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Test Coverage

> Boilerplate currently broken due to webpack misconfiguration

This project was generated using https://github.com/UnlyEd/boilerplate-generator/tree/master/templates/node-v12.6.0-package-OSS

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- [TODO (after generating a project from this boilerplate)](#todo-after-generating-a-project-from-this-boilerplate)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [API](#api)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
  * [Getting started](#getting-started-1)
  * [Test](#test)
  * [Releasing and publishing](#releasing-and-publishing)
- [License](#license)

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## TODO (after generating a project from this boilerplate)

- Rename occurrences of `PROJECT-NAME`
- Delete this

## Getting started

## Clone this boilerplate

See [instructions](../../README.md#usage)

yarn install


yarn start

## API



## Contributing

We gladly accept PRs, but please open an issue first so we can discuss it beforehand.

### Working locally

yarn start # Shortcut - Runs linter + build + tests in concurrent mode (watch mode)

OR run each process separately for finer control

yarn lint
yarn build
yarn test

### Test

yarn test # Run all tests, interactive and watch mode
yarn test:once
yarn test:coverage

### Releasing and publishing

yarn releaseAndPublish # Shortcut - Will prompt for bump version, commit, create git tag, push commit/tag and publish to NPM

yarn release # Will prompt for bump version, commit, create git tag, push commit/tag
npm publish # Will publish to NPM

## License