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# OPML parser
PHP class to parse OPML documents according to [OPML 1.0]( and [OPML 2.0 specifications](


#### Requirements:
- PHP [>=5.6](

Note: HHVM support is planned once [facebook/hhvm#4277]( is fixed.

## Installation
The recommended way to install the robots.txt parser is through [Composer]( Add this to your `composer.json` file:

    "require": {
        "vipnytt/opmlparser": "1.0.*"
Then run: ```php composer.phar update```

## Getting Started
### Basic usage example
$parser = new vipnytt\OPMLParser($xml);

// Result as Array
$array = $parser->getResult()

// Validate the result
$object = $parser->validate()  // \SimpleXMLElement on success | false on failure

### Array rendering example
$render = new vipnytt\OPMLParser\Render($array, $version = '2.0');

// as SimpleXMLElement object
$object = $render->asXMLObject(); // \SimpleXMLElement

// as XML string
$string = $render->asXMLObject()->asXML(); // string

Note: OPML version 2.0 is used by default, unless you have specified otherwise.
The difference between version 2.0 and 1.0 is the "text" attribute, witch is optional in version 1.0.