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# This file was generated based on ".graphqlconfig". Do not edit manually.

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation
  subscription: Subscription

"An object with an ID"
interface Node {
  "The id of the object."
  id: ID!

type AggregateAttribute {
  count: Int!

type AggregateBrand {
  count: Int!

type AggregateCategory {
  count: Int!

type AggregateFile {
  count: Int!

type AggregateOption {
  count: Int!

type AggregateOptionValue {
  count: Int!

type AggregateOrder {
  count: Int!

type AggregateOrderLineItem {
  count: Int!

type AggregateOrderableProduct {
  count: Int!

type AggregateProduct {
  count: Int!

type AggregateSelectedOption {
  count: Int!

type AggregateShop {
  count: Int!

type AggregateUser {
  count: Int!

type AggregateVariant {
  count: Int!

type Attribute implements Node {
  category: Category!
  id: ID!
  products(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: ProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: ProductWhereInput): [Product!]
  shop: Shop!
  value: String!

"A connection to a list of items."
type AttributeConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateAttribute!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [AttributeEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type AttributeEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Attribute!

type AttributePreviousValues {
  id: ID!
  value: String!

type AttributeSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Attribute
  previousValues: AttributePreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type BatchPayload {
  "The number of nodes that have been affected by the Batch operation."
  count: Long!

type Brand implements Node {
  category: Category!
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  shop: Shop!

"A connection to a list of items."
type BrandConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateBrand!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [BrandEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type BrandEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Brand!

type BrandPreviousValues {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

type BrandSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Brand
  previousValues: BrandPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type Category implements Node {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  options(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionWhereInput): [Option!]
  shop: Shop!

"A connection to a list of items."
type CategoryConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateCategory!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [CategoryEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type CategoryEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Category!

type CategoryPreviousValues {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

type CategorySubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Category
  previousValues: CategoryPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type File implements Node {
  contentType: String!
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  secret: String!
  size: Int!
  url: String!

"A connection to a list of items."
type FileConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateFile!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [FileEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type FileEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: File!

type FilePreviousValues {
  contentType: String!
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  secret: String!
  size: Int!
  url: String!

type FileSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: File
  previousValues: FilePreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type Mutation {
  createAttribute(data: AttributeCreateInput!): Attribute!
  createBrand(data: BrandCreateInput!): Brand!
  createCategory(data: CategoryCreateInput!): Category!
  createFile(data: FileCreateInput!): File!
  createOption(data: OptionCreateInput!): Option!
  createOptionValue(data: OptionValueCreateInput!): OptionValue!
  createOrder(data: OrderCreateInput!): Order!
  createOrderLineItem(data: OrderLineItemCreateInput!): OrderLineItem!
  createOrderableProduct(data: OrderableProductCreateInput!): OrderableProduct!
  createProduct(data: ProductCreateInput!): Product!
  createSelectedOption(data: SelectedOptionCreateInput!): SelectedOption!
  createShop(data: ShopCreateInput!): Shop!
  createUser(data: UserCreateInput!): User!
  createVariant(data: VariantCreateInput!): Variant!
  deleteAttribute(where: AttributeWhereUniqueInput!): Attribute
  deleteBrand(where: BrandWhereUniqueInput!): Brand
  deleteCategory(where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput!): Category
  deleteFile(where: FileWhereUniqueInput!): File
  deleteManyAttributes(where: AttributeWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyBrands(where: BrandWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyCategories(where: CategoryWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyFiles(where: FileWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyOptionValues(where: OptionValueWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyOptions(where: OptionWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyOrderLineItems(where: OrderLineItemWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyOrderableProducts(where: OrderableProductWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyOrders(where: OrderWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyProducts(where: ProductWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManySelectedOptions(where: SelectedOptionWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyShops(where: ShopWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyUsers(where: UserWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteManyVariants(where: VariantWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  deleteOption(where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!): Option
  deleteOptionValue(where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!): OptionValue
  deleteOrder(where: OrderWhereUniqueInput!): Order
  deleteOrderLineItem(where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!): OrderLineItem
  deleteOrderableProduct(where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!): OrderableProduct
  deleteProduct(where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!): Product
  deleteSelectedOption(where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!): SelectedOption
  deleteShop(where: ShopWhereUniqueInput!): Shop
  deleteUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
  deleteVariant(where: VariantWhereUniqueInput!): Variant
  updateAttribute(data: AttributeUpdateInput!, where: AttributeWhereUniqueInput!): Attribute
  updateBrand(data: BrandUpdateInput!, where: BrandWhereUniqueInput!): Brand
  updateCategory(data: CategoryUpdateInput!, where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput!): Category
  updateFile(data: FileUpdateInput!, where: FileWhereUniqueInput!): File
  updateManyAttributes(data: AttributeUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: AttributeWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyBrands(data: BrandUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: BrandWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyCategories(data: CategoryUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: CategoryWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyFiles(data: FileUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: FileWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyOptionValues(data: OptionValueUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: OptionValueWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyOptions(data: OptionUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: OptionWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyOrderLineItems(data: OrderLineItemUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: OrderLineItemWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyOrderableProducts(data: OrderableProductUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: OrderableProductWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyOrders(data: OrderUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: OrderWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyProducts(data: ProductUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: ProductWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManySelectedOptions(data: SelectedOptionUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: SelectedOptionWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyShops(data: ShopUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: ShopWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyUsers(data: UserUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: UserWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateManyVariants(data: VariantUpdateManyMutationInput!, where: VariantWhereInput): BatchPayload!
  updateOption(data: OptionUpdateInput!, where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!): Option
  updateOptionValue(data: OptionValueUpdateInput!, where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!): OptionValue
  updateOrder(data: OrderUpdateInput!, where: OrderWhereUniqueInput!): Order
  updateOrderLineItem(data: OrderLineItemUpdateInput!, where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!): OrderLineItem
  updateOrderableProduct(data: OrderableProductUpdateInput!, where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!): OrderableProduct
  updateProduct(data: ProductUpdateInput!, where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!): Product
  updateSelectedOption(data: SelectedOptionUpdateInput!, where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!): SelectedOption
  updateShop(data: ShopUpdateInput!, where: ShopWhereUniqueInput!): Shop
  updateUser(data: UserUpdateInput!, where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
  updateVariant(data: VariantUpdateInput!, where: VariantWhereUniqueInput!): Variant
  upsertAttribute(create: AttributeCreateInput!, update: AttributeUpdateInput!, where: AttributeWhereUniqueInput!): Attribute!
  upsertBrand(create: BrandCreateInput!, update: BrandUpdateInput!, where: BrandWhereUniqueInput!): Brand!
  upsertCategory(create: CategoryCreateInput!, update: CategoryUpdateInput!, where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput!): Category!
  upsertFile(create: FileCreateInput!, update: FileUpdateInput!, where: FileWhereUniqueInput!): File!
  upsertOption(create: OptionCreateInput!, update: OptionUpdateInput!, where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!): Option!
  upsertOptionValue(create: OptionValueCreateInput!, update: OptionValueUpdateInput!, where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!): OptionValue!
  upsertOrder(create: OrderCreateInput!, update: OrderUpdateInput!, where: OrderWhereUniqueInput!): Order!
  upsertOrderLineItem(create: OrderLineItemCreateInput!, update: OrderLineItemUpdateInput!, where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!): OrderLineItem!
  upsertOrderableProduct(create: OrderableProductCreateInput!, update: OrderableProductUpdateInput!, where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!): OrderableProduct!
  upsertProduct(create: ProductCreateInput!, update: ProductUpdateInput!, where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!): Product!
  upsertSelectedOption(create: SelectedOptionCreateInput!, update: SelectedOptionUpdateInput!, where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!): SelectedOption!
  upsertShop(create: ShopCreateInput!, update: ShopUpdateInput!, where: ShopWhereUniqueInput!): Shop!
  upsertUser(create: UserCreateInput!, update: UserUpdateInput!, where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User!
  upsertVariant(create: VariantCreateInput!, update: VariantUpdateInput!, where: VariantWhereUniqueInput!): Variant!

type Option implements Node {
  category: Category!
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  shop: Shop!
  values(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionValueOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionValueWhereInput): [OptionValue!]

"A connection to a list of items."
type OptionConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateOption!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [OptionEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type OptionEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Option!

type OptionPreviousValues {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

type OptionSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Option
  previousValues: OptionPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type OptionValue implements Node {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  option: Option
  selectedOptions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: SelectedOptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: SelectedOptionWhereInput): [SelectedOption!]

"A connection to a list of items."
type OptionValueConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateOptionValue!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [OptionValueEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type OptionValueEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: OptionValue!

type OptionValuePreviousValues {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

type OptionValueSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: OptionValue
  previousValues: OptionValuePreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type Order implements Node {
  createdAt: DateTime!
  id: ID!
  lineItems(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderLineItemOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderLineItemWhereInput): [OrderLineItem!]
  orderStatus: OrderStatus!
  owner: User!
  receiver: Shop!
  totalPrice: Float!
  totalRefunded: Float!
  totalTax: Float!
  updatedAt: DateTime!

