
  publisher = {Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter},
  year      = {2006},
  editor    = {Auroux, Sylvain},
  volume    = {3},
  pages     = {2122--2129},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://books.google.fr/books?id=oJDtIToTmcAC&lpg=PP1&pg=PT137},

  author      = {Tolone, Elsa},
  title       = {Extraction d'entités nommées par les graphes d'Unitex},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  year        = {2006},
  note        = {Rapport technique de stage en Master 1 d'Informatique. electronic version (39 pp.)},
  keywords    = {named entity, electronic dictionary, transducer},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/Tolone_2006_Master1.zip},

  title     = {Grammaires de flexion des adjectifs roumains par automates finis},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2006},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  series    = {coll. Infolingua 4},
  keywords  = {grammaires de flexion, dictionnaires électroniques, adjectifs, roumain},
  lang      = {FR},

  title     = {Grammaires de flexion des verbes roumains par automates finis},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2006},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  series    = {coll. Infolingua 6},
  keywords  = {grammaires de flexion, dictionnaires électroniques, verbes, roumain},
  lang      = {FR},

  author      = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title       = {Grammaires de flexion électronique de l'adjectif roumain},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  year        = {2006},
  number      = {IGM 2006-07},
  keywords    = {grammaires, flexion électronique, adjectif, roumain},
  lang        = {FR},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Graphes paramétrés et outils de lexicalisation},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 13eme Colloque sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN'06)},
  year      = {2006},
  pages     = {532--540},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  note      = {Verbum ex Machina. Cahiers du CENTAL 2(1)},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Leuven, Belgique},
  url       = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00189668/fr/},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Blanc, Olivier},
  title     = {Le fonctionnement injonctif d'expressions figées en italien},
  booktitle = {De la suggestion à l'injonction dans les langues romanes},
  year      = {2006},
  editor    = {Araujo Carreira, Maria Helena},
  number    = {32},
  series    = {Travaux et documents},
  pages     = {267--296},
  publisher = {Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis},
  lang      = {FR},

  pages     = {33--42},
  title     = {Le français m'a tuer},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  year      = {2006},
  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Klein, Jean-René and Paumier, Sébastien},
  note      = {Chapter title : Le langage SMS, révélateur d'1compétence?},
  lang      = {FR},

  title     = {Le langage SMS. Étude d'un corpus informatisé à partir de l'enquête ''Faites don de vos SMS à la science''},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  year      = {2006},
  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Klein, Jean-René and Paumier, Sébastien},
  volume    = {3.1},
  series    = {Cahiers du CENTAL},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://www.i6doc.com/doc/sms},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Le Vocatif, cas hors du système flexionnel du roumain ?},
  booktitle = {Identitatea culturala româneasca în contextul integrarii europene},
  year      = {2006},
  editor    = {Clim, Marius-Radu and Ichim, Ofelia and Manea, Laura and Olariu, Florin-Teodor},
  pages     = {117--122},
  publisher = {Iassy : Alfa},
  lang      = {FR},

  author      = {Rakotonanahary, Tahirisoa},
  title       = {Les métaphores dans les locutions verbales en malgache. Leurs structures et leurs équivalents de traduction en français et en espagnol},
  year        = {2006},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  institution = {Université d'Alicante},
  lang        = {FR},
  pages       = {1--507},

  author  = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title   = {Les premiers dictionnaires électroniques du roumain en format DELA},
  journal = {Philologica Jassyensia},
  year    = {2006},
  volume  = {an II},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {31--45},
  lang    = {FR},

  author      = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title       = {Lexique et grammaire des interrogatives partielles en français : étude des verbes à une complétive directe},
  year        = {2006},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Borillo, Andrée, , Danlos, Laurence and La Fauci, Nunzio and Lamiroy, Béatrice, Laporte, Éric and Leclère, Christian},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  lang        = {FR},

  author    = {Tsaknaki, Olympia},
  title     = {Locating proverbs with finite-state transducers},
  booktitle = {Toward Computational Models of Literary Analysis. Workshop of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2006)},
  year      = {2006},
  pages     = {57--62},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Kazantzi, Dimitra and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Méthodes de traitement automatique des textes en grec moderne},
  booktitle = {13ème Colloque International de la Société Grecque de Linguistique Appliquée : Nouvelles directions en linguistique appliquée, 11-14 décembre 2003},
  year      = {2006},
  editor    = {Kavadia, A. and Joannopoulou, M and Tsangalidis, A.},
  volume    = {9},
  pages     = {144--156},
  publisher = {Association Grecque de Linguistique Appliquée},
  note      = {(en grec)},
  keywords  = { système d'analyse automatique des textes, dictionnaires électroniques, lexique-grammaire, automates finis, analyse syntactico-sémantique, ambigu\̈ités},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Methodological provisions in the construction of idiom resources},
  year      = {2006},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Invited talk, ''Collocations and idioms 2006: linguistic, computational, and psycholinguistic perspectives'', Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ laporte/publi/berlin.ppt},

  author    = {Berlocher, Ivan and Huh, Hyun-gue and Laporte, Eric and Nam, Jee-sun},
  title     = {Morphological annotation of Korean with Directly Maintainable Resources},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 5th International conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'06)},
  year      = {2006},
  note      = {electronic version (4 pp.)},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Genoa},
  url       = {http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/0711.3412},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Niveaux de langue et variations linguistiques dans la comparaison interlangue de tables du Lexique-Grammaire},
  journal   = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year      = {2006},
  volume    = {28},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {169--188},
  note      = {DOI: 10.1075/li.28.2.02cam},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Amsterdam/Philadelphia : Benjamins},
  url       = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/jbp/li/2005/00000028/00000002/art00001},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Outilex, a linguistic platform for Text Processing},
  booktitle = {Interactive Presentation Session of Coling-ACL06},
  year      = {2006},
  pages     = {73--76},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Sydney, Australia},
  url       = {http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=1225422&type=pdf&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=56699722&CFTOKEN=61079129},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Outilex, plate-forme logicielle de traitement de textes écrits},
  booktitle = {13ème Colloque sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN'06)},
  year      = {2006},
  pages     = {83--92},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  note      = {Verbum ex machina. Cahiers du CENTAL 2(1).},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Leuven, Belgique},
  url       = {http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/0711.3691},

  author  = {Vitas, Dusko and Krstev, Cvetana and Laporte, Éric},
  title   = {Preparation and exploitation of bilingual texts},
  journal = {Lux Coreana},
  year    = {2006},
  volume  = {1},
  pages   = {110--132},
  lang    = {EN},
  url     = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00190958/en/},

  author    = {Tsaknaki, Olympia},
  title     = {Proverbes transparents du grec moderne et du français},
  booktitle = {Congreso Internacional de Fraseologia y Paremiologia},
  year      = {2006},
  note      = {To appear},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Martineau, Claude and Yannacopoulou, Anastasia},
  title     = {Reconnaissance automatique de formes dérivées dans les textes grecs},
  booktitle = {Actes de la 13e conférence sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles, TALN 2006},
  year      = {2006},
  pages     = {198--206},
  publisher = {UCL Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Leuven},
  timestamp = {2006.12.07},

