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/// Get  percentage from a given ratio.
/// @access private
/// @param {Number} $ratio [1] - The column ratio of the element.
/// @returns {Number} - The percentage value.
@function jeet-get-span($ratio: 1) {
  @return $ratio * 100;

/// Work out the column widths based on the ratio and gutter sizes.
/// @access private
/// @param {Number} $ratios [1] - The column ratio of the element.
/// @param {Number} $gutter [$jeet-gutter] - The gutter for the column.
/// @returns {List} $width $gutter - A list containing the with and gutter for the element.
@function jeet-get-column($ratios: 1, $gutter: $jeet-gutter) {
  $ratios: if(not $jeet-parent-first, jeet-reverse($ratios), $ratios);
  $width: 100;

  @each $ratio in $ratios {
    $gutter: $gutter / $width * 100;
    $width: 100 * $ratio - $gutter + $ratio * $gutter;

  @return $width $gutter;

/// Get the set layout direction for the project.
/// @access private
/// @returns {String} $direction - The layout direction.
@function jeet-get-layout-direction() {
  $direction: if($jeet-layout-direction == "RTL", right, left);

  @return $direction;

/// Replace a specified list value with a new value (uses built in set-nth() if available).
/// @access private
/// @param {List} $list - The list of values you want to alter.
/// @param {Number} $index - The index of the list item you want to replace.
/// @param {*} $value - The value you want to replace $index with.
/// @returns {List} $list - The list with the value replaced or removed.
/// @throw Error if an invalid index is supplied.
@function jeet-replace-nth($list, $index, $value) {
  // Fallback for Sass 3.2
  @if function-exists("set-nth") != true {
    $result: ();
    $index: if($index < 0, length($list) + $index + 1, $index);

    @for $i from 1 through length($list) {
      $result: append($result, if($i == $index, $value, nth($list, $i)));

    @return $result;

  // Sass 3.3
  $result: set-nth($list, $index, $value);

  @return $result;

/// Reverse a list (progressively enhanced for Sass 3.3).
/// @access private
/// @param {List} $list - The list of values you want to reverse.
/// @returns {List} $result - The reversed list.
@function jeet-reverse($list) {
  // Sass 3.2
  @if function-exists("set-nth") != true {
    $result: ();

    @for $i from length($list) * -1 through -1 {
      $item: nth($list, abs($i));

      @if length($item) > 1 and $recursive {
        $result: append($result, jeet-reverse($item, $recursive));
      @else {
        $result: append($result, $item);

    @return $result;

  // Sass 3.3+
  @for $i from 1 through ceil(length($list)/2) {
    $tmp: nth($list, $i);
    $tmp: if(length($tmp) > 1 and $recursive, reverse($tmp, $recursive), $tmp);

    $list: set-nth($list, $i, nth($list, -$i));
    $list: set-nth($list, -$i, $tmp);

  @return $list;

/// Get the opposite direction to a given value.
/// @access private
/// @param {String} $dir - The direction you want the opposite of.
/// @returns {String} - The opposite direction to $dir.
/// @throw Error if an incorrect string for position is provided.
@function jeet-opposite-direction($direction) {
  @if $direction == "left" {
    @return right;
  } @else if $direction == "right" {
    @return left;
  } @else if $direction == "top" {
    @return bottom;
  } @else if $direction == "bottom" {
    @return top;
  } @else if index("ltr" "LTR", $direction) {
    @return rtl;
  } @else if index("rtl" "RTL", $direction) {
    @return ltr;
  } @else {
    @warn "`#{$direction}` is not a direction; please make sure your direction is all lowercase.";
    @return false;

/// Perform a value into a percentage value.
/// @access private
/// @param {Number} $value - The value which should be converted.
/// @returns {Number} $value - The percentage.
@function jeet-get-percentage($value) {
  @if $value == 0 {
    @return 0;
  } @else {
    @return $value * 1%;