"A connection to a list of items."
type OrderConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateOrder!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [OrderEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type OrderEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Order!

type OrderLineItem implements Node {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID!
  order: Order!
  owner: User
  quantity: Int!
  shop: Shop!
  variant: Variant

"A connection to a list of items."
type OrderLineItemConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateOrderLineItem!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [OrderLineItemEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type OrderLineItemEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: OrderLineItem!

type OrderLineItemPreviousValues {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID!
  quantity: Int!

type OrderLineItemSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: OrderLineItem
  previousValues: OrderLineItemPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type OrderPreviousValues {
  createdAt: DateTime!
  id: ID!
  orderStatus: OrderStatus!
  totalPrice: Float!
  totalRefunded: Float!
  totalTax: Float!
  updatedAt: DateTime!

type OrderSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Order
  previousValues: OrderPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type OrderableProduct implements Node {
  id: ID!
  position: Int!
  product: Product!
  shopBestSeller: Shop
  shopNewProduct: Shop

"A connection to a list of items."
type OrderableProductConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateOrderableProduct!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [OrderableProductEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type OrderableProductEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: OrderableProduct!

type OrderableProductPreviousValues {
  id: ID!
  position: Int!

type OrderableProductSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: OrderableProduct
  previousValues: OrderableProductPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

"Information about pagination in a connection."
type PageInfo {
  "When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue."
  endCursor: String
  "When paginating forwards, are there more items?"
  hasNextPage: Boolean!
  "When paginating backwards, are there more items?"
  hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
  "When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue."
  startCursor: String

type Product implements Node {
  SKU: String
  attributes(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: AttributeOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: AttributeWhereInput): [Attribute!]
  available: Boolean!
  brand: Brand!
  category: Category!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float!
  id: ID!
  imageUrl: String
  name: String!
  options(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionWhereInput): [Option!]
  orderables(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderableProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderableProductWhereInput): [OrderableProduct!]
  shop: Shop!
  unavailableOptionsValues(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionValueOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionValueWhereInput): [OptionValue!]
  variants(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: VariantOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: VariantWhereInput): [Variant!]

"A connection to a list of items."
type ProductConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateProduct!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [ProductEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type ProductEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Product!

type ProductPreviousValues {
  SKU: String
  available: Boolean!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float!
  id: ID!
  imageUrl: String
  name: String!

type ProductSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Product
  previousValues: ProductPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type Query {
  attribute(where: AttributeWhereUniqueInput!): Attribute
  attributes(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: AttributeOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: AttributeWhereInput): [Attribute]!
  attributesConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: AttributeOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: AttributeWhereInput): AttributeConnection!
  brand(where: BrandWhereUniqueInput!): Brand
  brands(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: BrandOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: BrandWhereInput): [Brand]!
  brandsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: BrandOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: BrandWhereInput): BrandConnection!
  categories(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: CategoryOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: CategoryWhereInput): [Category]!
  categoriesConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: CategoryOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: CategoryWhereInput): CategoryConnection!
  category(where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput!): Category
  file(where: FileWhereUniqueInput!): File
  files(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: FileOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: FileWhereInput): [File]!
  filesConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: FileOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: FileWhereInput): FileConnection!
  "Fetches an object given its ID"
    #The ID of an object
    id: ID!
  ): Node
  option(where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!): Option
  optionValue(where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!): OptionValue
  optionValues(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionValueOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionValueWhereInput): [OptionValue]!
  optionValuesConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionValueOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionValueWhereInput): OptionValueConnection!
  options(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionWhereInput): [Option]!
  optionsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OptionWhereInput): OptionConnection!
  order(where: OrderWhereUniqueInput!): Order
  orderLineItem(where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!): OrderLineItem
  orderLineItems(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderLineItemOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderLineItemWhereInput): [OrderLineItem]!
  orderLineItemsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderLineItemOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderLineItemWhereInput): OrderLineItemConnection!
  orderableProduct(where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!): OrderableProduct
  orderableProducts(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderableProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderableProductWhereInput): [OrderableProduct]!
  orderableProductsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderableProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderableProductWhereInput): OrderableProductConnection!
  orders(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderWhereInput): [Order]!
  ordersConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderWhereInput): OrderConnection!
  product(where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!): Product
  products(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: ProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: ProductWhereInput): [Product]!
  productsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: ProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: ProductWhereInput): ProductConnection!
  selectedOption(where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!): SelectedOption
  selectedOptions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: SelectedOptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: SelectedOptionWhereInput): [SelectedOption]!
  selectedOptionsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: SelectedOptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: SelectedOptionWhereInput): SelectedOptionConnection!
  shop(where: ShopWhereUniqueInput!): Shop
  shops(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: ShopOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: ShopWhereInput): [Shop]!
  shopsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: ShopOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: ShopWhereInput): ShopConnection!
  user(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User
  users(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: UserOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: UserWhereInput): [User]!
  usersConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: UserOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: UserWhereInput): UserConnection!
  variant(where: VariantWhereUniqueInput!): Variant
  variants(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: VariantOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: VariantWhereInput): [Variant]!
  variantsConnection(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: VariantOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: VariantWhereInput): VariantConnection!

type SelectedOption implements Node {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID!
  option: Option!
  value: OptionValue!
  variant: Variant!

"A connection to a list of items."
type SelectedOptionConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateSelectedOption!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [SelectedOptionEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type SelectedOptionEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: SelectedOption!

type SelectedOptionPreviousValues {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID!

type SelectedOptionSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: SelectedOption
  previousValues: SelectedOptionPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type Shop implements Node {
  MOTD: String
  address: String!
  bestSellerProducts(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderableProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderableProductWhereInput): [OrderableProduct!]
  city: String!
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  newProducts(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderableProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderableProductWhereInput): [OrderableProduct!]
  openingHours: String!
  phoneNumber: String!
  products(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: ProductOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: ProductWhereInput): [Product!]
  zipCode: String!

"A connection to a list of items."
type ShopConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateShop!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [ShopEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type ShopEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Shop!

type ShopPreviousValues {
  MOTD: String
  address: String!
  city: String!
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  openingHours: String!
  phoneNumber: String!
  zipCode: String!

type ShopSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Shop
  previousValues: ShopPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type Subscription {
  attribute(where: AttributeSubscriptionWhereInput): AttributeSubscriptionPayload
  brand(where: BrandSubscriptionWhereInput): BrandSubscriptionPayload
  category(where: CategorySubscriptionWhereInput): CategorySubscriptionPayload
  file(where: FileSubscriptionWhereInput): FileSubscriptionPayload
  option(where: OptionSubscriptionWhereInput): OptionSubscriptionPayload
  optionValue(where: OptionValueSubscriptionWhereInput): OptionValueSubscriptionPayload
  order(where: OrderSubscriptionWhereInput): OrderSubscriptionPayload
  orderLineItem(where: OrderLineItemSubscriptionWhereInput): OrderLineItemSubscriptionPayload
  orderableProduct(where: OrderableProductSubscriptionWhereInput): OrderableProductSubscriptionPayload
  product(where: ProductSubscriptionWhereInput): ProductSubscriptionPayload
  selectedOption(where: SelectedOptionSubscriptionWhereInput): SelectedOptionSubscriptionPayload
  shop(where: ShopSubscriptionWhereInput): ShopSubscriptionPayload
  user(where: UserSubscriptionWhereInput): UserSubscriptionPayload
  variant(where: VariantSubscriptionWhereInput): VariantSubscriptionPayload

type User implements Node {
  cart(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderLineItemOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderLineItemWhereInput): [OrderLineItem!]
  email: String!
  firstName: String
  id: ID!
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  orders(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: OrderOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: OrderWhereInput): [Order!]
  password: String!
  role: Role!
  selectedShop: Shop!
  stripeCustomerId: String

"A connection to a list of items."
type UserConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateUser!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [UserEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type UserEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: User!

type UserPreviousValues {
  email: String!
  firstName: String
  id: ID!
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  password: String!
  role: Role!
  stripeCustomerId: String

type UserSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: User
  previousValues: UserPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

type Variant implements Node {
  available: Boolean!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID!
  price: Float!
  product: Product
  selectedOptions(after: String, before: String, first: Int, last: Int, orderBy: SelectedOptionOrderByInput, skip: Int, where: SelectedOptionWhereInput): [SelectedOption!]