  author    = {Puangkor, Wankawee},
  title     = {Ressources linguistiques pour le traitement de la langue thalandaise},
  year      = {2006},
  note      = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  lang      = {FR},
  pages     = {1--74},
  publisher = {Mémoire de master de Science Informatique},

  author    = {Peña Saldarriaga, Sebastián},
  title     = {Révision des messages construits par un générateur d'énoncés en langue naturelle en contexte de dialogue homme-machine},
  year      = {2006},
  lang      = {FR},
  pages     = {1--38},
  publisher = {Mémoire de master de Science Informatique},

  title     = {SMS pour la science. Corpus de 30.000 SMS et logiciel de consultation},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  year      = {2006},
  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Klein, Jean-René and Paumier, Sébastien},
  volume    = {3.2},
  series    = {Cahiers du CENTAL},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://www.i6doc.com/doc/smscd},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Structura Nnr face Det V-n (N1 Dat asupra N1G)},
  booktitle = {Vol. Omagiu Gh Bolocan},
  year      = {2006},
  pages     = {184--190},
  note      = {écrit en roumain},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Klein, Jean-René and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Un corpus transcrit de 30.000 SMS},
  booktitle = {CMT},
  year      = {2006},
  lang      = {FR},

  title  = {Unitex - Manuel d'utilisation},
  author = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  year   = {2006},
  note   = {Première version : 2004.},
  lang   = {FR},
  pages  = {1--217},
  url    = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ũnitex/ManuelUnitex.pdf},

  author    = {Dias, Maria Carmelita and Laporte, Éric and Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {Verbs with very strictly selected complements},
  year      = {2006},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Collocations and Idioms: The First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes, University of Joensuu, Finland, unpublished conference},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ laporte/publi.html#32R3},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric and Leclère, Christian and Dias, Maria Carmelita P.},
  title     = {Very strict selectional restrictions},
  booktitle = {Workshop on Computational Processing of Written and Spoken Portuguese (PROPOR'06)},
  year      = {2006},
  volume    = {3960},
  series    = {LNCS},
  pages     = {225--228},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00190856/en/},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu and Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {A Finite-State Super-Chunker},
  booktitle = {Poster session of International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Holub, Jan and Zdárek, Jan},
  volume    = {4783},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages     = {306--308},
  publisher = {Springer},
  lang      = {EN},

  author      = {Tolone, Elsa},
  title       = {Analyse Syntaxique : Grammaires d'arbres adjoints et lexique-grammaire},
  institution = {I.G.M., Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  year        = {2007},
  note        = {Rapport technique de stage en Master 2 d'Informatique. electronic version (74 pp.)},
  keywords    = { parsing, grammar, dictionary, TAG, LG},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/Tolone_2007_Master2.zip},

  author      = {Varga, Lidia},
  title       = {Classification des prédicats de mouvement du hongrois dans l'optique du traitement automatique. Etude contrastive hongrois-français},
  year        = {2007},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Gross, Gaston, , Laporte, Éric and Szende, Thomas, Conenna, Mirella and Dumitriu, Dana-Marina and Sablayrolles, Jean-François (380 pp.)},
  institution = {Université Paris 13, LDI},
  keywords    = { sémantique du mouvement, traitement automatique, préfixe verbal, contrastif, classes d'objets, prédicat, hongrois},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/ lvarga/index/these/THESE_VARGA_Lidia-ligne2s.pdf},

  author    = {Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {Collocations et traitement automatique des langues},
  booktitle = {26ème Colloque international sur le lexique et la grammaire (LGC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne},
  pages     = {191--198},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Colloques/Bonifacio/proceedings/watrin.pdf},

  author    = {Gross, Maurice},
  title     = {Constructing Lexicon-Grammars},
  booktitle = {Lexicology: Critical Concepts in Linguistics},
  publisher = {London/New York:Routledge},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Hanks, Patrick},
  volume    = {4: Syntagmatics},
  pages     = {119--168},
  note      = {Reprinted from 'Computational Approaches to the Lexicon', 1994. ISBN 978-0-415-70098-6},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://ijl.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/ecn040?ijkey=UitWDp40pbQTcGr&keytype=ref},

  author  = {Fairon, Cédrick and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title   = {De la possibilité de construire un dictionnaire électronique du langage SMS},
  journal = {Cahiers de lexicologie},
  year    = {2007},
  volume  = {2},
  number  = {91},
  pages   = {65--72},
  editor  = {Fairon, Cédrick and Lamiroy, Béatrice},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian and Labelle, Jacques},
  title     = {Du verbe simple aux prédicats complexes},
  booktitle = {Actes du colloque Expressions libres, expressions figées - Hommage à Maurice Gross (2002)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Biason, M.T.},
  pages     = {9--29},
  publisher = {Venise : Cafoscarina},
  note      = {ISBN 978-88-7543-192-1},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://lear.unive.it/bitstream/10278/307/1/Atti-7-1s-Labelle%26Leclere.pdf},

  author    = {Sastre, Javier M. and Forcada, Mikel},
  title     = {Efficient parsing using recursive transition networks with output},
  booktitle = {3rd Language \& Technology Conference (LTC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
  pages     = {280--284},
  note      = {(5 pp.)},
  keywords  = {parsing, recursive, transition, network, output, Earley},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/sastre07.pdf},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Evaluation of a Grammar of French Determiners},
  booktitle = {27th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Computation (SBC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {1625--1634},
  note      = {Workshop on Information Technology and Human Language (TIL)},
  keywords  = { computational lexicon, local grammar},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00190861/en/},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Extension of a Grammar of French Determiners},
  booktitle = {26th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne},
  pages     = {65--72},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00190859/en/},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Foreword},
  year      = {2007},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {EN},
  pages     = {17--19},
  publisher = {Lexicon-Grammar of Korean Adjectives (in Korean), by Nam Jee-sun, Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {GraalWeb ou accéder à une bibliothèque décentralisée de grammaires locales},
  booktitle = {Bases de données lexicales : construction et applications},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {79--87},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/constant_BDLCA07.pdf},

  author      = {Arslan, Burak},
  title       = {Implementation of Collocation Extraction in Unitex},
  institution = {LIGM, Universit'e Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall'ee},
  year        = {2007},
  note        = {Master internship report. electronic version (7 pp.)},
  lang        = {EN},
  url         = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/rapBurak.pdf},

  author    = {Capet, Philippe and Delavallade, Thomas and Jacquelinet, Julien and Martineau, Claude and Nakamura, Takuya and Rebotier, Aude and Sándor, Ágnes and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Intelligent Awareness: Event Extraction, Information Evaluation \& Risk Assessment},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 3rd Language \& Technology Conference : Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics (LTC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
  pages     = {539--543},
  publisher = {Widawnictwo Poznanskie Sp. z o o.},
  lang      = {EN},

