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# Class RenderClient
@package vipnytt\RobotsTxtParser\Client

Generate `robots.txt` content.

## Public functions
- [compatibility](#compatibility)
- [compressed](#compressed)
- [normal](#normal)

### compatibility
@param string $eol
@return string
Generates an robots.txt optimized for parsing by custom 3rd party parsers, witch do not strictly follow the standards.

Differences compared to [normal](#normal):
- Each User-agent is listed with it's own separate rule set (even if it's equal to others)
- Byte consuming, may be multiple times larger (depending on the number of user-agents)
- Maximum compatibility, optimized for badly written 3rd party parsers with limited specification support

### compressed
@param string $eol
@return string
Generates an robots.txt compressed to a absolute minimum.

Best suited for parsing purposes and storage in databases.

### normal
@param string $eol
@return string
Generates an normal looking robots.txt.

Differences compared to [compressed](#compressed):
- The directives first character is uppercase
- Whitespace between the directive and it's value
- Easy to edit
- User-agent groups are separated with blank lines