"A connection to a list of items."
type VariantConnection {
  aggregate: AggregateVariant!
  "A list of edges."
  edges: [VariantEdge]!
  "Information to aid in pagination."
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

"An edge in a connection."
type VariantEdge {
  "A cursor for use in pagination."
  cursor: String!
  "The item at the end of the edge."
  node: Variant!

type VariantPreviousValues {
  available: Boolean!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID!
  price: Float!

type VariantSubscriptionPayload {
  mutation: MutationType!
  node: Variant
  previousValues: VariantPreviousValues
  updatedFields: [String!]

enum AttributeOrderByInput {

enum BrandOrderByInput {

enum CategoryOrderByInput {

enum FileOrderByInput {

enum MutationType {

enum OptionOrderByInput {

enum OptionValueOrderByInput {

enum OrderLineItemOrderByInput {

enum OrderOrderByInput {

enum OrderStatus {

enum OrderableProductOrderByInput {

enum ProductOrderByInput {

enum Role {

enum SelectedOptionOrderByInput {

enum ShopOrderByInput {

enum UserOrderByInput {

enum VariantOrderByInput {

input AttributeCreateInput {
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  id: ID
  products: ProductCreateManyWithoutAttributesInput
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  value: String!

input AttributeCreateManyWithoutProductsInput {
  connect: [AttributeWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [AttributeCreateWithoutProductsInput!]

input AttributeCreateWithoutProductsInput {
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  id: ID
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  value: String!

input AttributeScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [AttributeScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [AttributeScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [AttributeScalarWhereInput!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  value: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  value_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  value_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  value_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  value_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  value_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  value_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  value_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  value_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  value_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  value_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  value_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  value_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  value_starts_with: String

input AttributeSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [AttributeSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [AttributeSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [AttributeSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: AttributeWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input AttributeUpdateInput {
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  products: ProductUpdateManyWithoutAttributesInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  value: String

input AttributeUpdateManyDataInput {
  value: String

input AttributeUpdateManyMutationInput {
  value: String

input AttributeUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: AttributeUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: AttributeScalarWhereInput!

input AttributeUpdateManyWithoutProductsInput {
  connect: [AttributeWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [AttributeCreateWithoutProductsInput!]
  delete: [AttributeWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [AttributeScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [AttributeWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [AttributeWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [AttributeUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductsInput!]
  updateMany: [AttributeUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [AttributeUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductsInput!]

input AttributeUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductsInput {
  data: AttributeUpdateWithoutProductsDataInput!
  where: AttributeWhereUniqueInput!

input AttributeUpdateWithoutProductsDataInput {
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  value: String

input AttributeUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductsInput {
  create: AttributeCreateWithoutProductsInput!
  update: AttributeUpdateWithoutProductsDataInput!
  where: AttributeWhereUniqueInput!

input AttributeWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [AttributeWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [AttributeWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [AttributeWhereInput!]
  category: CategoryWhereInput
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  products_every: ProductWhereInput
  products_none: ProductWhereInput
  products_some: ProductWhereInput
  shop: ShopWhereInput
  value: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  value_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  value_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  value_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  value_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  value_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  value_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  value_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  value_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  value_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  value_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  value_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  value_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  value_starts_with: String

input AttributeWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input BrandCreateInput {
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!

input BrandCreateOneInput {
  connect: BrandWhereUniqueInput
  create: BrandCreateInput

input BrandSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [BrandSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [BrandSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [BrandSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: BrandWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input BrandUpdateDataInput {
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  name: String
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput

input BrandUpdateInput {
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  name: String
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput

input BrandUpdateManyMutationInput {
  name: String

input BrandUpdateOneRequiredInput {
  connect: BrandWhereUniqueInput
  create: BrandCreateInput
  update: BrandUpdateDataInput
  upsert: BrandUpsertNestedInput

input BrandUpsertNestedInput {
  create: BrandCreateInput!
  update: BrandUpdateDataInput!

input BrandWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [BrandWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [BrandWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [BrandWhereInput!]
  category: CategoryWhereInput
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String
  shop: ShopWhereInput

input BrandWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input CategoryCreateInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  options: OptionCreateManyWithoutCategoryInput
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!

input CategoryCreateOneInput {
  connect: CategoryWhereUniqueInput
  create: CategoryCreateInput

input CategoryCreateOneWithoutOptionsInput {
  connect: CategoryWhereUniqueInput
  create: CategoryCreateWithoutOptionsInput

input CategoryCreateWithoutOptionsInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!

input CategorySubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [CategorySubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [CategorySubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [CategorySubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: CategoryWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input CategoryUpdateDataInput {
  name: String
  options: OptionUpdateManyWithoutCategoryInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput

input CategoryUpdateInput {
  name: String
  options: OptionUpdateManyWithoutCategoryInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput

input CategoryUpdateManyMutationInput {
  name: String

input CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput {
  connect: CategoryWhereUniqueInput
  create: CategoryCreateInput
  update: CategoryUpdateDataInput
  upsert: CategoryUpsertNestedInput

input CategoryUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOptionsInput {
  connect: CategoryWhereUniqueInput
  create: CategoryCreateWithoutOptionsInput
  update: CategoryUpdateWithoutOptionsDataInput
  upsert: CategoryUpsertWithoutOptionsInput

input CategoryUpdateWithoutOptionsDataInput {
  name: String
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput

input CategoryUpsertNestedInput {
  create: CategoryCreateInput!
  update: CategoryUpdateDataInput!

input CategoryUpsertWithoutOptionsInput {
  create: CategoryCreateWithoutOptionsInput!
  update: CategoryUpdateWithoutOptionsDataInput!

input CategoryWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [CategoryWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [CategoryWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [CategoryWhereInput!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String
  options_every: OptionWhereInput
  options_none: OptionWhereInput
  options_some: OptionWhereInput
  shop: ShopWhereInput

input CategoryWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input FileCreateInput {
  contentType: String!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  secret: String!
  size: Int!
  url: String!

input FileSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [FileSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [FileSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [FileSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: FileWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input FileUpdateInput {
  contentType: String
  name: String
  secret: String
  size: Int
  url: String

input FileUpdateManyMutationInput {
  contentType: String
  name: String
  secret: String
  size: Int
  url: String

input FileWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [FileWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [FileWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [FileWhereInput!]
  contentType: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  contentType_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  contentType_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  contentType_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  contentType_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  contentType_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  contentType_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  contentType_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  contentType_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  contentType_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  contentType_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  contentType_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  contentType_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  contentType_starts_with: String
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String
  secret: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  secret_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  secret_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  secret_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  secret_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  secret_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  secret_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  secret_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  secret_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  secret_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  secret_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  secret_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  secret_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  secret_starts_with: String
  size: Int
  "All values greater than the given value."
  size_gt: Int
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  size_gte: Int
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  size_in: [Int!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  size_lt: Int
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  size_lte: Int
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  size_not: Int
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  size_not_in: [Int!]
  url: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  url_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  url_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  url_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  url_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  url_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  url_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  url_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  url_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  url_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  url_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  url_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  url_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  url_starts_with: String

input FileWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID
  secret: String
  url: String

input OptionCreateInput {
  category: CategoryCreateOneWithoutOptionsInput!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  values: OptionValueCreateManyWithoutOptionInput

input OptionCreateManyInput {
  connect: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionCreateInput!]

input OptionCreateManyWithoutCategoryInput {
  connect: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionCreateWithoutCategoryInput!]

input OptionCreateOneInput {
  connect: OptionWhereUniqueInput
  create: OptionCreateInput

input OptionCreateOneWithoutValuesInput {
  connect: OptionWhereUniqueInput
  create: OptionCreateWithoutValuesInput

input OptionCreateWithoutCategoryInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  values: OptionValueCreateManyWithoutOptionInput

input OptionCreateWithoutValuesInput {
  category: CategoryCreateOneWithoutOptionsInput!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!

input OptionScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OptionScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OptionScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OptionScalarWhereInput!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String

input OptionSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OptionSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OptionSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OptionSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: OptionWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input OptionUpdateDataInput {
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOptionsInput
  name: String
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  values: OptionValueUpdateManyWithoutOptionInput

input OptionUpdateInput {
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOptionsInput
  name: String
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  values: OptionValueUpdateManyWithoutOptionInput

input OptionUpdateManyDataInput {
  name: String

input OptionUpdateManyInput {
  connect: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionCreateInput!]
  delete: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OptionScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueNestedInput!]
  updateMany: [OptionUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueNestedInput!]

input OptionUpdateManyMutationInput {
  name: String

input OptionUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: OptionUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: OptionScalarWhereInput!

input OptionUpdateManyWithoutCategoryInput {
  connect: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionCreateWithoutCategoryInput!]
  delete: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OptionScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutCategoryInput!]
  updateMany: [OptionUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutCategoryInput!]

input OptionUpdateOneRequiredInput {
  connect: OptionWhereUniqueInput
  create: OptionCreateInput
  update: OptionUpdateDataInput
  upsert: OptionUpsertNestedInput

input OptionUpdateOneWithoutValuesInput {
  connect: OptionWhereUniqueInput
  create: OptionCreateWithoutValuesInput
  delete: Boolean
  disconnect: Boolean
  update: OptionUpdateWithoutValuesDataInput
  upsert: OptionUpsertWithoutValuesInput

input OptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueNestedInput {
  data: OptionUpdateDataInput!
  where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutCategoryInput {
  data: OptionUpdateWithoutCategoryDataInput!
  where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionUpdateWithoutCategoryDataInput {
  name: String
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  values: OptionValueUpdateManyWithoutOptionInput

input OptionUpdateWithoutValuesDataInput {
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOptionsInput
  name: String
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput

input OptionUpsertNestedInput {
  create: OptionCreateInput!
  update: OptionUpdateDataInput!

input OptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueNestedInput {
  create: OptionCreateInput!
  update: OptionUpdateDataInput!
  where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutCategoryInput {
  create: OptionCreateWithoutCategoryInput!
  update: OptionUpdateWithoutCategoryDataInput!
  where: OptionWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionUpsertWithoutValuesInput {
  create: OptionCreateWithoutValuesInput!
  update: OptionUpdateWithoutValuesDataInput!

input OptionValueCreateInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  option: OptionCreateOneWithoutValuesInput
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionCreateManyWithoutValueInput

input OptionValueCreateManyInput {
  connect: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionValueCreateInput!]

input OptionValueCreateManyWithoutOptionInput {
  connect: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionValueCreateWithoutOptionInput!]

input OptionValueCreateOneWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  connect: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput
  create: OptionValueCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput

input OptionValueCreateWithoutOptionInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionCreateManyWithoutValueInput

input OptionValueCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!
  option: OptionCreateOneWithoutValuesInput

input OptionValueScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OptionValueScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OptionValueScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OptionValueScalarWhereInput!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String

input OptionValueSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OptionValueSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OptionValueSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OptionValueSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: OptionValueWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input OptionValueUpdateDataInput {
  name: String
  option: OptionUpdateOneWithoutValuesInput
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutValueInput

input OptionValueUpdateInput {
  name: String
  option: OptionUpdateOneWithoutValuesInput
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutValueInput

input OptionValueUpdateManyDataInput {
  name: String

input OptionValueUpdateManyInput {
  connect: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionValueCreateInput!]
  delete: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OptionValueScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OptionValueUpdateWithWhereUniqueNestedInput!]
  updateMany: [OptionValueUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OptionValueUpsertWithWhereUniqueNestedInput!]

input OptionValueUpdateManyMutationInput {
  name: String

input OptionValueUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: OptionValueUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: OptionValueScalarWhereInput!

input OptionValueUpdateManyWithoutOptionInput {
  connect: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OptionValueCreateWithoutOptionInput!]
  delete: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OptionValueScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OptionValueUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOptionInput!]
  updateMany: [OptionValueUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OptionValueUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOptionInput!]

input OptionValueUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  connect: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput
  create: OptionValueCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput
  update: OptionValueUpdateWithoutSelectedOptionsDataInput
  upsert: OptionValueUpsertWithoutSelectedOptionsInput

input OptionValueUpdateWithWhereUniqueNestedInput {
  data: OptionValueUpdateDataInput!
  where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionValueUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOptionInput {
  data: OptionValueUpdateWithoutOptionDataInput!
  where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionValueUpdateWithoutOptionDataInput {
  name: String
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutValueInput

input OptionValueUpdateWithoutSelectedOptionsDataInput {
  name: String
  option: OptionUpdateOneWithoutValuesInput

input OptionValueUpsertWithWhereUniqueNestedInput {
  create: OptionValueCreateInput!
  update: OptionValueUpdateDataInput!
  where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionValueUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOptionInput {
  create: OptionValueCreateWithoutOptionInput!
  update: OptionValueUpdateWithoutOptionDataInput!
  where: OptionValueWhereUniqueInput!

input OptionValueUpsertWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  create: OptionValueCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput!
  update: OptionValueUpdateWithoutSelectedOptionsDataInput!

input OptionValueWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OptionValueWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OptionValueWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OptionValueWhereInput!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String
  option: OptionWhereInput
  selectedOptions_every: SelectedOptionWhereInput
  selectedOptions_none: SelectedOptionWhereInput
  selectedOptions_some: SelectedOptionWhereInput

input OptionValueWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input OptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OptionWhereInput!]
  category: CategoryWhereInput
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String
  shop: ShopWhereInput
  values_every: OptionValueWhereInput
  values_none: OptionValueWhereInput
  values_some: OptionValueWhereInput

input OptionWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input OrderCreateInput {
  id: ID
  lineItems: OrderLineItemCreateManyWithoutOrderInput
  orderStatus: OrderStatus!
  owner: UserCreateOneWithoutOrdersInput!
  receiver: ShopCreateOneInput!
  totalPrice: Float!
  totalRefunded: Float!
  totalTax: Float!

input OrderCreateManyWithoutOwnerInput {
  connect: [OrderWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderCreateWithoutOwnerInput!]

input OrderCreateOneWithoutLineItemsInput {
  connect: OrderWhereUniqueInput
  create: OrderCreateWithoutLineItemsInput

input OrderCreateWithoutLineItemsInput {
  id: ID
  orderStatus: OrderStatus!
  owner: UserCreateOneWithoutOrdersInput!
  receiver: ShopCreateOneInput!
  totalPrice: Float!
  totalRefunded: Float!
  totalTax: Float!

input OrderCreateWithoutOwnerInput {
  id: ID
  lineItems: OrderLineItemCreateManyWithoutOrderInput
  orderStatus: OrderStatus!
  receiver: ShopCreateOneInput!
  totalPrice: Float!
  totalRefunded: Float!
  totalTax: Float!

input OrderLineItemCreateInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  order: OrderCreateOneWithoutLineItemsInput!
  owner: UserCreateOneWithoutCartInput
  quantity: Int!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  variant: VariantCreateOneInput

input OrderLineItemCreateManyWithoutOrderInput {
  connect: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOrderInput!]

input OrderLineItemCreateManyWithoutOwnerInput {
  connect: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOwnerInput!]

input OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOrderInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  owner: UserCreateOneWithoutCartInput
  quantity: Int!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  variant: VariantCreateOneInput

input OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOwnerInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  order: OrderCreateOneWithoutLineItemsInput!
  quantity: Int!
  shop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  variant: VariantCreateOneInput

input OrderLineItemScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderLineItemScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderLineItemScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderLineItemScalarWhereInput!]
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  quantity: Int
  "All values greater than the given value."
  quantity_gt: Int
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  quantity_gte: Int
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  quantity_in: [Int!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  quantity_lt: Int
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  quantity_lte: Int
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  quantity_not: Int
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  quantity_not_in: [Int!]

input OrderLineItemSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderLineItemSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderLineItemSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderLineItemSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: OrderLineItemWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input OrderLineItemUpdateInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  order: OrderUpdateOneRequiredWithoutLineItemsInput
  owner: UserUpdateOneWithoutCartInput
  quantity: Int
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  variant: VariantUpdateOneInput

input OrderLineItemUpdateManyDataInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  quantity: Int

input OrderLineItemUpdateManyMutationInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  quantity: Int

input OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: OrderLineItemUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: OrderLineItemScalarWhereInput!

input OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithoutOrderInput {
  connect: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOrderInput!]
  delete: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OrderLineItemScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OrderLineItemUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOrderInput!]
  updateMany: [OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OrderLineItemUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOrderInput!]

input OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithoutOwnerInput {
  connect: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOwnerInput!]
  delete: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OrderLineItemScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OrderLineItemUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput!]
  updateMany: [OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OrderLineItemUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput!]

input OrderLineItemUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOrderInput {
  data: OrderLineItemUpdateWithoutOrderDataInput!
  where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderLineItemUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput {
  data: OrderLineItemUpdateWithoutOwnerDataInput!
  where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderLineItemUpdateWithoutOrderDataInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  owner: UserUpdateOneWithoutCartInput
  quantity: Int
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  variant: VariantUpdateOneInput

input OrderLineItemUpdateWithoutOwnerDataInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  order: OrderUpdateOneRequiredWithoutLineItemsInput
  quantity: Int
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  variant: VariantUpdateOneInput

input OrderLineItemUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOrderInput {
  create: OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOrderInput!
  update: OrderLineItemUpdateWithoutOrderDataInput!
  where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderLineItemUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput {
  create: OrderLineItemCreateWithoutOwnerInput!
  update: OrderLineItemUpdateWithoutOwnerDataInput!
  where: OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderLineItemWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderLineItemWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderLineItemWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderLineItemWhereInput!]
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  order: OrderWhereInput
  owner: UserWhereInput
  quantity: Int
  "All values greater than the given value."
  quantity_gt: Int
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  quantity_gte: Int
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  quantity_in: [Int!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  quantity_lt: Int
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  quantity_lte: Int
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  quantity_not: Int
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  quantity_not_in: [Int!]
  shop: ShopWhereInput
  variant: VariantWhereInput

input OrderLineItemWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input OrderScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderScalarWhereInput!]
  createdAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  createdAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  createdAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  createdAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  createdAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  createdAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  orderStatus: OrderStatus
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  orderStatus_in: [OrderStatus!]
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  orderStatus_not: OrderStatus
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  orderStatus_not_in: [OrderStatus!]
  totalPrice: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  totalPrice_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  totalPrice_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  totalPrice_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  totalPrice_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  totalPrice_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  totalPrice_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  totalPrice_not_in: [Float!]
  totalRefunded: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  totalRefunded_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  totalRefunded_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  totalRefunded_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  totalRefunded_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  totalRefunded_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  totalRefunded_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  totalRefunded_not_in: [Float!]
  totalTax: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  totalTax_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  totalTax_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  totalTax_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  totalTax_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  totalTax_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  totalTax_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  totalTax_not_in: [Float!]
  updatedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  updatedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]

input OrderSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: OrderWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input OrderUpdateInput {
  lineItems: OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithoutOrderInput
  orderStatus: OrderStatus
  owner: UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOrdersInput
  receiver: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  totalPrice: Float
  totalRefunded: Float
  totalTax: Float

input OrderUpdateManyDataInput {
  orderStatus: OrderStatus
  totalPrice: Float
  totalRefunded: Float
  totalTax: Float

input OrderUpdateManyMutationInput {
  orderStatus: OrderStatus
  totalPrice: Float
  totalRefunded: Float
  totalTax: Float

input OrderUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: OrderUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: OrderScalarWhereInput!