  author  = {Leclère, Jérôme and Leclère, Christian and Ollivier, Liliane},
  title   = {Le compte-rendu radiologique : à fond la forme},
  journal = {Journal de radiologie},
  year    = {2007},
  number  = {88},
  pages   = {297--303},
  note    = {Masson, Editions française de radiologie \& Elsevier},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Guta, Ancuta and Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Les emprunts grecs et latins au sein du vocabulaire juridique français},
  journal   = {Philologica Jassyensia},
  year      = {2007},
  volume    = {an III},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {265--277},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Iassy : éd. Alfa},

  author    = {Martineau, Claude and Tolone, Elsa and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Les Entités Nommées : usage et degrés de précision et de désambiguïsation},
  booktitle = {26ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire (LGC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne},
  pages     = {105--112},
  note      = {hal-00461891, arXiv:1003.4149v1},
  confyear  = {2007},
  country   = {FR},
  keywords  = { named entity, electronic dictionary, transducer, syntactic context},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Bonifacio},
  slides    = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/Martineau-Tolone-Voyatzi_2007_EN_slides.zip},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Colloques/Bonifacio/proceedings/martineau.pdf},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina and Ciocanea, Cristiana and Nadis, Livia},
  title     = {Les particules préverbales du roumain},
  booktitle = {26th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne},
  pages     = {41--48},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Colloques/Bonifacio/proceedings/dumitriu.pdf},

  author    = {Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {Organization of the lexicon-grammar of French verbs},
  booktitle = {Lexicology: Critical Concepts in Linguistics},
  publisher = {London/New York: Routledge},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Hanks, Patrick},
  volume    = {4: Syntagmatics},
  pages     = {169--187},
  note      = {Reprinted from Lingvisticae Investigationes, 2002 ISBN 978-0-415-70098-6},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://ijl.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/ecn040?ijkey=UitWDp40pbQTcGr&keytype=ref},

  author    = {Lim, Joonseo},
  title     = {Quelques remarques sur le verbe support et le nom prédicatif en position sujet},
  journal   = {Lux Coreana},
  year      = {2007},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {5--34},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Han-Seine},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu and Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {Segmentation en super-chunks},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 14th Conférence sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  volume    = {2},
  pages     = {33--42},
  publisher = {IRIT Press},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Toulouse, France},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu and Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {Segmentation in super-chunks with a finite-state approach},
  booktitle = {6th Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Hanneforth, Thomas and Würzner, Kay-Michael},
  pages     = {62--73},
  publisher = {Potsdam University Press},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Potsdam, Germany},
  url       = {http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/frontdoor.php?source_opus=2713&ampla=de},

  author    = {Fairon, Cédrick and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Un corpus SMS est-il un corpus comme les autres ?},
  booktitle = {26ème International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'07)},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne},
  pages     = {209--216},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Colloques/Bonifacio/proceedings/fairon.pdf},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Vers une description de la nominalisation objective propositionnelle},
  booktitle = {26ème Colloque international sur le lexique et la grammaire},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne},
  pages     = {137--144},
  publisher = {Université de Marne-la-Vallée},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Colloques/Bonifacio/proceedings/nakamura.pdf},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric and Nakamura, Takuya and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {A French Corpus Annotated for Multiword Expressions with Adverbial Function},
  booktitle = {Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Linguistic Annotation Workshop},
  year      = {2008},
  pages     = {48--51},
  note      = {hal-00286557},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00286541/en/},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric and Nakamura, Takuya and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {A French Corpus Annotated for Multiword Nouns},
  booktitle = {Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Workshop Towards a Shared Task on Multiword Expressions},
  year      = {2008},
  pages     = {27--30},
  note      = {hal-00286552},
  keywords  = {computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00286552/en/},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {A generic tool to generate a lexicon for NLP from Lexicon-Grammar tables},
  booktitle = {27ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire (LGC'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Constant, Matthieu and De Gioia, Michele and Nakamura, Takuya and Vecchiato, Sara},
  pages     = {11--18},
  note      = {hal-00461900},
  confyear  = {2008},
  country   = {IT},
  keywords  = { syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar, NLP},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {L'Aquila},
  slides    = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/lgc08.pdf},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/lgc-constant-tolone.pdf},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {A mozgást jelentő predikátumok tipológiája és a magyar, mint idegen nyelv (Typologie des prédicats de mouvement et l'enseignement du hongrois langue étrangère)},
  booktitle = {18ème Congrès National de Linguistique Appliquée, Budapest, Hongrie (MANYE'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  note      = {en hongrois To appear},
  lang      = {OT},

  author    = {Capet, Philippe and Delavallade, Thomas and Nakamura, Takuya and Sandor, Agnes and Tarsitano, Cédrick and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {A Risk Assessment System with Automatic Extraction of Event Types},
  booktitle = {Intelligent Information Processing IV},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {288},
  series    = {IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing},
  pages     = {220--229},
  note      = {ISBN 978-0-387-87684-9},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/e1511m08x2578757/},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {An Electronic Dictionary of French Multiword Adverbs},
  booktitle = {Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Workshop Towards a Shared Task on Multiword Expressions},
  year      = {2008},
  pages     = {31--34},
  note      = {hal-00286560},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00286546/en/},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {Approche combinatoire et typologie des prédicats de mouvement du hongrois},
  booktitle = {27ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire (LGC'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Constant, Matthieu and De Gioia, Michele and Nakamura, Takuya and Vecchiato, Sara},
  pages     = {173--180},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline and Laporte, Éric and Meunier, Annie and Nam, Jee-sun},
  title     = {Classification of Adjectives in French and in Korean},
  booktitle = {18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {1},
  pages     = {149--149},
  publisher = {Seoul: Linguistic Society of Korea},
  note      = {Workshop on Lexis-Grammar Interface},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Ciocanea, Cristiana},
  title     = {Constructions converses du français et du roumain},
  booktitle = {27th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Constant, Matthieu and Nakamura, Takuya and De Gioia, Michele and Vecchiato, Sara},
  pages     = {3--10},
  confyear  = {2008},
  country   = {IT},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne and Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {Corpus oraux et chunking},
  booktitle = {27èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole (JEP'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  note      = {electronic version (4 pp.)},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/blanc_constant_dister_watrin_JEP08.pdf},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien and Dumitriu, Dana-Marina},
  title     = {Editable text alignments and powerful linguistic queries},
  booktitle = {27th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Constant, Matthieu and Nakamura, Takuya and De Gioia, Michele and Vecchiato, Sara},
  pages     = {117--125},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {Electronic dictionary and morphologically rich languages teaching as the hungarian (Dictionnaire electronique et l'enseignement des langues morphologiquement riches comme le hongrois)},
  booktitle = {Poster session of European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  note      = {en anglais Preprint},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Székesfehérvár, Hongrie},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Exemples attestés et exemples construits dans la pratique du lexique-grammaire},
  booktitle = {Observations et manipulations en linguistique: entre concurrence et complémentarité},
  publisher = {Louvain/Paris/Dudley : Peeters},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {François, Jacques},
  volume    = {16},
  series    = {Mémoires de la Société de linguistique de Paris. Nouvelle Série},
  pages     = {11--32},
  note      = {Conférence prononcée à Paris en janvier 2007. ISBN 978-90-429-2161-0},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00352695/en/},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Expressions figées, gestes, gestuelle et gestualité. Difficultés d'interprétation entre italien et français},
  booktitle = {Studios y analisis de fraseología contrastiva: Lexicografía y Traducción},
  publisher = {Universidad de Alicante},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {González Royo, Carmen and Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro},
  pages     = {67--82},
  keywords  = { figement lexical gestuelle contrastif},
  lang      = {FR},

