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Creates touch-friendly drop-down menus

Created by Stephen Morley - http://code.stephenmorley.org/ - and released under
the terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal legal code:


changes made by martinec:

- use classie (https://github.com/ded/bonzo) to handle class operations


// create the Dropdown object
var Dropdown = (function(){

  // the delay, in milliseconds
  var DELAY = 250;

  // the list of menus
  var menus = [];

  // Initialises the drop-down menus.
  function initialise(){

    // listen for touch events on the document if appropriate
    if ('createTouch' in document){
      document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false);

    // loop over the menus, converting them
    var menus = document.querySelectorAll('ul.dropdown');
    for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i ++) applyTo(menus[i]);


  /* Handles a touch start event. The parameter is:
   * e - the event
  function handleTouchStart(e){

    // determine whether any menu is open
    var isOpen = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i ++){
      if (menus[i].isOpen) isOpen = true;

    // return immediately if all menus are closed
    if (!isOpen) return;

    // move up the document tree until we reach the root node
    var node = e.target;
    while (node != null){

      // return immediately if we are inside a drop-down menu
      if (classie.has( node, 'dropdown' )) return;

      // move onto the parent node
      node = node.parentNode;


    // close all menus


  /* Closes all menus except the specified menu. The parameter is:
   * menu - a menu not to close; this parameter is optional
  function close(menu){

    // loop over the menus, closing them
    for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i ++){
      if (menus[i] != menu) menus[i].close();


  /* Creates a drop-down menu. The parameter is:
   * node - either the DOM node of the menu or the ID of the node
  function applyTo(node){

    // fetch the DOM node if a string was supplied
    if (typeof node == 'string') node = document.getElementById(node);

    // create and store the new menu
    menus.push(new Menu(node));


  /* Creates a drop-down menu. The parameter is:
   * node - the DOM node of the menu
  function Menu(node){

    // store the node
    this.node = node;

    // update the class name
    classie.add( node, 'dropdownJavaScript' );

    // listen for mouse events
    if ('addEventListener' in node){
          'mouseover', this.bind(this.handleMouseOver), false);
      node.addEventListener('mouseout', this.bind(this.handleMouseOut), false);
      node.addEventListener('click',    this.bind(this.handleClick),    false);
      node.attachEvent('onmouseover', this.bind(this.handleMouseOver));
      node.attachEvent('onmouseout',  this.bind(this.handleMouseOut));
      node.attachEvent('onclick',     this.bind(this.handleClick));

    // listen for touch events if appropriate
    if ('createTouch' in document){
      node.addEventListener('touchstart', this.bind(this.handleClick), false);


  // whether the menu is open
  Menu.prototype.isOpen = false;

  // the timeout
  Menu.prototype.timeout = null;

  /* Binds the specified function to the current object. The parameter is:
   * f - the function
  Menu.prototype.bind = function(f){

    // return the bound function
    var thisObject = this;
    return function(){ f.apply(thisObject, arguments); }


  /* Handles a mouse over event. The parameters are:
   * e         - the event
   * immediate - true to open the menu without a delay
  Menu.prototype.handleMouseOver = function(e, immediate){

    // clear the timeout

    // find the parent list item
    var item = ('target' in e ? e.target : e.srcElement);
    while (item.nodeName != 'LI' && item != this.node) item = item.parentNode;

    // if the target is within a list item, set the timeout
    if (item.nodeName == 'LI'){
      this.toOpen  = item;
      this.timeout =
          window.setTimeout(this.bind(this.open), (immediate ? 0 : DELAY));


  // Handles a mouse out event.
  Menu.prototype.handleMouseOut = function(){

    // clear the timeout

    // set the timeout
    this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.bind(this.close), DELAY);


  /* Handles a click event. The parameter is:
   * e - the event
  Menu.prototype.handleClick = function(e){

    // close any other menus

    // find the parent list item
    var item = ('target' in e ? e.target : e.srcElement);
    while (item.nodeName != 'LI' && item != this.node) item = item.parentNode;

    // check that the target is within a list item
    if (item.nodeName == 'LI'){

      // check whether the item has a closed submenu
      var submenu = this.getChildrenByTagName(item, 'UL');
      if (submenu.length > 0 && !classie.has( item, 'dropdownOpen' )){

        // open the submenu
        this.handleMouseOver(e, true);

        // prevent the default action
        if ('preventDefault' in e){
          e.returnValue = false;




  // Clears the timeout.
  Menu.prototype.clearTimeout = function(){

    // clear the timeout
    if (this.timeout){
      this.timeout = null;


  // Opens the last item hovered over.
  Menu.prototype.open = function(){

    // store that the menu is open
    this.isOpen = true;

    // loop over the list items with the same parent
    var items = this.getChildrenByTagName(this.toOpen.parentNode, 'LI');
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){

      // check whether there is a submenu
      var submenu = this.getChildrenByTagName(items[i], 'UL');
      if (submenu.length > 0){

        // check whether the submenu should be opened or closed
        if (items[i] != this.toOpen){

          // close the submenu
          classie.remove( items[i], 'dropdownOpen' );

        }else if (!classie.has( items[i], 'dropdownOpen' )){

          // open the submenu
          classie.add( items[i], 'dropdownOpen' );

          // determine the location of the edges of the submenu
          var left = 0;
          var node = submenu[0];
          while (node){
            left += node.offsetLeft;
            node = node.offsetParent;
          right = left + submenu[0].offsetWidth;

          // move the submenu to the right of the item if appropriate
          if (left < 0) classie.add( items[i], 'dropdownLeftToRight' );

          // move the submenu to the left of the item if appropriate
          if (right > document.body.clientWidth){
            classie.add( items[i], 'dropdownRightToLeft' );





  /* Closes the menus within the specified node. The parameter is:
   * node - the node; if omitted, all menus are closed
  Menu.prototype.close = function(node){

    // if no node was specified, close all menus
    if (!node){
      this.isOpen = false;
      node        = this.node;

    // loop over the items, closing their submenus
    var items = node.getElementsByTagName('li');
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){
      classie.remove( items[i], 'dropdownOpen' );


  /* Returns an array containing the children of the specified node with the
   * specified tag name. The parameters are:
   * node    - the node
   * tagName - the tag name
  Menu.prototype.getChildrenByTagName = function(node, tagName){

    // initialise the list of children
    var result = [];

    // loop over the children, adding those with the right tag name to the list
    for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i ++){
      if (node.childNodes[i].nodeName == tagName){

    // return the children
    return result;


  // return the public API
  return {
    initialise : initialise,
    applyTo    : applyTo