input OrderUpdateManyWithoutOwnerInput {
  connect: [OrderWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderCreateWithoutOwnerInput!]
  delete: [OrderWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OrderScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OrderWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OrderWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OrderUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput!]
  updateMany: [OrderUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OrderUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput!]

input OrderUpdateOneRequiredWithoutLineItemsInput {
  connect: OrderWhereUniqueInput
  create: OrderCreateWithoutLineItemsInput
  update: OrderUpdateWithoutLineItemsDataInput
  upsert: OrderUpsertWithoutLineItemsInput

input OrderUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput {
  data: OrderUpdateWithoutOwnerDataInput!
  where: OrderWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderUpdateWithoutLineItemsDataInput {
  orderStatus: OrderStatus
  owner: UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOrdersInput
  receiver: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  totalPrice: Float
  totalRefunded: Float
  totalTax: Float

input OrderUpdateWithoutOwnerDataInput {
  lineItems: OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithoutOrderInput
  orderStatus: OrderStatus
  receiver: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  totalPrice: Float
  totalRefunded: Float
  totalTax: Float

input OrderUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutOwnerInput {
  create: OrderCreateWithoutOwnerInput!
  update: OrderUpdateWithoutOwnerDataInput!
  where: OrderWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderUpsertWithoutLineItemsInput {
  create: OrderCreateWithoutLineItemsInput!
  update: OrderUpdateWithoutLineItemsDataInput!

input OrderWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderWhereInput!]
  createdAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  createdAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  createdAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  createdAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  createdAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  createdAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  createdAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  createdAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  lineItems_every: OrderLineItemWhereInput
  lineItems_none: OrderLineItemWhereInput
  lineItems_some: OrderLineItemWhereInput
  orderStatus: OrderStatus
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  orderStatus_in: [OrderStatus!]
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  orderStatus_not: OrderStatus
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  orderStatus_not_in: [OrderStatus!]
  owner: UserWhereInput
  receiver: ShopWhereInput
  totalPrice: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  totalPrice_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  totalPrice_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  totalPrice_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  totalPrice_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  totalPrice_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  totalPrice_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  totalPrice_not_in: [Float!]
  totalRefunded: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  totalRefunded_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  totalRefunded_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  totalRefunded_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  totalRefunded_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  totalRefunded_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  totalRefunded_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  totalRefunded_not_in: [Float!]
  totalTax: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  totalTax_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  totalTax_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  totalTax_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  totalTax_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  totalTax_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  totalTax_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  totalTax_not_in: [Float!]
  updatedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  updatedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  updatedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  updatedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]

input OrderWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input OrderableProductCreateInput {
  id: ID
  position: Int!
  product: ProductCreateOneWithoutOrderablesInput!
  shopBestSeller: ShopCreateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput
  shopNewProduct: ShopCreateOneWithoutNewProductsInput

input OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutProductInput {
  connect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderableProductCreateWithoutProductInput!]

input OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput {
  connect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopBestSellerInput!]

input OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput {
  connect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopNewProductInput!]

input OrderableProductCreateWithoutProductInput {
  id: ID
  position: Int!
  shopBestSeller: ShopCreateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput
  shopNewProduct: ShopCreateOneWithoutNewProductsInput

input OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopBestSellerInput {
  id: ID
  position: Int!
  product: ProductCreateOneWithoutOrderablesInput!
  shopNewProduct: ShopCreateOneWithoutNewProductsInput

input OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopNewProductInput {
  id: ID
  position: Int!
  product: ProductCreateOneWithoutOrderablesInput!
  shopBestSeller: ShopCreateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput

input OrderableProductScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderableProductScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderableProductScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderableProductScalarWhereInput!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  position: Int
  "All values greater than the given value."
  position_gt: Int
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  position_gte: Int
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  position_in: [Int!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  position_lt: Int
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  position_lte: Int
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  position_not: Int
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  position_not_in: [Int!]

input OrderableProductSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderableProductSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderableProductSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderableProductSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: OrderableProductWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input OrderableProductUpdateInput {
  position: Int
  product: ProductUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOrderablesInput
  shopBestSeller: ShopUpdateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput
  shopNewProduct: ShopUpdateOneWithoutNewProductsInput

input OrderableProductUpdateManyDataInput {
  position: Int

input OrderableProductUpdateManyMutationInput {
  position: Int

input OrderableProductUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: OrderableProductUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: OrderableProductScalarWhereInput!

input OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutProductInput {
  connect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderableProductCreateWithoutProductInput!]
  delete: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OrderableProductScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OrderableProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput!]
  updateMany: [OrderableProductUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OrderableProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput!]

input OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput {
  connect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopBestSellerInput!]
  delete: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OrderableProductScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OrderableProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopBestSellerInput!]
  updateMany: [OrderableProductUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OrderableProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopBestSellerInput!]

input OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput {
  connect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopNewProductInput!]
  delete: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [OrderableProductScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [OrderableProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopNewProductInput!]
  updateMany: [OrderableProductUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [OrderableProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopNewProductInput!]

input OrderableProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput {
  data: OrderableProductUpdateWithoutProductDataInput!
  where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderableProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopBestSellerInput {
  data: OrderableProductUpdateWithoutShopBestSellerDataInput!
  where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderableProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopNewProductInput {
  data: OrderableProductUpdateWithoutShopNewProductDataInput!
  where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderableProductUpdateWithoutProductDataInput {
  position: Int
  shopBestSeller: ShopUpdateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput
  shopNewProduct: ShopUpdateOneWithoutNewProductsInput

input OrderableProductUpdateWithoutShopBestSellerDataInput {
  position: Int
  product: ProductUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOrderablesInput
  shopNewProduct: ShopUpdateOneWithoutNewProductsInput

input OrderableProductUpdateWithoutShopNewProductDataInput {
  position: Int
  product: ProductUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOrderablesInput
  shopBestSeller: ShopUpdateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput

input OrderableProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput {
  create: OrderableProductCreateWithoutProductInput!
  update: OrderableProductUpdateWithoutProductDataInput!
  where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderableProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopBestSellerInput {
  create: OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopBestSellerInput!
  update: OrderableProductUpdateWithoutShopBestSellerDataInput!
  where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderableProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopNewProductInput {
  create: OrderableProductCreateWithoutShopNewProductInput!
  update: OrderableProductUpdateWithoutShopNewProductDataInput!
  where: OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput!

input OrderableProductWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [OrderableProductWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [OrderableProductWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [OrderableProductWhereInput!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  position: Int
  "All values greater than the given value."
  position_gt: Int
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  position_gte: Int
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  position_in: [Int!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  position_lt: Int
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  position_lte: Int
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  position_not: Int
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  position_not_in: [Int!]
  product: ProductWhereInput
  shopBestSeller: ShopWhereInput
  shopNewProduct: ShopWhereInput

input OrderableProductWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input ProductCreateInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeCreateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean!
  brand: BrandCreateOneInput!
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float!
  id: ID
  imageUrl: String
  name: String!
  options: OptionCreateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutProductInput
  shop: ShopCreateOneWithoutProductsInput!
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueCreateManyInput
  variants: VariantCreateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductCreateManyWithoutAttributesInput {
  connect: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [ProductCreateWithoutAttributesInput!]

input ProductCreateManyWithoutShopInput {
  connect: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [ProductCreateWithoutShopInput!]