  author = {Savary, Agata and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title  = {Intégration du logiciel Multiflex},
  year   = {2008},
  note   = {Plateforme de traitements linguistiques Unitex (Paris-Est)},
  url    = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01067853},
  author    = {Laporte, {{\'{E}}}ric},
  title     = {Exemplos atestados e exemplos construidos na pr{\'{a}}tica do L{\'{e}}xico-Gram{\'{a}}tica},
  journal   = {Revista (Con)textos Ling{\"{u}}{\'{\}}isticos},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {2},
  pages     = {26--51},
  note      = {ISSN 1982-291X. In Portuguese. Translation by Francisco Léllis.},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00325926/en/},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, multiword expression},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {Edufes (publisher of the Federal University of Esp\́irito Santo)},

  author  = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title   = {La structure des interrogatives partielles directes et indirectes},
  journal = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year    = {2008},
  volume  = {31},
  number  = {2},
  pages   = {278--284},
  note    = {25th Lexis and Grammar Conference.DOI: 10.1075/li.31.2.11nak},
  editor  = {Mirto, Ignazio Mauro},
  lang    = {FR},

  title     = {Le vocatif des noms communs et des adjectifs du roumain},
  publisher = {Craiova : AIUS},
  year      = {2008},
  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina and Guta, Ancuta},
  series    = {coll. Infolingua 7},
  keywords  = {flexion automatique, cas vocatif, noms communs et adjectifs, roumain},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Nam, Jee-sun and Cheon, Seung-mi and Kog, Seung-hui and Kim, So-yun and Berlocher, Ivan and Park, Se-young},
  title     = {Lexico-Syntactic Description of Domain-Specific Texts based on LGC-driven methodology},
  booktitle = {18th International Congress of Linguistis (CIL'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {1},
  pages     = {378--379},
  publisher = {Seoul: Linguistic Society of Kora},
  note      = {Workshop on Lexis-Grammar Interface},
  lang      = {EN},

  author      = {Lacavalla, Claudia},
  title       = {Lexique-grammaire des proverbes en Quand/Quando. Comparaison français-italien et représentation par grammaires locales},
  year        = {2008},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Conenna, Mirella, Laporte, Éric, Dotoli, Giovanni,},
  institution = {Università degli Studi di Bari},
  keywords    = { Proverb},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www.aidenligne-francais-universite.auf.org/IMG/pdf_Lacavalla_Claudia.pdf},

  author    = {Kyriakopoulou, Anthie},
  title     = {Méthodes de recensement de noms composés N (E + DET:G) N:G en grec moderne},
  booktitle = {27ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire (LGC'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  note      = {To appear},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {Networking Multiword Units},
  booktitle = {6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (GoTAL'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Nordstrom, Bengt and Ranta, Aarne},
  volume    = {5221},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  pages     = {120--125},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  note      = {(5 pp.)},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Gothenburg,Sweden},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/constant_watrin_gotal08.pdf},

  author    = {Kim, So-yun and Nam, Jee-sun},
  title     = {Pour une classification syntaxique des constructions verbales en coréen},
  booktitle = {27th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Constant, Matthieu and Nakamura, Takuya and De Gioia, Michele and Vecchiato, Sara},
  pages     = {51--58},
  confyear  = {2008},
  country   = {IT},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Camugli Gallardo, Catherine},
  title     = {Raddrizzare le gambe ai cani, donner de la confiture aux cochons. De l'humour dans certaines structures figées},
  journal   = {Humoresques},
  year      = {2008},
  number    = {27},
  pages     = {115--129},
  editor    = {Garitte, Catherine and Feuerhahn, Nelly},
  keywords  = {humour, figement, italien, français},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Corhum},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Représentation d'information lexico-syntaxique du lexique-grammaire : à propos de certains verbes ''à montée''},
  booktitle = {18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {1},
  pages     = {147--148},
  publisher = {The Linguistic Society of Korea},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Dumitriu, Dana-Marina and Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Requêtes linguistiques sur alignements multilingues},
  booktitle = {Directia Terminologie si Inginerie Lingvistica (DTIL'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  note      = {ISBN: 978-9-291220-37-3 electronic version},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://dtil.unilat.org/seminar_bucuresti_2008/actes/paumier_dumitriu.htm},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Sur la réalisation des arguments : expliquer},
  booktitle = {27ème Conférence internationale sur le lexique et la grammaire},
  year      = {2008},
  pages     = {101--108},
  note      = {To appear},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Sur les interrogatives indirectes construites avec sur: leur distribution avec verbes à deux compléments},
  booktitle = {Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française 2008 (CMLF'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Durand, Jacques and Habert, Benoît and Laks, Bernard},
  pages     = {2577--2586},
  publisher = {EDP Sciences},
  note      = {(10 pp.)},
  doi       = {10.1051/cmlf08232},
  lang      = {FR},

  author   = {Laporte, Éric and Ranchhod, Elisabete and Yannacopoulou, Anastasia},
  title    = {Syntactic variation of support verb constructions},
  journal  = {Lingvisticae Investigationes},
  year     = {2008},
  volume   = {31},
  number   = {2},
  pages    = {173--185},
  note     = {DOI: 10.1075/li.31.2.04lap},
  keywords = { lexicon-grammar, multiword expression, support verb},
  lang     = {EN},
  url      = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00362241/en/},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Un exemple d'adverbes quantifieurs en grec moderne: de l'affectif à l'intensif},
  booktitle = {27th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'08)},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {De Gioia, Michele and Vecchiato, Sara and Constant, Matthieu and Nakamura, Takuya},
  pages     = {191--198},
  publisher = {Université Paris-Est, Gaspard-Monge Institute},
  lang      = {FR},

  author = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title  = {Unitex 2.0 User Manual},
  year   = {2008},
  note   = {electronic version},
  lang   = {EN},
  url    = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/ unitex/UnitexManual2.0.pdf},

  author   = {Ghasemi,Mehdi},
  title    = {1er dictionnaire électronique des noms composés en persan},
  year     = {2009},
  note     = {electronic version (27 pp.) IGM},
  keywords = {computational lexicon, local grammar, dictionnaire des noms composés en persan},
  lang     = {OT},

