import { CommonServerSideParams } from '@/app/types/CommonServerSideParams';
import { StaticPath } from '@/app/types/StaticPath';
import { StaticPathsOutput } from '@/app/types/StaticPathsOutput';
import { StaticPropsInput } from '@/app/types/StaticPropsInput';
import { SSGPageProps } from '@/layouts/core/types/SSGPageProps';
import {
} from '@/layouts/demo/types/GetDemoLayoutStaticPaths';
import {
} from '@/layouts/demo/types/GetDemoLayoutStaticProps';
import { getCustomer } from '@/modules/core/airtable/dataset';
import { getAirtableDataset } from '@/modules/core/airtable/getAirtableDataset';
import { AirtableRecord } from '@/modules/core/data/types/AirtableRecord';
import { Customer } from '@/modules/core/data/types/Customer';
import { SanitizedAirtableDataset } from '@/modules/core/data/types/SanitizedAirtableDataset';
import { getLocizeTranslations } from '@/modules/core/i18n/getLocizeTranslations';
import {
} from '@/modules/core/i18n/i18n';
import { supportedLocales } from '@/modules/core/i18n/i18nConfig';
import { I18nextResources } from '@/modules/core/i18n/i18nextLocize';
import { I18nLocale } from '@/modules/core/i18n/types/I18nLocale';
import { createLogger } from '@/modules/core/logging/logger';
import { PreviewData } from '@/modules/core/previewMode/types/PreviewData';
import serializeSafe from '@/modules/core/serializeSafe/serializeSafe';
import includes from 'lodash.includes';
import map from '';
import uniq from 'lodash.uniq';
import {
} from 'next';
const fileLabel = 'layouts/demo/demoLayoutSSG';
const logger = createLogger({
* Returns a "getStaticPaths" function.
* @param options
export const getDemoLayoutStaticPaths: GetDemoLayoutStaticPaths = (options?: GetDemoLayoutStaticPathsOptions) => {
const {
fallback = false,
} = options || {};
* Only executed on the server side at build time.
* Computes all static paths that should be available for all SSG pages.
* Necessary when a page has dynamic routes and uses "getStaticProps", in order to build the HTML pages.
* You can use "fallback" option to avoid building all page variants and allow runtime fallback.
* Meant to avoid code duplication between pages sharing the same layout.
* Can be overridden for per-page customisation (e.g: deepmerge).
* XXX Demo component, not meant to be modified. It's a copy of the baseSSG implementation, so the demo keep working even if you change the base implementation.
* @return Static paths that will be used by "getCoreLayoutStaticProps" to generate pages
* @see
const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths<CommonServerSideParams> = async (context: GetStaticPathsContext): Promise<StaticPathsOutput> => {
const preferredLocalesOrLanguages = uniq<string>( I18nLocale) => supportedLocale.lang));
const dataset: SanitizedAirtableDataset = await getAirtableDataset(preferredLocalesOrLanguages);
const customer: AirtableRecord<Customer> = getCustomer(dataset);
// Generate only pages for languages that have been allowed by the customer
const paths: StaticPath[] = map(customer?.availableLanguages, (availableLanguage: string): StaticPath => {
return {
params: {
locale: availableLanguage,
return {
return getStaticPaths;
* Returns a "getStaticProps" function.
* Disables redirecting to the 404 page when building the 404 page.
* @param options
export const getDemoLayoutStaticProps: GetDemoLayoutStaticProps = (options?: GetDemoLayoutStaticPropsOptions) => {
const {
enable404Redirect = true,
} = options || {};
* Only executed on the server side at build time.
* Computes all static props that should be available for all SSG pages.
* Note that when a page uses "getStaticProps", then "_app:getInitialProps" is executed (if defined) but not actually used by the page,
* only the results from getStaticProps are actually injected into the page (as "SSGPageProps").
* Meant to avoid code duplication between pages sharing the same layout.
* Can be overridden for per-page customisation (e.g: deepmerge).
* XXX Demo component, not meant to be modified. It's a copy of the coreLayoutSSG implementation, so the demo keep working even if you change the base implementation.
* @return Props (as "SSGPageProps") that will be passed to the Page component, as props (known as "pageProps" in _app).
* @see
* @see
const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<SSGPageProps, CommonServerSideParams> = async (props: StaticPropsInput): Promise<GetStaticPropsResult<SSGPageProps>> => {
const customerRef: string = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CUSTOMER_REF;
const preview: boolean = props?.preview || false;
const previewData: PreviewData = props?.previewData || null;
const hasLocaleFromUrl = !!props?.params?.locale;
const locale: string = hasLocaleFromUrl ? props?.params?.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE; // If the locale isn't found (e.g: 404 page)
const lang: string = locale.split('-')?.[0];
const bestCountryCodes: string[] = [lang, resolveFallbackLanguage(lang)];
const i18nTranslations: I18nextResources = await getLocizeTranslations(lang);
const dataset: SanitizedAirtableDataset = await getAirtableDataset(bestCountryCodes, preview);
const customer: AirtableRecord<Customer> = getCustomer(dataset);
// Do not serve pages using locales the customer doesn't have enabled (useful during preview mode and in development env)
if (enable404Redirect && !includes(customer?.availableLanguages, locale)) {
logger.warn(`Locale "${locale}" not enabled for this customer (allowed: "${customer?.availableLanguages}"), returning 404 page.`);
return {
notFound: true,
return {
// Props returned here will be available as page properties (pageProps)
props: {
serializedDataset: serializeSafe(dataset),
isReadyToRender: true,
isStaticRendering: true,
return getStaticProps;