input ProductCreateOneWithoutOrderablesInput {
  connect: ProductWhereUniqueInput
  create: ProductCreateWithoutOrderablesInput

input ProductCreateOneWithoutVariantsInput {
  connect: ProductWhereUniqueInput
  create: ProductCreateWithoutVariantsInput

input ProductCreateWithoutAttributesInput {
  SKU: String
  available: Boolean!
  brand: BrandCreateOneInput!
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float!
  id: ID
  imageUrl: String
  name: String!
  options: OptionCreateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutProductInput
  shop: ShopCreateOneWithoutProductsInput!
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueCreateManyInput
  variants: VariantCreateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductCreateWithoutOrderablesInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeCreateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean!
  brand: BrandCreateOneInput!
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float!
  id: ID
  imageUrl: String
  name: String!
  options: OptionCreateManyInput
  shop: ShopCreateOneWithoutProductsInput!
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueCreateManyInput
  variants: VariantCreateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductCreateWithoutShopInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeCreateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean!
  brand: BrandCreateOneInput!
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float!
  id: ID
  imageUrl: String
  name: String!
  options: OptionCreateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutProductInput
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueCreateManyInput
  variants: VariantCreateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductCreateWithoutVariantsInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeCreateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean!
  brand: BrandCreateOneInput!
  category: CategoryCreateOneInput!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float!
  id: ID
  imageUrl: String
  name: String!
  options: OptionCreateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutProductInput
  shop: ShopCreateOneWithoutProductsInput!
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueCreateManyInput

input ProductScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [ProductScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [ProductScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [ProductScalarWhereInput!]
  SKU: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  SKU_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  SKU_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  SKU_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  SKU_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  SKU_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  SKU_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  SKU_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  SKU_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  SKU_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  SKU_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  SKU_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  SKU_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  SKU_starts_with: String
  available: Boolean
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  available_not: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  description: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  description_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  description_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  description_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  description_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  description_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  description_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  description_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  description_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  description_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  description_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  description_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  description_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  description_starts_with: String
  displayPrice: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  displayPrice_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  displayPrice_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  displayPrice_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  displayPrice_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  displayPrice_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  displayPrice_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  displayPrice_not_in: [Float!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  imageUrl: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  imageUrl_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  imageUrl_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  imageUrl_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  imageUrl_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  imageUrl_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  imageUrl_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  imageUrl_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  imageUrl_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  imageUrl_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  imageUrl_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  imageUrl_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  imageUrl_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  imageUrl_starts_with: String
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String

input ProductSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [ProductSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [ProductSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [ProductSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: ProductWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input ProductUpdateInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeUpdateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean
  brand: BrandUpdateOneRequiredInput
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float
  imageUrl: String
  name: String
  options: OptionUpdateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutProductInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredWithoutProductsInput
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueUpdateManyInput
  variants: VariantUpdateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductUpdateManyDataInput {
  SKU: String
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float
  imageUrl: String
  name: String

input ProductUpdateManyMutationInput {
  SKU: String
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float
  imageUrl: String
  name: String

input ProductUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: ProductUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: ProductScalarWhereInput!

input ProductUpdateManyWithoutAttributesInput {
  connect: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [ProductCreateWithoutAttributesInput!]
  delete: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [ProductScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [ProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAttributesInput!]
  updateMany: [ProductUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [ProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAttributesInput!]

input ProductUpdateManyWithoutShopInput {
  connect: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [ProductCreateWithoutShopInput!]
  delete: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [ProductScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [ProductWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [ProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopInput!]
  updateMany: [ProductUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [ProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopInput!]

input ProductUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOrderablesInput {
  connect: ProductWhereUniqueInput
  create: ProductCreateWithoutOrderablesInput
  update: ProductUpdateWithoutOrderablesDataInput
  upsert: ProductUpsertWithoutOrderablesInput

input ProductUpdateOneWithoutVariantsInput {
  connect: ProductWhereUniqueInput
  create: ProductCreateWithoutVariantsInput
  delete: Boolean
  disconnect: Boolean
  update: ProductUpdateWithoutVariantsDataInput
  upsert: ProductUpsertWithoutVariantsInput

input ProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAttributesInput {
  data: ProductUpdateWithoutAttributesDataInput!
  where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!

input ProductUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopInput {
  data: ProductUpdateWithoutShopDataInput!
  where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!

input ProductUpdateWithoutAttributesDataInput {
  SKU: String
  available: Boolean
  brand: BrandUpdateOneRequiredInput
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float
  imageUrl: String
  name: String
  options: OptionUpdateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutProductInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredWithoutProductsInput
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueUpdateManyInput
  variants: VariantUpdateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductUpdateWithoutOrderablesDataInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeUpdateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean
  brand: BrandUpdateOneRequiredInput
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float
  imageUrl: String
  name: String
  options: OptionUpdateManyInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredWithoutProductsInput
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueUpdateManyInput
  variants: VariantUpdateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductUpdateWithoutShopDataInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeUpdateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean
  brand: BrandUpdateOneRequiredInput
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float
  imageUrl: String
  name: String
  options: OptionUpdateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutProductInput
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueUpdateManyInput
  variants: VariantUpdateManyWithoutProductInput

input ProductUpdateWithoutVariantsDataInput {
  SKU: String
  attributes: AttributeUpdateManyWithoutProductsInput
  available: Boolean
  brand: BrandUpdateOneRequiredInput
  category: CategoryUpdateOneRequiredInput
  deletedAt: DateTime
  description: String
  displayPrice: Float
  imageUrl: String
  name: String
  options: OptionUpdateManyInput
  orderables: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutProductInput
  shop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredWithoutProductsInput
  unavailableOptionsValues: OptionValueUpdateManyInput

input ProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAttributesInput {
  create: ProductCreateWithoutAttributesInput!
  update: ProductUpdateWithoutAttributesDataInput!
  where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!

input ProductUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutShopInput {
  create: ProductCreateWithoutShopInput!
  update: ProductUpdateWithoutShopDataInput!
  where: ProductWhereUniqueInput!

input ProductUpsertWithoutOrderablesInput {
  create: ProductCreateWithoutOrderablesInput!
  update: ProductUpdateWithoutOrderablesDataInput!

input ProductUpsertWithoutVariantsInput {
  create: ProductCreateWithoutVariantsInput!
  update: ProductUpdateWithoutVariantsDataInput!

input ProductWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [ProductWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [ProductWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [ProductWhereInput!]
  SKU: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  SKU_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  SKU_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  SKU_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  SKU_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  SKU_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  SKU_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  SKU_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  SKU_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  SKU_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  SKU_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  SKU_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  SKU_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  SKU_starts_with: String
  attributes_every: AttributeWhereInput
  attributes_none: AttributeWhereInput
  attributes_some: AttributeWhereInput
  available: Boolean
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  available_not: Boolean
  brand: BrandWhereInput
  category: CategoryWhereInput
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  description: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  description_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  description_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  description_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  description_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  description_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  description_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  description_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  description_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  description_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  description_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  description_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  description_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  description_starts_with: String
  displayPrice: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  displayPrice_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  displayPrice_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  displayPrice_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  displayPrice_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  displayPrice_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  displayPrice_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  displayPrice_not_in: [Float!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  imageUrl: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  imageUrl_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  imageUrl_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  imageUrl_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  imageUrl_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  imageUrl_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  imageUrl_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  imageUrl_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  imageUrl_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  imageUrl_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  imageUrl_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  imageUrl_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  imageUrl_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  imageUrl_starts_with: String
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String
  options_every: OptionWhereInput
  options_none: OptionWhereInput
  options_some: OptionWhereInput
  orderables_every: OrderableProductWhereInput
  orderables_none: OrderableProductWhereInput
  orderables_some: OrderableProductWhereInput
  shop: ShopWhereInput
  unavailableOptionsValues_every: OptionValueWhereInput
  unavailableOptionsValues_none: OptionValueWhereInput
  unavailableOptionsValues_some: OptionValueWhereInput
  variants_every: VariantWhereInput
  variants_none: VariantWhereInput
  variants_some: VariantWhereInput

input ProductWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input SelectedOptionCreateInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  option: OptionCreateOneInput!
  value: OptionValueCreateOneWithoutSelectedOptionsInput!
  variant: VariantCreateOneWithoutSelectedOptionsInput!

input SelectedOptionCreateManyWithoutValueInput {
  connect: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [SelectedOptionCreateWithoutValueInput!]

input SelectedOptionCreateManyWithoutVariantInput {
  connect: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [SelectedOptionCreateWithoutVariantInput!]

input SelectedOptionCreateWithoutValueInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  option: OptionCreateOneInput!
  variant: VariantCreateOneWithoutSelectedOptionsInput!

input SelectedOptionCreateWithoutVariantInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  option: OptionCreateOneInput!
  value: OptionValueCreateOneWithoutSelectedOptionsInput!

input SelectedOptionScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [SelectedOptionScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [SelectedOptionScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [SelectedOptionScalarWhereInput!]
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID

input SelectedOptionSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [SelectedOptionSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [SelectedOptionSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [SelectedOptionSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: SelectedOptionWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input SelectedOptionUpdateInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  option: OptionUpdateOneRequiredInput
  value: OptionValueUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSelectedOptionsInput
  variant: VariantUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSelectedOptionsInput

input SelectedOptionUpdateManyDataInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime

input SelectedOptionUpdateManyMutationInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime

input SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: SelectedOptionUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: SelectedOptionScalarWhereInput!

input SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutValueInput {
  connect: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [SelectedOptionCreateWithoutValueInput!]
  delete: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [SelectedOptionScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [SelectedOptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutValueInput!]
  updateMany: [SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [SelectedOptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutValueInput!]

input SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutVariantInput {
  connect: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [SelectedOptionCreateWithoutVariantInput!]
  delete: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [SelectedOptionScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [SelectedOptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutVariantInput!]
  updateMany: [SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [SelectedOptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutVariantInput!]

input SelectedOptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutValueInput {
  data: SelectedOptionUpdateWithoutValueDataInput!
  where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!

input SelectedOptionUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutVariantInput {
  data: SelectedOptionUpdateWithoutVariantDataInput!
  where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!

input SelectedOptionUpdateWithoutValueDataInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  option: OptionUpdateOneRequiredInput
  variant: VariantUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSelectedOptionsInput

input SelectedOptionUpdateWithoutVariantDataInput {
  deletedAt: DateTime
  option: OptionUpdateOneRequiredInput
  value: OptionValueUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSelectedOptionsInput

input SelectedOptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutValueInput {
  create: SelectedOptionCreateWithoutValueInput!
  update: SelectedOptionUpdateWithoutValueDataInput!
  where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!

input SelectedOptionUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutVariantInput {
  create: SelectedOptionCreateWithoutVariantInput!
  update: SelectedOptionUpdateWithoutVariantDataInput!
  where: SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput!

input SelectedOptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [SelectedOptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [SelectedOptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [SelectedOptionWhereInput!]
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  option: OptionWhereInput
  value: OptionValueWhereInput
  variant: VariantWhereInput

input SelectedOptionWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input ShopCreateInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String!
  bestSellerProducts: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput
  city: String!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  newProducts: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput
  openingHours: String!
  phoneNumber: String!
  products: ProductCreateManyWithoutShopInput
  zipCode: String!

input ShopCreateOneInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateInput

input ShopCreateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateWithoutBestSellerProductsInput

input ShopCreateOneWithoutNewProductsInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateWithoutNewProductsInput

input ShopCreateOneWithoutProductsInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateWithoutProductsInput

input ShopCreateWithoutBestSellerProductsInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String!
  city: String!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  newProducts: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput
  openingHours: String!
  phoneNumber: String!
  products: ProductCreateManyWithoutShopInput
  zipCode: String!

input ShopCreateWithoutNewProductsInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String!
  bestSellerProducts: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput
  city: String!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  openingHours: String!
  phoneNumber: String!
  products: ProductCreateManyWithoutShopInput
  zipCode: String!

input ShopCreateWithoutProductsInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String!
  bestSellerProducts: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput
  city: String!
  id: ID
  name: String!
  newProducts: OrderableProductCreateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput
  openingHours: String!
  phoneNumber: String!
  zipCode: String!

input ShopSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [ShopSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [ShopSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [ShopSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: ShopWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input ShopUpdateDataInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String
  bestSellerProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput
  city: String
  name: String
  newProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput
  openingHours: String
  phoneNumber: String
  products: ProductUpdateManyWithoutShopInput
  zipCode: String

input ShopUpdateInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String
  bestSellerProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput
  city: String
  name: String
  newProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput
  openingHours: String
  phoneNumber: String
  products: ProductUpdateManyWithoutShopInput
  zipCode: String

input ShopUpdateManyMutationInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String
  city: String
  name: String
  openingHours: String
  phoneNumber: String
  zipCode: String

input ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateInput
  update: ShopUpdateDataInput
  upsert: ShopUpsertNestedInput

input ShopUpdateOneRequiredWithoutProductsInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateWithoutProductsInput
  update: ShopUpdateWithoutProductsDataInput
  upsert: ShopUpsertWithoutProductsInput

input ShopUpdateOneWithoutBestSellerProductsInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateWithoutBestSellerProductsInput
  delete: Boolean
  disconnect: Boolean
  update: ShopUpdateWithoutBestSellerProductsDataInput
  upsert: ShopUpsertWithoutBestSellerProductsInput

input ShopUpdateOneWithoutNewProductsInput {
  connect: ShopWhereUniqueInput
  create: ShopCreateWithoutNewProductsInput
  delete: Boolean
  disconnect: Boolean
  update: ShopUpdateWithoutNewProductsDataInput
  upsert: ShopUpsertWithoutNewProductsInput

input ShopUpdateWithoutBestSellerProductsDataInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String
  city: String
  name: String
  newProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput
  openingHours: String
  phoneNumber: String
  products: ProductUpdateManyWithoutShopInput
  zipCode: String

input ShopUpdateWithoutNewProductsDataInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String
  bestSellerProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput
  city: String
  name: String
  openingHours: String
  phoneNumber: String
  products: ProductUpdateManyWithoutShopInput
  zipCode: String

input ShopUpdateWithoutProductsDataInput {
  MOTD: String
  address: String
  bestSellerProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopBestSellerInput
  city: String
  name: String
  newProducts: OrderableProductUpdateManyWithoutShopNewProductInput
  openingHours: String
  phoneNumber: String
  zipCode: String

input ShopUpsertNestedInput {
  create: ShopCreateInput!
  update: ShopUpdateDataInput!

input ShopUpsertWithoutBestSellerProductsInput {
  create: ShopCreateWithoutBestSellerProductsInput!
  update: ShopUpdateWithoutBestSellerProductsDataInput!

input ShopUpsertWithoutNewProductsInput {
  create: ShopCreateWithoutNewProductsInput!
  update: ShopUpdateWithoutNewProductsDataInput!

input ShopUpsertWithoutProductsInput {
  create: ShopCreateWithoutProductsInput!
  update: ShopUpdateWithoutProductsDataInput!

input ShopWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [ShopWhereInput!]
  MOTD: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  MOTD_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  MOTD_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  MOTD_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  MOTD_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  MOTD_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  MOTD_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  MOTD_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  MOTD_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  MOTD_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  MOTD_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  MOTD_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  MOTD_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  MOTD_starts_with: String
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [ShopWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [ShopWhereInput!]
  address: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  address_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  address_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  address_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  address_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  address_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  address_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  address_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  address_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  address_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  address_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  address_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  address_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  address_starts_with: String
  bestSellerProducts_every: OrderableProductWhereInput
  bestSellerProducts_none: OrderableProductWhereInput
  bestSellerProducts_some: OrderableProductWhereInput
  city: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  city_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  city_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  city_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  city_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  city_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  city_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  city_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  city_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  city_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  city_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  city_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  city_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  city_starts_with: String
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  name: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  name_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  name_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  name_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  name_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  name_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  name_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  name_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  name_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  name_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  name_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  name_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  name_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  name_starts_with: String
  newProducts_every: OrderableProductWhereInput
  newProducts_none: OrderableProductWhereInput
  newProducts_some: OrderableProductWhereInput
  openingHours: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  openingHours_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  openingHours_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  openingHours_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  openingHours_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  openingHours_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  openingHours_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  openingHours_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  openingHours_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  openingHours_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  openingHours_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  openingHours_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  openingHours_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  openingHours_starts_with: String
  phoneNumber: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  phoneNumber_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  phoneNumber_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  phoneNumber_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  phoneNumber_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  phoneNumber_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  phoneNumber_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  phoneNumber_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  phoneNumber_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  phoneNumber_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  phoneNumber_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  phoneNumber_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  phoneNumber_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  phoneNumber_starts_with: String
  products_every: ProductWhereInput
  products_none: ProductWhereInput
  products_some: ProductWhereInput
  zipCode: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  zipCode_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  zipCode_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  zipCode_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  zipCode_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  zipCode_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  zipCode_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  zipCode_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  zipCode_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  zipCode_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  zipCode_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  zipCode_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  zipCode_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  zipCode_starts_with: String

input ShopWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

input UserCreateInput {
  cart: OrderLineItemCreateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  email: String!
  firstName: String
  id: ID
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  orders: OrderCreateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  password: String!
  role: Role
  selectedShop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  stripeCustomerId: String

input UserCreateOneWithoutCartInput {
  connect: UserWhereUniqueInput
  create: UserCreateWithoutCartInput

input UserCreateOneWithoutOrdersInput {
  connect: UserWhereUniqueInput
  create: UserCreateWithoutOrdersInput

input UserCreateWithoutCartInput {
  email: String!
  firstName: String
  id: ID
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  orders: OrderCreateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  password: String!
  role: Role
  selectedShop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  stripeCustomerId: String

input UserCreateWithoutOrdersInput {
  cart: OrderLineItemCreateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  email: String!
  firstName: String
  id: ID
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  password: String!
  role: Role
  selectedShop: ShopCreateOneInput!
  stripeCustomerId: String

input UserSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [UserSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [UserSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [UserSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: UserWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input UserUpdateInput {
  cart: OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  email: String
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  orders: OrderUpdateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  password: String
  role: Role
  selectedShop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  stripeCustomerId: String

input UserUpdateManyMutationInput {
  email: String
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  password: String
  role: Role
  stripeCustomerId: String

input UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutOrdersInput {
  connect: UserWhereUniqueInput
  create: UserCreateWithoutOrdersInput
  update: UserUpdateWithoutOrdersDataInput
  upsert: UserUpsertWithoutOrdersInput

input UserUpdateOneWithoutCartInput {
  connect: UserWhereUniqueInput
  create: UserCreateWithoutCartInput
  delete: Boolean
  disconnect: Boolean
  update: UserUpdateWithoutCartDataInput
  upsert: UserUpsertWithoutCartInput

input UserUpdateWithoutCartDataInput {
  email: String
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  orders: OrderUpdateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  password: String
  role: Role
  selectedShop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  stripeCustomerId: String

input UserUpdateWithoutOrdersDataInput {
  cart: OrderLineItemUpdateManyWithoutOwnerInput
  email: String
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  password: String
  role: Role
  selectedShop: ShopUpdateOneRequiredInput
  stripeCustomerId: String

input UserUpsertWithoutCartInput {
  create: UserCreateWithoutCartInput!
  update: UserUpdateWithoutCartDataInput!