  author  = {Martineau, Claude and Nakamura, Takuya and Varga, Lidia and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title   = {Annotation et normalisation des entités nommées},
  journal = {Arena Romanistica},
  year    = {2009},
  volume  = {4},
  pages   = {234--243},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Sastre, Javier M. and Sastre, Jorge and García, Javier},
  title     = {Boosting a Chatterbot Understanding with a Weighted Filtered-Popping Network Parser},
  booktitle = {4th Language \& Technology Conference (LTC'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  editor    = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
  pages     = {74--78},
  publisher = {Wydawnictwo Pozna'nskie Sp. z o.o.},
  keywords  = {chatterbot AIML local-grammar weighted filtered-popping network parser WFPN FPN},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Pozna'n, Poland},
  slides    = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ sastre/publications/sastre09ip_slides.pdf},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ sastre/publications/sastre09ip.pdf},

  author   = {Kim, So-yun and Nam, Jee-sun},
  title    = {Classes adjectivales et verbales comportant un complément en -e en coréen},
  journal  = {Arena Romanistica},
  year     = {2009},
  pages    = {194--202},
  keywords = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang     = {FR},

  author    = {Gaillard, Baptiste and Guillemin-Lanne, Sylvie and Jacquet, Guillaume and Martineau, Claude and Migeotte, Aurélie},
  title     = {Combining NER Systems via a UIMA-based platform},
  booktitle = {1st French-speaking meeting around the framework Apache UIMA},
  year      = {2009},
  note      = {electronic version To appear},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Nantes, France},
  url       = {http://2009.rmll.info/Coll-UIMA-Combining-NER-Systems.html},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Concordanciers et flexion automatique},
  journal   = {Cahiers de Lexicologie},
  year      = {2009},
  volume    = {94},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {91--106},
  note      = {halshs-00432571},
  keywords  = { computational lexicon},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Paris: Garnier},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00432571/fr/},

  author      = {Sigogne, Anthony},
  title       = {De l'étiquetage morpho-syntaxique au super-chunking : Levée d'ambiguités à l'aide de méthodes hybrides et de ressources lexicales riches},
  institution = {L.I.G.M., Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée},
  year        = {2009},
  note        = {Rapport technique de stage en Master 2 d'Informatique. electronic version (65 pp.)},
  keywords    = { Étiquetage morpho-syntaxique probabiliste, super-chunking, dictionnaires électroniques, algorithmes de désambiguisation},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/english/Bibliographie/Articles/Sigogne_2009_Master2.pdf},

  author   = {Ghasemi,Mehdi},
  title    = {dictionnaire électronique des noms simples en persan},
  year     = {2009},
  note     = {electronic version (227 pp.) IGM},
  keywords = {grammaire locale, dictionnaire électronique des noms simples en persan},
  lang     = {OT},

  author    = {Sastre, Javier M.},
  title     = {Efficient Parsing Using Filtered-Popping Recursive Transition Networks},
  booktitle = {Implementation and Application of Automata: 14th International Conference, CIAA 2009, Sydney, Australia, July 2009, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year      = {2009},
  editor    = {Maneth, Sebastian},
  volume    = {5642},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  pages     = {241--244},
  note      = {DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02979-0_28},
  keywords  = {parsing, RTN, RTNSO, output, FPRTN, filtered-popping, Earley},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Sastre, Javier M. and Forcada, Mikel L.},
  title     = {Efficient Parsing Using Recursive Transition Networks with Output},
  booktitle = {Human Language Technology. Challenges of the Information Society: Third Language and Technology Conference, LTC 2007, Poznan, Poland, October 5--7, 2007, Revised Selected Papers},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year      = {2009},
  editor    = {Vetulani, Zygmunt and Uszkoreit, Hans},
  volume    = {5603},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligences},
  pages     = {192--204},
  note      = {DOI: 978-3-642-04235-5_17},
  keywords  = {parsing, RTN, RTNSO, output, breadth-first, Earley},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Sagot, Benoît and Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {Exploitation des tables du Lexique-Grammaire pour l'analyse syntaxique automatique},
  journal   = {Arena Romanistica, Journal of Romance Studies},
  year      = {2009},
  volume    = {4},
  pages     = {302--312},
  note      = {The 28th Conference on Lexis and Grammar. ISSN 1473-3536. hal-00461897},
  editor    = {Skogseth Clausen, Camilla and AlvsAaker Didriksen, Anders and Gjerstad, Oyvind and Moss, Bodil and Müller Gjesdal, Anje and Erichsen Skalle, Camilla and Tveit, HAakon and V Ole},
  keywords  = { lexicon-grammar, syntactic lexicon, parsing, evaluation},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Département des Langues et Littératures étrangères, Université de Bergen},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/clg09lglex.pdf},

  author    = {Sagot, Benoît and Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {Intégrer les tables du Lexique-Grammaire à un analyseur syntaxique robuste à grande échelle},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 16ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  note      = {electronic version (10 pp.) hal-00461893},
  confyear  = {2009},
  country   = {FR},
  keywords  = { syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar, parsing},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Senlis},
  slides    = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/taln09lglex_poster.pdf},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/taln09lglex.pdf},

  author    = {Messiant, Cédric and Nakamura, Takuya and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {La Complémentarité des Approches Manuelle et Automatique en Acquisition Lexicale},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 16ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  note      = {electronic version (10 pp.)},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/taln09/pdf/TALN_62.pdf},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {Les tables du Lexique-Grammaire au format TAL},
  booktitle = {MajecSTIC 2009},
  year      = {2009},
  note      = {electronic version (8 pp.) hal-00461896},
  confyear  = {2009},
  country   = {FR},
  keywords  = { syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar, parsing, NLP},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Avignon},
  slides    = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/majecstic09-tolone_slides.pdf},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/majecstic09-tolone.pdf},

  author    = {Fista, Eva and Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Martineau, Claude and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Les verbes préfixés en grec moderne: le préfixe συν-},
  journal   = {Lingvisticæ Investigationes},
  year      = {2009},
  volume    = {32},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {176--186},
  editor    = {De Gioia, Michele},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Benjamins, John},
  url       = {http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_bookview.cgi?bookid=LI%2032%3A2},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Lexicons and grammars for language processing: industrial or handcrafted products?},
  booktitle = {Léxico e gramática: dos sentidos à construção da significação (Lexicon and Grammar: from Meanings to the Construction of Signification)},
  publisher = {São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica},
  year      = {2009},
  editor    = {Rezende, Letícia Marcondes and da Silva, Bento Carlos Dias and Barbosa, Juliana Bertucci},
  series    = {Trilhas Lingüísticas, 16},
  pages     = {51--84},
  note      = {ISBN 978-85-98605-75-3},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00400986/en/},

