import { createLogger } from '@/modules/core/logging/logger';
import map from '';
import size from 'lodash.size';
import hybridCache from '../vercelCache/hybridCache';
import fetchAirtableTable from './fetchAirtableTable';
import { AirtableDBTable } from './types/AirtableDBTable';
import { AirtableSchema } from './types/AirtableSchema';
import { FieldSchema } from './types/FieldSchema';
import { GenericAirtableRecordsListApiResponse } from './types/GenericAirtableRecordsListApiResponse';
import { RawAirtableRecordsSet } from './types/RawAirtableRecordsSet';
import { TableSchema } from './types/TableSchema';
const fileLabel = 'modules/core/airtable/fetchAirtableDataset.ts';
const logger = createLogger({
* When running on Vercel, wait some time after each API request to avoid running the next API request too fast
* If we don't do that, we might reach their API rate limit (5 requests per 1 second) and get blocked.
* XXX Note that you should adapt VERCEL_DISK_CACHE_TTL based on this value.
* If the latency between each request is important to you in order to avoid reaching the limit (e.g: 1+ sec between 2 requests),
* then depending on how many tables you fetch you should make sure your TTL is high enough to avoid fetching multiple times because TTL has expired.
* XXX Despite the latency, the requests are executed multiple times anyway, because static pages are generated by batch of 3 pages at a time.
* This generates 3 Airtable API requests at the same time, and none of them benefit from the cache because they have the same latency (parallel execution).
* This is because Next.js generates pages by batch, so the first batch doesn't benefit from any caching mechanism at all.
* All other batches benefit from the cache though. It's still better than no caching,
* but it could be reduced even more by pre-fetching the Airtable API even before generating pages, and do only one API request per table.
* By default, the HybridCache would use 30sec TTL.
* We override it to make sure all our Airtable API requests are only executed as less often as possible.
const VERCEL_DISK_CACHE_TTL = 180; // In seconds
* Fetch all tables described in the schema.
* Promises are executed in parallel to fetch the whole dataset faster, useful when several tables are being fetched.
* Although, a "preDelay" is applied to make sure not to run all queries at the same time, because of the 5 API request per second Airtable limit.
* XXX Running with a delay is still faster than running in series, but obviously slower than running all requests in parallel without delaying them.
* But there isn't a better way of doing things, as we must not hit the API rate limit or the app will completely crash during the initial build, or when preview mode is enabled.
* @param airtableSchema
* @param localesOfLanguagesToFetch Locales/languages (e.g: 'en', 'en_gb') that should be fetched to resolve i18n fields.
* There is no point fetching more locales than those that will be used to resolve the best available translation during the Sanitization step.
* Whether you use locales or languages is up to you, as it depends how you name your Airtable fields.
* Tip: "Underscore" is recommended if using localized locales. (i.e: 'en_gb', not 'en-gb')
export const fetchAirtableDataset = async (airtableSchema: AirtableSchema, localesOfLanguagesToFetch: string[]): Promise<RawAirtableRecordsSet[]> => {
const promises: Promise<any>[] = [];
const rawAirtableRecordsSets: RawAirtableRecordsSet[] = [];
const tableSchemaKeys: AirtableDBTable[] = Object.keys(airtableSchema) as AirtableDBTable[];
for (let i = 0; i < size(tableSchemaKeys); i++) {
const tableName: AirtableDBTable = tableSchemaKeys[i];
const tableSchema: TableSchema = airtableSchema[tableName];
const tableNamePlural: string = tableSchema.plural ? tableSchema.plural : `${tableName}s`;
const tableCacheKey = `${tableNamePlural}Table`;
const filterByFormula: string = tableSchema.filterByFormula;
const allowedFields: string[] = [];
const preDelay: number = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development' ? i * FORCED_LATENCY_BETWEEN_AIRTABLE_API_REQUESTS : 0;
// Compute the list of allowed fields that'll be returned by the Airtable API
// Dynamically allow i18n fields (label => labelEN + labelFR) for all locales/languages necessary to build the current page
map(tableSchema.fields, (fieldSchema: FieldSchema, fieldName: string) => {
// Virtual fields aren't fetched (they may not exist on Airtable)
if (!fieldSchema.isVirtual) {
if (fieldSchema.isI18n) {
// Fetch translations for all supported locales, not matter how many there are, because we'll need them all to
map(localesOfLanguagesToFetch, (supportedLang: string) => allowedFields.push(`${fieldName}${supportedLang.toUpperCase()}`));
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.debug(`(Promise) The table ${tableName} will be fetched in ${preDelay}ms.`);
if (preDelay > (VERCEL_DISK_CACHE_TTL * 1000)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`[WARNING] Your Vercel cache TTL is lower than the Airtable API request delay for ${tableName} (delay: ${preDelay} > ${VERCEL_DISK_CACHE_TTL * 1000}. This will cause your API requests to be sent multiple times and is probably not what you want. You should increase your TTL value.`);
// Running all promises but don't await for them (we will await them all later to run them in parallel)
async () => await fetchAirtableTable(tableName, {
fields: allowedFields,
}) as GenericAirtableRecordsListApiResponse,
enabled: !!process.env.IS_SERVER_INITIAL_BUILD && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development',
storage: {
type: 'disk',
options: {
filename: tableCacheKey,
// Force the parallel requests to run "in series" when executed on Vercel (but not in development)
// Run all promises in parallel and compute results into the dataset
const results: GenericAirtableRecordsListApiResponse[] = await Promise.all(promises);
for (let i = 0; i < size(tableSchemaKeys); i++) {
const tableName: AirtableDBTable = tableSchemaKeys[i];
const { records } = results[i] as GenericAirtableRecordsListApiResponse;
__typename: tableName,
return rawAirtableRecordsSets;
export default fetchAirtableDataset;