input UserUpsertWithoutOrdersInput {
  create: UserCreateWithoutOrdersInput!
  update: UserUpdateWithoutOrdersDataInput!

input UserWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [UserWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [UserWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [UserWhereInput!]
  cart_every: OrderLineItemWhereInput
  cart_none: OrderLineItemWhereInput
  cart_some: OrderLineItemWhereInput
  email: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  email_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  email_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  email_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  email_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  email_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  email_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  email_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  email_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  email_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  email_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  email_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  email_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  email_starts_with: String
  firstName: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  firstName_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  firstName_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  firstName_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  firstName_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  firstName_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  firstName_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  firstName_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  firstName_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  firstName_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  firstName_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  firstName_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  firstName_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  firstName_starts_with: String
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  lastName: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  lastName_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  lastName_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  lastName_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  lastName_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  lastName_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  lastName_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  lastName_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  lastName_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  lastName_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  lastName_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  lastName_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  lastName_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  lastName_starts_with: String
  oneSignalUserId: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  oneSignalUserId_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  oneSignalUserId_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  oneSignalUserId_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  oneSignalUserId_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  oneSignalUserId_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  oneSignalUserId_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  oneSignalUserId_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  oneSignalUserId_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  oneSignalUserId_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  oneSignalUserId_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  oneSignalUserId_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  oneSignalUserId_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  oneSignalUserId_starts_with: String
  orders_every: OrderWhereInput
  orders_none: OrderWhereInput
  orders_some: OrderWhereInput
  password: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  password_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  password_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  password_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  password_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  password_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  password_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  password_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  password_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  password_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  password_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  password_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  password_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  password_starts_with: String
  role: Role
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  role_in: [Role!]
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  role_not: Role
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  role_not_in: [Role!]
  selectedShop: ShopWhereInput
  stripeCustomerId: String
  "All values containing the given string."
  stripeCustomerId_contains: String
  "All values ending with the given string."
  stripeCustomerId_ends_with: String
  "All values greater than the given value."
  stripeCustomerId_gt: String
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  stripeCustomerId_gte: String
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  stripeCustomerId_in: [String!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  stripeCustomerId_lt: String
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  stripeCustomerId_lte: String
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  stripeCustomerId_not: String
  "All values not containing the given string."
  stripeCustomerId_not_contains: String
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  stripeCustomerId_not_ends_with: String
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  stripeCustomerId_not_in: [String!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  stripeCustomerId_not_starts_with: String
  "All values starting with the given string."
  stripeCustomerId_starts_with: String

input UserWhereUniqueInput {
  email: String
  id: ID

input VariantCreateInput {
  available: Boolean!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  price: Float!
  product: ProductCreateOneWithoutVariantsInput
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionCreateManyWithoutVariantInput

input VariantCreateManyWithoutProductInput {
  connect: [VariantWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [VariantCreateWithoutProductInput!]

input VariantCreateOneInput {
  connect: VariantWhereUniqueInput
  create: VariantCreateInput

input VariantCreateOneWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  connect: VariantWhereUniqueInput
  create: VariantCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput

input VariantCreateWithoutProductInput {
  available: Boolean!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  price: Float!
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionCreateManyWithoutVariantInput

input VariantCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  available: Boolean!
  deletedAt: DateTime
  id: ID
  price: Float!
  product: ProductCreateOneWithoutVariantsInput

input VariantScalarWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [VariantScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [VariantScalarWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [VariantScalarWhereInput!]
  available: Boolean
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  available_not: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  price: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  price_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  price_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  price_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  price_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  price_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  price_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  price_not_in: [Float!]

input VariantSubscriptionWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [VariantSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [VariantSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [VariantSubscriptionWhereInput!]
  "The subscription event gets dispatched when it's listed in mutation_in"
  mutation_in: [MutationType!]
  node: VariantWhereInput
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when one of the updated fields names is included in this list"
  updatedFields_contains: String
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when all of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_every: [String!]
  "The subscription event gets only dispatched when some of the field names included in this list have been updated"
  updatedFields_contains_some: [String!]

input VariantUpdateDataInput {
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  price: Float
  product: ProductUpdateOneWithoutVariantsInput
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutVariantInput

input VariantUpdateInput {
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  price: Float
  product: ProductUpdateOneWithoutVariantsInput
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutVariantInput

input VariantUpdateManyDataInput {
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  price: Float

input VariantUpdateManyMutationInput {
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  price: Float

input VariantUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput {
  data: VariantUpdateManyDataInput!
  where: VariantScalarWhereInput!

input VariantUpdateManyWithoutProductInput {
  connect: [VariantWhereUniqueInput!]
  create: [VariantCreateWithoutProductInput!]
  delete: [VariantWhereUniqueInput!]
  deleteMany: [VariantScalarWhereInput!]
  disconnect: [VariantWhereUniqueInput!]
  set: [VariantWhereUniqueInput!]
  update: [VariantUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput!]
  updateMany: [VariantUpdateManyWithWhereNestedInput!]
  upsert: [VariantUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput!]

input VariantUpdateOneInput {
  connect: VariantWhereUniqueInput
  create: VariantCreateInput
  delete: Boolean
  disconnect: Boolean
  update: VariantUpdateDataInput
  upsert: VariantUpsertNestedInput

input VariantUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  connect: VariantWhereUniqueInput
  create: VariantCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput
  update: VariantUpdateWithoutSelectedOptionsDataInput
  upsert: VariantUpsertWithoutSelectedOptionsInput

input VariantUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput {
  data: VariantUpdateWithoutProductDataInput!
  where: VariantWhereUniqueInput!

input VariantUpdateWithoutProductDataInput {
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  price: Float
  selectedOptions: SelectedOptionUpdateManyWithoutVariantInput

input VariantUpdateWithoutSelectedOptionsDataInput {
  available: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  price: Float
  product: ProductUpdateOneWithoutVariantsInput

input VariantUpsertNestedInput {
  create: VariantCreateInput!
  update: VariantUpdateDataInput!

input VariantUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutProductInput {
  create: VariantCreateWithoutProductInput!
  update: VariantUpdateWithoutProductDataInput!
  where: VariantWhereUniqueInput!

input VariantUpsertWithoutSelectedOptionsInput {
  create: VariantCreateWithoutSelectedOptionsInput!
  update: VariantUpdateWithoutSelectedOptionsDataInput!

input VariantWhereInput {
  "Logical AND on all given filters."
  AND: [VariantWhereInput!]
  "Logical NOT on all given filters combined by AND."
  NOT: [VariantWhereInput!]
  "Logical OR on all given filters."
  OR: [VariantWhereInput!]
  available: Boolean
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  available_not: Boolean
  deletedAt: DateTime
  "All values greater than the given value."
  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  deletedAt_in: [DateTime!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  deletedAt_not: DateTime
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  deletedAt_not_in: [DateTime!]
  id: ID
  "All values containing the given string."
  id_contains: ID
  "All values ending with the given string."
  id_ends_with: ID
  "All values greater than the given value."
  id_gt: ID
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  id_gte: ID
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  id_in: [ID!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  id_lt: ID
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  id_lte: ID
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  id_not: ID
  "All values not containing the given string."
  id_not_contains: ID
  "All values not ending with the given string."
  id_not_ends_with: ID
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  id_not_in: [ID!]
  "All values not starting with the given string."
  id_not_starts_with: ID
  "All values starting with the given string."
  id_starts_with: ID
  price: Float
  "All values greater than the given value."
  price_gt: Float
  "All values greater than or equal the given value."
  price_gte: Float
  "All values that are contained in given list."
  price_in: [Float!]
  "All values less than the given value."
  price_lt: Float
  "All values less than or equal the given value."
  price_lte: Float
  "All values that are not equal to given value."
  price_not: Float
  "All values that are not contained in given list."
  price_not_in: [Float!]
  product: ProductWhereInput
  selectedOptions_every: SelectedOptionWhereInput
  selectedOptions_none: SelectedOptionWhereInput
  selectedOptions_some: SelectedOptionWhereInput

input VariantWhereUniqueInput {
  id: ID

scalar DateTime

"The `Long` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Long can represent values between -(2^63) and 2^63 - 1."
scalar Long