  author    = {Messiant, Cédric and Nakamura, Takuya and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Lexschem et le Lexique Grammaire},
  year      = {2009},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Workshop NaTAL 2009},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {LGPLLR : an open source license for NLP (Natural Language Processing)},
  booktitle = {Rencontres mondiales du logiciel libre},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {1--16},
  keywords  = {License ; Language Resource ; Open Source},
  location  = {Nantes, France},
  url       = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01168649},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Microsyntax of Measurement Phrases in French: Construction and Evaluation of a Local Grammar},
  booktitle = {8th International Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  note      = {electronic version (12 pp.)},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Pretoria, South Africa},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ mconstan/papers/constant_fsmnlp09.pdf},

  author    = {Dister, Anne and Constant, Matthieu and Prunelle, Gérald},
  title     = {Normalizing speech transcriptions for Natural Language Processing},
  booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Spoken Communication (GSCP'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  editor    = {Pettorino, Massimo and Giannini, Antonella and Dovetto, Francesca M.},
  pages     = {507--520},
  publisher = {Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale},
  confyear  = {2009},
  country   = {IT},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Naples},

  author    = {Sigogne, Anthony and Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Real-time unsupervised classification of web documents},
  booktitle = {4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  number    = {ISBN 978-83-60810-22-4},
  series    = {Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology},
  pages     = {281--286},
  confyear  = {2009},
  country   = {PL},
  keywords  = {classification of web documents},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Mragowo},
  url       = {http://www.proceedings2009.imcsit.org/pliks/123.pdf},

  author  = {Nakamura, Takuya},
  title   = {Sur la correspondance entre adverbe dans une phrase verbale et adjectif dans une phrase à verbe support},
  journal = {Arena Romanistica},
  year    = {2009},
  volume  = {4},
  pages   = {266--273},
  lang    = {FR},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Tendances actuelles en traitement des langues},
  year      = {2009},
  keywords  = {language processing},
  lang      = {FR},
  pages     = {517--544},
  publisher = {3e Colloque associé des Sociétés et Associations coréennes d'études françaises, Les Arts du spectacle de la Francophonie, Université SungKyunKwan, Seoul, Corée du Sud},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ laporte/publi/tatl.ppt},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {The Electronic Dictionary of Greek Multiword Adverbs},
  booktitle = {9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  note      = {To appear},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Brun, Caroline and Dessaigne, Nicolas and Ehrmann, Maud and Gaillard, Baptiste and Guillemin-Lanne, Sylvie and Jacquet, Guillaume and Kaplan, Aaron and Kucharski, Marianna and Martineau, Claude and Migeotte, Aurélie and Nakamura, Takuya and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Une Expérience de Fusion pour l'Annotation d'Entités Nommées},
  booktitle = {16ème Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  note      = {electronic version (10 pp.)},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/taln09/pdf/TALN_24.pdf},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien and Nakamura, Takuya and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {UNITEX, a Corpus Processing System with Multi-Lingual Linguistic Resources},
  booktitle = {eLexicography in the 21st century: new challenges, new applications (eLEX'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {173--175},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa and Sagot, Benoît},
  title     = {Using Lexicon-Grammar tables for French verbs in a large-coverage parser},
  booktitle = {4th Language \& Technology Conference (LTC'09)},
  year      = {2009},
  editor    = {Vetulani, Zygmunt},
  pages     = {200--204},
  note      = {hal-00461895},
  confyear  = {2009},
  country   = {PL},
  keywords  = { syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar, parsing, evaluation},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Pozna'n},
  slides    = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/ltc09lglex_slides.pdf},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/ltc09lglex.pdf},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {Why academic software should be Open Source},
  journal   = {INFOtheca: Journal of informatics and librarianship},
  year      = {2009},
  volume    = {X},
  number    = {1-2},
  pages     = {51--54},
  editor    = {Sedmak, Aleksandar},
  lang      = {EN},
  publisher = {Serbian Academic Library Association},
  url       = {http://www.unilib.bg.ac.yu/zajednica01/english/izdanja/infoteka/br1_2_2009/INFOTHECA_X_1-2_June2009_51a-54a.pdf},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {A generic tool to generate a lexicon for NLP from Lexicon-Grammar tables},
  booktitle = {Actes du 27e Colloque international sur le lexique et la grammaire (L'Aquila, 10-13 septembre 2008). Seconde partie},
  publisher = {Aracne},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {De Gioia, Michele},
  volume    = {1},
  series    = {Lingue d'Europa e del Mediterraneo, Grammatica comparata},
  pages     = {79--93},
  note      = {ISBN: 978-88-548-3166-7. hal-00483662, arXiv:1005.5596},
  keywords  = { syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar, NLP},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/li-constant-tolone-lgc08.pdf},

  author    = {Varga, Lidia},
  title     = {Analyse intégrée et typologie des prédicats de mouvement du hongrois},
  booktitle = {Actes du 27e Colloque international sur le lexique et la grammaire (L'Aquila, 10-13 septembre 2008)},
  publisher = {Aracne, Roma},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {De Gioia, Michele},
  volume    = {1},
  series    = {Lingue d'Europa e del Mediterraneo. Grammatica comparata},
  pages     = {127--144},
  note      = {seconde partie},
  keywords  = { predicate of motion, verbal prefix, NLP, typology, Hungarian},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://www.aracneeditrice.it},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne},
  title     = {Automatic detection of disfluencies in speech transcriptions},
  booktitle = {Spoken Communication},
  publisher = {Cambridge Scholars Publishing},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Pettorino, Massimo and Giannini, Antonella and Chiari, Isabella and Dovetto, Francesca M.},
  pages     = {259--272},
  note      = {ISBN (10):1-4438-2276-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-2276-3},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Guglielmo, Daniela},
  title     = {Automatic extraction of Support Verb Construction translations from an Italian-English parallel corpus},
  booktitle = {29th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'10)},
  year      = {2010},
  pages     = {63--72},
  confyear  = {2010},
  country   = {RS},
  lang      = {EN},
  location  = {Belgrade},

  author    = {Kyriacopoulou, Tita and Martineau, Claude and Tsaknaki, Olympia and Tziafa, Eleni and Voskaki, Rania},
  title     = {Automatic Processing of technical texts in Modern Greek: Term Annotation},
  booktitle = {9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL '10)},
  year      = {2010},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2010},
  lang      = {EN},

