import { AirtableRecord } from '@/modules/core/data/types/AirtableRecord';
import { Customer } from '@/modules/core/data/types/Customer';
import { SanitizedAirtableDataset } from '@/modules/core/data/types/SanitizedAirtableDataset';
const customerRef: string = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CUSTOMER_REF;
* This mocked static dataset is used by the "public" layout to start the app with the minimalist amount of data.
* XXX The "Customer" entity represents a "Tenant" in a multi-tenancy system. It's basically the owner of a site.
* Each Customer has its own website, with its own data.
* Fields required by NRN to function properly by default (they can be hardcoded if you only have one Customer, or fetched from a DB if you have many)
* - 'ref': Identifier of the customer. Use by analytics, monitoring, etc.
* - 'availableLanguages': List of languages the website is available in, static pages will be generated for all listed languages.
* - '__typename': Must be "Customer". You can rename it if you wish to, but you'll need to adapt the code in various places.
* @see
export const mockedStaticDataset: SanitizedAirtableDataset = {
mockedId: {
ref: customerRef,
availableLanguages: ['en'], // Necessary to generate the static pages and serve SSR pages, for those languages
__typename: 'Customer', // Necessary to find the customer object within the mocked dataset
} as AirtableRecord<Customer>, // TS casting is necessary because we don't provide all properties