  author = {Cetro, Rosa},
  title  = {Compte rendu de lecture de: Mejri S.(dir.), La problématique du mot, "Le français moderne", Tome LXXVII, N.1, 2009},
  year   = {2010},
  note   = {electronic version},
  lang   = {FR},
  url    = {http://farum.it/lectures/ezine_articles.php?art_id=136},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa and Voyatzi, Stavroula and Leclère, Christian},
  title     = {Constructions définitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire},
  booktitle = {29ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire (LGC'10)},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Popović, Ljubomir and Krstev, Cvetana and Vitas, Duvsko and Pavlović-Lavzetić, Gordana},
  pages     = {321--331},
  note      = {hal-00515301, arXiv:1009.1117},
  confyear  = {2010},
  country   = {RS},
  keywords  = { Natural Language Processing, syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Belgrade},
  slides    = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/clg10bases_slides.pdf},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/clg10bases.pdf},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {Constructions définitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire : Le cas des complétives et des infinitives},
  booktitle = {Poster session of MajecSTIC 2010},
  year      = {2010},
  note      = {electronic version (4 pp.) To appear hal-00515326},
  confyear  = {2010},
  keywords  = {Natural Language Processing, syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/majecstic10-tolone.pdf},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Entretien avec Éric Laporte},
  booktitle = {La salle de cours. Questions/réponses sur la grammaire française},
  publisher = {Berlin: Peter Lang},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Conenna, Mirella},
  chapter   = {8},
  pages     = {85--90},
  note      = {ISBN 978-3-03911-786-4},
  keywords  = {lexicon-grammar, multiword expression, support verb},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {https://secure.peterlang.com/index.cfm?cid=660&event=cmp.ccc.seitenstruktur.detailseiten&seitentyp=produkt&pk=52720&concordeid=11786},

  author    = {Rakho, Myriam and Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Evaluating the impact of some linguistic information on the performances of a similarity-based and translation-oriented Word-Sense disambiguation method},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)},
  year      = {2010},
  note      = {electronic version (6 pp.)},
  confyear  = {2010},
  country   = {MT},
  keywords  = { Word Sense Disambiguation, Machine Translation, linguistic resources, density-based algorithms},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2010/pdf/687_Paper.pdf},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Nakamura, Takuya and Voyatzi, Stavroula and Bittar, André},
  title     = {Extraction automatique de traductions anglaises de mots composés français},
  booktitle = {Congrés Mondial de la Linguistique Française (CMLF'10)},
  year      = {2010},
  note      = {electronic version (12 pp.)},
  confyear  = {2010},
  country   = {US},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Nam, Jee-sun and Shim, Seung-hye and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Gaps between interrogative sentence types and online queries},
  booktitle = {29th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'10)},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Vitas, Duvsko and Krstev, Cvetana},
  pages     = {253--260},
  publisher = {Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade},
  confyear  = {2010},
  country   = {RS},
  keywords  = {computational lexicon},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Sigogne, Anthony},
  title     = {HybridTagger : un étiqueteur hybride pour le Franccais},
  booktitle = {8ème MAnifestation des JEunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (MajecSTIC''10)},
  year      = {2010},
  note      = {Prix "Best paper" de la conférence electronic version (8 pp.)},
  confyear  = {2010},
  country   = {FR},
  keywords  = { Traitement Automatique des Langues, étiqueteur morphosyntaxique probabiliste, approche hybride},
  lang      = {FR},
  location  = {Bordeaux},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ sigogne/proceedings/Majecstic_2010_HybridTagger.pdf},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien},
  title     = {L'hyper-verbe schtroumpfer},
  booktitle = {Les tables. La grammaire du français par le menu},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Nakamura, Takuya and Laporte, Éric and Dister, Anne and Fairon, Cédrick},
  volume    = {6},
  series    = {Les cahiers du CENTAL},
  pages     = {309--314},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Le lexique-grammaire est-il exploitable pour le traitement des langues ?},
  booktitle = {Les Tables. La grammaire du français par le menu. Mélanges en hommage à Christian Leclère},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Nakamura, Takuya and Laporte, Éric and Dister, Anne and Fairon, Cédrick},
  volume    = {6},
  series    = {Cahiers du CENTAL},
  pages     = {207--218},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00462422/fr/},

  author    = {Blanc, Olivier and Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne and Watrin, Patrick},
  title     = {Partial parsing of spontaneous spoken French},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)},
  year      = {2010},
  note      = {electronic version (6 pp.)},
  confyear  = {2010},
  country   = {MT},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu},
  title     = {Prépositions locatives et noms propres géographiques},
  booktitle = {Les Tables. La grammaire du français par le menu. Mélanges en hommage à Christian Leclère},
  publisher = {UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Nakamura, Takuya and Laporte, Éric and Dister, Anne and Fairon, Cédrick},
  volume    = {6},
  series    = {Cahiers du CENTAL},
  pages     = {73--80},
  lang      = {FR},

  author      = {Kim, So-yun},
  title       = {Propriétés syntaxico-sémantiques des verbes à complément en -e en coréen},
  year        = {2010},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Laporte, Éric, , Maurus, Patrick and Abeillé, Anne, Nam, Jee-sun and Paumier, Sébastien (370 pp.)},
  institution = {Université Paris-Est},
  keywords    = { lexicon-grammar, computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/LIGM/thesis_habilitations/pdf/THESE-Soyun-KIM.pdf},

  author    = {Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Recension de "Description linguistique pour le traitement automatique du français", par Matthieu Constant et al.},
  booktitle = {Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 120/3},
  publisher = {Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Hempfer, Klaus W. and Blumenthal, Peter},
  pages     = {295--296},
  note      = {halshs-00564535},
  keywords  = {computational lexicon, language resource},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/56/45/35/PDF/crl.pdf},

  author    = {Ahn, Ae-lim and Laporte, Éric and Nam, Jee-sun},
  title     = {Semantic Polarity of Adjectival Predicates in Online Reviews},
  booktitle = {Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL'10)},
  year      = {2010},
  editor    = {Kang, Young-se and Yoon, Jong-yuri and Hong, Jong-seon and Wu, Jiun-shiung and Rhee, Seong-ha and Kim, Kyoung-ae and Choi, Dong-ho and Kim, Kee-ho and Kang, Hye-kyung},
  publisher = {Hankookmunhwasa},
  note      = {electronic version (10 pp.)},
  keywords  = {opinion mining, adjective},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ laporte/publi/SICOL2010-paper-AHN-LAPORTE-NAM.pdf},

  author    = {Voyatzi, Stavroula and Kakoyanni-Doa, Fryni},
  title     = {The Electronic Dictionary of Modern Greek Adverbs},
  booktitle = {30th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki},
  year      = {2010},
  series    = {Studies in Greek Linguistics},
  pages     = {149--161},
  note      = {in Greek},
  lang      = {OT},

  author = {Brizard, Stéphanie and Martineau, Claude and Varga, Lidia},
  title  = {Vers une extraction fine des expressions des opinions \& sentiments dans de grands corpus},
  year   = {2010},
  note   = {prépublication},
  lang   = {FR},

  author   = {Ghasemi,Mehdi},
  title    = {2ème dictionnaire des noms composés en persan},
  year     = {2011},
  note     = {electronic version (32 pp.) LIGM},
  keywords = {computational lexicon, local grammar, 2ème dictionnaire des noms composés en persan},
  lang     = {OT},

  author      = {Tolone, Elsa},
  title       = {Analyse syntaxique à l'aide des tables du Lexique-Grammaire du français},
  year        = {2011},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Laporte, Éric, , Danlos, Laurence and Kallmeyer, Laura, Constant, Matthieu and Duchier, Denys and Villemonte de la Clergerie, Éric (340 pp.)},
  institution = {Université Paris-Est},
  keywords    = { Traitement Automatique des Langues, ressources linguistiques, lexiques syntaxiques, Lexique-Grammaire, analyse syntaxique, évaluation, lexicon-grammar, computational lexicon, multiword expression},
  lang        = {FR},
  url         = {http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/ tolone/phd.pdf},

  author    = {Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Classer et décrire les adjectifs du français},
  journal   = {Cahiers de Lexicologie},
  year      = {2011},
  volume    = {98},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {45--64},
  note      = {Du lexique aux dictionnaires en passant par la grammaire. Hommages à Chai-song Hong},
  editor    = {Lee, Seong-heon},
  keywords  = { lexicon-grammar, multiword expression, support verb},
  lang      = {FR},
  publisher = {Paris: Garnier},
  url       = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00620878/fr/},

  author   = {Kim, So-yun and Nam, Jee-sun},
  title    = {Compared study of verbal and adjectival constructions in Korean based on the Lexicon-Grammar},
  journal  = {Teaching French Language and Literature},
  year     = {2011},
  volume   = {36},
  pages    = {151--183},
  note     = {(In Korean.)},
  keywords = {lexicon-grammar},
  lang     = {OT},

  author    = {Ioannidou, Kelly and Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {Construction du lexique LGLex à partir des tables du Lexique-Grammaire des verbes du grec moderne},
  booktitle = {30ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire (LGC'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  keywords  = { Lexique-Grammaire, verbes du grec moderne, table des classes, textitLGLex},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/clg11grec.pdf},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa},
  title     = {Conversión de las tablas del Léxico-Gramática del francés en el léxico LGLex},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {electronic version (10 pp.)},
  keywords  = { Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, léxico sintáctico, Léxico-Gramática, LGLex},
  lang      = {OT},
  publisher = {2nd Argentinian Workshop on Natural Language Processing (WNLP'11). FaMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/wnlp11piv.pdf},

  author      = {Sastre, Javier M.},
  title       = {Efficient finite-state algorithms for the application of local grammars},
  year        = {2011},
  type        = {Thèse de doctorat},
  note        = {Jury : Forcada, Mikel L., Laporte, Éric, Carton, Olivier and Sánchez, Joan A., (494 pp.)},
  institution = {Université Paris-Est},
  keywords    = { Efficient, optimization, algorithm, parsing, natural language processing, Earley, local grammar, finite-state, machine, hierarchy, recursive transition network, RTN, filtered-popping network, FPN, filtered-popping recursive transition network, FPRTN, blackboard set processing, top-ranked blackboard, double-linked red-black tree, trie string management},
  lang        = {EN},
  url         = {http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/ sastre/publications/sastre11t.zip},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa and Villemonte de la Clergerie, Éric and Sagot, Benoît},
  title     = {Évaluation de lexiques syntaxiques par leur intégration dans l'analyseur syntaxique FRMG},
  booktitle = {30ème Colloque international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire (LGC'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  keywords  = {lexiques syntaxiques, analyseur syntaxique, campagne d'évaluation, fouille d'erreurs},
  lang      = {FR},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/clg11lglex.pdf},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa and Voyatzi, Stavroula},
  title     = {Extending the adverbial coverage of a NLP oriented resource for French},
  booktitle = {Poster session of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  keywords  = {syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar, LGLex, adverbs},
  lang      = {EN},
  url       = {http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/Bibliographie/Elsa/ijcnlp11adv.pdf},

  author    = {Sigogne, Anthony and Constant, Matthieu and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Intégration des données d'un lexique syntaxique dans un analyseur syntaxique probabiliste},
  booktitle = {30th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  keywords  = {Probabilistic Parsing, Syntactic Lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Sigogne, Anthony and Constant, Matthieu and Laporte, Éric},
  title     = {Integration of Data from a Syntactic Lexicon into a Generative and a Discriminative Probabilistic Parsers},
  booktitle = {International conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  keywords  = {Probabilistic Parsing, Syntactic Lexicons, Lexicon-Grammar},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Tellier,Isabelle and Duchier,Denys and Dupont, Yoann and Sigogne, Anthony and Billot, Sylvie},
  title     = {Intégrer des connaissances linguistiques dans un CRF : application à l'apprentissage d'un segmenteur-étiqueteur du français},
  booktitle = {Conférence sur le traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Dister, Anne and Nakamura, Takuya},
  title     = {Le verbe faire dans un corpus de français parlé},
  booktitle = {30th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (LGC'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Constant, Matthieu and Sigogne, Anthony},
  title     = {MWU-aware Part-of-Speech Tagging with a CRF model and lexical resources},
  booktitle = {ACL Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and Generation to the Real World (MWE'11)},
  year      = {2011},
  note      = {electronic version (8 pp.) To appear},
  confyear  = {2011},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Cetro, Rosa},
  title     = {Outils de traitement des langues et corpus spécialisés: l'exemple d'Unitex},
  booktitle = {Doctorants et Recherche 2010 - La recherche actuelle en Linguistique française},
  publisher = {Lampi di Stampa},
  year      = {2011},
  volume    = {5},
  series    = {Cahiers de recherche de l'Ecole Doctorale en Linguistique française},
  pages     = {49--63},
  keywords  = { terminologie, corpus spécialisés, Unitex},
  lang      = {FR},

  author    = {Tolone, Elsa and Sagot, Benoît},
  title     = {Using Lexicon-Grammar tables for French verbs in a large-coverage parser},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  year      = {2011},
  series    = {LNAI Series},
  note      = {Vetulani, Zygmunt To appear},
  keywords  = { syntactic lexicon, Lexicon-Grammar, parsing, evaluation},
  lang      = {EN},

  author    = {Paumier, Sébastien and Nam, Jee-Sun},
  title     = {Un système de dictionnaire de mots simples du coréen},
  booktitle = {Penser le Lexique-Grammaire. Perspectives actuelles},
  publisher = {Honoré Champion},
  year      = {2014},
  editor    = {Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa},
  series    = {Collection Colloques, congrés et conférences. Sciences du Langage, histoire de la langue et des dictionnaires. 30th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (Nicosia, Cyprus, 2011)},
  pages     = {481--490},
  keywords  = {Korean ; electronic dictionary ; agglutinative language ; morphological analysis ; finite automaton ; coréen ; dictionnaire électronique ; langue agglutinante ; analyse morphologique ; automate fini},
  url       = {https://hal-upec-upem.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01011525/file/dico-coreen.pdf},

  title     = {Automatic Extraction of Hypernyms and Hyponyms from Russian Texts},
  author    = {Sabirova, Kristina and Lukanin, Artem},
  booktitle = {AIST (Supplement)},
  pages     = {35--40},
  year      = {2014},
  lang      = {EN},

  title     = {Normalization of Non-standard Words with Finite State Transducers for Russian Speech Synthesis},
  author    = {Lukanin, Artem},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts},
  pages     = {39--48},
  year      = {2015},
  lang      = {EN},